6 Reasons Why Life Is A Dream (Uncanny Comparisons)

6 Reasons Why Life Is A Dream (Uncanny Comparisons)

Ryan Cropper

2 года назад

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par - 15.09.2023 06:11

i feel that life is all a illusion we see

alejandro - 04.09.2023 02:41

what is the background music used? anyone know?

BLACKsmith - 10.08.2023 10:36

This makes no sense I think you're an npc in my dream

nobody - 21.07.2023 03:35

So this video, this teaching, and these comments are only a dream. Ok glad to know.

dream - 20.07.2023 08:59

I've been thinking the same thing...

I AM - 20.06.2023 11:57

Hi Ryan, that idea, which I believe, immediately lifts fear, causes your perspective to expand and causes you to feel Limitless.

adrienne gellman
adrienne gellman - 25.05.2023 21:42

That is because brains are not large enough to contain every little memory you ever experienced so your brain only remembers the most important things.

iamfree - 25.04.2023 02:09

Just a suggestion. Read the first part of "Origen of the World" in the Nag Hammadi library. A "mind" is given to a certain someone. So then, who's dream is it and how many are dreaming within dreams? If you keep reading, you will find some who simply think a thing and it materializes, just like in a dream. And this is the origin of the world, so it says.

questionmark questionmark questionmark
questionmark questionmark questionmark - 11.04.2023 22:52

With the more I know the more my body tries to gain control
I am the owner of my body
It's like a dog learning how to open doors and you trying to stop him but it gets harder and harder
But it might just be my ADHD

keks - 23.03.2023 12:41


Andrea hodson
Andrea hodson - 07.03.2023 17:29

ive had experiences where i was suddenly tiny and everything was vast, more than once. I've also had everything stop just stop and both strange experiences.

James MC McCray
James MC McCray - 10.01.2023 13:43

What if actually waking up means our eyes close which is death and it’s no coincidence that SLEEP AND SHEEP are similar in spelling, which majority of people are

Mary Ann
Mary Ann - 08.01.2023 15:44

Does Ryan have a calming, soothing voice or am I dreaming? 😴

• 𝐑𝐨𝐱𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 •
• 𝐑𝐨𝐱𝐲 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 • - 22.12.2022 07:34

"Inside this room, all of my dreams become realities, and some of my realities become dreams." - Gene Wilder's Willy Wonka ✨️🍭

Kathleen Varlack
Kathleen Varlack - 02.12.2022 17:34

This explains why my deceased mother was walking in my bedroom and I was so happy to see her. I was talking to her and forgot what I asked her but I'll never forget her saying to me " she did not die she woke up" she came and laid in my bed and that's when I woke up in my bed ! My mom has been gone for 3 years now :(

New Earth Imagineer
New Earth Imagineer - 27.11.2022 04:05

Thank You!!!

Laura Thurlow
Laura Thurlow - 10.11.2022 05:57

Dreams and waking are just different bardos, different states of 3D consciousness. In my dreams I never have a role. Funny. I'm just me, experiencing, reacting.

oi - 25.10.2022 09:28


angelsong119 - 14.10.2022 05:06

Hi Ryan, I am in awe of your insights into dreams! Now...why would say that in nearly all of my waking dreams, I find myself in one of three scenarios.
I find myself in a house that does not belong to me and I am desperately trying to find a door to the outside. I have no idea how or why I am there. I always have an intense fear that the homeowners will arrive and find me there thinking I am an intruder.
#2 I'm traveling (on some type)
of moving vehicle which I am not driving. It takes me on a tour (?) of neighborhoods some of the houses look familiar. People outside in their yards wave and seem to know me.
#3 Again on the moving vehicle I am taken on a tour of workplaces which I somehow know are less than desirable jobs. The people there know me, even asking where I've been. Problem is I don't know ANYONE in ANY of these dreams.
These dreams I've had for literally years now and I wake up feeling exhausted.
* Several years ago I began incorporating the idea that (what) I was experiencing in horrible situations, was merely an illusion. I would say to myself, " This is only a dream. This isn't really happening. This isn't real." I found that my emotional reactions to the horrible situations became far less upsetting! And curiously, the outcomes became much better than I could ever have imagined.

