The Innocent Horror of Genshin Impact

The Innocent Horror of Genshin Impact


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Cinamon1 - 15.11.2023 01:47

Genshin impact is NOT a scary game 😭🙏

setsumono - 15.11.2023 00:02

The creepiest scene for me was when Scaramouche used Irminsul to "erase" himself. I remember standing still after he did it and being in total shock for a bit and when i saw his new "Wanderer" identity i couldnt decide whether to feel relief or to be scared. The idea that he quite literally just erased himself, practically killing himself, was pretty shocking especially since its more indirect. Its one thing to see how Rukkhadevata erased herself, and another thing to see Scaramouche do it right infront you without the emotional aspect of it/the tears like in Nahidas scene. It felt more unknown, like we were diving into unfamiliar territory, which was because I didnt know what would have changed with Scaramouche erased from history and it instilled a bit of panic in me. I had to sit down for a moment and think about what happened before continuing the quest LOL

Timber Pen
Timber Pen - 14.11.2023 20:14

People getting dissolved into water and being formed into one consciousness hellbent on destroying their shared killer

White Bear
White Bear - 14.11.2023 16:47

It's really scary to think about the origin of Melusine. It was born from a corpse, just like maggots growing out of carrion...

Crepe Loaf
Crepe Loaf - 14.11.2023 13:15

my first ever time getting creeped out by genshin was when we saw the inverted statue of barbatos (?) and what makes it even creepier is the corpse under it, in a praying position. It’s like the man got his life taken out of him when he was worshipping something.

カムシ - 14.11.2023 12:38

Spoilers for the 4.2 archon quest, but discovering that the gnosis are the corpse of the third descender genuinely shocked me and gave me a very creepy reminder that we, the traveller, are not part of this world, which is a very creepy notion especially when you take into account that our sibling isn't accounted as a descender

lyon salazar
lyon salazar - 14.11.2023 10:45

I thought that Adeline just covered Diluc's Batman stuff 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

Cataclysmic_Derpu - 13.11.2023 23:27

Yo! Pampam.mp4 has shared your video thumbnail on a meme... from that title.... I'm Here

Roxanne13579 - 13.11.2023 14:08

There's... a lot of chilling things to be found in Genshin's storied lore. Other than the things you mentioned, one of the things that always stood out to me was during one of Zhongli's story quests, where we arrive at the site of the Salt God's demise, and you just find what was clearly an explosion of salt surrounded by the petrified remains of the people that slew her, trying to shield themselves, trying to flee. Absolutely horrifying!

Exploring the ruin golems in Sumeru en reading reports from the people that once operated them, describing their final moments as humans before they were transformed into hilichurls...

Just the idea of people dissolving in primordial seawater...

tolazarusart - 13.11.2023 08:07

When I first played genshin and had the dainsleiff story quest where there’s the ruined statue of the seven and dead dude in front of it I was genuinely disturbed and had know clue what to make of it especially like the contorted position he was in he was praying but like someone had positioned him slightly off and ur body would not b able to relax itself like that it was like he was just completely frozen in place it genuinely freaked me out for a sec and then I came back down to reality after getting mad about trying to get through those bubbles to escape

Tub_so :3
Tub_so :3 - 13.11.2023 01:56

The 4.2 archon quests revaluation is quite unnerving


the chess pieces that each archon was bestowed with by celestia are the 3rd desenders remains. What happened to them, presumably celestia killed them? But why? Who was the 3rd descender anyways? Are we (the traveler) going to match their fate as the 4th descender? Anyways the gnosis scares me

cynomyhusband - 12.11.2023 20:57

The thing that horrified me in Genshin was all about Xiao. We all thought his snow voiceline was a meme, but it was actually a reference to famine so bad that people ate snow... Xiao is a clear representation of someone with veteran's PTSD. From being a normal boy, to a slave in the Archon war, forced to kill and devour countless gods and people. He was freed thanks to Zhongli, but his karma weighs on him, it fatigues him, makes him need to toughen up, he's always on high alert, literally; being hypervigilant is a symptom of PTSD. It fatigues him, it drains him, and whenever it's at it's worse, it consumes him so terribly, he felt like death would be a peaceful end. Xiao's karmic debt may just be that but as someone who's lived with PTSD and s-icidal ideation since childhood, it hits so close to home that it haunts me. I know how that feels, i know those feelings, trying to live your best life afterwards, but it will always haunt you. It's triggering, it triggers me, and that's how I'm so horrified of it.

I can get desensitized due to what I've gone through. But no matter what, your brain will not forget the pain. You might be able to erase the memory of the trauma, but you will always remember the pain. And i remember it so vividly, just reading Xiao's story becomes extremely uncomfortable for me. I could handle the murdered children and all since it's fictional. But Xiao's state feels very much real.

He's also my fav character and my comfort character so theres that.

