Male masturbation

Male masturbation

Ask Doctor T

3 года назад

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Woodrow Magnus
Woodrow Magnus - 04.11.2023 01:38

What does a woman know about male masturbation. They can't relate to it.

The Boss Tex 117
The Boss Tex 117 - 02.11.2023 11:41

I need help. I am being really brave right now talking about this. I have become so addicted to masturbation that I can’t seem to stop myself. The urge is so strong, both when I have an erection and when I don’t; it always feels itchy or tingly. Like as if excites urine trapped in there in tickling me down there on the inside; excess urine I can’t seem to get out of there right away or at all. Sometimes I have to masturbation in order for the excess urine to come out a few minutes after the masturbation has happened. First the semen of course comes out, then a few minutes later excess urine comes out that was trapped up until the masturbation has occurred, which once it has occurred the urinating of the excess urination occurs easily. If I don’t masturbate, the excess urine may come out, but it’s often too difficult to get it it to come out. I have to push the excess urine out in order for it to come out, if I don’t masturbate, but even then not all of the excess urine comes out! I can’t feel relief from the automatic tingling/tickling sensation until I have got the excess urine out of there! I have to masturbate first and get semen to come out in order for excess urine to then come out a lot more easily a minute or a few later. I hate that! I wish there was another way to get rid of the tingling/tickling sensation without masturbating and when I can’t get the excess urine out of there! Or I wish I could get the excess urine to come out more easily somehow without prior masturbation beforehand. If I don’t want to masturbate, but the tickling/tingling sensation won’t stop until I push all of the excess urine out, what disorder does it sound like I have? It there any other way to stop this sensation whenever it comes around, without a medication or steroid that could compromise my fertility? Any medications that don’t cause such harmful affects?

I literally feel an itchiness down in the urethra and corpus spongiosum. I also literally feel a ticklish sensation up in the dorsal nerve, dorsal artery and in the deep dorsal vein. The automatic feelings literally heighten my desire to masturbate, sending really strong signals up to my brain! It’s so hard to resist this tickling/itching that causes this strong urge! I feel it with and without an erection. It causes an erection a lot of the time though. I can’t seem to fight it, because I feel like I don’t know how to stop the sensations without giving into the urge! What other way is there without masturbating and without destroying my fertility or whatever? I can only make the randomest guess of all of the randomest guesses out there possibly: like, if I made some paste out of mint leaves and shoved it down there with a q-tip, will that help? I don’t know why mint comes to mind; maybe it’s because mintiness seems to have an air-out affect when I eat something with mint. Like I can feel mind going out my sinuses when I eat or chew something like mint gum. Like an airing out affect or something. Can actual mint do that? Could a paste made of mint be useful in airing out the inside of my penis and could that suppress the sensations and possibly even open up the passageways more, all the way to letting the excess urine flow out more easily? As you can tell, I’m left only to guess. My medical doctor doesn’t care to help me with this, because he doesn’t see why he should. I really could use some help here; any advise or ideas! Thanks!!

Douglas Hoffman
Douglas Hoffman - 01.11.2023 23:31

Masturbate Is hard to get around where masturbate how many can get one ton of masturbate it’s it’s hard to masturbate more than once. I only miss me one time it frustrates me. What should I do on the more? I can’t let me know when you answer for me

chrisradano - 31.10.2023 11:37

I never used any lube and I'm in my 50's. My hands get dry and cracked in colder weather, so I use hand lotion. But not while masturbating. Take it from an experienced person. Masturbation never caused me any harm, never hurt any situation, never affected anything adversely. It only makes me appreciate the opposite sex. My only caveat is...keep it private unless your partner wants to join (the latter never happened to me, but I don't care).

Ninja Pirate
Ninja Pirate - 31.10.2023 03:58

I only masturbate when I watch pawn

Julio Avalos
Julio Avalos - 24.10.2023 21:32

Everyday well when I can I masterbate is this bad …
Well I personally do not care …

Olan Webb
Olan Webb - 19.10.2023 21:43

For men, it's like shaving every morning.

Happy GoLucky
Happy GoLucky - 13.10.2023 21:46

Hi Dr.T first time here and I enjoyed your vid and insight.
Made me feel comfortable and your someone I now trust.

Tommy T
Tommy T - 27.09.2023 15:04

I was always taught that the more I exercise a muscle, the bigger it gets. Trust me; that doesn't work!

Todd Oakes
Todd Oakes - 26.09.2023 23:45

Good advice❤😂hugs thanks todd

Steven Bennett
Steven Bennett - 23.09.2023 19:23

Im masterbating now

david spear
david spear - 23.09.2023 16:00

Common sense food for stomach not stomach for taste

Stupid Stuff
Stupid Stuff - 20.09.2023 21:59

Stop the cap. Mastrubation is bad for all men.

Tom Fazio
Tom Fazio - 18.09.2023 03:59

At 65 you should be done with jerking off. Your to old.

Nigel Isaac
Nigel Isaac - 17.09.2023 21:46

Hi I wanted sex the other day but could not get hard so I ended up masturbate the next morning why could I not get hard when I was with a lovely girl

Dominick Raimo
Dominick Raimo - 16.09.2023 16:49

Why do some people dry cry when they ejaculate?

Steven - 16.09.2023 11:16

Is all this 100%true?

Scott Dykema
Scott Dykema - 14.09.2023 22:42

My roommates moved out, probably because I kept walking in on them, while I was masturbating.

Björn Jonsson
Björn Jonsson - 13.09.2023 07:50

Where was Dr T when I was a teenager? Since my parents said that playing with my penis ampng them wasn't OK at 5 years old (Oh, how I wish they have said when it was!☹) I was so upset that I became very shy about masturbation later in life. It was not until like my mid-twenties (now I'm 33) that, thanks to my ex, I started to jerk off more and more - and it felt SO good! It still does, and since I'm still single, my willy has become my best friend! As it should be for everybody who has one. Thanks for teaching that, Dr T! Being shy is boring☺

J G - 13.09.2023 03:35

Masterbation, along with porn and alcohol have made marriage tolerable in my case.
