how jordan identifies these problems and succinctly extrapolates on them blows my mind.
ОтветитьIt depends.
It depends on the amount of power one has to induce change. And how shrewd they are. I mean, look at what messianism has achieved in 2,000 years with its christian version for the ‘non chosen ones’ and now the techno messianism. Have all those who created and have supported it been psychologically integrated or have they had their personal lives in order? I very much doubt it. It betrays the presence of deep psychological issues and character deficiencies that have been culturally normalised. In case you didn’t notice, what passes as normal is anything but normal.
I do understand that you want to appeal to middle class levels by using a Jungian ideological framework as supra- structure and use the prevalent religion in the West as an anchor to appeal to the ones who are as powerless and easily manipulated as the lower classes they despise whilst being seemingly benevolent and compassionate. You can manipulate them (and, indeed, your success attests to the fact that you succeed), but is it worth it? It depends if you can really think, if you have any moral qualms, and how far ahead you can think.
I firmly believe that nobody can build on lies. Alas, I am an idealist in a world of ideologues. I live as a flawed idealist and I intend to die an idealist.
hello beautiful people
ОтветитьI’ve been searching for years on what my problem is and this is precisely that! Humility, the lack of it (the overabundance of pride & arrogance)!
ОтветитьJordan Peterson has an interesting philosophical brilliant mind of this century. My main focus today is humility. And silence. His practices the art of persuasion. I'm committed to change. His mind is a well formed molecule. 😊
ОтветитьHumility is not saying things to be right. No one likes being humiliated, because you said something you didnt mean. Humility surely leads one to have better self control - giving your words and actions a better quality and higher self worth - and in turn a higher level of happiness, success and much more.
ОтветитьHe should start practicing what he preaches
ОтветитьWhen do we get to go to Heaven
ОтветитьGod fulfilling his promises to you is important
ОтветитьListen to Daedalus warning to Icarus. It’s not about being afraid to try, just keep a mindful eye on your pride and hubris.
The master has failed more times then you’ve tried so just reach out your wings and fly. ~Tropidelic
A person that goes on social media as a know-it-all psychologist, is anything BUT humble.
ОтветитьIt is much easier to conquer a country than to conquer ourselves.”
— Mother Teresa
Nope. The long story short.
Blah blah. Lets have a real conversation.
They said that no man is an island that means Po humility and teamwork is the key of success Po as a Radiologic Technologist student po thank you universe Po 😇
ОтветитьHeadline for this video: “Murphy’s Law: What can go wrong, will go wrong….oh and crime doesn’t pay” 😂
ОтветитьSo if a individual is a master at something. He must then say he is bad at it? Is that humility?
Ответить"Stay within your own compidence" I needed to hear that.
ОтветитьWhere can I find the full video of this ?
ОтветитьThose who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted- Jesus Christ
I don’t know the scripture verse by heart but I know it’s saying 😊
Humility, I too am extraordinarily Humble!
The reality is divided we are conquered and united we stand, thus is the reasoning of adding more and more categories to any community or walk of life.
The foundation in which one builds their empire on must remain strong enough to weather the storms and not be shaken. That foundation begins with out own individual mindset!
Easily one of his better talks I've ever heard. Not slighting any others, I'm just saying this is niiiiiice. 👍🏾👍🏾
Ответить"......better to have self-control than to conquer a city." Proverbs 16:32b
Ответить" The difference between being humble, being shy, and just hiding out of fear is immensely great. But man's unawareness is such that he is not even capable of making distinctions between his own actions and responses to reality; otherwise, the difference is so clear that even to ask the question is useless.
First you have to go deeper into the word 'humble'. All the religions have given it a wrong connotation; by humble they mean just the opposite of the egoist. It is not so. Even the exact opposite of the ego will still be ego, hiding behind facades. It is shown once in a while in the so-called humble man: he thinks he is more humble than anybody else - and that is the ego. Humility knows no such language.
I have told you the story of three Christian monks. Their monasteries were close to each other in the mountains and they had to pass each other at the crossroads every day. One day it was too hot and they decided to rest a little and to talk to each other a little. After all they are all Christians; they may belong to different sects, but their fundamentals are Christian.
As they sat down under the shade of a tree, the first one said, "It is absolutely clear that your monasteries may have something, but you cannot find such wisdom, such scholarship as you will find in our monastery."
The second one said, "You have raised the question, hence I have to say this: your monastery may have scholarship, but that is not the question. Nobody is more austere, disciplined than the people of our monastery. Their austerity is incomparable, and in the ultimate moment of judgment, remember, scholarship will not be counted. What will be counted will be austerity."
The third man laughed and he said, "You both are right about your monasteries, but you don't know the real essence of Christianity, and that is humbleness. We are the tops in humbleness."
Humbleness and the tops? - then it is simply a repressed ego. Out of greed, out of tremendous greed to enter into paradise and to enjoy all its pleasures, a man is capable of repressing his ego and becoming humble. Before I can tell you what true humbleness is you have to understand the false humbleness. Unless you understand the false it is impossible to define the true. In fact, in understanding the false the true arises in your vision on its own.
The false humbleness is just repressed ego, pretending to be humble but desiring to be the tops.
The authentic humbleness has nothing to do with ego; it is absence of the ego. It has no claim of being superior to anybody. It is a simple and pure understanding that there is no-one who is superior, and there is no-one who is inferior; people are just themselves, incomparably unique. You cannot compare them as superior or inferior.
Hence the authentic humble man is very difficult to understand because he will not be humble the way you understand it. You have known hundreds of humble people, but they were all egoists and you are not insightful enough to see their repressed ego."
Humility is very important for survival from a scientifically biological perspective. Human ego can render one into contemplating a fallacy of omnipotence and invincibility that truly isn't there. When one thinks one is far more than one really is, it leaves one dangerously susceptible to hurt and damage from the outside world. Humility and staying grounded can help one steer clear from that susceptibility.
ОтветитьAnd what's the shape of this "domain of competence"? Is it convex Mr. intellect?
ОтветитьHumility is one of the most important virtues a person can possess!
ОтветитьBe in the world, not of the world.
ОтветитьInsane in the membrane
Ответить"If a man will not humble himself privately, he will be humiliated publicly." - brian padrick drake
Ответитьhumility teaches a person that you're not always right, that someone always will be better looking, stronger, faster, smarter, etc... than you, that you should listen to good advice from good people when they give it to you, that you can learn more from listening to others.
I speak as someone who has recently started to learn the value of humility and someone who learned the dangers of not being humble.
Aka Why Laziness is Important in Life
ОтветитьAlways interesting... Once when a child asked 'Abdu'l-Bahá' of the Baha'i Faith why all the rivers of the earth flow into the ocean, He said, 'because it sets itself lower than them all and so draws them to itself’. ~ Bahá'í World, vol. IV
ОтветитьListening to jordan peterson talk about how you should behave and listening to warren buffett talk about how to pick stocks, it's crazy how similar the lessons are even though the topics are different
ОтветитьI can understand how these words can be misconstrued in this modern atmosphere in so many ways to promote simple agendas that Peterson does not himself support. Peterson will hopefully be seen as a strong link in a long chain of integrity and honest thinking for the next generations to come. Wherever he may be wrong will be corrected by equal intellect of future generations.
Ответитьit's a shame that this video doesn't have million views, thanks for uploading!