People QUIT MWO because of troll builds like this - and it needs to be fixed! - Mechwarrior Online

People QUIT MWO because of troll builds like this - and it needs to be fixed! - Mechwarrior Online


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@lepunkorbeau - 30.01.2024 13:39

another toxic build is the raven 3L before they nerf the narc quirks. you have one lrm boat and it's a win.

@lepunkorbeau - 30.01.2024 13:34

the gigadrill is also fun, 4lpl 6hll and 5erll.

@Lemur_707 - 15.01.2024 09:03

This is a great build, I see no reason why it should be banned!? In this style of play, there is nothing forbidden, mean or dishonest. It makes no sense to ban it, at least because it is not very interesting. After spending an hour or two with this build, it gets boring and you just go back to the usual options.

@jonjon3829 - 06.01.2024 15:07

lets not be overly dramatic, if you get melted by it just quit and start another game

@tmac9208 - 27.12.2023 23:16

Warning Factiousness's kinda like running a light mech and getting shot by a heavy gauss..just saying.

@beardedwolf628 - 11.12.2023 02:46

Not griefing. This build is F tier. You get a funny oneshot every couple matches but most of the time the other team gets a free kill off you. In the end you're mostly griefing yourself.

@zamba136 - 10.12.2023 18:24

"Ruin somebody's day"

To players like me, that's the only reason i need to run this build.

There have been times when i hunt specific players over the course of multiple matches (always because they raged at me when i was playing my Kit Fox.)

I usually play builds that have ECM or 3+ AMS. But when somebody pisses me off, i switch to builds like this and i go hunting.

@zamba136 - 10.12.2023 17:40

I own this Javelin. I love it, i named it "Doom Blade"

I made sure to stick a laser AMS on it as well, so that i can stand behind an enemy Lurm-boat. Or i just provide locks for my own allied Lurmboats.

But generally, if i trade all my damage for one of the enemy assaults, then i am overjoyed.

Also, it's not my responsibility to make sure my opponents have fun. I can teach them a lesson about map-awareness though.

@NazgulGnome - 24.11.2023 05:36

I had a match recently where one of these cored my War Emu, and then laughed at my reaction in chat. I stopped playing for the night after that.

@jackl4253 - 21.11.2023 19:47

this is no boom-cada

@Grey_Wulfe - 20.11.2023 00:40

Gives us all a reason to run more rear armor in our assault mechs i guess

@lucafrix66 - 26.10.2023 14:12

Definitely won't be building anything like this. But was entertaining to see. I know I would be pretty tilted if I got back blasted by something like this and 1 tapped.

@tylr3669 - 25.10.2023 11:16

This is what I've been saying about ECM for years. And is the main reason I just stopped playing. Lock-on tears and braindead players don't have enough protection with walls, movement, ams, radar deprivation or delayed lockon times. No. You brought 50 tons of missle equipment? Well too bad you didn't bring a laser pointer so no shooting for you. And if you did bring the laser pointer, congrats, now you are simply a significantly worse lbx build who has to stare down a gauss laser vomit build.

1.5 tons of magic missile repellant.

@pinhead61187 - 22.10.2023 05:47

As a new player, these builds suck to get hit by but they aren’t what tempts me to quit. The CONSTANT use of stealth lights are what tempts me to quit. I’ve been cornered by a single stealth light with zero team support (still in tier 3-4 because I’m new) and I just shut off the game for a couple days.

@Palocles - 15.10.2023 12:12

You could probably get the kill with 4 (or 5)rocket 20s and could use the saved tonnage for a medlas or maybe mpl, then stay in the game.

@lucassmith4524 - 08.10.2023 02:12

why dont they just raise the crits on it? or the tonage? If that pisses off players who use thew weapons fairly...well....Blame the scabs who couldn't get any kills any other way.

@needparalegal - 04.10.2023 16:02

So this is like the typical rogue on a WOW PVP server? Except this is trolling assaults instead of trolling new players?

