SWTOR is Actually Amazing For 2024

SWTOR is Actually Amazing For 2024


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@NoblePlays - 11.12.2023 23:23

NOTE: I’m not hating or singling out swtor angels or Star Wars Central. Both channels are friends of mine. Just using thier videos as examples. They are great people and creators! ❤

@TwoFoxGibbon - 10.02.2024 03:38

SWTOR is a good game. One of the best MMOs. (I said it.) This game failed because crafting and the game currencies, and later the monetization. Sure there are bugs and combat balancing issues, but really, currency and crafting is what just fell off a cliff. It made it easy to leave behind. That's how I feel.

@Neftario - 07.02.2024 23:53

do i need to be subcribe to the game to play I have been subcribe so I unlock all the DLC?

@raulaguirre883 - 05.02.2024 22:37

awesome video and i totally agree. I stopped playing shortly after launch and got back into the game in March of last year and have been having so much fun taking in all the game has to offer. This game is a must if you are a Star Wars fan and the community is very good like u said.

@USCMHicks - 05.02.2024 17:52

Vulkk is another good contet creator for those who not want to use another one than swtorista...

@bigdogzone3177 - 04.02.2024 01:53

The game is made for 1 purpose only to monetize they pay more atention to the premium store than to what the playerbase wants. Their micro expansions are laughable and streched over long periods of time the only new content is few hours of story at a time. There's nothing in this game that litteraly focus on world pvp or content that will gather the whole server. And since they pay no atention there's a lot of bots the economy is kaput and nobody is getting banned for RMT . Dear Disney kindly do everyone a favour put this travesty out of it's miissery.

@chaosmeisters6781 - 02.02.2024 15:41

Man I never finished a class story in the early days but do have the collectors box here on my shelf. My life changed a lot when it was released and I wasn't able to play then. You made me reinstall it and want to finally dive in and finish some stories and maybe dip a bit into multiplayer. Thanks.

@user-lj9tk7ji1c - 01.02.2024 20:17

Its not just swtor content creators that are bad. It's 75%of them for all mmos. For swtor the only one a new player should follow is the woman you mentioned.

@BadAtParties - 31.01.2024 08:03

To someone who is arriving now in swtor, the game will feel amazing. To someone like me, already at endgame with all the classes, it's quite painful to wait for 15 minute of new story content every year.

@shihaba7704 - 30.01.2024 22:12

Just started less than a week ago

@dacentabaal - 28.01.2024 02:20

I played from early access to about 2019, briefly played for a bit in 2021 and haven't touched it since, but been getting the itch to play again hence why I'm here seeing if there's anything new going on

@dannylima1125 - 24.01.2024 18:05

I sold my PC a few years ago. I need to get another one and this will be one of the games I come back to. 2000’s was Kotor 1-2, 2010’s was tor and 2020’s is ESO. I miss the days of Star Wars. The late night operations. The music and ambience of the planets (nar shaddaa) while falling asleep at the keyboard. If I come back to it it’ll be with a more casual mindset.

@TimBorggrenDenmark - 23.01.2024 16:30

Who you want to be BS - The player base destroy that option!
99% of the game advancement - I pay to get!
99% of all, comment in the chat are Toxic!
99% of all, group play are not new player welcome!
1 rule F.. the content creators, they don't really play the game. They more like try it of and make videos on that information!

@CarnationBurst - 23.01.2024 01:40

i think swtor need to consider legacy servers ala classic wow

@GamingKnight1904 - 22.01.2024 02:12

swtor has the same problem as eso which is braindead easy questing. If this was changed and solo play became stimulating i would love both

@PowerWalkXD - 21.01.2024 00:53

I decided yesterday that a return to SWTOR was imminent and went on the prowl for newly made videos about the state of the game. As a Founder I've been in and out of the game for a long time, I have 2 accounts and now I will make a third one to get a 100% fresh start without any cartel coins and unlocks.

My plan is focusing on one class instead of hunting for the legendary player title like I did last time I made a fresh start.

