Lost's Ending and Five Key Themes, Explained

Lost's Ending and Five Key Themes, Explained

The Take

3 года назад

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Marnie Kilbourne
Marnie Kilbourne - 18.09.2023 20:49

This "explanation" is so pathetic and ignores so many problems with what actually happened and what didn't happen! Yes, there was no man holier than Christian Sheppard. Jack is just like Jesus despite all of his un-Jesus like actions! They were in purgatory during the flash sideways! The writers said it was purgatory after they had previously said they would never use purgatory!

RAE - 03.09.2023 12:41

I watched the show twice, still I didn't understand what really happened.
So I did the last resort, research.🤷🏻‍♀️
This explanation, same as the other video I saw, made sense.
That church scene was them crossing to the other side, is just sinking in now to me!😭😥 Why is there sadness in me?
The ending isn't sad, why its making me cry.😭

Carl Gibbons
Carl Gibbons - 22.08.2023 05:09

The Trump era exposed that about 35% of America embraces the dark/evil side and are seemingly above redemption after all his evil acts. Cult doesn't begin to describe it. I wish they had their own island. Talk about making America great again.

Golnar Nakhaee
Golnar Nakhaee - 04.07.2023 16:10

I've just started this series.. for the first 10 episodes i was having fun.. but im on ep 18 S1 and i was getting confused, since i've heard a lot of things about this show.. thank you for explanations.. NOW i can enjoy it ^_^

Emsley Wyatt
Emsley Wyatt - 29.06.2023 18:29

How many of the Losties were killers? Kate, Sawyer, Anna Lucia, and Sayid, obviously. But Jack, by deciding to operate on one patient rather than another. Claire, because of her mother's accident. Hugo, by causing the balcony accident. Any others?

Charger Dave
Charger Dave - 03.06.2023 13:24

Look into the distinction between Schopenhauer's "Will" and "Representation"--the "Force" and the "Heart-Light" are the same thing. It is neither good nor evil--as it is up to those who are infused with it to determine that distinction. Of course, those that choose wrongly will be faced with the pain of making such a choice (even if they don't perceive it at first...).

Brett Hackenberg
Brett Hackenberg - 31.05.2023 03:08

Lost is one of the best shows ever made all 92 hours of it!!!

Big Boss
Big Boss - 23.05.2023 13:26

Till this day i dont get the ending did thy all die 😅

Todd Lenard
Todd Lenard - 11.05.2023 20:18

One of the best shows ever to be on television. I never thought the man in Black was that bad. He had been lied to his entire life. The woman that claimed to be his mother was a complete psycho and murdered his real mother. She manipulated both sons daily. And when the man in Black decided to go to his own people and do his own thing she killed every damn one of them. And when he takes her life is brother tries to take his you bend up with this final result as a smoke monster. I don't think he was evil I just think he wanted to leave and discover a world it wasn't shove down his throat.

Gabriel Meireles
Gabriel Meireles - 01.05.2023 18:22

Well, this review and analysis of the show, put together like this, does make it a lot more interesting. I think it didn't succeeded in its goals because: a) the need for multiple and filler seasons; b) the excessive, nerdy and ultimately needless mysteries, that instead of a plot device turned into the main focus of the show; c) lindelof's writing, which can get a bit out of hand sometimes and be too pretentious and melodramatic, undermining the message he was trying to deliver. Either way, it was definitely the most invested I was in a TV show ever, it was truly an achievement

Kamran Khan
Kamran Khan - 01.05.2023 10:41

My top 3 Lost Characters

Daniel Faraday

IRenegadEEEEE - 06.04.2023 08:28

John Locke and specifically Terry O'Quinn is my favorite television character of all time

Nemolicious - 03.04.2023 19:45

So the concept of this show is: "There is an objective and absolute truth to good and evil." Thanks. Boring.

groovydoo - 03.04.2023 07:44

It was a horrible ending; a good screenwriter would have left hints that it was purgatory. I marathoned the whole 6 seasons in two or three weeks and was crushed that they all found happiness rather than life. The lst15 minutes killed the whole experience. What did the actors think of the ending?

Bonnie B C
Bonnie B C - 28.03.2023 06:08

One of the best shows ever made ! I watched the whole series as it aired. Just rewatch it for the first time since it’s original time on TV with my daughter and she love it ! I loved it even more the second time around all these years later. This is what TV is missing ! A truly beautiful story.

Name Channel
Name Channel - 18.03.2023 23:37

Will someone explain the polar bears to me please

peacefulmaroon - 06.03.2023 13:03

Don’t say, is blonde good and black bad? 🙄

jorgemt62 - 06.03.2023 07:25

I agree with everything. This is a first!

ArseneGray - 24.02.2023 02:57

I never got into lost. I started it 3 times and could not get past 2nd season. the way the characters acted in a very questionable way soured the show for me. I alwayss got the feeling they acted not becasue a human in their situation would do so , but rather becasue script calls for it

johny broadbelt
johny broadbelt - 28.01.2023 18:00

Plane crash - Running in the bush blah blah blah , fight with people blah blah blah , try and escape Island blah blah blah, some one dies and lives, blah blah blah.

Shahan Ahmed
Shahan Ahmed - 23.01.2023 01:22

These shows are just traps. They never explain anything and keep viewers thinking all will soon be revealed. Show was absolutely trash.

