Food Choices | How Your Diet Affects Your Health | Health & Wellness | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Food Choices | How Your Diet Affects Your Health | Health & Wellness | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Gravitas Documentaries

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@chuckbogdanowitz2785 - 20.12.2023 05:33

Vegans can eat vegetables for a long time before they have problems, there is things in meat that a body needs the best diet is variety natural foods no hi processed foods no gmo grains no seed oils no synthetic. Most plants grown by big commercial farms are deficient in trace minerals.

@THUMBSUPBITCHify - 20.12.2023 00:23


@frankgaare9918 - 18.12.2023 21:49

So Eskimos are an exception because they are a small population and live in an area where there are no vegetables and fruit?
Hahahaha....That's probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Let me guess...right after the interview they all run off to get a tasty steak

@kevatkissa6316 - 18.12.2023 17:11



@dash1bravo24 - 17.12.2023 06:50


@user-kx7dd8is4n - 16.12.2023 10:57

BS, vegetable makes me bloated

@leila6391 - 13.12.2023 21:58

I’m sorry, but this video is not correct. I was a vegan for 10 years. It did not do me well at all and I only ate green fruits, nuts and seeds. The healthiest people I see are on the Mediterranean diet eating fish lamb goat and they are very fertile and their countriesalso most fertile animals like lions and tigers that have multiple cubs they all eat meat
Eggs are so healthy they are full of leutine for your eyes

@user-ft1mr1uc5h - 12.12.2023 16:30

You better check your P Foss count PhD?

@Bakudekku - 11.12.2023 10:54


@Dustandfuzz - 10.12.2023 01:42

I’m giving up dairy due to casein allergy. My ears are plugged and milk just makes me sleepy and depressed. My nose is always running and I have a cough and a lot phlegm.
It’s true, we don’t need it. I have always loved all the dairy products so will use soy milk, soy ice cream and soy chocolate milk. I’m not giving up eggs. They have choline and B12. They are my favorite breakfast. I have algae oil instead of fish. I don’t eat nuts or other omega 3. It’s easier to take a capsule daily.

@HELENGARCIA-jl5qi - 09.12.2023 20:14

It’s a really nice documentary.

@HustleSoulsFanPage - 07.12.2023 14:59

Entirely too many ads.

@janmichaelchong - 06.12.2023 02:21

Funny how people saying vegan diet without realising the fertiliser in their foods are from animals manure or mixed with animal waste. I was vegeterian with the wife and nearly vegan was sick and my wife became anemic. Went to high protein and look at my picture. Not obese and at 40 better when I was a teenager. Also never mentioned in this the process food. The agenda of these documentary is to demonised the animal protein and never the sugar or high process foods and fast foods, seeds oil those are the foods that causing sickness.

@a1treated - 06.12.2023 02:06

Live like a Wolf NOT Like a lamb, feeling bit cold ,vegans try the B12 Iron cure..Meat...nb . Any vegan eskimos..??

@somwayptyltd7634 - 05.12.2023 11:08

Yeah protein is myth ; look the elephant is big and eats plants

@mariecook622 - 04.12.2023 06:23

This documentary is so needed in our society and should be considered seriously, for anyone trying to understand their human connection to their own unique experience regarding food. This doc us essential in the fact that its a resource with so much content that makes one reconsider their personal choices and for that i applaue you for your voice. Food is an exploration no les extroadinary then space exporationf, medical exploration or any other kind of exploration humans have delved into, and should be considered just as important. WHY? Because we are in a dileamma,, with a very serious set of circumstances that beckon our attention that pulls own hearts and souls to a cause that is not just an individual problem , but a world wide crisis that trumps any other concern our poor human souls deem important. Think About It!

@niceadz6164 - 04.12.2023 05:40

3m 10s in... "best diet is plant based" Took till 4m 13s to write this comment.... wont watch the rest of this crap!

@c.p379 - 02.12.2023 08:26

Eat what feeds your soul. If it’s non meat, cool. If it’s steak, cool. Everyone needs a different diet but NO ONE needs all the poison and sugars they put in the food. Diet isn’t one size fits all.

@thomaskostka2083 - 27.11.2023 10:58

What propaganda this documentary is. Please do ur own research before u get any advice from these people. Thanks

@heenanyou - 27.11.2023 06:23

This is old science, from 50 years ago. Cholesterol doesn't matter.

@Curlyblonde - 26.11.2023 01:22

Little known fact: many strict vegans are mineral deficient, unless they are supplementing with added vitamins. As a result, the body will rob the minerals it needs first from the mineral stores in the teeth and then from the bones. As this is a very gradual process, you won't notice any difference until you are in your senior years when your teeth become weakened and fall out or break off at the gum. Then there are issues with osteoporosis as well. I've seen it happen quite a few times with the lifelong strict vegans. Others that included milk products, eggs and fish occasionally in their diets did not have these health problems later in life.

