Baroque: The First International Art Movement (Waldemar Januszczak Documentary)

Baroque: The First International Art Movement (Waldemar Januszczak Documentary)


4 года назад

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@Do-si - 03.01.2024 13:59

not to forget the video and editing thumbs up

@CalixteAssiakoley3813 - 28.12.2023 16:08

Je vous adore, vous êtes un bon critique d'art, vous m'apprenez beaucoup de choses sur cette extraordinaire mouvement artistique qui me passionne tant.

@tealleaves - 16.09.2023 09:38

So who was the guy in the back, standing on the step in the doorway in the Velazquez painting of the little princess? Does anyone know? Waldemar left that guy out.

@nicholasrobertson-art - 18.08.2023 17:33

Waldemar Januszczak always makes idiosyncratically interesting programs, but this was marred by intrusive music. The audio editor seemed to turn the volume up and down between sentences, music works best when it compliments, not interrupts the program.

@originalbushstick9742 - 12.08.2023 17:19

What is the name of the music playing at the introduction?

@gcapeletti - 04.07.2023 23:18

first international art movement? Maybe in your eurocentric perspective. Now get the f*** off my feed.

@themarquis336 - 05.05.2023 07:16

I have all the time in the world for Ruben’s too.
Rembrandt, meh…

@ronwalker4849 - 04.05.2023 12:47


@cdg1111 - 24.04.2023 21:28

I could listen to Waldermar day and night... this is the only and best way to teach youngsters the beauty of the Arts and its history. THANK YOU!!

@patrickpierce1635 - 06.04.2023 19:51

God, seeing all that art and architecture, and history makes me sad, I lived in France for years and moved back to America, I miss it everyday. We don't have things like that in the US, certainly not in Florida, closest thing would be Saint Augustine; I feel void of that kind of beauty now, I think having it is important for your quality of life. I visit Europe, but its never the same as making your home there. 😢

@adarvas - 06.04.2023 07:49

Does anyone know the music at 23 minutes?

@democlavien - 18.03.2023 20:55

please help. i wish to know the composer and title of the piece of music after the chanting when the video title comes up. thanks.

@arxacer - 09.03.2023 19:21

Mr WaldemarJanuszczak apparently learnt soon from his new country of adoption to hate and disrespect Spain and Spaniards. The wicked and biased way he present Spanish painters, traditions and values with his histrionic and melodramatic capacities, regrettably makes him missing the point about the value and talent of Spanish masters... According to him, Ribera is just a vicious criminal (no mention to his value as painter, contrarily to his appreciation of Caravaggio, another "son of Saturn", as notorious for his criminal life as Ribera could have been for his supposed and never proved ones).
His vicious disrespect for Velazquez is even worse. He claims: "you can get a genius out of the tavern, but you cannot take the tavern out of the genius",... while fails to mention the unique modernity of his masterpieces. Not a single word of the Venus of the mirror, or the psychological portrait of Pope Inocencio X, (which shocked someone so little prone to be impressed as Francis Bacon)...
According to his buffonesche approach, you just have to learn to distinguish between the different orders of monks to grasp Spanish baroque... Without doubt, the uttermost prejudiced an unrespectful cliches from a biased popularizer communicator... Not those of a respectable and proper art critic.
He aims to mock Spain and Spanish masters, but he just exposes himself as a pathetic and unrespectful character...

@mannymoseley4005 - 27.02.2023 08:29

Thank you for posting this insightful, informative, interesting entertaining video. I love this beautiful art and hearing all this art history. I love this era of art 🎭
Some of my favorite artists:
Michael Angelo
Leonardo de Vinci
Vincent Van Gogh
Pablo Picasso
Paul Gauguin
as for writing artists:
William Shakespeare
Gustave Flaubert
Jane Austen
Charlotte Bronte
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Ernest Hemingway
Mary Higgins Clark
Sandra Brown
David Baldacci
Ruth Rendell
Agatha Christie
Nora Roberts
John Grisham
Thank you for posting this video
that inspires me to enjoy art. I
appreciate it.

@newtdevaychet - 24.02.2023 03:20

“ the first Jewish artist.” RIP

@Mike-nt9sx - 07.02.2023 05:33

Love you bro..too many words would distract me from being more..more human...

