What its like being BLACK in EGYPT

What its like being BLACK in EGYPT

Paint Your Lifestyle

2 года назад

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Hey everyone, In this video I share some experiences traveling through Egypt, some of my subscribers were curious to how I was being treated, so why not make a video and share the experience? This video is not set up to talk bad about a particular set of people, its based off my experience.

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#Paint_your_lifestyle #Being_black_in_Egypt #Black_people_in_Egypt #Black_in_Egypt #Black_people_living_in_egypt #Black #African #Afrians_in_Egypt #Being_Black #racism_in_egypt #African_American_in_Egypt #Arabs #ancient_egypt #my_experience #Egypt #Cairo #New_Cairo
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Bongani Miya
Bongani Miya - 17.10.2023 18:55

Well, u obviously went to Egypt ignorant and fed with I AM AN AFRICAN black socialism trash. Egypt was black and we got replaced by Arabs and if you think Whites have been bad to Blacks, it means you don't know or have not bothered to know about ARABS, ie the Ishmaelites and all their racism against blacks in particular. The very social engineering of stealing black History in Egypt, Cush and Put to make it Arabic was done by Arabs. Had you known how Ethiopian CHRISTIANS saved Africa, you would have gone to Egypt better prepared, for you would have known how oppressed original Egyptians who remained, who are pitch black than us, are treated by Arabs.

But you guys never learn. So money happens to get to I AM AN AFRICAN idiots who always flee to other people's countries and become people who know better than their hosts. Arabs are from Arabia, they defeated us and took all North Africa, and have genocided many blacks over teh centuries, nobody was counting.

Floyd Tinsley
Floyd Tinsley - 17.10.2023 07:46

was not anwar sadat a black person ?

T Rog
T Rog - 11.10.2023 12:48

Bro, they cannot connect with u because they r not Egyptians but have been lied to growing up. They r from the middle east who came into North Africa as foreigners. Their racism is to continue to build themselves in on another man's land.

neon - 03.10.2023 02:34

African is too big of a generalization 😭 Egyptians do not consider themselves African. They got a lot of self hate cause white washing from the British

Ahmed Faisal
Ahmed Faisal - 02.10.2023 07:38

Your dilemma here is the result of not entirely understanding how Egyptians are innately wired and raised to be..... Egyptians are super religious even for non practicing... they will adhere a bit to the ideology at the very least... it will outweigh nationalism, roots and ethnicity atleast for the vast majority of egyptions.... me personally being a muslim will call my muslim brother "brother" "friend" involuntarily.... which I think is not racial-inclusive and is actually a good thing

James Stoute
James Stoute - 01.10.2023 22:45

Everyone wants to claim African history, we know that the Arabs took the land from the European , much respect to others and diversity but claim your own history.

song ring
song ring - 26.09.2023 22:54

As an Egyptian i sincerely apologise that the people you met were like that idk what to say honestly

Usaamah al-Haarithi
Usaamah al-Haarithi - 25.09.2023 14:25

I’m tired of these conversations…. Most of these racists are cowards and weak…They can’t fight and most certainly don’t want to go through armed combat… Toughen up!

Michael Scurlock
Michael Scurlock - 24.09.2023 20:27

What’s in the beginning shall be in the end ✊🏿✊🏾

Always Hungry
Always Hungry - 24.09.2023 18:54

Great video brother. Sadly some of our people will never see the Promised land 😎.

Sharon Cook
Sharon Cook - 23.09.2023 19:44

Africa is the origin of mankind 🙏🏽🙏🏽

moh amed
moh amed - 22.09.2023 20:17

We are not Africans
Egypt is transcontinental country next to Saudi Arabia-Middle East and closer to Lebanon than whole Sub Saharan Africa

Harmonious Frenchman
Harmonious Frenchman - 22.09.2023 08:12

That's part of the proof that the current inhabitants of Egypt are not indigenous to the region. They are not Africans AT ALL, they are Arabs and migrated to Africa. Thank you for the proof that Egyptian Arabs are not indigenous. I've never stepped on the African Continent but feel so connected to the African culture that I can feel it in my heart and bones. I have an innate cultural connection to the continent that an Arab will never have.

Clark Porter
Clark Porter - 15.09.2023 01:40

They claim they are not africans because of how they view africans because they are invaders, conquerors, occupiers and colonialists of those lands. The disconnect you feel comes from them identifying more with their Arab ancestry but these days being colonial masters isn't cool so now the thing is a subconscious thing like in certain parts of america where the racism is internalised. Its the continuous denial of that colonial history that causes that disconnect. Despite the history of UK you wont feel that disconnect because they won't accept their history. They didn't give the Nubian people a piece of land, they were pushed into that corner and they are still being systematically pushed out.

