The HORRIFIC Torture Of The Women Of The German Military Brothels

The HORRIFIC Torture Of The Women Of The German Military Brothels


1 год назад

157,698 Просмотров

During the Second World War, the German Army caused chaos inside of the different lands that they occupied. They quickly settled into life in new countries, and in France they often visited the brothels inside cities such as Paris. However the Germans established many German Military Brothels across different towns and countries, and the women who were forced to work in here were kidnapped from all over Europe.

Many of these women were taken from their homes in countries such as Poland and Ukraine, and they then were forced to work in the German Army's brothels. These women suffered greatly and heavily at the hands of the Wehrmacht officers and soldiers, and there were very few who actually managed to escape their horror.

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@marycahill546 - 14.11.2023 01:10

A hidden history for sure. I have seen testimonies by Korean Comfort women who serviced Japanese soldiers, but none by European women used as sex slaves for the Germans.

@robertmfernadez - 24.09.2023 19:22

All is fair in love and war...when Nazi Germany was defeated...the German women also got the same treatment.

@englishrose212 - 08.09.2023 18:13

It seems like that's all we're good for even these days we are thought of as a sex object. God got it so wrong he should have made the men have the babies and the woman have the fun. 🤬

@jamesmoylan2861 - 16.08.2023 17:16

Sounds like the dark Web...only able to be accessed with cryptocurrencies.

@mmr7484 - 06.08.2023 06:59

The younger the better for these r@pists

@jimmybanta4520 - 11.07.2023 23:26

Well done

@karenpowell3800 - 02.07.2023 07:58

Why would you be murdered for being a hooker?

@willemvanlent6955 - 22.05.2023 02:10

Complete B.S. Women in German brothels, were "VOLUNTEERS", and under medical care.
Where did you get this info?!?
Hitler even proposed the idea to hand out rubber dolls of naked women to the troops to avoid the many cases of vinerial diseases ESPECIALLY IN FRANCE!!! Sexual encounters between german soldiers and SLAVIK WOMEN WERE EVEN HEAVELY PUNISHED, BECAUSE OF RACE POLICY!!! EVEN DEATH SENTENCE FOR WAFFEN-SS SOLDIERS!!!

@asofotida443 - 14.05.2023 17:58

Europe is full of “nice” people as we see here.

@lionelramsal7354 - 09.04.2023 19:16

Very interesting.

@angelusvastator1297 - 26.03.2023 09:55

This hardly gets brought up as Japan's comfort women wow

@afridyyacob6711 - 13.03.2023 11:41


@dharmawiguna3232 - 02.02.2023 00:57

some interview from veteran nazi military saying

"oh the russian rape our woman when they get into germany , we never rape anybody "


@Moody3863 - 30.01.2023 05:26

Men are never women's ally in any war.

@laho6649 - 11.01.2023 19:29

Whores, not victims

@holgernarrog962 - 11.01.2023 12:38

Most of the video is phantasy.....Usually existing brothels were dedicated to the Wehrmacht. The Wehrmacht did control the health of these institutions very carefully.

@thomasciarlariello3228 - 02.01.2023 22:16

A German professor in of my snobby "Dr. Charles Xavier's Hogwarts for Gifted Mutants" high school who wore a medieval gown with a dagger belt buckle tried to recruit Jewish girls into Joy Division while another professor published the "Mili Hunk Herald".

@PortalPatrol - 27.11.2022 09:03

I don't see any videos on your channel about the Russians rape of the German women as they moved into and occupied Germany. The largest mass rapes known in human history, may I suggest you do a video on the subject?

@hitekredneck109 - 23.11.2022 05:23

And yet there are women who feel "oppressed" in the western world today......😳😳

@andreasdesigns - 17.11.2022 07:15

Thank you for sharing. I did not know about this horrible part of the war. I feel sorry for these women and what they endured. Whether it was their choice for a chance of food or shelter or they were forced to do it, they were all victims.

@dianamarquez4774 - 17.11.2022 01:53

Two of my uncles fought on the Western front. When the Army company their were in found out about the atrocities the German soldiers committed, any German soldier they found they took them behind a barn, a hedge and beat them to death. There was nothing but shock and a burning desire to make any German soldier pay for what they did. And if individual Army soldiers witnessed any Russians mistreating a German female, they simply walked away.

@1JamesMayToGoPlease - 10.11.2022 15:37

Absolutely disgusting.

@surfcathy - 04.11.2022 18:24

The French killed and shamed the women who suffered from Germans?? The French were just as corrupt and vicious as the Germans !!!

@generalsaufenberg4931 - 04.11.2022 06:34

it`s funny, because lots of french people told me high praise of the german soldiers and their discipline,
and the rapes starts with the arrival of US soldiers...

