What happens if you don't KILL Parturnax in Skyrim? The Ending is Correct

What happens if you don't KILL Parturnax in Skyrim? The Ending is Correct


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Cyber Controller 16-914
Cyber Controller 16-914 - 30.09.2022 19:39

I love the meta commentary behind this quest. When Paarthurnax talks about the dragons inborn need for power and influence, he suggests the Dragonborn may also have this. It's an in-universe reason behind why you have to complete all these side quests, why you have to run every guild, why you have to own ever artifact. The player's need to 100% the game is the dragon blood. And the fact there's no alternative except to kill Paarthurnax plays into this further. To spare his life, you need to accept you'll never 100% the game. You need to, in a sense, overcome the very same urges Paarthurnax himself overcame.
Brilliant, just brilliant.

Artimus Protensor
Artimus Protensor - 26.09.2023 08:40

I couldn't kill Parthurnax. Screw the Blades. Daphne and Esbern can rot once I don't need them anymore.

javier moreno
javier moreno - 26.09.2023 03:53

To be honest I never beat the main quest 😂 I was to busy messing with the master illusion spells and and watching Lydia float away on the river when I paralyzed her for 75 years in game 3-5 years irl tho she kept blocking doors

dog backwards
dog backwards - 26.09.2023 03:37

I have never wanted to slap someone so hard in a video game as much as i do with Delphine.
The fact you cant reason with her or given any other option. You either do the quest or it stays uncompleted. And the sheer audacity, you just got back from saving the world after killing Alduin and she says you. THE DRAGONBORN. Arent welcome with the Blades till you get this job done.

7200 ounce man
7200 ounce man - 25.09.2023 22:10

He's such a weak dragon too 😂

Armando Garza
Armando Garza - 25.09.2023 17:57

12 years later and Paarthurnax still lives in my world. It makes sense to kill him but I will not.

Rori Daniel
Rori Daniel - 25.09.2023 15:52

What’s crazy is that after getting into their little hq, I never even had the conversation with them about killing him. I just kept going without even knowing he was meant to die

ModernRetroStudios - 25.09.2023 15:37

The Dragonborn has no free thought in many cases of the game. They're just a robot taking orders. 😢

slime - 25.09.2023 06:52

I kind of though it was common knowledge you could not kill him.

o h
o h - 25.09.2023 02:46

What if partharnaxx gets corrupted again

Marcus - 24.09.2023 13:33

Fun fact: the voice actor (Charles Martinet) for Paarthurnax is also the former voice actor of Mario, Luigi, Wario, Waluigi, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi in the Super Mario Franchise from 1991 to 2023.

HexagonalMann - 24.09.2023 03:47

gosh I hate delphine

Bruva Throatpuncher
Bruva Throatpuncher - 23.09.2023 20:41

Paarthurnax seems to be the only dragon that's like his father Akatosh. I'm pretty sure the Aedra is saying to himself "where did I go wrong?".
Servant: "What about Paarthurnax?"
Akatosh: "Oh! That one is a chip off the old block! I'm in a better mood now thanks for reminding of my little philosopher!"

FoxtrotGN7 - 23.09.2023 10:58

There's a mod for this

Ankou - 22.09.2023 08:47

The kind of people who kill paarthurnax are the reason the world is a mess

Brooks Wieburg
Brooks Wieburg - 21.09.2023 17:55

The blades are retarded in this game.

Reitairue - 21.09.2023 11:17

I knew I had it right... can't believe anyone would kill him. 😂

cardboardgaming - 20.09.2023 16:54

I never kill Parthurnax. I can't bring myself to murder Mario

Surprised Pikachu
Surprised Pikachu - 20.09.2023 16:48

I refuse to kill him. Never have, never will. The Blades can stuff themselves.

Blueish2ish - 20.09.2023 16:19

Yall killed paarthurnax!?

Sippy - 20.09.2023 04:38

I replayed Skyrim and I chose to only talk to Paarthurnax after I was able to talk to him. Is it sad that I felt remorse for killing him for my first play through? Maybe that’s why I didn’t kill
him, remorse for an in game character.,,

Wilford Gray
Wilford Gray - 20.09.2023 00:19

I had no interest in killing him, despite not being able to start The Blades back up.

CB-99 - 19.09.2023 18:13

Killing parthanax was a mistake I made first time I played back in 2012.....I still regret it

Laura x3
Laura x3 - 19.09.2023 11:54

I´d say Paarthurnax isn´t evil, but he helped during war, but I am pretty sure, Delphine wouldn´t hate him that much if he were human. She´s just hateful to all other races. To be honest, it´s been decades or even centuries, also he made up for all his past mistakes, he helped prevent another dragon war, he taught us some shouts, he helped us defeat Alduin, you cannot just brush that away.

Talleywa - 19.09.2023 10:09

I wish you could remind the Blades that you just finished dunking on the single strongest dragon to ever exist at the most thoroughly conceivable level with the direct help from Paarthunax. So if homie ever does become a threat, it'll be no diff.

poopbuttshitmemes - 18.09.2023 03:29

I have no idea what I chose i might have to redownload this game it’s so awesome

Mister Comment
Mister Comment - 18.09.2023 00:20

Cool I always ignored it, because I didn't think he deserved to die but the game would not let you confront the blades about it. This time I will go through with it.

