If you nail the MIDRANGE, you nail the MIX

If you nail the MIDRANGE, you nail the MIX

Hardcore Music Studio

1 год назад

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Sunny - 08.11.2023 12:40

For less Mid mixes, focus on the mids 👍

max larsen
max larsen - 08.11.2023 06:38

What amp do you use for your NS 10s?

Andrew C.
Andrew C. - 04.11.2023 21:04

one of the more succinct and to-the-point helpful mixing vids I've seen to date 👍

25 Shawe
25 Shawe - 04.11.2023 02:07

You give me not only the knowledge but also the energy. I love you❤

ashley Dines
ashley Dines - 30.10.2023 12:22

Levels are normally more important than eq. It stops the translation to different speakers better if tou have a good capture and dont eq it. An example would be theres not enough bass, instead of eqing the bass low end up just turn the whole bass up. You end up with much more middle and tone... normally you may just need to get rid of a bit of string noise on eq but if it was captured with a balanced sound it would be minimal eqing x

BigAl The Legend
BigAl The Legend - 26.10.2023 00:47

This vid is life changing

JOEYGPRODUCEDIT - 16.10.2023 23:08

is solo mono? what the hell is mixing in solo

Mr. Smiles and Hugs cuz ur depresso
Mr. Smiles and Hugs cuz ur depresso - 07.10.2023 00:42

I cut out all the low end on guitar and then surgically cut all the white noise out of the high end with out raising it and then raise the mids with a small cut in the 500hz area depending. Bass covers low ends.

Nordmann Håvarð
Nordmann Håvarð - 06.10.2023 09:21

I have an impulse response that I throw on the master that emulates the narrow freq band of NS-10s that I check my mix with too. Idk where I heard this but someone said "if you can get it to sound good on yamaha NS-10s, it'll sound good on everything, because they accentuate everything that's bad about your mix".

Nordmann Håvarð
Nordmann Håvarð - 06.10.2023 07:42

I've been trying to tell my producer friends about nailing that 200-2000 range for years now. I saw a country producer mention it on here and he even put a bandpass on his master and adjusted levels accordingly to being able to hear everything just in that range and, I tried it, and wow. I've even started to do sound design that way, and only modulated or boosted/attenuated frequencies in that range and it works spectacularly. For example if you're hearing your song in a department store, you're only going to hear that range I mentioned. He also said that the lows and highs will almost mystically align and balance themselves if you nail that midrange freq range I mentioned.

Vi Ta Lee
Vi Ta Lee - 03.10.2023 06:42

That's why phone's speaker is the best shit control for the modern needs. also some cheap headphones is amazing helpfull tool too. In the end of the day, we need to understand that regular listener not gonna listen your track on 1M speakers or super expensive headphones

Baron Von Lichtenstein
Baron Von Lichtenstein - 28.09.2023 06:49

I don't even think in terms of high mid and low. I get instrument sounds I like, then pan and mix them together.

Joel Armendariz
Joel Armendariz - 25.09.2023 18:51

This info is gold mad has helped me produce better mixes, kudos!

Prod.Countryjames - 22.09.2023 16:40

I use to focus on the same areas until I learnt about the midrange. Once I brought a pair of ILoud Micro's my mixes been very impressing..

MPD_BEATZ - 22.09.2023 02:15

I got this speakers too but I'm really still stuck.. When you say focus on the midrange.. From the low end how many hz must cut and how many hz must I cut on the high end? 😢😢😢

Adain Jarrio
Adain Jarrio - 19.09.2023 23:19

This might actually be the most helpful video when it comes to mixing.

StupidSquid - 18.09.2023 19:07

i once heard that "music is in the mids" since then i litterally started producing with my labtop speakers, and while sound design and composition are a lot less exciting when doing that, the end product is always at least 2 times better

doulos - 10.09.2023 08:21

what CLA meant to say was I suck at those frequencies I concentrate on the midrange and let my mastering engineer clean up the rest

tingkagol - 29.08.2023 19:24

I'm not sure about the iphone analogy, but I feel some people are mixing with iphone speakers in mind these days instead of mixing for average earphones and speakers. As a result, most records today are terribly saturated in the mids when played through decent speakers.
