Sonic, Shadow, Silver-His world by Ali Tabatabaee with lyrics

Sonic, Shadow, Silver-His world by Ali Tabatabaee with lyrics

Floresbella Da Fonseca

55 лет назад

4,115 Просмотров

This description is available in english and spanish
Esta descripción está disponible en español e ingles.

Hi everybody this is the same but I added lyrics. The reason I went up earlier was not because some people do not like letters and others prefer, so I give the two options, Thank you and enjoy it

Clips from: Sonic the hedgehog 2006
Song: His world
Artist: Ali Tabatabaee

Hola a todos este video es igual al otro que subi pero le añadi la letra. la razon por la que no lo subi anteriormente fue porque a algunas personas no les gusta con letras y otras las prefieren, asi que yo doy las dos opciones, Gracias y que lo disfruten

Videos tomados de: Sonic the hedgehog 2006
Cancion: His world
Artista: Ali Tabatabaee

Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica © and ™ 1991 - 2006 (e.g. present) SEGA, Sonic Team. Sonic X is, respectively, produced and animated by SONIC TEAM, TMS, 4Kids Entertainment and Jetix. Sonic X © 2003-2006 Project SONIC. No copyright infringement intended


#sonic_the_hedgehog #shadow_the_hedgehog #silver_the_hedgehog #his_world #zebrehead #Sonic_the_hedgehog_2006 #sonic_nex_gen
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