Lemmy - 17.09.2023 01:44

i have never even attempted to kill paarthurnax tbh, from my first playthrough to my last i have never ever touched the blades questline because i simply refuse to kill him. would unhesitantly tear delphine to pieces, never going to touch paarthurnax

JitsuZombie - 16.09.2023 18:22

Forgot about the Blades after Alduin's Wall and completed the main quest without them. Didn't even know killing Paarthunax was an option.

Lord1.c - 16.09.2023 14:36

wish there was a quest tha paarthurnax gave to kill Delphine and esbern to end thier miserable failure of serving dragonborns
fvking losers were hatful even at the start of the game.

Hugo Lafleur
Hugo Lafleur - 15.09.2023 17:50

I don't get the point of this video, the game is so old it's a teenager now. EVERYBODY and their mothers know all this. you should find original topics cause you're interesting but in Skyrim there are no unexplored topis anymore dude.w

Dr Von
Dr Von - 15.09.2023 04:31


Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 14.09.2023 22:57

I went to kill the blades when they asked me to kill the dragon, they can't order me around after swearing they serve me as dragonborn. Plus. Without Parthumax, Alduin and the others would still have humans as slaves. Its not fair they cannot be killed as essential npcs, I didn't talk to them until I killed Alduin to see if it made a difference (third playtrhoguh) but it did not. just want them dead.

Fore Hand
Fore Hand - 14.09.2023 22:12

I love Paarthurnax, but I want to play devil's advocate a little.

The reasons the Blades choose for justifying his death are pretty dumb. He changes and he helped to taken down Alduin, twice now; and at this time in his life is very peaceful.

But that's not the future. As Paarthurnax says himself, dragons naturally seek to conquer. While he has overcome his nature today, he is an immortal being who, given enough time, may go back to his original ways, especially now that Alduin is gone and there are very few to defeat him. Not to mention, when the dragonborn dies there will be no mortal who can truly defeat any of the remaining dragons.

Considering that, I think the best course for the dragonborn is to cause the extinction of the dragon species because once he's gone then there will be no one to stop the dragons, no one to absorb their souls to put them to rest for good.

Alduin may return another day, but at least he would not have a dragon army on that day to aid him in the ending of the cycle, all his brothers slain at the hand of the Dragonborn.

Franksn - 14.09.2023 17:17

This made me cry 🥹

L432 - 13.09.2023 10:31

What the blades fail to realize is that if it wasn’t for paarthurnax, humanity would still be enslaved, and honestly them failing to realize that is just stupid of them, this is why I don’t kill paarthurnax in any of my playthroughes in Skyrim because he saved the world long ago.

Ditlev Pedersen
Ditlev Pedersen - 13.09.2023 09:56

Wish there was more like this in the game. It's still a pretty shallow game.

FNxTomahawkJack - 13.09.2023 00:06

A good act doesn't wash out the bad, nor the bad the good. Parthunaax deserves to live, but his past actions must never be forgotten.

MsMeppy - 12.09.2023 23:16

why would you even kill him???

Matt Anderson
Matt Anderson - 12.09.2023 04:51

Only went through the main questline once, but i knew that keeping Paarthurnax was essential. The blades were truly evil for wanting Paarthurnax gone and were set in their old ways of holding discriminatory views of dragons.

Genosera - 12.09.2023 04:18

i rather kill esbern and estrus delphine than killing paarthurnax

Vakaria - 12.09.2023 03:59

Anyone who kills Paarthurnax is no friend of mine!

Viljo Vaan
Viljo Vaan - 11.09.2023 21:26

Nice work put major spoilet on title.

Ruudo Burei
Ruudo Burei - 11.09.2023 19:02

Awesome. I'll remember that for my good Empire-sided playthrough.

However, right now, I'm doing an evil Stormcloak-supremacist playthrough and murdering everyone who speaks ill of the rebellion after they've lived their quest usefulness, while also betraying Talos-worshipping civilians by justifying it as getting closer to the Thalmor to backstab them.

Derek Delboy Trotter
Derek Delboy Trotter - 11.09.2023 12:31

I have never killed Parthurnax and I never will, I always use the console command to cancel that quest which makes The Blades think you killed him

DaRealGeorgia - 11.09.2023 06:18

Wait yall killed paarthurnax?

Jackson Thomas
Jackson Thomas - 11.09.2023 04:26

So you don't get anything looks like im killing him

armoredplacoderm - 10.09.2023 22:34

I have never killed Parthurnax. I have never even been asked to kill Parthurnax. Once you meet Parthurnax the Blades are no longer relevant to the main questline so there is no reason to even interact with them. Like it was years later I found out you could even do more quests for them after you find Alduin's Wall.

arilion11 - 10.09.2023 22:28

I never killed phartaunax i just searched a video for how to spare them😊