D yard Sale
D yard Sale - 14.09.2023 13:30

Egyptians are not black.

Words of Cheresie
Words of Cheresie - 08.09.2023 06:13

If you know anything about Arabs or Egyptians, you know that they don't like black people.

پهلوانان ایران
پهلوانان ایران - 04.09.2023 22:58

Arabs were for quite sometime a strong partner of and contributor to black slave trade.

Cactus Mobb 4 life
Cactus Mobb 4 life - 01.09.2023 10:53

The first Egyptians was black until the arab invasions. Now.they have arab descendants living in Egypt. Africa was home to melonated people

Dave Hannah
Dave Hannah - 01.09.2023 03:20

Damn what ??? That’s crazy😢

Eric Pitt-bey
Eric Pitt-bey - 29.08.2023 06:31

Very interesting presentation and perspective. Appreciate your open sincerety and confusion (i.e black, African-American, Nigerian, afrocentric, etc.).

Shafootodess - 23.08.2023 20:33

Egyptians don't consider themselves Africans probably in the same way Arabs from the peninsula don't consider themselves Asians. imagine if i, a person from southern Arabia, went to Russia expecting to feel a connection with the people there just because we live on the same piece of land. it doesn't make sense.

Ali A
Ali A - 23.08.2023 08:30

It seems like theres a huge U problem with you African Americans when it comes to North Africa. NA has been and is closer to Europe and Middle East simply due to geography, culture and religion. Africa is not Black, you think it is but that's the sub-Saharan Africa for the most part, Sudan and Nubian people have very dark color and facial feature between Egyptian and Sudanes

Hassan Ansah
Hassan Ansah - 22.08.2023 02:41

I am an Afro-American journalist and writer who worked and taught at the American University and completely concur with everything you've stated. I had some of the exact same experiences. Yes, Awsan was completely different and more embracing of diasporan blacks. My good friend who is Nubian would also tell us the hidden racist remarks that many lighter-skinned Arabs would make while smiling in our faces. My book is named LIfe, Death, and Community in Cairo's city of the Dead.

Jam - 19.08.2023 21:54

You people don't define black. Egypt is black in a black continent. You mean black American offshoot?

Patrick Jones Roth
Patrick Jones Roth - 18.08.2023 13:49

weak!! you make us, black people look bad! why do you someone's approval?

Natasha Tumie
Natasha Tumie - 18.08.2023 01:18

Most modern Egyptian are descendants of Arabs that’s why they don’t classify themselves as Africans. And there’s nothing wrong in that, Americans like to classify anyone with melanin as black/African.

Elijah Short
Elijah Short - 13.08.2023 06:16

Soooooo true!!!!! You are a brother and cousin when they can make money/when they need you in America/don’t feel accepted by white people. Once they become rich and/or white they will spit on you and wish they could buy and sell you.

Asfandyar Khan
Asfandyar Khan - 12.08.2023 00:05

Middle east is in Asia but will never identify as Asian Indian and Pakistan are identical but never identify with each other

Lolita Boykins
Lolita Boykins - 09.08.2023 23:30

Tomorrow people where is your pass 😢😔🤔. Humanity needs to come together and learn to love each other 😔.

Aaron anonymous
Aaron anonymous - 08.08.2023 15:30

Slavery i say

TMAVibes - 08.08.2023 14:47

The real question is why are Arabs pretending to be Egyptian when those were “Africans” hammites. And the Hebrews which were the black Americans were slaves & after God destroyed Egypt, Arabs invaded and took over and named themselves Egyptians

Free as can be
Free as can be - 07.08.2023 00:55

Just the tone when he said “white”
Then the nerve to speak about racism smh…

Timothy Taylor
Timothy Taylor - 06.08.2023 03:44

Who didn't accept you as a black man in the United States? You look exactly like a black American.

Stephanie Bell
Stephanie Bell - 05.08.2023 22:17

I went to Egypt for 14 days and loved it. I know it's a difference being a tourist and living there; but it was the subtle ways I was treated with respect. It might be because I am a senior citizen; but I still enjoyed my time there; the people. I also realized people need to respect the people and culture when they visit. I would definitely go back and visit other parts of Africa. I understand about the hustling too; its there way to make a living.

