Climate "ideology" is being pushed in Irish schools - MEP candidate

Climate "ideology" is being pushed in Irish schools - MEP candidate

Gript Media

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@ceceliaomalley952 - 11.06.2024 21:57

Spot on

@PsychedelicPigeon - 09.06.2024 00:39

Agenda 2030 is the enemy of humanity , climate change is all about holding back human progress, and taxing us in to the stoneage ....

@AnnBourke-es3dq - 08.06.2024 09:50

We can stand alone and refuse stuff from other countries, if you like you can say youre saving the planet, eggs, beef, fish, lamb, turf, milk, cheeses yogart to name only a few things, no need to be hauling this stuff half ways around the world at all

@XxTheAwokenOnexX - 08.06.2024 02:37

Climate change has happened several times, long before humans walked the earth 👍

@sonnyirish3678 - 07.06.2024 19:08

The regime is really pushing the "message".Check out Dublin airport this month.A national disgrace.

@grainnemcdermott6598 - 07.06.2024 15:06

Climate change is fake we are the carbon that they want to get to zero! Wake up world before the globalists destroy us! Vote No now they want us to eat bugs!

@colmkeegan5733 - 07.06.2024 00:48

typical of marxism or national socialism. planned famine

@mikmg76 - 06.06.2024 22:43

Climate change is natural.

Man made climate change is bullshit.

Carbon dioxide is plant food.

Carbon is the basic building block of all life on this planet.

Volcanoes spew more “pollution” than we EVER will.

Always ask 3 questions;

1). When did the ice age end?

2). Why?

3). Why are there submerged ancient cities all over the planet but NOT A SINGLE ONE since we became an industrialised species?

Complete and total nonsense. It’s a way to take more of your money and control you. NOTHING MORE.

@james.jesse. - 06.06.2024 22:38

Very informative, Thank you

@davidredmond1761 - 06.06.2024 21:37

Fantastic reports

@howardlong9442 - 06.06.2024 20:06

Now that Gript have access to Irish politicians for interviews.

They need to start asking the people in power when are we going to have a referendum on immigration & deportation. 👍

@paulokeeffe - 06.06.2024 14:25

This man needs to distance himself from fina gale and go independent

@stephenbaker-lemay479 - 06.06.2024 11:28

It’s purely the Communists, they want to end Capitalism in the West, Farming feeds the World and causes no increase in Global Temps, the true Science is clear and has been for 124 years.

@jimbrennan3953 - 06.06.2024 06:28

Eddie Punch has never ever mentioned mass immigration in any interview which I'm sure farmers are concerned with too..
He is a Fine Gael friendly candidate, jumping on the wave of interest in independent candidates.

@janedonald1 - 05.06.2024 22:48

Well said

@Shane-zx4ps - 05.06.2024 22:48

The problem with todays world that stupid people are in charge of each and every country

@willyfox100 - 05.06.2024 22:40

He has my vote

@liamfrizzell1864 - 05.06.2024 22:30

Pushing this climate agenda nonsense

@avechristusrex31 - 05.06.2024 22:18

Vote for this man!

@Rtoej - 05.06.2024 22:02

Speaking my language my number 1 for sure

@Biggyballsbiggums - 05.06.2024 21:52

Manufacturing of consent

@extraclips4192 - 05.06.2024 21:22

my family are farmers in Argentina and Uruguay, and they produce the best beef ( 100% natural grass, standard ). Don't blame South America for produce high quality meat. Have a look at the silly politicians that you have here in Europe and how they work with your own people. Have a look at Milei in Argentina...the future is NOT in Brussels

@napertandy3579 - 05.06.2024 21:15

Hypocrisy as Irish cowfarts so bad, yet Argentinian & Mexico cow farts dont matter. So we bring in meat that isnt undergoing the same tests and constraints that the Irish meat has to adhere to.

@joytotheworld9109 - 05.06.2024 21:12

It's wicked, a classic land grab.

@glennherr5966 - 05.06.2024 20:53

Good work Gript

@less.65 - 05.06.2024 20:46

Brain washing our children so it be easier to tax them in the future

@Mick20076 - 05.06.2024 20:36

It’s not green to get meat from South America. The pollution in transport and the forestry been cut down to make farm land. Someone needs to look in to how would be making money from this. The climate is being used as weapon against the ordinary people of Europe. By the elite’s and there puppets in Brussels and in governments all over Europe. As they try and get use in to wars no wants and the pollution they are causing

@barrychallomoner8250 - 05.06.2024 19:11

All a scam to limit our freedoms.

@dangerousmouse20 - 05.06.2024 18:10

Great stuff Eddie, these things need to be spoken about in this country. Many have copped on elsewhere re: bullshit plant based propaganda.

@BanAllNGOS - 05.06.2024 18:04

Climate change = tax tax tax

@gillianstapleton8566 - 05.06.2024 17:48

It’s all “business “ pretending to care about your welfare and health using scaremongering tactics based on thoughts not science. No better bio available nutrition than red meat muscle mixed with organ meat.. preferably grass fed. No cooped up chicken fed on grain/corn grown in weeks , way too high in omega 6 .. red meat & oily wild caught small fish. People get sick every time man thinks he can recreate the wheel of Mother Nature .. leave it alone it wasn’t broken. 70’s 80’s processed food and telling us to eat more vegetables/ seed oils instead of butter .. result a lot of fat sick people with metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes, chronic inflammation, arthritis, fybromyalga…
They also allowed sugar on the food pyramid knowing it caused heaps of issues with peoples health and why because the sugar companies bought their souls. People need to realize the people making money out of this are private businesses .. they don’t owe you anything but a salesman’s lie .. manipulated data that make what they are selling seem better than it actually is while downplaying the problems it creates. Always asks questions as if your a small child .. why ? But why ? But why and more why’s until you get the answer to your question. Diet and exercise can cure most chronic illnesses. More protein less carbs.. no processed food no sugar no seed / vegetable oils they are way too processed.

