Which HoloID members should you watch to learn Bahasa Indonesia?【Kureiji Ollie】

Which HoloID members should you watch to learn Bahasa Indonesia?【Kureiji Ollie】

Phalnoa Ch

1 год назад

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@cifaki9369 - 05.04.2023 21:00

I think Ollie is the best use for learn Indonesia

@anggieseptiandewanto3781 - 05.04.2023 23:17

Back then: Reine streaming ngajar bahasa ke member JP

Now: Ollie: Reine? Not recommended.

Parah lah

@clutchyfinger - 06.04.2023 18:57

I learned my Indonesian from Reine. I think it's pretty good, Kan anj*ng, g*blok ini apa. I think that means hello.

@awan1475 - 07.04.2023 09:48

think risu's good in indonesian when she does

@eondiax - 07.04.2023 14:06

I like it when clipper doesn't only translates but also entertains

I mean you Phalnoa, your video is so fun to watch

@mrduck1490 - 08.04.2023 16:12

The best way to learn Indonesian, is to play a game with Indonesians.

@zetaefi4205 - 08.04.2023 19:32

Videonya bagus ini, lengkap. Jadi pas Ollie ngejelasin gini-gini dikasih pula video buktinya. Terus ada penjelasannya pula. Salut bang

@Nippontradamus - 09.04.2023 10:03

Watching your clips for the first time, and I really enjoy the way you edit! I've barely seen anyone animating the subs.
Good luck mate!

@mayhare55555 - 09.04.2023 11:09

Anjir outro nya pet society ketawan umur ni orang wkwkwk

@KnightOfEternity13 - 09.04.2023 11:31

Lifehack: turn on autogenerated subtitles.
They cold be wrong, especially when some of them start speaking English or Japanese suddenly, but it's an ok starting point.
If you want to have it even easier, you can use some extension like Language Reactor which will help to analyze these subs.

@Anonymous-tw3ok - 09.04.2023 18:24

Imo you need to find something you like to make learning any languages easier for example watching movies, listening to music you like in the language you want to learn, in this case you would need a favorite ID vtuber/streamer to watch. you don't even have to learn it just by watching and listening to them after a while you'll get familiar with their language and after that it'll becomes much easier if you want to learn it. i've been doing this and it works for me at least

@venomfank6027 - 09.04.2023 19:25

The editing is superb

@CharDhue - 10.04.2023 00:08

Tbh we Indonesian most of the times speak gado2, sure some have bad english but we also mix bahasa Indonesia with local language too
If u want learning true bahasa Indonesia u need a teacher or school, but u will need a friend to speak casual bahasa Indonesia

@DrFoggyPants - 10.04.2023 03:01

"What about Risu?"
Ollie: Deez nuts jokes PTSD flashbacks

@cicakjepang - 10.04.2023 14:07

Your subtitle animation is so good 👍

@Ranos12 - 10.04.2023 22:28

A+ caption work

@nicholascosakavega1456 - 14.04.2023 05:06

Editannya apik

@hankuroid - 15.04.2023 06:19

watch ollie or kaela if u from newb>normal, but if u understand bahasa well and want to try to native speak bahasa then you from normal>pro watvh kobo instead because kobo use much much daily conversation even slang or curse word

@zicomuhammadarifin - 15.04.2023 21:56

actually they are talents from the Indonesian branch of the Hololive EN Division

@yin_meghan2002 - 17.04.2023 09:51

I learn much more Indonesian language from Ollie,Kaela and kobo stream to be hell 😍✨ I highly recommended you guys to learn from Ollie senpai stream (Indonesians language)

@Aisenhelm - 29.04.2023 16:20

I mean it makes sense why people didn't think M-chan is Indonesian, I mean en girls have jp managers.

@aisukururimu7515 - 12.05.2023 03:24

As an Indonesian myself, I too would recommend Kaela or Ollie, and maybe Zeta and Anya too since these girls are the most chill ones with the slang words imo

But ofc you can always decide to go YOLO instead and learn the 'Elite Indonesian'language from Kobo, that's a valid option too~

@CervantesVI - 03.07.2023 17:34

Loved the subtitles hitting Reine in the head, that was hilarious.

