i need a axe there are no trees nomore the background
ОтветитьMore nonsense
ОтветитьThe synopsis makes me want to watch the movie right away! Keep up the success for your channel!
ОтветитьWhat a tale of despair!
ОтветитьWhat a nonsense feminist movie
ОтветитьRobots, AI's just can't & never ever act or behave like humans. Human are & will never be replaceable.
ОтветитьI don't know of any humans who can live at 18K with supplemental oxygen.
ОтветитьWhat’s the name of this movie
ОтветитьThere should have been an overide word only to be used in the event of forgetting password. Something like a password reset.
Ответитьanother climate change shit propaganda. if you watch such shit, get mental help asap
ОтветитьNo living trees trees in the background
ОтветитьWhy didn't she just ram the robot with her car ffs
ОтветитьSo the water that covered 3/4 of earth vanished?
It's frustrating that the robot could easily be covered with her jacket or just run by him. He was slow and old. Just stand behind his gun.
ОтветитьThis is the prequel to Wall-E 😂
Ответитьstupid movie
ОтветитьIt's 2025, and we're doing just fine
ОтветитьThe entire movie is an hour and twenty nine minutes long. It's a polish movie and In it's good in its entirety. Kinda hard To condense into twelve minutesy.
ОтветитьWhy is it so dry everywhere?
The plants wouldnt have died from viruses that affect fauna.
Additionally, fish in the ocean and insects should still be alive..
Additionally, why would the temperatures rise so much, especially when human tech stops
She's putting the coordinates out there, and the robot was killing them all before they made it into the perimeter.
ОтветитьIf I were her I would set the password 1 after the next 3 month to 2 and until it reaches ten after that I will start from 1 again
ОтветитьOk another .. dumbest movie 😂
ОтветитьSad story of Father going out for Milk and Never comes back 😂😂
ОтветитьThis should nail down 4 maybe even 5 Oscar's.
Ответитьwtf is this tho
ОтветитьHUMANITY ahh
Ответитьkeep usaid going?
Ответитьwoke f movie with agenda
ОтветитьGo back and drink the water that was dripping??
ОтветитьFeel bad for the robot. This lady sounds annoying
ОтветитьHer father left and never came back????? Wait a minute, she isn't black!
ОтветитьI love when ppl with no engineer / science background write movie about tech advancement and robots, it is all unintentionally hilarious 😂. Whoever wrote this screenplay / script need to find a new profession
ОтветитьI like that the robot says ,,there are no liveing tree anymore" and behind him (in the scene) is a huge foreest full of very green trees 😂😂😂😂
Wtf is whit this movie 😂
Entertaining until the terrible ending.
ОтветитьNice work!
ОтветитьChat gpt ahhh
ОтветитьSounds like Venus
ОтветитьWow…..what a dumb way to die
ОтветитьThey have to stop giving people budgets to make pointless movies. There is no goal, could have been made in animation or twilight zone episode
ОтветитьOH NO, running away from Johnny 5... in the desert ... with 180 degree vision... and sand riddled traction.... FFS just kick it.
ОтветитьThe melting permafrost released "viruses and bacteria that had been dormant for millions of ears, patiently waiting for their moment to kill all life"? Why didn't they kill all life millions of years ago before the permafrost formed, including humanity's ancestors?
ОтветитьBruh the thing is slow af... Just go around? LOL
Robot threatens to kill girl then reminds her that he is not allowed to kill humans
ОтветитьWe are 2025 and lot of idiots and good people still alive.
ОтветитьWell that sucks.
Ответитьher name is Eve? Sigh
ОтветитьDumb ending, wasted my time😑