Noah's Ark: The Story That Disproves the Entire Bible

Noah's Ark: The Story That Disproves the Entire Bible

The Truth Hurts

3 года назад

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Mark Jones
Mark Jones - 29.10.2023 22:59

Over 10 million animal species on earth today. One hell of a big boat.

NZCLUB - 26.10.2023 03:59

The world will ALWAYS find a reason to argue the historic facts because until the final day it remains in the power of the Evil Empire : believe it or not! Jesus said : "Not everyone who calls Me 'Lord' will enter The Kingdom of Heaven either.." 😂😂😂

There is a good reason Jesus declared : "to YOU the mysteries of Heaven are shown , but to THEM it is not" - unless you are permitted to see, you will not believe ..

Heather Angus
Heather Angus - 25.10.2023 20:20

I think you’re reading way too much into the story of Noah. All you need to know is that he was a righteous man who still believed in and listened to God. And we are supposed to believe that it was the entire world. That they had to completely repopulate the world, in which they did, each of them having a lot more children. If you truly believe in God, you read what the Bible says, and you’ll understand it based on that alone. The Bible can’t have inaccuracies, because God tell men, or, prophets, what to write exactly in the Bible. And even with the Catholic Church, and the different modern-day versions, the truth, stories, and morals remain true and as relevant still to this day. So, please stop trying to change things for your own false narrative. It’s toxic and unhealthy for not just other believers, but, also, even yourself, since you’re not respecting God and Jesus Christ and accepting and appreciating their undying, unconditional, sacrificial, and unmatched love, whether you realize it or not.

Techbro - 25.10.2023 13:34

We know very little about science, that is why biblical histories contradict with our very little existed knowledge, and that is why we had to believe the bible as we are learners.
God's works in the bible or even today's are very vast that our mere mortal brain cannot handle to interpret all together but only a fraction of it.

Vabraxys G
Vabraxys G - 23.10.2023 17:23

Aside from all of the logical contradictions that exist with the ark story associated with, boat building, animal care, geology, geography, etc, I was always put out at the notion the an omniscient god, knowing the future, would create a world in which his creations behaved in a manner he found so objectionable he murdered them...but, he knew in advance that would he caused it. Christians would argue "free will" but that doesn't trump omniscience and omnipresence. Stupid.

Kevin Barry
Kevin Barry - 22.10.2023 00:37

Go back to Romans 1:21 my Friend

AzDucati ramirez
AzDucati ramirez - 21.10.2023 23:23

I grew up in a horse and buggy Mennonite church, I left home as a teenager in part due to a dysfunctional family situation, Once I had internet, I researched some of the unanswered questions I had about the bible, I've been an atheist for 5 years now , so ironically if I would've had a happier upbringing like some of my friends, I wouldn't have left, and might still be a Christian. Maybe my curiosity would have led me to where I am today regardless. I am a very rare person, most people who leave the Amish or Mennonites, simply join a more liberal form of Christianity, convinced that they now have found the ''right'' version of Christianity. I think a lot of Christians never subject their beliefs to any rigor, because they don't think they have any reason to do so, but for the intellectually curious, making information easily accessible is crucial.

Jean P.
Jean P. - 21.10.2023 16:04

lol@ “High Peed conveyer belt”. A point I never considered.

The Omnipotent
The Omnipotent - 21.10.2023 13:41

The first thing to disprove it would be the water cycle , namly the water on earth is turned into steam by the sun cools down in the atmosphere and comes down to earth again in the form of rain
Now in the enteir cycle the water just converts from water to steam and back to liquid again which means the amount of H2O stays the same
But in Noahs arc the water in the rain just gets added to the earth water that scientifically does not exist
And even worse to get rid of this water we would need to turn it into steam now to turn such a high amount of water into steam in such short times we would need a inredible amount of heat which would pretty much kill any living being that miraculasly survived all this , which is all ready very improbable considering we are einher on a boat which is above the Mount Everest, with very thin athmosphere full of wild animals who would have to eat euch other to survive or on a Mix between frech and saltwater with extreme water pressure

Alt - 21.10.2023 03:14

I don't think you had to go this in depth to realize this story is completely illogical.

Leng Lee
Leng Lee - 20.10.2023 10:15

He convinced me when he said Noah is 500 yo lol

Mary Quinn
Mary Quinn - 19.10.2023 21:38

Thank you for sharing this! I have been in deconstructing phase for many years..I really appreciate how you showed Jesus reference…more evidence that the Bible is unreliable and man made!! Blessings 🙏

Bryan Losen
Bryan Losen - 19.10.2023 00:34

If the story of noah's ark is true, then God is the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world. Men, women, and children, and babies and pregnant women all drowned. Because God chose to do that. No one ever thinks about this.

TheoneGodfather - 14.10.2023 20:16

Even as a kid these stories seemed nonsensical, which turned me off to religion for a lifetime.

Radrook - 13.10.2023 12:46

Bible doesn't' claim that it was the Donkey nor the snake nor the Bush that were doing the actual talking. As a former JWs you know that. Yet you choose to lie.

13th century schizoid man
13th century schizoid man - 12.10.2023 15:11

Blue jenga brick

Rolling Thunder
Rolling Thunder - 11.10.2023 06:26

Noah's ark doesn't disprove the Bible. The Bible proves Noah's ark. Either the Bible is true, or it's not. If the Bible is not true, forget about Jesus and God because then they're also just made up stories

Patrick W. Dunne
Patrick W. Dunne - 11.10.2023 00:47

So Noah's Ark landed in Turkey and the lions went back to Africa, penguins back to Antarctica, pandas back to China, etc.