@AryJanuary - 25.11.2023 19:47

This documentary is good at the beginning but at the end, it tries to promote health in vegan pov. It's like choosing daylight or night. It's weird. Consume meat and plant together in balance way. That would be better

@mareegeorge8641 - 21.11.2023 19:27

It's important to fast everyone is different and it's all about what works for them. I eat mainly fresh food that I cook myself and buy local.

@olr0707 - 20.11.2023 21:28

This is not a documentary this is propaganda

@shinjisakamoto3496 - 20.11.2023 07:06

I'll help koalas, so I don't eat animal products.

@faith1780 - 16.11.2023 15:08

“The fat you eat is the fat you wear.” 🤯

@CarolinaTorras - 15.11.2023 19:25

I am healthy, I had all my medical exams done 2 weeks ago and as always my values ​​are perfect, I don't take supplements, but I do eat 85% of my diet based on plants and 15% on animal proteins. Our teeth are the answer to what we should eat, we have 4 canine teeth, and they are used for food of animal origin. Don't get carried away by this vegetarian propaganda.

@ritakane5973 - 14.11.2023 07:35

I cant tell if this is Real or we’re just getting duped again

@peterzinia3767 - 14.11.2023 05:26

There is no one specific diet that covers everyone. Because we are not identical. Some need more of this while some need more of that or less of this. You have to create your own nutritional guide & that is all trial & error & our nutritional needs change as we age.We need to diet on what makes our bodies feel the great & perform as best as possible. Videos like this one valuable.

@supersonicdiesel4836 - 13.11.2023 16:27

Fish isn’t sustainable. But meat definitely is. Global warming is a scam. This whole documentary is vegan propaganda, since veganism is the result of loony delusions of a madwoman who led the Seventh Day Adventist Church. It isn’t a natural diet for any human being

@minddog444 - 08.11.2023 17:48

One people say fat in fish is good for you, these people say it is bad. Next time they will order to eat bugs

@lindamcneil711 - 08.11.2023 09:53

Research… this documentary is all about real research and cherry picked data. 1) the earth would not do better if we stopped eating meat or drinking milk. This is utter nonsense. More methane, carbon dioxide emissions, and pollution comes from rice paddies, food manufacturers , and the environmental impact of processed foods than cattle or meat. 2) we have choices where our food comes from… buying cattle that is grass fed is actually more healthy for the earth. Yes, ruminating animals help the improvement of soil, crops, and help create methane and carbon sinks. This is well researched by agronomists. 3). The science where red meat is claimed to cause cancer is highly flawed and almost of of it is written from Harvard Chan University’s Dr. Willet who has massive conflicts of interest and has based his information on food surveys, not science. These food surveys do not measure or really go through the entire diet of someone, but look to see if that food substance may be in the mix. There is no evidence that has any validity that red meat causes cancer, and yet, the myths keep coming out from the same epidemiological information over and over again.

Do the planet a favor, do your plants a favor… don’t ignore meat as a part of your dietary nutritional benefit, it is low carb, low calorie, and the most nutrient dense.

@apwags - 06.11.2023 15:24

Such wisdom from John Joseph McGowan....."you want peace on earth? Every year we kill billions of animals and you want peace on Earth! Peace on Earth is for all living entities, not just human". You are a champion JJM!

@rexannam2646 - 06.11.2023 15:12

I'm waaaay too allergic to many legumes. I eat meat and potatoes. I make butter and clarify it for cooking oil. I have never had any problems.

@meatypieful - 05.11.2023 23:58

I switched off as soon as he called past hunters and gatherers sexist 😅 wow! Sorry people doing what they had to do to survive is sexist to you 🤣

@Maxclosecozy - 02.11.2023 15:52

The 'experts' in this video all claim meat is unhealthy, including fish. In Japan, the per capita consumption of fish and seafood is 23.2 kilograms.  This is significantly higher than the global average annual per capita consumption of seafood, which is 20.5 kilograms. Yet the average life expectancy in Japan in 2023 is approximately 84.95 years; much higher than the global average life expectancy of 73.4 years. Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world, with many Japanese people living well into their 80s and 90s.

And 84% of people who have adopted vegetarianism or veganism at some point in their lives have gone back to eating meat. What do these so called experts have to say about this?

@danielyune7830 - 02.11.2023 14:47

why do ppl make everything so complicated? drink a lot of water lots of veggies and fruits moderate red meat good amount of chicken and fish less processed food less sugary drinks and sugar in general

@dimitri1946 - 01.11.2023 23:53

Remember the macrobiotic hippy diet of the 60ties? It made all those pot smokers look like concentration camp inmates. Later on these very same hippies graduated to all the other diet fads... and they all got really fat and sick. Those that are still alive and healthy today are carnivores. End of story.