@clintongriffin2077 - 09.07.2023 10:10

Fantastic video. Carl's clips lololol Tasty cutting board lol

@ARH2222 - 16.07.2023 20:12


@SigmaBoyShhhhh - 08.09.2023 19:25

As Indonesian, i supossed to know more and even know Bahasa Indonesia, even i know english. But, sometimes that English sentence i don't know, i learn that what she's just say, and she's translate it! Yes. Your right!! She's usually translate what she's just say.

@NANDSSGG - 28.09.2023 14:59

Jujur menurut ku juga kobo paling baik di holoid dalam belajar bahasa Indonesia , karena dia lebih memahami bahasa Indonesia, dari yang bahasa gaul bahasa daerah dia mengerti logat beberapa daerah, dan mudah memahaminya tapi ketutup sama tingkah tengilnya yang suka sarkas dan menyobongkan diri.

@swanskuy1717 - 12.11.2023 09:45

Terbukti sekarang ya guys , Kobo emang yang paling baik buat dipelajari bahasa indonesia nya wkwkk , marketing nya jago , jadi admin dimana mana ... tokped,epep,ML,Valo dll

@Karanthaneos - 18.12.2023 07:24

I really love the way Ollie pronounces the words. I don't understand a single bit of what she's saying but her voice is so so great.

@johnkosiov9715 - 22.03.2024 09:12

When I hear Iofi's "R" I think about French.

@robby.. - 05.05.2024 02:29

why ask ollie that question, Ollie is the only one of the best channels if you want to learn Indonesian, because ollie is very diligent in repeating what he says from Indonesian to English, and sometimes Japanese too, ... you guys are weird.

@pogogod6036 - 26.05.2024 23:17

If you can understand Kobo and her jokes in Indonesian then you've already reached native level fluency.

@ombayuadjie6283 - 10.07.2024 00:08

risu?? nooo speak 5 minute, 5 minute full laungh

@meogie - 04.09.2024 21:24

For a beginner. Kaela and iofi may be the best options.

But if you are already a little pro and want to try a challenge that even idbros don't understand. Try to learn from risu and kobo

@antokarman2064 - 08.09.2024 12:32

Phalnoa's explanation on ollie is true even to this day. As it's demonstrated when shiori raided her stream

@Jasonred79squeek - 16.09.2024 17:45

Eh, as a Malaysian, I picked up ID very quickly from holoID streams. Granted, my vocabulary is limited to repeatedly yelling ASTAGA GOBLOK TONJOK TOBRUT JAHAT ANJIR

@sirloin6856 - 02.10.2024 12:53

Actual Indonesian is too formal and kinda awkward to use daily

@TukangLedeng - 21.10.2024 11:53

I think Moona is the first place. When she singing in Indonesian songs, so sharply polite. Gud for beginners who want to learn Indonesian..

Hmm.. Kobo is for high Indonesian fluenced speakers, so learn Polite Indonesian first before you get "high" Indonesian speaking 😂😂😂

NB: Makasih semua member member HoloID, saya di Liechtenstein dan kaget pas tiap orang sana tau saya berpaspor Indonesia mereka langsung ucap seperti "Selamat Pagi" "Hebat" "Luar biasa" sampai yg aneh dn ga disangka diserap "gak ada obeng" dan saya tanya kenapa tau ucapan bhs Indonesia dan mreka banyak tau klo gak dari timnas kita dan gak lain lagi mereka nonton Member HoloID 😂😂😂

@abudujanah7860 - 04.11.2024 23:04

nice editing

@WHAT_WHO_ARE_YOU - 29.11.2024 15:06

Now i need a JP version of this!

@ChriSX13 - 01.01.2025 16:29

learn all the sus things from risu lmao

@sora_nun_nun - 07.01.2025 23:41

I like that her reasoning for Zeta not being a good one to learn from is "Zeta is too cute"

@williamvt9630 - 13.01.2025 08:44

Bang, bikin animasi subtitle nya pake software apa?

@Stockymusicfan - 19.01.2025 11:40

Ollie / Kaela / Moona

Maybe these three

@manda-t4q5k - 29.01.2025 11:52

"Dada rata ollie sangat lezat" 🗿🗿

@mfa_1124 - 12.02.2025 02:53

if you guyswant to learn id you can play with ID bro (asking for friend)

@RaKKanebo-yz4vp - 14.02.2025 03:56

For me : ollie its the best to learm basic. And if you need to improve... kobo its best... but if you need learn more spesial* reine its a good :v.