Imperial Agent story is so much fun and Operative is my favorite stealther, period.

Thank you for the vidjah, it was informative 👍🏻

@KK_EITS - 20.01.2024 20:36

I stopped playing for almost 4 years cause I was still young and had a potato laptop. I started playing and watched a bunch of guides and what really hit me was when you said the game is solo-able cause it reminded me of how many times I had to die 😂

@stunner29 - 20.01.2024 05:01

Best game ever in 2024!!

@user-bx2gz4bc4u - 19.01.2024 22:45

For dead game, with useless team and company that maintain game with no updates.... sure amazing

@Diceflame - 16.01.2024 05:06

why did they never try and make swtor 2 or a new star wars mmorpg

@ProdGothic - 16.01.2024 01:57

Wait I swear I used to watch you years back when I played swtor everyday n then you switched to eso I think Idk if it’s the same dude but if it is you was one of my fav swtor creators as a kid 😭

@jamesc8854 - 15.01.2024 21:26

it s a dead shit game point....now it s even in maintance mode....let it die

@sh3n0xxx - 14.01.2024 13:04

Re do game in Unreal engine 5 then this game will end all other games 🎉❤

@edenarchive4150 - 13.01.2024 14:07

The player character becomes a verbal and physical punching bag and side character/errand boy/girl for the actual main characters in the story in the newer content from eternal throne/fallen empire and onwards.
They become absolutely pathetic. Getting casually tossed around and beaten by friend and foe alike, running for their lives like cowards, spoken down to by the main characters with no ability to respond in kind. The writing and dialogue is horrible and fanfic level cringe after the older content(new "writers" most likely).
If you're going to play the game, just play the original class stories and older expansions and then uninstall.
The player is a random nobody and a pathetic, underpowered, gofer side character after that point.

@HikingFeral - 13.01.2024 03:55

I played on release but stopped because the game ran like trash on the best system money could buy at the time, I have just returned what, 12 years later? and I am having a blast. I wish I could remember the login details for my founder acct but I really can't and it does not matter. The graphics remind me of the Star Wars animations I have not seen. I might have a Star Wars marathon even though I am more of a trekkie myself. Star Trek will always be way better imo but saying that, I do really like Star Wars and I can see why people prefer it.

@dokezmon - 10.01.2024 23:04

started playing on the deck looks great we will see how far i make it

@malukastorm - 10.01.2024 13:58

Swtor its one of the best MMO's avaiable. Just needed to move away from Bioware.

@andrewloos6571 - 09.01.2024 07:14

does anyone know how to fix my problem ive been a returning player for years and when i login it says the servers are down and go to twitter but when i go to the website it says my acount is suspended so anyone know a fix?

@JeremieCampeau33 - 09.01.2024 02:00

Had the game on steam not plays since like 2 or 3 year do I still have my save and character 😅😂

@alexstreet9470 - 07.01.2024 21:51

“At its core” it’s built on the worst engine of all time . Game was doomed from the start . This is why you quit pvp and ranked before they threw that in the garbage too . .
If you wanna play a solo story of Star Wars sure . You wanna play pvp or an mmo ? This ain’t it .

@Cuckold_Cockles - 07.01.2024 21:01

bruh...this games never been "dead", that shit is just nerd-raging nerds speaking out their ass

@danteyoda - 07.01.2024 16:59

Not true i still can't play a Jedi Ewok or Jawa yet... This mmo is the top 3 in the world imo..

@ghoullelouch280 - 07.01.2024 04:44

i was always solo player for a long time barely did pvp and when i did, i wasnt ez start to understand HOWEVER started playing with my brother it started to get fun but and sadly we started to get to a point of what to do now, we dont play with guilds we did all stories and now we are aldults we dont have time to gear up our mains for pvp so what can we do now or even what can i do now when i am by myself free from work?
do you know any mmorpg similiar to swtor in gameplay wise and that has an interesting story?

