The Most Hated Update In Minecraft History

The Most Hated Update In Minecraft History


1 год назад

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XayXay - 11.05.2023 18:02

What're your thoughts on 1.9? Would you have done things differently than Mojang if you could, or would you have done the same? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Following feedback, I've decided to make the subtitles smaller and appear by sentence, so they won't be as distracting, while still being visible, do let me know what your thoughts are on this adjustment as well. :)

Ftrctyvreycertcewtcwrgcwefvetrvery - 14.10.2023 08:51

1.9 was ages ago, but it also feels like a new update somehow. I remember being somewhat neutral to it, since I didn't really care about pvp at the time. I just liked building

Gwesha - 13.10.2023 00:13

lol at the femboy comment

Austin Hernandez
Austin Hernandez - 12.10.2023 22:45

Wtf, why would anyone hate the aquatic update? It's one of my most favorite updates of all time. I play bedrock so 1.9 didn't bother me. I have Java but don't play it anymore.

Stas Cichosz
Stas Cichosz - 12.10.2023 20:22

do only i like newer comabt for pve more but old one for pvpv more?

nousername4416 - 11.10.2023 07:59

I barely play PVP yet I'm still not a fan of the new combat because it's just slow and boring. I wouldn't call the old system great either but at least dealing with mobs was fairly quick.
The new system doesn't even force any more strategy than the old one did, it's just slower.

GoGodman1972 - 11.10.2023 00:53

how dare you call the old glass texture hideous!

William Bruce
William Bruce - 10.10.2023 04:07

I play on bedrock and I love it

Zedhan Zahi
Zedhan Zahi - 09.10.2023 23:42

I know you played persona 5, you used sound effects from the games. But overall, i like 1.9, i just hated how advanced skeletons got.

Shreyash negi
Shreyash negi - 06.10.2023 12:39

I think the 1.9 is actually good update unlike 1.8 where swords go brrrrrr. And it is easy to Get good at pvp I am better in 1.9 Combat then 1.8 Because there is always a sweat player having 20+ Cps.

dvdv - 05.10.2023 20:54

i love 1.9

Code Renard
Code Renard - 04.10.2023 10:44

I might not like 1.9 combat, but I honestly prefer how it's handled now than how it was before it

Hitsuki - 03.10.2023 22:52

1.9 pvp removal was the death of the old good minecraft

Ultra Asmático
Ultra Asmático - 29.09.2023 23:56

MInecraft 1 ( Notch´s Minecraft ) : 1.0-1.8

Minecra 2 ( Mojang´s Minecraft ) : 1.9-1.20

PietroSmusi_89 - 28.09.2023 20:11

Che amarezza questo mese per Fortnite. Il modello Roblox è a mio parere l'opposto di ciò che un videogioco dovrebbe essere. Un videogioco dovrebbe essere un'opera d'arte, che ti spinge a riflettere, a stimolare la creatività o il proprio intelletto. Vedere fortnite sempre più invaso da mappe uguali, senz'anima e senza un minimo di profondità nel gameplay, è letteralmente uno schifo. Io, personalmente, credo che, prima o poi, questa scelta di concentrarsi sulla creativa e tralasciare ciò che ha reso Fortnite così famoso gli si rivolterá contro e il gioco cadrà soltanto nel dimenticatoio

Fionn mac Cumhaill
Fionn mac Cumhaill - 28.09.2023 17:41

This last update! They broke villagers and nether portals and pretty much the rest of it

TheTyphoon365 - 26.09.2023 21:21

I mean, we all remember it, it really wasn't that long ago

photondebuger45 - 26.09.2023 05:54

Well... if people liked that they didn't have to think how to fight in the game and be unfair then you really just wanted to feed your ego on winning online games the easiest way possible then well.. i feel the issue isn't the game more like you're a sore loser against others. I mean there is still technique behind everything even doing like a sprint cancel?? In the game did I hear that right? I guess if you got that then you just win no matter what then. Also the elytra well... you get it when you beat the game you can't fly until you beat it or give it to yourself through creative then to survival. So like I'm at a loss where like people it's a game of blocks n stuff at least you still have stuff tho. If the developer doesn't like that people just spam click well maybe you gotta see that for what it is. I haven't played PVP or the other things in the game I'm just a casual for it. I still like the game no matter what it's fine I'm not going to tell them how to run the game it's just a game is all

AzraFox - 19.09.2023 13:11

I think the new combat sucks. The rest of the update is alright. I like shields, I like dual wielding. Lingering potions and tipped arrows are useless. I miss old sword combat

iphone charger
iphone charger - 17.09.2023 20:48

I think one of the reasons why the Minecraft community was so split in context of 1.9 is because not only was it a very controversial update (obviously), but also because after Microsoft bought Mojang (including Minecraft), Microsoft barely touched Minecraft for two years. Many believed that that was the end of Minecraft, and many moved on. Then, 1.9 got released, and the effects of the 2-year silent period definitely amplified the public feedback that Mojang received, for better or for worse. For the most part, the update was a really bad move after 2 years, and with the spread of the negative feedback, those that were considering purchasing the game were likely told not to get it because of 1.9, slowing down sales and deepening the grave that Minecraft was digging for itself. Though, that's just a theory I thought of--it may or may not have played a role in the deceleration of Minecraft's popularity.