Ser Turd Poopington
Ser Turd Poopington - 11.01.2023 15:33

Wow, painful to listen to her speak, hate this sort of type of videos.

Skycaptain - 13.12.2022 04:51

This script for this is ok, but the narration is really hard to listen to; it’s dry and not invested whatsoever.

Prince Daemon Targaryen
Prince Daemon Targaryen - 07.12.2022 02:31

Okay so… the crash actually happened.. the island is some kinda magic place… Someone made a bomb go off and it… what sent them into another island type place? Some characters died sooner and the end is the meeting together?

99centfacts - 29.11.2022 17:57

This ending is so beautiful. Easily enough to make anyone cry who’s watched the whole series. You just have all these people who’ve been through so much together. The good the bad and everything in between. Some of them dying horrible deaths. And. I thought it was so beautiful that when one person regained their memories they immediately started trying to help the rest remember too. And then the closure you get at the end watching jack walk into the church and all you see is just smiles everywhere. Everyone is happy. No more pain. And they’re all together ready to move on

T Rogers
T Rogers - 06.11.2022 18:42

It was a false teaching of life and just entertainment I use to think it was the answer to life but it wasn’t even at the very end when jack and Desmond go in to the water fall where the light comes from u can see stone made structures one of which is a Buddha and the fact they try cross all religions and ideologies like I said at the start of this comment false life teachings but a great show for entertainment

Aariz Mohammad
Aariz Mohammad - 06.11.2022 14:01

Charlie was one of my favourites it's sad he died in season 3 😭

Lyle Grant-Plato
Lyle Grant-Plato - 29.10.2022 01:01

I found the ending to be perfect. Too many viewers wanted the HOW's to be answered but lost track of the WHY things were happening as they were. The whole show was about light vs darkness, destiny vs fate, redemption for past mistakes and that we truly need each other to fulfil our purpose. These were all overlooked alot of times by most viewers. Any fan of Loat should watch The Leftovers, another fantastic series 👌👏

Laila Hamidi
Laila Hamidi - 15.10.2022 00:25

This is actually one of the best Lost ending explanations I’ve ever seen. Thank you!

BlueAngelsFan - 02.10.2022 16:18

I am so sad this show ever was aired. These creators lied, lied again then just one more time yep lied again. Church, church church. Pehhhhh

Shantel Fox
Shantel Fox - 27.09.2022 20:57

I finished watching it for the first time and although i did enjoy its philosophical ending i believe the writers dident intend it to be this figurative purgatory. I see many things that don't fit this narrative. Too many stories that make o sense the others, widmore, time travel mind travel, and many other confused stories. I feel thay finally qt some piont whent this route. In any case it was a nice show

TRU Lunchy
TRU Lunchy - 25.09.2022 02:39

Just finished this show. I was enthralled all the way to the end. We will never see another show this good.

Everything batman collector
Everything batman collector - 14.09.2022 07:35

So they were all dead?

G Nelson
G Nelson - 06.09.2022 11:13

The light and dark themes; very Hitchcockian. Like when Marion Crane wore white prior to stealing and then black when on the run.

Kipling Martin
Kipling Martin - 21.08.2022 01:55

LOST was the ultimate show about nothing.

Jnana Shakti
Jnana Shakti - 19.08.2022 06:47

Thank you for saying a fundamental truth is our life is defined by the people around us. Makes me as someone who has lost everyone feel real good.

funtennis - 17.08.2022 21:43

Sawyer was the most insipid character on this show and the fact that fans loved him shows how unintelligent the audience is. A selfish, arrogant murderer who insults people is given unrealistic "redemption arcs" just because fans loved him. That's where Lost ended up losing its way.

Look at the picture
Look at the picture - 09.08.2022 13:18

I don't understand people who says the last season didn't had any answers....
Like, pretty much everything was explained throughout the seasons

Beard Tech
Beard Tech - 05.08.2022 01:13

just finished the entire show yesterday. And it's phenomenal

mwnciboo - 29.07.2022 16:51

Lost - Twin peaks of the 2000's.

tikvision - 20.06.2022 17:31

The mistery box didn't work here, neither did in starwars

Justin's Journey
Justin's Journey - 15.06.2022 04:03

I loved Lost. I thought the whole thing was brilliant myself.

Slyguy threeonetwonine
Slyguy threeonetwonine - 10.06.2022 03:02

Lost wasn't the name of the show, it was a descriptor of it's fans.😂

usmc4eternitey - 07.06.2022 00:15

No its not. Its a shit show

Cadence - 27.05.2022 19:44

There's also the allusion to Jean-Jacques Rousseau through the stranded french woman, a philosopher whose ideals are echoed through the society formed by the survivors.

Ana Cristina Ferreira
Ana Cristina Ferreira - 14.05.2022 17:05

I love lost

K K - 12.05.2022 08:46

When jack said to Desmond," meet you in another life brother" it was so heart touching

julius caesar
julius caesar - 08.05.2022 16:47

Jacob is one of the goons in the big Lebowski

Katnip79 - 01.05.2022 03:51

“The most important part of your life was the time [you watched the show about] these people on that island. That’s why you are all here.”

kungfuhavok2 - 30.04.2022 06:44

Okay but like the other video that I just watched, Yall as well as the cast never addressed what the hell happen to the Kid Walt.
