Google Ads Account Structure for eCom Brands

Google Ads Account Structure for eCom Brands

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florianzimmering - 05.06.2023 19:10

thank you for that great video!

how would you start with a fashion brand that justs starts with a new ads account?
first only rely on standard shopping until there are at least xyz conversions per product?

i feel that the pmax campaigns dont perform at all when the account has no historical data!

Vælder 🎤
Vælder 🎤 - 20.04.2023 11:22

Hi, thank you. HOW do you focus on newsletter subscribers with an ecommerce and display/YT ads? isnt the only thing to do put a newsletter sign up window on your websites and get them with a 10% off or whatever? How do you advertise that specifically?

George Parayil
George Parayil - 27.01.2023 17:48

If you Turn ON Perf Max, Legacy Shopping will stop performing or shall i say it will have zero impressions. I prefer Legacy shopping ads at least we could see search queries and exclude the rubbish terms. Perf Max is nothing but an extended version of Smart Shopping. Google will soon stop Legacy or the Standard Shopping feature and all will soon be Perf Max. We just have to embrace it.

Ted GQ
Ted GQ - 01.12.2022 04:56

People forget about standard shopping campaigns

Niv Shamsian
Niv Shamsian - 21.11.2022 02:37

What with skag campaign?

Adriano Machado
Adriano Machado - 09.11.2022 00:13

great video! one question, how divide the budget among these campaigns? how many %?

Chris Resch
Chris Resch - 08.11.2022 20:34

8 minutes in and you have not shown google ads.. pls I love your videos but it would be super helpful if you come to the extremely valuable parts more quickly

yassine - 02.11.2022 23:09

very valuable content, thank you Aaron.

Yingzhi Loo
Yingzhi Loo - 01.11.2022 10:55

Hi Aaron, thank you for sharing your wealth of experience with us! I have just subscribed! A quick question, is it advisable to run a Performance Max campaign with a standard shopping ad campaign?

elkmeatTV - 01.11.2022 03:52

This is amazing thank you

Marcelo Lp
Marcelo Lp - 31.10.2022 22:03

All this google BS don’t work. And they block the account all the time, no customer service no one to talk to this is BS

Gavin Seim
Gavin Seim - 31.10.2022 18:34

This is good stuff. But in in practice the spry seems to be the same. Just like Facebook used to covert great now it just falls flat. Spent a couple thousand dollors on Google ads in the last month and it yielded almost nothing. No frustrating.

Raj Shetty
Raj Shetty - 31.10.2022 16:24

Hi Aaron, gr8 video as always. Just a question, most Google Ad gurus say that you should never pause a campaign that is performing well. So is it wise to pause a well performing product withing Google Shopping campaign and move it to Google Performance Max campaign? A video on how to do it, will be much appreciated. Thanks

Anuj Kaushal
Anuj Kaushal - 31.10.2022 16:00

I am excited for this course waiting for it

Zack Rogge
Zack Rogge - 31.10.2022 15:53

Do you have any setup service, or monthly management offerings?