Chu2 Fan
Chu2 Fan - 12.11.2023 19:26

When I first heard birds call from afar I had to stop what I was doing and contemplate the meaning of life

Gun Fiend
Gun Fiend - 12.11.2023 17:52

This video must be satire I REFUSE TO BELIVE THAT THIS IS REAL!

susyguy - 12.11.2023 17:07

Truly horror moment

I'm too lazy to look for a username
I'm too lazy to look for a username - 12.11.2023 16:25

Also, if you wander in Sumeru (I forgot where), there are some tents with records from scientists and you learn that one of their colleagues, Zandik (Dottore before he was banished from the acadimya) and how he has no respect for the life of others, as long as je could research what interested him, which usually was no innocent topic

AAMFSS - 12.11.2023 13:10

Video slop from the pedo game.

Tropical Disaster
Tropical Disaster - 12.11.2023 04:06

Tsurumi Island's story made me so sad. Might've cried a tiny bit ahaha

galaxa13 - 11.11.2023 22:48

I had seen a lot of unsettle and spooky things in this game, but I didn't actually feel scared until I read those etched words in the escape tunnel. That's when I finally decided that Genshin was a horror game.

WillowTheLyxra - 11.11.2023 21:04

Imagine, lol

Gloria Matthews
Gloria Matthews - 11.11.2023 20:16


The V-ARI-ETY SHOW - 11.11.2023 19:54

My theory about Paimon is that she is a celestial that came down to monitor us since we do not have a vision

Jennacidal - 11.11.2023 16:08

This is a really well written video! I know there's a lot of newer comments in here shitting on it (some big meme account on twitter posted your video so of course dumbasses would come here just to harass everyone for no reason) but I just want to say that this was a really fun watch.

I always felt that Genshin's "horror aspects" are similar to Minecraft in a way. Minecraft isn't a horror game also, but it still has an eerie vibe to it which people always mention. Like the cave sounds and what not.

I think Tsurumi Island is the perfect embodiment of this. The island isn't scary or anything, but it's so unbelievably *empty*. It's one of my favorite areas in the game despite me having no reason to go back there really.

The OST is beautiful, the foggy environment adds so much to it, and I love the murals scattered around to tell the story of the place (before the Thunderbird Era that is)

It's not "horror" obviously but it's still pretty cool

miimii - 11.11.2023 11:02

okay so i’m not crazy for feeling really disturbed and spooked by the lore? the best way i can describe it is like cosmic horror. so much creepy shit happens and you have no control over it, or even an explanation as to why. as if an otherworldly entity beyond your comprehension is causing it

TalkingSoup - 11.11.2023 07:02

the part that terrified me the most was when i realized that the strange music that plays in the cursed part of cuijue slope is the same music that plays in the mural room on dragonspine. i can't stop thinking about it the music is so dark, simple and ominous, and it implies a connection between two seemjngly unrelated places. there's a good chance that the track was put there simply because of its ominous sound, but i don't know...the shivers i got when i walked into the mural room and recognized it...

julianna - 11.11.2023 02:32

the first time i was really truly frightened by genshin was when i saw inazuman boats in a huge shipwreck... under the waters of fontaine. like, how did they get there? do you know how far inazuma is from fontaine??? this was when i was just exploring so i had no story to back up what i was seeing

Itss_starry - 10.11.2023 22:22

DUDE YESSS if u dig deep into the lore its so cool I’ll eat up the religious references and trauma the story throws at me

Hena Krishna
Hena Krishna - 10.11.2023 22:14

I dont know why but I have an unrealistic theory that the first gods used to live underground and is now called the abyss.

NippieMan Productions
NippieMan Productions - 10.11.2023 21:26

This game is NOT scary LMAO. It’s confirmed that ge shin impact fans are 2 year olds brainlets.

_howare_you_ - 10.11.2023 15:57

As a new player, I am just reading the comments and not understanding anything lmao😂

Markie's Home
Markie's Home - 10.11.2023 10:26

man at first i thought the "innocent horror" of genshin impact is like minecraft's singleplayer horror where the cave ambiance and the lack of life on worlds exempting mobs... but it's so much more
came from yt recommend

Член Культа
Член Культа - 10.11.2023 08:55

Finding the heart of Dragonspine is one of the creepiest things in all of my history of gaming. Not that it's more than a little frightening, you just don't expect such things from this game! Contrast really matters.
- See, here are some cool anime guys, and there is a beautiful scenery, also don't forget about the lighthearted tone...
- Alright, got it.
- ...and there is some bloody heart-like beating thing from Doom in a giant rotten dragon corpse.
- What?

Lucky♡ - 10.11.2023 02:33

My first proper horror moment in game was seeing the upside down statue. The sight of it gave me chills 😰

afterlife. - 09.11.2023 21:39

the biggest horror of genshin is the artifact rolling system cause i sure do get nightmares from that

b0nklord469 - 09.11.2023 19:19

Genshin itself is a bit eerie sometimes knowing its Occult and Demonology inspirations- but I did NOT expect to be even a bit spooked reading these comments. Its thrilling, I mean its mostly me forcing myself to be scared because its fun but still, I’m enjoying this!!