@CapnZippy - 04.01.2024 14:39

I've been wondering to jump back in for a while now after a long time and this video has definitely helped me decide to come back! ^^

@leonardceres9061 - 04.01.2024 07:16

I appreciate you making this video. I was a fan of this game when it first launched I’ve seen it up and downs and I’ve been back-and-forth playing it ever since at least once a year I tackle this game for a few months to see what is changed.

The part, you mention about solo players, missing out on some great experiences is true, but I feel like it is a double edged sword. On one hand yes, those experiences in groups are amazing and something you will remember probably for the rest of your life, but on the other hand , as you get older and have less time to play, it’s harder to have groups like that because everybody is on their own schedule. The only way around that is to play in a huge guild with tons of players who are online at any given time.

from what I’ve experienced over 24 years of playing these type of games is that the people recruiting tend to recruit during certain time periods, which is why you get huge influx of players during those periods, and then the guild becomes very quiet during other times. That kind of ties in with your whole , finding the right guild part might take some time.

@ChrisOffBrand - 03.01.2024 18:13

The game is fun. Story is the best in any MMO Game ever released. That alone is replay worthy over 100 times. As far as PVP goes who cares. It's either you love it or you don't. Been playing since 2013. I am a founder and always come running back to the game. Game is far from dead, servers are packed everyday just saying!!

@valdorosado1986 - 03.01.2024 15:20

I wish this game was on console 😢

@Frank-xe8gb - 02.01.2024 04:54

Can you play dis anywhere else besides pc?

@shivo4328 - 02.01.2024 03:32

Its not anymore its old. Very old graphics boring content and changes are disgusting. Years ago was much better a lot. We all waiting only for new mmo in star wars.

@phil8899 - 01.01.2024 22:54

Buy a switch and play xenoblade chronicles 3

@yorulaney8563 - 01.01.2024 20:26

I want swtor classic xD

@Itz2Cat - 01.01.2024 18:51

The biggest disappointment for me was the last expansion. Knowing that the game was probably at its highest point in social media, with videos getting millions of views, only for a worst case scenario to happen on launch.

I just beg for one last big bang expansion. One at the scale of the original stories. As unrealistic as it is, it will not stop me for wishing.

I really love this game. Just by playing it i get happy.

@mike2eazy92 - 01.01.2024 17:11

Just started my first play through, would love people to play with!

@Moon222 - 01.01.2024 04:12

"Shadow of Revan" was the start of them cramming new content into grindy flashpoints (which have no "checkpoints"), and erased your origin titles for Outlander or something similar.
That chapter's end was very cliche "Sith and Jedi must put their differences aside to kill the great threat of the emperor". Then like a Marvel movie, Republic and Empire main characters pop out side by side, then attack the Emperor together.

@arkov2673 - 31.12.2023 13:35

Sorry but the game is awful. They removed all ranked pvp and the talent tree now makes you choose from abilities we used to have all of. They've dumbed it down and have catered to the casuals. There is nothing rewarding at the end game anymore, no challenge.

@MrElfyrion - 31.12.2023 11:38

At least, a wise advice on SWTOR. That game is so underrated...

@henrykhalifa23 - 31.12.2023 07:07

A lot of people and reviews kept me from playing this game for years ! Worst mistake ever tbh , what’s bad for some might be a great experience for others .

@tophatowl6724 - 30.12.2023 14:22

I think its strange when people call swtor a dead game. Steam charts says its on around 6.7k players daily average, and that doesnt account for the reasonable amount of players who use the OG launcher. For a game this old and a genre like this, thats a fine player count. Its also very stable at this player count.

@A_Sense_Of_Purpos3 - 30.12.2023 05:18

Swtor has and always will be the shit. Like it's literally one of the best star wars games ever made as far as story modes go. Right up there with Kotor. Is it fun as an MMO absolutely, is it a WoW killer..... not really? The operations kind of leave a lot to be desired imo, but PvP is good, and Classes seem balanced. The only thing i wish they didnt do is add all of the old Cartel Pack items to the cartel market, but other then that it's a great game.