Jael - 29.09.2022 07:38

Omg, I just thought of something after Ryan said that we don't realize we're in a dream until we wake up and recall the dream. What if that's what death is? What if in death, we are waking up into a different reality and "remember" that the life we lived was just a dream?

You know how they say your life flashes before your eyes right before you die? What if that's the transition part where you're waking up and you start recalling your "dream" life? Death might be the end of this dream but after death is the beginning of a new dream... Just a thought

AT 9:11
AT 9:11 - 06.06.2022 14:43

If life is a dream, which I'm almost sure it is...then there is no "We".
There is only Me. Only I.

Steph Joseph
Steph Joseph - 28.05.2022 22:56

I feel like my thoughts now are somehow more powerful than they were before (or atleast I notice it more) the only problem is that I’m having trouble controlling them hahaha

jean reynolds
jean reynolds - 25.05.2022 07:07

"Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?" POE

Sahara - 22.05.2022 23:41

When I was a kid I used to always think like, what if this world was all a dream and I’m going to wake up soon. I’m talking like age 6 or 7, thinking I was in a comma or something and this is a dream, that I was gonna wake up from. And I always felt like it could be a dream. It was just a fleeting thought although it stuck with me. I’ve always been super intuitive but my brain jumps in with logic. I do believe it is a dream ❤️

RED EYES ALWAYS - 10.05.2022 04:36

Had a really strong ego death off of shrooms and definitely felt like I was in a whole different world even maybe consciousness and when I looked back on my life it felt like it all was a dream crazy how so many people who have done psychedelics have had this same experience

Poor Boi
Poor Boi - 25.04.2022 00:16

Idealism, you are just a tiny bit of consciousness experiencing the great Consciousness, which still is you, like how you create your dream, the people and everything but you forget you are in a dream just to wake up realizing you were the dreamer, so essentially we are the Universe or God take your pic, but we have forgotten that we are in a dream, like how Time if not Fundamental so it's hard to even dismantle this, and the fact that Quantum Mechanics proves that an observer is needed for reality and observation.

White - 22.04.2022 12:52

Life could be a dream sh boom sh boom

Relaxation Club
Relaxation Club - 17.04.2022 00:14

Good topic

Debra Harvey
Debra Harvey - 16.04.2022 01:02

Ryan where have you been? Miss your videos !

CatHaerin - 02.04.2022 05:14

It's simple, our reality it's a dream of our spirits....so we just a spirit dreaming in third dimension, just like The Matrix Movie

Keaton Ward
Keaton Ward - 22.03.2022 07:27

We won't wake up until we fall asleep for the last time.

5KN4B N1V3K - 20.03.2022 13:55

Play final fantasy 10

Amy Reyes
Amy Reyes - 10.03.2022 03:18

I want to marry this man ! Thanks for a great video

Indigo - 09.03.2022 13:37

Ryan, love your videos. On the topic of dreams -- I had a dream last night. I felt I was walking through some haunted house with long dark passageways and there was some presence lurking around. It was really scary and I started freaking out. Then in my dream, I asked myself why am I in this house? Then it dawned on me that I was dreaming, while I was in the dream. Then I asked myself why am I having this dream?? I then got a download all of a sudden. The message was that whatever, I process in the dream state, I don't need to it experience it in my waking life, because I have already experienced and processed it in my dream state. It kind of makes sense for me and was relieved that I don't really have to have those unpleasant experiences in waking life since I have encountered and processed them in my dream state. What are your thoughts on this? Would love to know what you think.

ELAKI - 01.03.2022 06:30

also this is my physical form on this planet, my true body is in the astrals/ in the sirius star system.