@scottycheesecake - 01.10.2023 21:52

Hilarious name, Pizza Ripperoni

@RalphyNoPants - 26.09.2023 01:13

This popped up in my friend's recommendations today. We are going to play some of these Blake Boxes later.

@norrismilstead7209 - 19.09.2023 01:37

Man says cancerous build..tho ever sob just runs lrms

@robkitchen5344 - 17.09.2023 20:40

Can't find a way to squeeze out a medium laser with rhe to age available

@imdaogsee3648 - 10.09.2023 19:11

Thanks for bringing this to the front again. I had this very thing happen to me a couple of days ago. It is absolutely ZERO fun!! Love your content, you've helped my game on more than one occasion!!! Keep up the awesome stuff!

@AshtonCoolman - 31.08.2023 10:52

This is a Kamikaze build

@SilverSeraphim03 - 07.08.2023 16:55

Very easy fix - make it so that we cannot fire more than 3-4 rockets at once, like the way you cannot fire more than 2 gauss at once.

Edit: Oh rofl, already mentioned in video.

Edit 2: I've only died to these a couple of times and frankly, it wasn't that bad. I laughed pretty hard the first time and felt the second was warranted (I was running an ATM DireWolf - arguably even more aids)

@WorthABuyreviews - 01.08.2023 14:07

I left about a year after they nerfed all the "troll" builds as I never once thought of them as troll builds. Streak Cat, Splat cat etc were feared but they all had their weaknesses you just had to exploit them, instead people cried on the forums and then came the nerfs. I loved the fact there were mechs out there that could one shot me, that fear when you heard someone yell "Splat Cat D4" great times. Until recently MWO had no mechs to really fear, they were all so similar, few lasers, few missiles few ballistics it got boring. It's quite fun again now with some really nasty builds that once again make me shit myself, am glad to be back. Love your builds btw, I use them a lot.

@perfrchandersen4853 - 26.07.2023 08:15

people quit mwo because of wall hacks, aimbots and much more. People that dont want a fair fight, and get cheats. tht is why i left. at this point so meny people cheat that people who dont cheaty dont have a faior chance

@khornetto - 24.07.2023 20:02

It's so easy to counter, once people get to know those exist they can be wary and rekt you before you can do anything useful. Assaults should be careful about positioning and checking their backs. This would only really work against those assaults that love to hang back with lrms or a dozen ERLLs, so that may teach them to get close to the team and share armor?

@MADMAX-rj3uw - 23.07.2023 05:10

when i did this in MW3 online and after, i was labled, griefer... but now its trolling.

@chocolateelf4867 - 17.06.2023 08:53

holysmoke still haven't fix my heatsink

@markchristy9704 - 11.06.2023 19:47

I think the "brokenness" of this type of build is off-set by the fact that once you shoot your load, you're then dead-weight for your team. You cannot contribute any further in that match.

@Killerspaten - 30.05.2023 19:31

i think it's fair, the mech will be useless afterwards

@sixeswild274 - 24.05.2023 06:37

As a military strategy in universe, I could see little wolf packs converging on a single target, castsing ala-ka-blam and then retreating to re-arm. As a slash and fade tactic it would be pretty good. But in a game setting its pretty cringe, yeah.

@remmingtonphillips499 - 18.05.2023 18:43

This looks like a fun build for 1v1 dueling with two of them. It would be like the old halo 1v1 rocket duels.

So I take it back. If you take off your jumps and swap one of the rocket launchers for MRM10 this thing becomes absolute cancer.

@kyuirah - 11.05.2023 06:18

You can do this with a piranha too though and not instantly die after doing it though..?

@user-gs5np7tv3c - 10.05.2023 05:10

kamikaze build. the game can add recoil for rocket. if someone fire all the rockets simultaneously the recoil will throw him away backwards.

@LaymensLament - 07.04.2023 05:14

now thats a mech build for a specific purpose!