The Epic Spud🥔
The Epic Spud🥔 - 16.09.2023 21:54


Fatman4849 - 15.09.2023 03:41

make the sword have the old system then add a long sword with the new mechanics

Prominence - 13.09.2023 02:40

i just love how this guy read his comments

Vincent - 12.09.2023 12:05

Shut up femboy 😂

Wario - 11.09.2023 21:38

poeple who found out about this update playing on bedrock🗿

AspWall - 11.09.2023 02:49


T Y - 09.09.2023 22:06

We all, ALL hate 1.9. Hands down the worst update.

AmyMialee - 09.09.2023 06:06

Not gonna lie I think this is one of the worst takes you've had so far.
The old system was just bad entirely, and the new system was dragged down by shields.
The new combat is much better than the old version, but when someone uses a shield it just slows it down incredibly, making it a slog.

Erik - 08.09.2023 16:22

yeah ok but why is you yae miko? xD

bobnaldo - 08.09.2023 13:39

nga u ga 😭

Eliasmc - 08.09.2023 05:00


Dom Maretti
Dom Maretti - 07.09.2023 16:24

Pre-1.9 combat was literally just spamming clicks. The combat was evolved in a very positive way in 1.9, however...they needed to make armor weaker to match the weaker attacks. That is literally the only problem with it.

RoamingInTheWoods - 06.09.2023 21:28

I agree with the femboy comment

asriel dreemurr
asriel dreemurr - 06.09.2023 18:52


Stripped log: Oh hello there

DoesFireBurn? - 05.09.2023 11:08

For me its kinda difficult to take a side now days... when this update dropped i hated it. i really hated it but now time passed and i learned how it works.. now i kinda kinda like it ? But i can´t imagine fighting PVP like this. it has to be so stressfull playing against people that only do pvp. Since this update dropped i only played on my singleplayer worlds.

so in my opinion.. Against Mobs its kinda okay? makes the game more challenging. Against players ? Maybe ? no? I dont know? I think in someways you could improve it maybe ? But i wouldnt want to have it removed entirely

ANDRYUSPLAY - 03.09.2023 20:30

1.9 is my second favorite update. I personally enjoy 1.9 combat a lot more than the 1.8, i think there are a lot of new mechanics and ways to do it. What? Skill Issue? Of course, i suck at both. Anyways, that new snapshots would be easily the best, i just dont want that Shift to Shield.

General Bronze
General Bronze - 02.09.2023 19:21

Personally I hope jeb doesn't come back to the update project, It'd kill so much skill in the pvp community for 1.9+, the combat system as it is now is perfectly fine

Ben - 01.09.2023 02:43

It was super drastic of a change, but if you look at high level 1.8 vs 1.19 PVP, 1.19 PVP is so much better its absurd. I think mojang knew what they were doing and understood the backlash that was inevitable from change.

Saiba Ch
Saiba Ch - 31.08.2023 14:22


Blue Doge
Blue Doge - 30.08.2023 07:03

I feel that 1.9+ destroyes 1.8 pvp in PVE but in the pvp aspect I perfer 1.8, its still stratigic and I don't think you can replace any pvp mode (that ive played eg. bedwars skywars bridge ect.) without makeing it feel too slow

Jonathan Dunlop
Jonathan Dunlop - 29.08.2023 23:51

I didn’t like it initially, but it grew on me and the old style just feels wrong

Aaron Gui
Aaron Gui - 28.08.2023 12:33

my least favorite update is 1.13 because makes minecraft laggy and my favorite update is 1.14 and 1.17 part 1 and part 2

ExoZ - 27.08.2023 18:47

1.9 combat is alot better than 1.8 just.

YourPalMoJo - 27.08.2023 13:24

Yup. Still despising 1.9 all of these years later.

nerdtea - 27.08.2023 06:35

As Mojang releases more and more updates, my respect for 1.9 grows to be honest. The execution of post-1.16 updates has just been awful. I think that cooldowns and axe damage would be more accepted if Mojang added a much bigger variety of weapons.

DreamOn_Vr - 27.08.2023 06:30

1.9 Is my favorite update I love the charged attacks it makes it harder and less boring than just spamming with spamming you don't have to think about what your doing you just spam and hope for the best but in 1.9 now it requires actual skill in pvp not to mention elytras sheilds and end cities making it possible to start a minecraft world in the end and making the game have more content for players to use and sheilds are the best thing they could've added to this game as they can protect you from creeper explosions arrows from strays and skeletons and tridents from drowned which is absolutely op and shulker boxes are so good for literally anything to do with storage and then the loot in end cities being absolutely awesome but this is all just my opinion so do not get mad and try and make some ridiculous response im just expressing my opinion no need to get mad

yazapixel ar
yazapixel ar - 26.08.2023 20:31

All I want is sweeping edge in bedrock

Rheine Joshua Bencio
Rheine Joshua Bencio - 26.08.2023 09:20

Bedrock players: We have nothing to hate but pe wanted java too😢 in pc no problem bc there's no combat no coldown

Sam Gaming
Sam Gaming - 26.08.2023 04:46

its not great but minecrafts old combat was way worse lol, its a decent replacement of a completely bare bones unfinished system that unintentionally grew into the actual worst PvP I ever had the displeasure of hating playing.