@georgwagner937 - 01.11.2023 18:28

I love the scientific references in this film. 😂

@charliesgrumma5388 - 01.11.2023 00:07

ATTENTION: HERE IS THE SECRET TO HEALTHY LIVING: Eat like a cave "person". Eat any and all foods that would have been available to someone who lived 1000+ years ago. No sugar, no artificial sweeteners, no "seed oils", no vegetable oils, no processed foods, no fruit juice, no gmo corn or wheat, no modern flours, no coconut milk, no almond milk/butter/flour, no pasta and very, very few carbohydrates. There are a few tribes of people in China and Asia that eat/ate a high carb diet and remain(ed) thin because they refrain(ed) from everything else listed. It doesn't matter if you choose to be vegan, carnivore, or omnivore the same rule applies. Eat the same foods your ancestors would have eaten 1000 years ago with a catch. The food needs to be seasonal. In the modern world a quick trip to a grocery store yields every sort of fruit known to man but way back man rarely ate fruit.

Humans evolved with a metabolism that could be compared with a bear in the fact both can add fat quickly, (but not the hibernating part). For 2-3 weeks in the fall of the year when humans were still evolving and hunter gatherers, whenever they stumbled upon a fruit tree they would gorge themselves with the sugary fruit and that would add fat that was needed to survive the lean winter months. In early spring humans ate any berries they found as they hunted and the sugar rush helped power them until the next kill. Veggies were seasonal as well, grocery stores were not invented yet and if it wasn't potato harvest time they didn't eat potatoes. So remember the rules above, and limit your fruit and vegetables until "in season" only unless you want to gain fat. Remember above when I mentioned no sugar? Fruit is full of sugar and should only be eaten sparingly, on occasion. There isn't a single vitamin or nutrient in fruit that can't be gotten elsewhere.

The secret to being healthy is simple, eat like a cave "person". Bon Appetit and enjoy your health.

@NeroCloud - 31.10.2023 23:36

this is why I love the human body. as I eat meat that works for me this man eats plants which works for him. God made the best animals AKA Humans.

@waldopepper4069 - 31.10.2023 17:52

more vegan propaganda disguised as a documentary. when are vegans going to just get on with eating their birdseed and leave the rest of us to eat what we want ?

@tortureyou - 31.10.2023 13:13

Your more likely to change someone's religion than their food choices. It usually takes a life changing event.There are too many people in the world to feed them all with low calorie veggies and nuts. I stay away from too much sugar, fat, salt, and processed foods. I'm not sure if my diet is the best. I know it is a wide variety of meats, veggies, fruits and wa.ter though. Everybody has different needs at different ages. Most people making videos in todays world have hidden agendas as well. Eat what makes you feel good and healthy. Get regular bloodwork done. Good luck in your journy.

@koi5242 - 31.10.2023 07:56

"For economic reasons, Japanese people consume very little meat. LOL, what a stupid PhD! I've never heard such a statement before. Meats are cheaper than veggies and fruits in the first place in Japan. She makes it sound like Japan is a poor country like other Asian countries?? Wow, Japan is the third richest country by GDP so far. She was talking about 70 years or so. LOL"

@jdrei5080 - 31.10.2023 00:20

These people have not gathered all info for what they talk about. This vidoe can go in the scrap with the 'actors' bs

@tipep - 30.10.2023 14:38

I cringed hard at so many points in this video.
People advising for a low-fat diet, spreading fear of cholesterol, implying grass-fed beef is damaging to the planet, while that's the way those animals have lived for thousands of years (carbon cycle). All just myths to push their narrative.
When talking about eggs, they are very quick to direct the attention to "commercial eggs", while there are obvious alternatives. Eggs & meat from healthy animals that eat their natural diet are some of the healthiest foods on the planet.
Is a vegan diet with real food healthier than sugar, fast-food & industrially "refined" trash? Obviously. Is it the only healthy diet and is it actually healthier than a diet comprised mainly of vegetables in addition to eggs and meat from healthy animals? Doubtful.
There's more, but it's getting tiresome. Awful video with an obvious agenda.

@roblox-vp1rq - 30.10.2023 03:52

This is plain bullshit. Do not watch. Bullshit spouted off by a lot of parochial bullshitters.

@lisacole1770 - 29.10.2023 23:06

One only has to look to the bible to know how to eat properly anything else suggested is man made

@northerncoloradotransparen1454 - 29.10.2023 04:18

When Nazis rounded up Jews, babies were ripped out of their mothers' arms. In the dairy industry, calves are stolen from their mothers after birth. Other animal mothers, such as sows, rabbits and ewes, have their babies taken within days, weeks or months after birth. Separating families is a psychologically devastating tactic used to weaken one's pride and inhibit their desire to retaliate and fight back. Nazis swiped this technique from the meat, dairy and egg industries. Jews were tattooed to mark them. All animals in the meat and dairy industries are branded with hot irons, or ear-notched with a numerical tag. Jews were sent to the concentration camps in the same extermination trucks that still send animals to slaughterhouses. The Nazis constructed human slaughterhouses to massacre millions, while these torture-buildings have been strategically built all over the planet to massacre billions of animals. Jews have been, while animals still are, treated like nothing, as if their lives don't matter.

@karenstanton5405 - 28.10.2023 22:16

Such great information in this video, thankyou
