Hills on fire. That didn't age well.
ОтветитьFell for it twice. Not a third time. Do not pre order.
ОтветитьI want Battlefield play4free back. They can combine bf2042 and bf4free together that would be awesome
Ответитьseems like they still cant learn from the past. bf3 was centred around 12 vs 12 rush, because back then that is what the consoles could do. this shaped the best maps in bf history. a map that works on 12 vs 12 rush can always have more map size added for higher player count and the conquest mode. it doesn't work as well the other way around, making conquest maps for 64 players and try to fit in rush or domination
ОтветитьThey need to bring back real damage. Bf3 we could take down buildings. Not just walls. This should come back. If they can't do leveloution is nice but we need real damage.
ОтветитьI hope they launch in 2026.
ОтветитьMan I forgot just how bad bf 2042 looks. Everything is just so flat.
ОтветитьLets hope i finally get a game that gives me a reason to upgrade from an xbox one... havent seen anything worth forking out for a new console or pc in damn near a decade
ОтветитьLet's not forget they said will be connected to bf 2042
Ответитьthe next ea game nobody will dare to care about. Battlefield is dead and has been for quite some time and wont be coming back lol
ОтветитьBF3 and 4 was peak gaming. I tried to come back but never could
ОтветитьNo rush for release literally just wait until it’s presentable to the public at bare minimum
ОтветитьIt’s do or die now for them no in between
ОтветитьBurned one too many times. After many hours with Battlefield 3, 4 and I the money spent on V and 2042 was a waste. This game will need phenomenal communist feedback before they get any of my money.
ОтветитьWhy are people saying not to pre order???
ОтветитьNo pre orders ever again. Ea is a horrible company.
ОтветитьLong live BF4!
ОтветитьPlayed from bad company 2 right up until bf5 , tried 42 beta and hated everything
Got 42 for free a few years later and hated it even more
After a long hiatus from bf , as long as it’s similar to bf3 game play wise I’ll buy the new bf np
last chance they bomb here its over.
ОтветитьI already heard what they told stockholders so I’m already not buying it “tremendous live service” my ass they said the same thing about 2042 and they took several months to add cover to maps and adding a scoreboard yeah no thanks EA
ОтветитьBF3 with the intensity of BFone would be awesome! I just hope the weapons have more realistic recoil on full-auto, and the bullets have more impact. Pushing opponents back when getting hit "cough" riot shield "cough". one round from a rifle will put anyone on their butt. Also, Helldivers reload mechanic would be great in BF. that would make the ammo guy way more popular. lol
ОтветитьDon’t pre order
ОтветитьAnd the next Battlefield game is.................DELTA FORCE!! 😘🤩
Ответитьwell with the mess that COD6 is looking to be if they do this right they could steal a lot of the player base......don't Pre-Order
ОтветитьA single Concept Art means…..
Battlefield 1942, 43, Vietnam, 2142, BC1 & 2, 3, 4, H, 1, V, and 2042 (ok maybe not). Except the concept only says ‘Battlefield’. Hmm. Y’know where have I seen this before? No no no. Seriously. Where. Where have I seen this before? I know it happened. And I know it happened recently. Enough said.
It's been a long time since I've changed my mind about games - any game that is not free to play does not deserve my attention especially battlefield series so nice, ( ust informative video ) :)
ОтветитьTodd Howard couldn't sell me a new BF game
ОтветитьMore than 1 attack chopper per team....
ОтветитьMake sure to Pre-Order to show your massive support! You’re buying the game anyways might as well Pre-Order
ОтветитьBF BC2: Vietnam xpac still the best.
ОтветитьBurned too many times. Will wait for LevelCap’s post launch review at the very least.
ОтветитьBf3 and 4 were good because of the customization imo
ОтветитьI havent preordered anything for the last 5 years. I think i'll pre order this just to piss people off for shits and giggles.
ОтветитьI’ll give them one last chance… burned a third time, I’ll never touch them again.
ОтветитьWill see lol
ОтветитьWasn't 2042 EAs "most ambitious " game? 😂 won't be touching this one with a 10 foot pole.
Ответитьalso aside from delta force theres also world war 3 that can make a comeback under new studio...
ОтветитьThe more players made it less enjoyable.
ОтветитьI feel like the peak was Battlefield 3, 4 and One.
Battlefield One was a great game despite the over-prolific use of automatic weapons. I couldn't get Battlefield 5 to hit the same level for me, and latest one is fun, but it's no Battlefield.
You tricked me with your clickbait
ОтветитьHow for the love of god can this be Concept image, this is AI random generated nonesense. Are you ppl blind? The game production didn't even started and they already failed. 😅 Whaaaat is going on hahahah
ОтветитьReally do hope they learned from 2042 , really do hope they make a banger this time. Tired of cod and overwatch .😂
ОтветитьContent creators are just as much to blame as EA at this point. It’s not hard to be a big creator and speak out against EA rather than promote their game through a click bait reveal title when all they’ve done is announce there’s a new game coming. The fact that you would use money to justify why you continue to promote this company is totally laughable as I think you can easily cancel a few spa trips to make up for the lost revenue.
ОтветитьFor the love of all what's holy, NO MORE SLIDING, no more solo CLIMBING, no more attachment switching on the run, please!
ОтветитьBring back gulf of omen!! That used to be my favorite map!!
ОтветитьDo not preorder, simple