@SinnFeinAreCommunists - 05.06.2024 17:42

Irish farmers paying the price so the Germans can export their cars to South America. Wait until people taste Brazilian meat 🤢

@twopintsofmilk - 05.06.2024 17:30

Cheers Ben and the Gript crew. God bless

@twopintsofmilk - 05.06.2024 17:30

Cheers Ben and the Gript crew. God bless

@e.3-0_m3 - 05.06.2024 17:18

Yo..ube have to get there brainwash comment under description to keep the pay masters happy

@katedenisow-qb8vc - 05.06.2024 16:44

We have to cull our cattle and import beef from south America because Germany had to get rid of their overproduction of cars cause in Europe nobody wants them , talking of carbon emissions and footprint is a , I don't want to use bad language, it's just outrageous

@catherinekearney2052 - 05.06.2024 16:05


@slackJocks - 05.06.2024 15:58

OMG how nice is it for a change to hear someone with a bit of common sense speak. I didn’t know who that man is but he definitely deserves your vote 👍

@josephstarr1014 - 05.06.2024 15:12

i,m all for farmers making good money but this lad just wants to give them a licence to pollute & destroy the irish countryside in the process, the truth is that a lot of farmers dont give a damn about the countryside or their neighbours who dont farm but who are very much rural born & bred. angling tourism which should be a huge boom to rural tourism has been severely damaged, hedges removed without permission, even the once sacrosant fairy forts aren't safe now, a lot of our of our native bird & animal species are in danger of extinction. i,m not a member or supporter of the green party or any other group of left wing crackpots, but i do love the irish country side & wildlife & i dont think it should all be sacrificed just to make big bucks for some farmers

@kungfu_koala8082 - 05.06.2024 15:11

People of Ireland have a right to defend themselves and their property. Never rely on any govt to solve your problems. Critical thinking is essential for education and that starts at home.

@browndoc - 05.06.2024 14:59

A huge meta analysis not too long ago showed that not only does red meat not cause cancer, the evidence for it being bad for you is based on a plethora of very poor and or heavily biased, activist led studies. Of course, those who ate poor diets full of processed food, which also included processed meat were added to these studies. As far as red meat and colon rectal cancer, the studies found a difference of 1.3% to 1.7%. Now, something I'd like to add, that is not being talked about enough, is the nutritional issues that can come with a vegan diet. Note, that people on vegan diets just tend to have less bad habits in general, thus taking away from the argument meat is bad even more. Some people going vegan, if they do everything right, and cover every base they can, which is bloody hard to do, and you've to eat a huge amount of shit on it, can stay very healthy on it, but with genetic variation, many people get poor health outcomes from it also and have to go back eating meat. If you cut out animal products you are at risk for deficiencies in vitamins A(40% of populations cannot convert beta carotene into retinol well) ,B12,D3,K2, Omega 3(more poor conversion from ALA), C15, iron( anaemia ), low protein synthesis as plant protein is way less bio-available, and incomplete …., less bone density, thyroid issues, testosterone reduction in males and more... It's said that after 4-5 yrs many going vegan begin to suffer, but usually attribute it to other causes, not the diet. Plus, the most, by far, nutritious thing you can eat, that's available to us is actually liver, (which is also really high in vit C btw.) Another aspect is, meat has very little allergens in comparison to plants which are full of oxalates, lectins, goitrogens and phytates which can affect many of us in a negative way. We, as a species have been eating meat for at least 1.6 million years, and to simply tell us to cut it out of our diet is very stupid and careless at best. Anyway, my 2 cents here, but I think this science needs to be known. btw, I still think we need plants in our diet, but they fk off if we're giving up meat. This govt, don't do science, but are easily convinced by activists on nearly every issue, which goes to show how poor their critical thinking skills really are.

@theirishchannel8273 - 05.06.2024 14:54

He is so much literally on the money, its all coming from ESG which is coming from Big Corporations and financial interests

@johnbenson8372 - 05.06.2024 14:08

Total carbon footprint for1 year for Ireland .point 9 of 1 percent Total madness on all fronts

@jamescasey3760 - 05.06.2024 14:03

Lisbon treaty ruin it all. Climate ideology won't help fix climate change or global warming

@jamescasey3760 - 05.06.2024 14:00

Please, god, let this guy stand up for us. Every 1 farmers there is 8 jobs created in ireland

@jamescasey3760 - 05.06.2024 13:57

Great man

@user-nd5wk7lp7p - 05.06.2024 13:46

Éire is in a state of emergency, I pray they're voted out on Friday

@martinlong2804 - 05.06.2024 12:32

Get your kids out of school

@stormshell69 - 05.06.2024 12:30

The UN can't be saved, it was setup for a reason.
"The third and final anti Christ enters Europe under a blue turban"
Nostradamus 1555 AD.

@stormshell69 - 05.06.2024 12:20

Wake up people, climate change is as real as covid 😁
