Push Comes to Shove - Ice Pilots NWT S03E09 - Go Xplorer

Push Comes to Shove - Ice Pilots NWT S03E09 - Go Xplorer

Go Xplorer

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@christopherkeefe7716 - 24.12.2022 05:11

I really miss this show

@ddyodaman5515 - 24.12.2022 18:03

See this is what happens when a green horn comes into a company and has no idea on airplanes fuel loading and weight and what planes tolerances are! New by should be let go! Get into the trenches before you fluff your feathers!

@ryzlot - 26.12.2022 13:58

Bizarre situation - RCAF has C17's and C130's so now we're hiring the private sector to ship their sno mobile toys. SELL the RCAF planes to Joe for ONE dollar


@77hoolie - 27.12.2022 09:18

This crew is always sandpaper side out. Hard to be successful when you have dead weight hanging around.

@johnnunn8688 - 27.12.2022 14:12

That crew did that on purpose, they must have known about the APU.

@seanmanness1351 - 29.12.2022 00:58

Dwayne is a fucking cocky prick that belongs managing a tim Hortons in northern MB. Total idiot. You need the trust and respect or your crew before you start pulling shit like that with a smug punk grin. Guy needs a knuckle sandwich. Stat.

@colincampbell7126 - 29.12.2022 05:56

I was checkin' out the livery of the Buffalo 737... simple but it just looks so poppin'

@travisromane8065 - 29.12.2022 07:47

It's not like a contract with the Canadian government is worth anything 😂😂😂

@deans178 - 29.12.2022 23:43

The crew is teaching the inexperienced manager a lesson. If your so smart then..... I've not heard the manager ask any of the crew "What do we need to do to be prepared better?" The manager, thinks because he's "the boss" his decisions are the "best" without input from the ones who have the experience.

@bob_atwestmi_fl_us7812 - 30.12.2022 05:27

When one man doesn't know as much as he thinks he knows, it sure showes up quickly.

@jerrykolosinsky4615 - 30.12.2022 06:38

Ya always get a brownoser who always thinks he signs the pay checks but dosent pay attention to his job theirs always oone where i worked ruins the crew

@JimmyN48 - 30.12.2022 20:25

One of the wurst run companies in Canada.

@thomasm1964 - 04.01.2023 01:45

Dwayne is such a typical manager. I will tell you nothing, make no allowances and believe that I have said it so it has already happened. Met so many of his type before I jumped off the corporate ship.

@Salesman263 - 04.01.2023 05:15

What an enormous A-hole. A total jag off.

@Salesman263 - 04.01.2023 05:22

Can one guy be this much of an douchebag…..??????????

@Reddy54 - 04.01.2023 18:47

APU: We'll get it fixed. Duane, "No we wont". Such amazing management skill.

@DiabloOutdoors - 07.01.2023 09:39

Duane is the typical incompetent and arrogant manager thinking that being bossy and not working as a team is the way to go. "That's going to cost ME" .. "I...was awarded another contract"... I, I and I all the time. He f*cked up with the APU and now wants to get rid of them because he thinks THEY make him look bad, when in fact HE's the clown. Duane thinks about himself and not the company...

@wallywally8282 - 15.01.2023 01:24

Remember this is mostly staged, the show is for entertainment value!

@yegfreethinker - 28.01.2023 09:08

God I miss flying

@brandogeberbin7563 - 09.02.2023 05:30

duane is the biggest idiot there was on that show and he got himself kicked off!

@mikearakelian6368 - 08.03.2023 07:15

That surprise trip was B/S!! I would have walked...

@americanpatriot3638 - 13.03.2023 03:43

Where the heck is Mikey!!??

@TiborRoussou - 18.03.2023 05:44

It's people like Duane who make long hellish days for others.

@Whocaresss514 - 19.04.2023 03:28

Dwayne is the type of guy that hangs out with the teachers at lunch time. Such a brown nose

@eliteclassicdetailing - 13.07.2023 15:42

Is there a follow up Video on this pls ?

@Cool-Jat01 - 28.07.2023 07:29

I wonder why Canada Air Force giving contracts to private airlines when air force had own transport aircrafts?? Any knows please let me know.

@tarzansingh8436 - 06.08.2023 08:51

Narcissistic bosses like Dwayne dont like when workers are skilled and cannot be pushed around easily.
Btw CB would be the first thing you'd check. Was the crew just playing with the new boss 😁

@KESTREL316 - 19.09.2023 02:45

Another smartass from Ontario lecturing the rest of the country on how things should be done...
this clown-show looks rather familiar.

@TheodoreVE - 23.10.2023 15:58

Time to fire that jerk Duane, Mr-Knows-it-All who doesnt know ANYTHING about aviation and pilots. A good airline manager pitch in, listen to pilots cuz safety first and helps it crews. Duane is dangerous for safety for pilots with his management style. Using a complete new crew without experience is dangerous and a no go. He should rotate new crew one by one with the old crew. Safety first! Disgrace for the cargo aviation industry.

@P-J-W-777 - 27.10.2023 16:34

The crew should have been out there getting the APU warmed up ahead of time. They seemed to enjoy to call the shots knowing they were the only crew.

@DJea-ni2yk - 30.10.2023 03:43

What an ABORTION of an operation Buffalo is! What the Sam Hell is WRONG with these, 🤡🤡's? They purchase those pteradactyl Electra's and then they don't get the necessary support equipment to manage them! Ahhhhhh hahahaha! WHICH McBryan is RESPONSIBLE for this Clusterfuk? Mikey? Joey? ALL OF THEM?

@DJea-ni2yk - 30.10.2023 04:06

The APU abortion=SMH what a stupid, absolutely ignorant, mindless operation, completely AND totally set up for one thing AND ONE THING O N L Y........... F A I L U R E !!! Ahhhhhhh Hahahahahahahaha🤪🥴🥳

@aspiceronni4462 - 03.11.2023 07:55

In the first season they said the dudes name was Luby Lobos. Now they are calling him Luby Lubash. What kind of fuckery is that?

@joesmoe6947 - 10.11.2023 20:48

Duane thinks he’s so smart. Yet the dumbass went on vacation right before his first contract was even read to go. Then during the contract he says “Duane is Buffalo air ways. That’s why I’m going.” as far as representation. Then the moron stays behind in a random town to go sight seeing and doesn’t even go to the client. Yet says “All they do is fuck around.” How stupid can you be as a boss…

@filthyusratus - 02.02.2024 01:31

Can't believe anyone would want to work for big mouth Joe....

@zoidberg444 - 05.06.2024 11:28

You know watching this over 10 years after I first saw it Adam actually is a pretty decent tech for a young guy. He will go places.

@frontcentermusician - 18.06.2024 17:26

If it wasnt for the cheesy narrator i could watch these over and over.

@priydmistry - 16.11.2024 07:46

this season 3 is the 'money over morals' series so far

@L33tSkE3t - 01.01.2025 18:56

Joe is one of the most stubborn, arrogant and generally unlikeable guys on Earth. Yes Gord could of communicated and articulated himself and the situation better so that it would be clearly understood that he made that call well before being offered Pilot at Buffalo and just happened to get a call back after the offer from Buffalo and the just happened to also get a call back from the larger commercial carrier, 8 months later. I hope Joe watched this episode and felt like the pr1ck he is. Although I doubt Joe is capable of feeling shame…