Balladeath - 09.11.2023 05:02

Ok so, here’s a list (without specific order) of the most terrifying genshin moments for me:
1. The venti statue thing
2. The creepy abandoned hospital in sumeru
3. Dottore and all the things he might have done to Scara and Collei (and his other pacients)
4. Fontaine’s arc
5. Lyney saying Lynette almost got trafficked as a kid
6. The whole “disappeared girls” thing, to think what the man did to them, and how they killed him
7. The kaenriah door and the phrase it shows, “abandon hope all ye who enter here”
8. Dottore putting Niwa’s heart on a device and giving it to Scara

Inquisitor Ichijou
Inquisitor Ichijou - 09.11.2023 01:29

The quest where you get betrayed by your guide Vergil and f´the two guys you meet afterwards are another type of unsettling. It is a more casual type of terror.
Because what happens if you help Sonny and Luka find that guy that wronged you again, you pretty much help deliver a guy to mafia enforcers that make him sleep with the fishes.
Same with the backstory of Lyney and Lynette which is one of child trafficking and child abuse; just like the story of Wriothesley who pretty much murdered his foster parents with his bare hands for what they did to him. Those 2 are stories that really got to me.
And on the note of human experimentation; the Serial Disappearances Case was a heavy one too. When that one guy, Vacher completely lost it after his Fontanian lover fell victim to the water of the Primoridal Sea. This lead him to capture young women and subject them to the same fate in order to search for a way to get his lover back. He doomed all those young lifes for one he had lost. Aside from the fact that he also started running a drug cartell and tried to assassinate the man that chased him - as well as threatening to get rid of that man's daughter to scare him off. And what happened to him in the end in equal parts deserved and terrifying.

The Casual Dan Show!
The Casual Dan Show! - 09.11.2023 01:05

I thought the lower regions of the Chasm were pretty spooky. Also, finding out what hilichurls used to be is a creepy twist.

Ninja Mato
Ninja Mato - 09.11.2023 00:52

Going to the far off island of the time god, before doing the quest about it, just deciding to see if I could make the massive glide out to it. It felt so far off and separate from the rest of monstat, and so isolating and creepy.

BlueSpiritFire1 - 08.11.2023 23:11

I both love and am deeply unsettled by how horror is always lurking beneath the surface of Genshin Impact. It's like a mimic. It has the perfect appearance of a cute cheerful open world exploration, but underneath that thin layer is a pulsating mass of twisted history and horrifying truths.
I feel like it definitely kicked into high gear in Fontaine. Like the horror came to the main storyline with a bang with the Vacher case.
Edit: on the note of the Melusines! There's one in the village who is standing under a waterfall, and during a conversation you ask her what she sees when she looks at you and Paimon, and Paimon is like a rainbow balloon with a thread leading skyward....and the Traveler is 'a monster who could swallow the world in a single bite'. Like I'm sorry but that single little throwaway instance inspired SO much dread in me.

Nagy Tamás
Nagy Tamás - 08.11.2023 19:25

When i played first time genshin 2 years ago and bunny girl whit ADHD explained that there is the cathedral where they worshiping their god "barbatos" i got the chill but calmed myself that is just a coincident and devs using random eu legendary names as references because its sounds cool like white folk tattooing "soup" in cantonese on their back. But then i find out geo god is morax and the stuff got realy sus and when i got to inazuma and met baal it came to obvious. Archons are arch demons.

Eva - 08.11.2023 17:09

in conclusion dottore babyboy best character

Clau - 08.11.2023 02:17

this was fun to watch! Didn't knew about the melusines yet, oh and there's this details that Archons in genshin have names of the 72 demons of the ars goetia. Like Baal, Morax, Buer, paimon, focalors and astaroth.

Math-arz - 08.11.2023 01:59

Two words: Cuijue Slope. The pillars, the stones, the ever dark sky. The conclusion of the quest was meh, tho

Anouk Duquette
Anouk Duquette - 08.11.2023 01:37

For me its the patient experiment thing in the desert that shook me up😶 and the main quest with Nahida where were stuck in a dream which got kind of meta😂 i wasnt seeing the game the same after this. It keeps getting weirder and scarier, its an amazing world they made

Toby Harris
Toby Harris - 08.11.2023 01:13

I'd like to think that the point of having the bright with the dark, is to show that through evil and horror, can be born light and adventure. The world of Genshin IS horrific, but it can be good; that our sibling rejecting EVERYTHING is wrong. Yes there is evil, but there is also good. One part of Genshin that didn't necessarily terrify me, but made me cry, was a side story of a guy in Enkanomiya who was wrongly accused and had to suffer until we finally cleared his name and he could move on. It's not even a main world quest, but it just hit different.

DonnieFather - 07.11.2023 21:06


Le Serb
Le Serb - 07.11.2023 20:56

People, about Adelinde, i want you to understand. What Alfred is to Batman, Adelinde is to Diluc. She ain't no cannibal, she the badass Butler/Maid that helps the hero!
