How to Level Up Trader Role Fast in Red Dead Online

How to Level Up Trader Role Fast in Red Dead Online


2 года назад

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@BalterBlack - 04.01.2024 21:21

Middle wagon lmao

@joachimfuchs7061 - 10.01.2024 17:29

Dear friend, you have to make a update on this video. For example Im on lvl 1 and for a supplymission I got 175 XP. And my first short delivery I got 200 XP.

@nachtnoctis8236 - 19.01.2024 20:23

Where are you from man I love your accent lol

@Deflect1ons - 20.01.2024 20:00

Why is mine stuck on in 62 or 78

@willmark7032 - 23.01.2024 06:50

I had my camp in just the right place, and then Cripps moves it up the ridge after a delivery. Love this game 🙄

@Weeniesrus - 28.01.2024 08:21

My order supplies is just grey can anybody help

@xGaviJax - 28.01.2024 18:04

Does it still work? I can't get the south location on the camp after like 50 tries

@annac7590 - 30.01.2024 15:01

I’ve only been playing 14 days and I’m level 5 trader :) thanks! 😅

@Happyguy60 - 05.02.2024 22:45

Donate items to creeps hahahahha

@andrewrodriguez7382 - 06.02.2024 04:54

Does waiting until 30 seconds does it give you more xp

@jacobhansen574 - 11.02.2024 18:06

Fake ass bullshit, I have wasted 5 fucking hours of my life and $7200

@WorthlessClips - 09.03.2024 04:11

Resupply doesnt come every 25 literally happens completely randomly

@Stulele - 11.03.2024 08:54

Hit level 10 in 2 days with your method! Now I can actually play trader role properly

@MimeswithRhymes - 25.03.2024 19:47

If I’m helping a friend level their trader with my hunting wagon, do they receive any benefits from me donating animals aside from materials?

@itsSamtic - 01.04.2024 20:56

hunting animals should honestly give you EXP for trader, The rarer the animal, the more EXP you gain, considering you need to hunt animals to even do anything with the Trader role

@craigb.4737 - 04.04.2024 03:38

Make every run when goods get to just two. I waisted so much time waiting to deliver at 15 - 25 goods! Waisted time. Good video thanks man!

@garygill6841 - 22.04.2024 18:50

I did this over the weekend, and I am at level 10. Thanks!

@KUPHSER - 23.04.2024 15:05

I have a question. do you think it’s possible to do two short deliveries from this location at gaptooth, in the same time you can do a long delivery from same gaptooth location? And when I say long I mean the $650 run. The time it takes Cripps to produce a full delivery is where all the time really is. Even if you keep him supplied 100% of the time. What do you think ?

@SisTeko - 12.05.2024 18:57

Why do I never get a resupply miasion its always not available

@Calekoflight - 18.05.2024 23:28

So really, the main takeaway, and also the primary info I was looking for......don't wait for your 12 minutes to complete each mission. I was kind of wondering that about the deliveries.

@TheVerocs - 05.06.2024 19:22

Why do I only get half of the money? I have 8 goods and I can only make 20€ but I should be able to get 40€ why is that?

@robiz5080 - 13.06.2024 23:48

I hate the trader role because i need to hunt all the time or cripps runs out of materials.

@Reddead2_2589 - 12.07.2024 23:40

I think it’s patched but if it’s near the railroad south you deliver to tumbleweed really quik

@Justamonkey563 - 13.07.2024 20:30

Let’s say I have the naturalist role how do I supply?

@Vitusbmg - 11.08.2024 03:31

I cant Replace my camp, i tried it like 10-12 times but it will always spawn at the same point, and yes the point in the video is empty no one is there

@lucasf7400 - 03.09.2024 21:27

Amazing video! Saudações do Brasil !

@DarthEUC - 12.09.2024 22:03

I hadnt played RDR2 since online came out.... it was boring.... i saw YOUR video and then a few more from other RDR2 online players... and i got back on and i am havin a BLAST ..... its slower pace then GTA... but thats kimda the point... love stopping bandits and being a bandit .... thank u for inspiring me to get back on RDR2

@ShebanFPV - 23.09.2024 21:04

Great guide, but there is not much to hunt in that area :/

@richardshepherd8120 - 26.09.2024 05:36

Thanks for the great tip and this will help me

@ScottPeterson-kc9uo - 27.09.2024 12:31

Don't forget running your Cripps wagon puts a huge target on your back during the entire delivery that real players can see from a long ways away. So pick quit routes😅😅

@micharozek3046 - 28.09.2024 22:09

I have a camp exactly in the same point as you in the video but my game somehow chosing Benedict Point like 9 of 10 times. It's the same for you or it should be more like fifty fifty? Nice guides btw!

@MrTrap00 - 04.10.2024 16:06

I’m going to try this out I’m trying to get that darn gun locker

@nilsmuller9542 - 06.10.2024 16:23

Pay attention to this if you want to try it be aware that if your camp is in that location you can also get delivery missions all the way to Armadillo. This takes a long time about 5 mins.Benedict point is not the only location from there you can get with short delivery.

@JordanJewell-w1p - 14.10.2024 17:35

Am I the only one who only get 200xp for supply missions not 500? :/

@laciza2005 - 05.11.2024 13:35

You are the MVP

@thisismyname603 - 06.11.2024 16:52

2 years later and that location tip just changed my life 😂 went from wndering how i was gonna get to lvl 10 for the hunting wagon to being a master trader thanks to you and a well timed 2x trader event

@LuckyDaze76 - 06.11.2024 17:02

Cat this video is a bit older but worth a rewatch for this months role bonuses 🫶

@healsyeah - 26.11.2024 20:23

they got rid of this camp location a long time ago sadly

@sukiyu.g - 09.12.2024 20:59

was watching this video and then a hacker spawned a cage around me and spawned 2 grizzly bears from the hose mission... so annoying.

@JuliusIrving-c7j - 02.01.2025 09:19

I don’t grief. if I find someone hunting I’ll end up killing them to take their full animal before they skin it lol

@FlintnChirt - 05.01.2025 00:00

Buddy, we cannot understand you 😂

@laffytaffy9050 - 06.01.2025 13:38

Bought a hunting wagon and i cant donate any of it to cripps for some reason?

@jonesnicholos - 25.01.2025 10:50


@bubbaKush45644 - 07.02.2025 20:46

Omg this helped so freaking much. Ive been trying to level up for slowly for the last 2 yrs then watched this and got to 10 in 2 yrs. I appreciate this so much.

@jambola - 20.02.2025 21:52

(2025) Thank you very much for your RDR2O videos. I'm really enjoying much more the online, I was really sad at the beggining, I didn't know what to do, lots of griefers and cheaters trolling my online experience, I almost uninstalled the game and gave up on doing online achievements. Now I'm a Collector, Bounty Hunter and a Trader, I'm really happy and enjoying the online (playing solo, most PvE).

@JobSparla - 25.02.2025 23:52

Nice video, helpt me alot.💪👍

@ronitronC137 - 28.02.2025 06:09

It won't let me do a resupply mission or order supplies I'm trader lvl1 and he's keeps bugging me and I cannot seem to donate supplies fast enough to refill it with no wagon