@14Aymara - 02.11.2022 02:51

You're right, those women were some of the forgotten victims of WWII and their stories deserve to be told.
Just imagine - some of those women were assaulted by up to 32 men a day !!! And visiting soldiers (?) had to pay 3 reichsmarks for 15 minutes of "fun". Well that means their Army could be considered as pimps. From all points of view a disgusting behavior, but this does not surprise me considering the fact that we are talking about monsters. These were the true subhumans (Untermenschen), as they used to call people who were not Aryens. I pray for all of those poor women. 😪🙏😪🙏😪

@justhimo2728 - 31.10.2022 19:12

why people act like that 😕 in that times they act darkly I mean they always hateful especially with women's?? I think 🤔 the education play a big role in any times but in time of ww1 or ww2 people was so so blinded without any feelings at all.

@justhimo2728 - 31.10.2022 19:06

I love when you show us the real evil side of Germans in that horrific time it's really something shocked me always always, I can't imagine how the heroic men's from the US army and UK army feels it in that times and the werid thing is when the war is over a lot of them dosen't talk about war like something normal 😂🤷‍♂️

@davewilson9738 - 31.10.2022 17:15

Another area of criminal behaviour of the war that is overlooked. Its not widely taught or discussed and it should be. Thank you for the episode.

@billiespence2511 - 30.10.2022 18:51

Pead off fed up with this !!! Womem killed branded shaved humiliated mocked spat at for what ???? 99% of them for being raped !!! That Made them collaborators!!!! Did the torture end after the war ??? No that's when the above happened !!! This is sick !!!

@pauldodd2086 - 13.10.2022 21:30

During war or total collapse women become a commodity. It isn't right but it is reality.

@robs2203 - 12.10.2022 14:40

That is who the Germans really are!

@csaint6780 - 10.10.2022 11:47


@lubosjindra9582 - 09.10.2022 03:54

Out of my 300 books on the 3rd Reich I dont recall seeing anything about kidnapped women for brothels. Although I do believe women and men were forced to relocate to Germany to work there,the brothel story can't be too common. Like i said, never read anything like this. This makes me believe this is a big exaggerated. Yes, I aware of the brothels the gemans were using however poor women subjected themselves to that life out of desperation for food or survival for themselves and their families. Because they served a very needed service for the army,they fell under the army jurisdiction and would not be murdered as stated here. Many women served as spies for the allies or partisans. Here I would think they would meet a grizzly death, once found to be serving the German enemies.

@christineanderson8019 - 08.10.2022 20:20

Monty packed british soldiers off to brothels in Europe

@christineanderson8019 - 08.10.2022 20:18

Civilian populations sent to death camps? Dont you mean jews?

@krisushi1 - 08.10.2022 11:10

Why are you dancing around naming these crimes committed? Simply state exactly what was done to these women, they were trafficked, enslaved and forced to work in brothels against their will and raped multiple times per day. Who is going to remember history if everyone is too afraid to state these vile crimes?

@manuellubian5709 - 07.10.2022 01:36

This has tangential meaning for me. A friend of mine had an aunt that (purportedly) was either a 'bar girl' or a prostitute at one time. Even after immigration to the U.S. she never completely came clean one way or the other.

@CBass-mn5dy - 06.10.2022 21:39

Important story.... now do the Russian army's rape of the German women as well...brutal.

@legaltct49 - 06.10.2022 20:51

In Operation Barbarossa the victims were Ukrainians and Bielorussians, not Russians, as Germany occupied Ukraine and Bielorussia but not Russia.

@gilbertmoyes2918 - 06.10.2022 12:56

The irony is that when the German troops moved out, in many cases the Allied troops moved in. And after wars end, how these women were treated was disgusting. Place yourself in their place, what would you do to survive. Did the Jewish Inmates in concentration camps that assisted the Germans in the Annihilation of over 6 million receive the same treatment. Neither should have been treated with acts of Vengeance, all they wanted to do was live. Don't we all.

@828enigma6 - 06.10.2022 04:29

I understand the concept of managed brothels to keep the soldiers from being unfit for combat due to venereal disease, but the way the Nazis went about collecting women to work in them was horrible. And the Germans who murdered these poor women should have faced summary execution.

@fld9266 - 06.10.2022 03:03

Thank you for telling the horrific experiences of these poor women .

@mrhitler201 - 05.10.2022 22:17

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?

@peterclarke945 - 05.10.2022 15:50

Dude ..... firstly, work on your diction. Why not even read your commentary a couple of times BEFORE you record it. Secondly, HOW DARE YOU use the term "cat-houses" ??? You sound like you are way too young to be doing this commentary !!! Show some respect !!!!!

@charlesamitchem3487 - 05.10.2022 15:48

"And many of the women would be regularly screened to prevent disease from spreading throughout the whole of the Wehrmacht." You mean, the soldiers were buggering each other?

@markwilliamwestonwilson1503 - 05.10.2022 15:47

The Joy Divisions, lol

@MrRamkello - 05.10.2022 14:15

never forget what shit these species are??????????????????????????????