ELAKI - 01.03.2022 06:28

I prosses reality and my dream state as one. what is Reality? is it what you feel, see, smell if so, when I go to sleep sometimes i forget i'm lucid and be living my day to day in the pocket of my mind, tends to get annoying because by the time I come to the realization in a "dream" I wake up.

Phil Lebedev
Phil Lebedev - 21.02.2022 08:21

The universe is the mind
It is impossible to hallucinate
We are all one
There is only life.

Form is formed from a single infinite potential consciousness which takes up all the space.

What we are, fundamentally, was never created.

Timo Williams
Timo Williams - 18.02.2022 08:45

We are definitely in a dream state our subconscious is what perceives everything our two eyes is how we see everything🤯 everything seems so real because it’s been me that way🧐.if you think about it we’ve been trapped in our body our consciousness leaves our body every night we go to sleep, it’s like we go to another Multiverse or Reality. but we’re always trapped in this 3-D dimension which brings back the matrix theory which is not really a theory because we are used as energy to Power the matrix going to school for half of our life and basically working until the day we die The cycle keeps on happening until we break out of the matrix, because there’s definitely higher dimensions this 3-D world is not the only dimension and also when we astral project we can go to different dimensions 😂 The body that we’re in right now is basically a avatar energy cannot be destroyed nor created only transferred to the next 👁 so wouldn’t you think that your energy is able to get redirected back to your avatar over and over again until you wake up to the truth and break out of the matrix by raising your consciousness🤯😂

Timo Williams
Timo Williams - 18.02.2022 08:33

hear me out every time we go to sleep our consciousness goes into a different Multiverse

Koort - 16.02.2022 05:24

The one that would wake up is a dream character. You are a dream character. I am a dream character. A mirage. An appearance that appears to appear. What, why, when, how, or where are all part of the dream illusion. Waking up has nothing to do with who you are. Nothing comes from nothing. This dream has no cause, no reason, and no source point. Even the experience or the evaluation of waking up is part of the same illusion.

Koort - 16.02.2022 05:24


Austin ADM
Austin ADM - 03.02.2022 19:56

Thinking like this really does change your perception of reality, you can really get to notice those who are asleep and those who are awake, just by stepping back, observing and becoming present within this very moment. You begin to notice the beauty of life, for instance I’d be walking and just observing life, seeing the mechanical way in which people live there lives shrouded in maya (delusion). Then I’d notice the trees and see them as tall wise beings, and I’d say to my self “ you can’t fool me, I know your in there”. For when you take a step back in any moment you realise the divine is staring you right in the face. Just for that moment of being with the trees it’s as if only you and the divine exists.

Life is good ✌️

mihaela catana
mihaela catana - 22.01.2022 11:18

Very interesting subject! Actually it's for the first time that I might realized I sleep even when I am "awake" (meaning not sleeping). Something to meditate about for sure. Thanks!
Still, one question remains: how can we keep this awarness on a daily basis? I believe that this would help us have conscious OBE - from lucid dreaming for exemple.

Scott Robillard
Scott Robillard - 20.01.2022 10:21

What is with the audio

finnisnotafish - 19.01.2022 02:24

i like how this video was posted a day before my birthday. the video is a present for me 🎉🎊🎁 heh

wyldeminded - 13.01.2022 16:40

Probably the biggest reason that I believe this life is a dream, is because our entire experience resides in our mind.
I've meditated into a dream, I've projected. Waking consciousness, dream consciousness...it all feels like different scenes from behind the same glass.

Anders Welander
Anders Welander - 13.01.2022 05:22

Interesting video that I just noticed you made Ryan, especially the part with the trying to remember stuff that has happened in waking life seem to blend with memories of dreams. To me my dreams for the past few years almost feel like they are me seeing alternate lives of myself like there are multiple "timelines" or universes at once that I see glimpses of as they feel strange yet familiar with the places I find myself in.

Daniela☆ - 11.01.2022 07:45

I actually started thinking recently that when I dream I’m living another life. Or multiple life’s in different realities, instead of thinking of life as a dream.
