A Cruel Cartel Machete Execution | CJNG Sicario Mutilates Rival

A Cruel Cartel Machete Execution | CJNG Sicario Mutilates Rival

Disturbed Reality

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Disturbed Reality
Disturbed Reality - 01.11.2021 21:30


After I finished recording audio for this video, I found out a little more information. The clip is from CJNG and the Sicario performing the killing goes by the alias of El Pantera.

Translation on what Sicario said in the video.

"This will be the fate of everyone who belongs to the mob of El Nepo. You sons of bitches. Keep fucking off thinking you’re brave. Keep fucking off you sons of bitches."

Relaxing Sounds and Music
Relaxing Sounds and Music - 21.08.2023 22:14

And it's virally circulating around in India Manipur claimed by the meeteis that kukis did this to the meeteis 🌚🌚

Shawn J
Shawn J - 16.08.2023 16:24

I saw this one when my morbid curiosity got the best of me a while back. It's truly shocking seeing a grown man in so much pain and agony that his voice and screams sound almost female. It startled me when they shot him. It wasn't a quick bullet in the head either. These guys were evil. I went to Cuernavaca, Taxco, Mexico city, and Acapulco on a Spanish class trip when I was younger. I doubt I'd even go to Mexico now, even though I can pass for being Mexican or Spanish. I hope this graphic violence goes away, But I think it will just get worse.

Paula - 29.06.2023 16:37

Some people don't care about MEXICO and the cartel wars

Jason Borne
Jason Borne - 05.06.2023 01:19

This one fucked me up, the way his leg below the knee just flopped over and the gashes that opened up on his shoulder was awful.. the screams

Token Drew
Token Drew - 24.05.2023 21:50

I've seen this video on reddit. I can't watch em with the sound on

HailNev&EtheysMom♍80 - 12.05.2023 00:10

I cant imagine glorifying violence like these monsters do.. like seriously. I dont care about them torturing and unaliving eachother , but when it come to innocent people, thats where I start to get angry.

luvskiedoodle 228
luvskiedoodle 228 - 03.05.2023 12:23

Saw this on Discord with a copypasta chain letter abt a guy named Timmy

Sharon Lawson
Sharon Lawson - 25.04.2023 20:05

This particular video was really upsetting. Regardless of what he has done, the fear, screaming and crying, the pain and horror was off the scale. I was relieved he was put out of his misery rather than left as was.

Duke Dex
Duke Dex - 11.03.2023 16:53

I've been watching so many of these videos that I dreamed of cartels last night. I was there while they were performing the most prolonged torture of some imaginary person called "El Garbonzo". It started with him being put in a casket and submerged in sand, then removed to breath, then repeated. I woke up before the next one.

Jason Rivera
Jason Rivera - 05.03.2023 21:34

What’s crazy to me, is that these people were all children once. They all played with their friends, went to school, etc. Somewhere down the line, they were severely corrupted. Corrupted to the point that they could kill, torture and find enjoyment in it. The loss of humanity is sad and obviously sickening. I think Mexico needs to better educate its youth if there’s any chance at a safer future.

Aldo Mg
Aldo Mg - 04.03.2023 02:33

I saw it’s terrible rip

Plays4Fun - 02.03.2023 08:09

How Do you get this type Of video

Ghost of Gomel
Ghost of Gomel - 10.02.2023 18:20

The description alone made me uncomfortable. I can imagine what would happen to me if I watched the footage

soohi la
soohi la - 19.01.2023 19:29

So sad for those who were forced to join the cartels and were turned to sicarios and evils knowing they didn't choose that life is so heartbreaking. 😓

boomer166 - 29.12.2022 03:21

Regardless of the victim's "crime", I fervently wish 10x the punishment to the tormentor, and a lingering death.

King Marlin Fumi 💙💜 (Kunimitsu)
King Marlin Fumi 💙💜 (Kunimitsu) - 19.12.2022 22:05

Hey dude
Can you talk about the cases of Daniel Pearl Shosei Koda and Kim Sun-il

quinton harvey
quinton harvey - 06.12.2022 03:58

I don't see nothing but someone talking to much what a waste of time watching

Kedrion Betts
Kedrion Betts - 06.11.2022 10:24

Where's the actual video I'm trying to find it from years ago

crow - 04.11.2022 22:46

Dude istg bro. The little yelps. The little yelps he makes. Those shake me to the deepest part of my core

Chris Hernandez
Chris Hernandez - 21.10.2022 13:16

Dang...where's the video??? This video sucks

No_Mercy - 19.10.2022 22:10

I have seen this video, this is the worst one I have ever seen, just due to the sounds 😑 the cries this guy let out were blood chilling

Justin Lusk
Justin Lusk - 15.10.2022 23:51

It's a Magazine. Lol
Not a clip.

Deez Nuts
Deez Nuts - 15.10.2022 02:59

saw this video on discord

Aksx_ - 14.10.2022 03:41

Ese video me lo mando un amigo enfermo (le encanta el gore) y yo lo vi porque pensaba que era otra cosa,solo al verlo me dio asco y tambien mando otro video gore donde se muestra que un muchacho esta amarrado y le quitan el corazon, no lo vi pero mis amigos si

Kenneth Rodriguez
Kenneth Rodriguez - 13.10.2022 03:23

¿Y el video para verlo?