@melaniamonicacraciun9900 - 29.01.2023 11:47

The spectacular relationship between fine arts and powerful wealthy people is still available, l trully wish this tradition to go on, let them gifted painters work on selfies of making portraits again as a family heritage and let them artists gain enough money to finance their skills as true business men they were those ages back in time...the world without fine arts would be so empty...I am very much afraid, people would lose their minds, the emptiness we all know by now, is creating mental disorders, we have to save this huge asset together, let's enjoy the inspiration once again. You can watch for me a great classical movie instead, the Barry Lyndon fantasy is.. the biggest fine arts exhibition ever, you can use now the web technologies and click stop & go, each frame which painter recalls you. That's the Kubrick kind of vision. The best part of a movie is that several artists are getting involved, the photography director, the script writer and the acting guy, the lights staff or make up artists on set, but most of all the movie producer above all, think about it. Managing a painting instead, a single artist is doing the job of hundred employees on a movie set

@AkakaDomenjer - 29.11.2022 13:56

Would love to say to the host of the documentary that all people in the paintings look better than you. You are extremely unpleasant to look at. Somehow not European look.

@SuperMilarepa - 05.11.2022 16:13

"The First International Art Movement"? Did I forget something? What about the Gothic style and Rennaissance? I am starting to doubt the quality of this channel.

@eirikragnarsson2223 - 02.11.2022 18:27

"Grafiaphff," Waldemar!

@destinyforreal9744 - 21.09.2022 05:22

GOD Is where art is from

@destinyforreal9744 - 21.09.2022 05:22

This true God has a plan even if you can’t see what it is

@bullirish - 16.09.2022 19:55

Thank God for the Catholic Church! 😀

@elenaperdiguerodemiguel6271 - 08.09.2022 00:15

It was Flanders!

@Saffron-sugar - 02.09.2022 19:54

It’s a good observation that the ideal Ruben’s woman was about size 18 UK (16 USA). Often people mistakenly refer to women as “ Rubenesc” when they are closer to size 26.
It’s interesting that Ruben’s women also seem quite muscular with surprisingly masculine wrists, ankles, hands and feet. In spite of the fact many, like his wife, were ladies of leisure they look physically tough.

@dsantamaria713 - 02.09.2022 03:11

Can't tell you how much I appreciate and thoroughly enjoy your films..
I have learned a great deal from you..
Please keep them coming, I can never get enough! ♥️

@shellycook3571 - 04.08.2022 16:31

It started with my school hymn

@njackson6115 - 29.07.2022 00:15

All the above and hopefully Waldemar will make more of these!

@thomasjorge4734 - 26.07.2022 03:27

Spent it on . . . Worship.

@thomasjorge4734 - 26.07.2022 03:26

The Art Historian, whose name must not be said!

@thomasjorge4734 - 26.07.2022 03:10

Was Alfred Hitchcock a Hapsburg?

@thomasjorge4734 - 26.07.2022 03:09

Viva Velasquez!

@thomasjorge4734 - 26.07.2022 03:08

Spanish Baroque?

@simonapascariu2243 - 16.07.2022 21:51


@Mirandalavie - 06.07.2022 23:05

I love you! <3 Thank you for the magic!

@deancj1 - 03.07.2022 00:33

I'm trying to figure out how this guy is always walking empty streets in Rome, Seville etc... I didn't think it was possible lol

@III-ur2oo - 02.07.2022 00:15

Could listen to this guy for hours! Proud 🇵🇱

@djcb4190 - 08.06.2022 15:09

Wu's IST Thai?

@Luboman411 - 05.06.2022 00:31

I gotta say, the Spanish Habsburgs Philip II, Philip III and Philip IV were awful about a lot of things. But when it came to picking painters in the late 1500s and early 1600s--they were marvelous. They not only had Velazquez, but they also had Zubaran and Murillo, and were perennial patrons of Peter Paul Rubens, Titian, Tintoretto, Anthony Van Dyck, among many others. Compare that to Louis XIV, the great Sun King of France. He didn't elevate any great painters at his court and he was a perennial patron of so-so French painters. The only standout is maybe Hyacinthe Rigaud, and then only because he drew that marvelous royal portrait. Otherwise, most of the painters at the court of the Sun King were mediocre at best, lost to time. Bernini did try to get hired by King Louis XIV, but Louis didn't like the one bust Bernini made of him so Bernini had to go home to Rome. The same can be said of Kings Louis XIII and Henry IV. They had great wealth but were just awful about picking good artists that stood the test of time.

@dgschindele - 31.05.2022 17:28

Waldemar's voice is intriguing...often sounds like a stage whisper. Sometimes this is explained by the enforced hush of churches and galleries. But not always.

@fleur7891 - 30.05.2022 07:11

The history of the Spanish Inqusition will tell anyone how sincere Spanish Catholics are.

@jasoncavari - 23.05.2022 01:35

Love ALLLL of these!! Well done sir bravo 👏🏼

@DonnaSnyder - 21.05.2022 04:24

Wonderful video, as always. But closed captions would be so helpful for the non British ear.

@saxonmediaprofessionalsinp8505 - 18.05.2022 09:26

Love programmes, brilliantly written and intelligently delivered. I do however wish whoever thinks we need lingering close ups of feet would maybe get over his fascination.