AshburnConnectTV - 05.08.2023 07:40


Blue Moon
Blue Moon - 04.08.2023 22:40

there is racism in Egypt for black -asians anyone tbh 😂😂 but they keep their voices low cuz they know u might not understand us 💀I have seen some and it makes me still feel sad but those ppl are like 2%

Tesha Mc
Tesha Mc - 01.08.2023 02:56

No offense to the sweet Egyptians, you are right, I was there for 4 mo. In Cairo, Al rehab and Al Nasir. I have experienced racism. They do have issues with black people. I would say it is to be expected

MrPickledede - 31.07.2023 02:04

The problem is when you are from a nation that is a minority within a minority as a Jewish person of yemeni descent this is an experience that I have in which we are a minority within the Jewish people and also always have been a minority within a vast majority of Muslims in Yemen even though physically we look and genetically we are almost identical to Muslims there is no real difference and even though our ancestors were indigenous to the land because we are not a part of the majority religion we are Perpetual Outsiders so I can identify with your frustration and you're feeling of not belonging

MrPickledede - 31.07.2023 02:02

I would say that most Egyptians identify as Arab and the Egyptian nation is considered to be a very prominent Arab nation and especially if you don't understand Arabic and the Arabic culture and Islam you will have a hard time trying to contextualize Egypt based on your American Experience the fact of the matter is that they don't teach about the Arab slave trade that Arabs and berbers in North Africa enslaved sub-Saharan Africans in East Africa they concentrate too much on the Atlantic slave trade for obvious reasons but totally ignore the fact that East Africans were enslaved for longer periods of time and up until this day by Arab slave Traders and also Africanized Arab slave traders that is to say the Swahili black slave trading middlemen who helped facilitate sub-Saharan African slave trade to the Middle Eastern and North African nations that were an integral part of the Arab and Muslim empires

Lina’s Anuket ♥️
Lina’s Anuket ♥️ - 31.07.2023 01:29

Egypt also has history as being part of the Mediterranean. Legal land lines really don’t define people. Ancient Egyptians probably wouldn’t recognize any of these new people as their people. Africa is a continent of many countries, languages, cultures, bloodlines, history and religions. People make the mistake of thinking Africa means one person with one way of thinking. Ancient Nubians were not the same as the people you see there now. Migration has taken place over thousands of years.

DodolF FZ
DodolF FZ - 30.07.2023 09:47

it's like asking "what is like being black in AFRICA?"

MODESTO - 28.07.2023 08:45

Sorry man, your making it more complicated than it is. Just because it's the same continent, doesn't mean you are genetically or racially identical. Germans, Polish, French, Spanish, Italian and Romanians are all unique separate heritages and genetics, same continent. Sounds like you are just obsessed with Egypt culture, genetics, heritage and lineage, and that is ok, nothing wrong with that. But at the end of the day, you are Nigerian and will always be Nigerian. Be proud of that!!

saleh ali mohamed
saleh ali mohamed - 28.07.2023 00:03

when you are black african or african american who came to egypt, egyptions will hide their deep racist attitudes until you have some misunderstanding, from that moment on, they will bluntly call you all the racial insults such as you black monkey/donkey and so on. egyptions think of themselves as white people. they never identify themselves as blacks. an egyption will even smile and talk to you politely hiding their genuine racist feelings, unless he or she is ungry with you.

Bill Kokkinis
Bill Kokkinis - 26.07.2023 14:07

Do you want to know why it's disrespectful to call an Egyptian, "African"?

Because it dismisses their culture and boils it down to a simple continent.

Denmark, France and Greece might be located on the same continent, but they have completely different cultures.

Lumping all these countries together just because they're located on the same continents is distinctly an American thing.

I blame the American school system for that. But I also blame your own cultural insecurity, which seems to germinate within Black Americans like wildfire.

Anthony Whitehead
Anthony Whitehead - 25.07.2023 20:49

I just made a friend from Alexandria. He now lives in the US it was so cool to hear him talk about his life there for 20+ years.

zeyada g
zeyada g - 20.07.2023 00:28

It is really a problem in your idea and expectations of africa which is imposed on you by the western snoopy ideas of africa I mean you don't receive france and italy as one simply because they are in Europe but when it comes to africa we are all the same thing for you "Africa". but as a matter of fact though Egypt is in africa it has almost no cultural similarities with west africa,an arab or muslim would have received the love you were expecting because of the cultural similarities. Africa for the Egyptian culture is just like Europe has nothing to do with us it's just a location.and that doesn't mean that the Egyptians aren't welcoming of everybody . I'm just talking about the love and sense of belonging you were talking about.

Kia Dent
Kia Dent - 15.07.2023 18:53

Considering Egypt is located on two continents (Africa and Asia), the most significant part of Egypt is in Africa. I think it is more so the religious relationship versus the color of one's skin. However, most Egyptians do not consider themselves as African and take offense. I think it's because skin color differs between regions...lower Egypt upper and Nubia.

Michael Bendahwid
Michael Bendahwid - 13.07.2023 06:50

If you would have went farther with the questioning they would have told you that they could get in trouble for calling themselves Egyptian. Which is what they are.