Miguel Barrientos
Miguel Barrientos - 11.10.2022 01:43

Y pensar que cuando era niño y escuchaba (y lamentablemente llegué a ver) sobre decapitaciones, pensaba que eso era lo peor que el ser humano podía hacerle a sus semejantes, y que eso sólo sucedia en el medio oriente. Vaya ingenuo.

Christopher Cardoza
Christopher Cardoza - 10.10.2022 01:03

So, where would I "not look for this video" at. Asking for a friend.

Pluglux - 30.09.2022 18:13

If anyone watches these clips and enjoys it. You are sick asfuck. This shit would traumatize any normal humanbeing

David Jason
David Jason - 19.09.2022 11:08

It’s time to delete this page. There are good people in this world.

His Daughter
His Daughter - 16.09.2022 00:17

This poor guy. I can't imagine the pain & fear he experienced. None of us can. I want to say that you shouldn't have to explain why you feel bad for the victims. They ARE victims! Iyd easy to judge when its not you. It's like you said sometimes they have no choice. I've seen mothers beg to come to US or their kids will be made to work for the cartel. This is real life so if you can sit here watching this and not feel ANY sympathy regardless of what YOU THINK the victims have done that speaks volumes about who your are as a human being. Wrong is wrong, murder is murder. We don't know this guy's walk in life.The only thing I am certain of is he had family. He was a son, a brother, probably a father and husband. If you can't sympathize with what these monsters did to him then YOU are as bad as the cartel.

Waterbug - 14.09.2022 16:58

I watched the execution video, his scream was basically analogous to someone singing at an extremely high pitch with ups and downs as he felt every single strike from the machete. He tried curling his body in a C shape and one of his legs could be seen loosely hanging by the flesh underneath his pants with a huge long bladed wound that is making a huge split between his thigh and calf. It is absolutely horrendous how the machete wielder was swinging at him like a punching bag, like a total sack of meat for dinner.

GME | Šneaky
GME | Šneaky - 03.09.2022 00:19

I'm in a group chat and they just send this in it.

SilemSilem Silem
SilemSilem Silem - 02.09.2022 14:06


NukSooKow 1980
NukSooKow 1980 - 31.08.2022 21:38

When I was about 12, I accidentally cut my wrist, vertically, and about 10 inches of nasty. I'd cut so deep that I went through to the bone. I didn't realise what I had done for a few seconds until I felt warmth on my wrist. It was at that moment I looked down, saw the blood, the bone, the tendons and what not, and it was the most fear I'd ever felt in my life. I genuinely thought I was going to die. I just thought about it all again there in comparison to the victim's ordeal in this video. Actual limbs hanging by a shred of skin, the terror he was in, how his brain probably hadn't fully processed what was going on, though with the knowledge that he was dying this day. There was no help, no family to assist.....just him, the dirt, and the guy hacking at him while he desperately hoped to die and feel no more.

OldSchoolVato - 29.08.2022 05:20

Danm I got this viedo

Perfection In Motion
Perfection In Motion - 28.08.2022 13:49

"Getting his Jason Voorhees on" 😂😂🤦🏼

kumbackquatsta - 26.08.2022 23:03

it won't ever improve as long america exists. thanks america

kumbackquatsta - 26.08.2022 22:58

magazine, not clip

Keith Starke
Keith Starke - 26.08.2022 03:55

I ask how could someone do such a thing, the videos we see and hear, but they see hear smell taste. I thank God that I wasn't born in cartel lands, and I'm sheltered from the depravity and violence.

King Chino
King Chino - 25.08.2022 21:41

I saw this video that shit was brutal I felt so bad for the guy getting hit with machetes he was putting his hands up in defense and they were hanging off and was hit in the head with it the guys screams haunts me

Nana - 25.08.2022 18:39

I saw this video sometime ago. Traumatized me for like a solid week. I'm very desensitized to gore but seeing innocent humans in extreme distress and screaming in agony is unbearable to me. Even if the victims are not innocent, there are extremely few people on the planet that deserve this kind of fate.

Mark Snoby
Mark Snoby - 25.08.2022 14:52

This is the first murder video I watch my little cousin showed me this video and he found it on tiktok his screams or haunting me for months it was traumatizing see I watched it last year and reminds you my little cousin showed me this video and he's a 11yo old

T Dawg
T Dawg - 24.08.2022 01:12

1 guy 1 machete 1 gun If you’re looking for the video

Randy Black
Randy Black - 22.08.2022 09:05

Shut up

Carlos Booovy
Carlos Booovy - 21.08.2022 06:01

There's nothing disturbing about it.. Or am I missing something like.

LateToLife - 17.08.2022 16:58

Listen bro, the war on drugs is complete and total bullshit. The reason it'll never end, is because the profits bankroll governments. As long as greed and power exist, so too, will this bullshit. I wish you the very best, and I appreciate you work with this channel.

Lord Butler
Lord Butler - 16.08.2022 17:19

I like it when he says nevertheless because you know what’s coming😃

Noctua Lucifugo
Noctua Lucifugo - 13.08.2022 03:40

The machete is the latin american katana.