@magnumopus8695 - 06.04.2023 09:57

limit total rockets allowed per mech to there weight class. ie in this ex a 30T mech would only be allowed to have lets say 20 rockets TOTAL. a 100T assault tho may be allowed 60-80rockets because of its weightclass

@xC4N4D14NB4C0Nx - 02.04.2023 03:05

I disagree. It's definitely a troll mech but personally half the fun for me is seeing what kind of cockamamie monstrosities people cook up in their heads.
Although to be fair I still drive an AWS 8Q so wtf do I know. All I'm saying is the more freedom players have in the sandbox the better!

@xC4N4D14NB4C0Nx - 02.04.2023 02:51

I put 4 rkts on a Crael and it changed my life forever.
*Edit:* THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU for uploading in 1440p you are a real one TTB.

@Patadude100 - 28.03.2023 11:32

I'm gonna use this build

@MissSaraBurgin - 14.03.2023 06:08

People are quitting this game for more reasons then this build lol!

@Foxstab - 07.03.2023 00:32

I find no problem with this build.
Yes, you "ruin someone's day" by sneaking behind them, shooting where the armour is weak, and becoming completely useless and thus penalizing your own team afterwards. So it's a 1:1 trade, basically. You can also insta-die from the over-heating.
With a little more skill you could take a light 'mech and achieve 2 or more kills instead.
You're gaining notoriety for your reputation amongst the other pilots and you're screwing your own team in the process.
You also get crap for CBills and XP.
So I see no problem with in in terms of game balance.
If anything, this is stupid and a move by a weak coward, so no real gain or even advantage here.

@Acklend - 24.02.2023 04:56

no no that mech is a true salt farmer

@VitoldsTheDestroyer - 23.02.2023 21:02

i have almost never been killed by builds like this, so i dont think thats major issue. i would quit the game because of mindless nascars and unawareness of surroundings/not helping those who fall behind because of that.

@WastelandWanderer1216 - 21.02.2023 09:59

Honestly if the tonnage and energy slots are there I'd drop a RL/20 or 2 and run a pair of Med Lasers and a couple Heat Sinks if possible.

@wakkosick6525 - 18.02.2023 09:13

This is a completely viable strategy. You don't like it. But its viable.

@TheLordbal - 07.02.2023 23:24


@Fattoxthegreat - 07.02.2023 02:50

Felt the minty fresh blast of this god damn thing not too long ago for the first time, Had no idea what the hell took me from 90% to halved and cherry red CT in one blast until I looked back and saw that little Javelin, what a menace

@zwenzor22 - 18.01.2023 21:59

Doesn't matter what the rest think, why do you think codes been invented?

@vincentdifrancesco_leftovers - 16.01.2023 21:32

So, six months later... any progress on this from PGI? No? Oh well...

I, too, stream MWO. I was coerced into trying to run this build for a couple games. I found it to not be easy for me to succeed with. But I'm not patient enough to wait for the right opportunity. .

However, I've had this used against me numerous times, by people specifically gunning for me to do this. [One of them you've been hit by before: Whytesilver, or one of his alts.] To be honest, I find it absolutely hilarious. [I even have numerous clips of it getting done to me.] Oh yeah, I'll playfully grumble about it when it's done. Mostly because I know that's part of the entertainment to have it done to the streamer. The people who have done this to me? I now consider most of them friends of mine and the channel. Because MWO is a game that, most of the time, should not be taken seriously enough to consider this a huge deal. And the rocket javelin would be pointless in any game mode that could be taken seriously. Faction? Complete waste of tonnage and a slot. Comp play? You are almost guaranteeing your team's loss. But Quickplay? Who gives a rat's patootie if you get iced fast? Leave and get in another game. The soup should never be taken seriously.

I get the initial irritation when it happens to you. Like I said, I've had it done to me bunches of times. But it doesn't even come close to the threshold where the game mechanics need to be changed. This is truly a nothingburger of an issue.
