Yes there's a lot of games now that have Battlefield elements but none of them even come close to that feeling of Battlefield. Even though it's not nearly as good as the other games, I had more fun playing 2042 than any of the "imitation" Battlefield games because even though it has many flaws it still had that Battlefield feel for me
ОтветитьI thought this was some operation gameplay of Delta Force.
ОтветитьCod is dead this is battlefields chance to take everything
ОтветитьI just hope they have destruction atleast as good as the finals and in battle royale. That would be epic, probably wouldn't touch warzone again, lol.
Ответить1) BF 3' immersion and gameplay.
2) BF 2' realism and sanity (last BF that didn't feel like a John Wick movie).
3) Project Reality/Arma 3 like Maps.
4) Private Hosting/Servers.
5) Modding support and modding tools.
6) No launchers/clients other than Steam (if acquired via Steam)
7) No Denuvo type shi**t
If at least 6 of those 7 are achieved = Profit + Legendary Status for Studios.
If not = Oblivion and shame as the studios that drove the last nail into the coffin of a beloved franchise.
Always hoped for a BF2 modern combat remake
ОтветитьThe one and only reason I have any hope for this game is because of Labs. Something like over 1 million people signed up to test
ОтветитьI want bad company2 destruction that was the most fun I have ever had. No camping in that game. We will get you!
ОтветитьBro the RPG destruction is waaaaaaay over the top. 1 rpg does not do that. you are not taking out a building and part of one next to it with 1 RPG, at least try and make your "realistic" game truthful when it comes to damage.
ОтветитьI'm ready to be hurt again
ОтветитьThe most hated thing about bf2042 is that not enough role players. It was mainly all bots
ОтветитьBence amerika ortadoğuyu klima satışları için yıkıyor.
ОтветитьGuaranteed they focused the destruction to pull back players but major server lag, no variety of weapons and each map they add after launch will just have less and less destruction cause of performance lmao, i dont get hyped over trailers anymore
ОтветитьI mean cod is already dieing and if this game hits it out of the park cod is as good as dead in my opinion
ОтветитьAlso to say BF had ballistics down is laughable, Tank shells have a drop after like 100m it's laughable.
ОтветитьIma upvote because Stone, but not for EA's hollow promises...BF2042 promised most of this stuff too but 100% did not deliver.
ОтветитьPersonal opinion but Bad Company 2 was off the wall good, for me. The destruction and gun battles, getting a vehicle and ramming it down someone's throat that is camping inside a building! First game/fps game I maxed out all my classes.. and was genuinely good at because I loved it so much, was a very good time for me! Hopefully this new one brings battlefield back with avengeance, with that destruction that made me feel like i was an absolute agent of chaos and death, raining down on the enemy like fucking hellfire!
ОтветитьWe, the Players, told them what we wanted again and again for many years but they never listened!
Battlefield has had the best large maps ever! All they have to do is bring back an enhanced version of the old maps from BF3 and BF4 and boom you'd have an instant community of old skool players in the millions! 😎
Nostalgia is a powerful sale tool! Just listen. WE WANT: Friendly Fire, Hardcore Mode, Night Mode.😉
The "battlefield" became a BATTLEFIELD CLONE what a shame..
ОтветитьIt's funny to me that they make a huge thing about their new "test environment"...because in every other software development field you have to have at least one. I never understood why the usual software development cycle doesn't apply to game development. I've litteraly fired people for not testing their code but big gamedev companies outright publish their untested games but seemlingly never fail (sure Cyberpunk was the first think that nearly killed the company but that is one of the few counter examples). People will always buy the next Shooter X+1 or Footballgame YEAR+1. And the most insane part: why does every iteration always have some bug that was already fixed in the iteration before that? This doesn't make any sense. It's like they rewrite the hole game every single time instead of using the parts that were great and improving them. And it shows a lack of learning from your failures. If you have a bug you have to make sure that it doesn't happen again after you fix it. And another critic i have is that before every new iteration they always talk about how much they care about the customers opinion and how they will work "together" to make the best next experience. I understand that expectancies change but it's not like shooter enjoyes want to play a golf game i don't understand how they would miss the biggest expectations year after year again. Why not just make an improved BFBC2 or BF3? They were great games, they didn't need any improvement "gameplay" wise, they didn't need the next new exiting gammode...
Ответитьi dont beleive this for a second, trailers are designed, to create hype. chill
ОтветитьI just want a fun game, no rainbow flags in place of country flags, no anime skins just gameplay
ОтветитьWe will not be fooled again. This dev team is full of woke, fortnite wannabe designers who probably never heard of battlefield before being hired for this.
ОтветитьA lot of games have tried but I'm yet to see a game that captures the absolute chaos of BC2 , BF3 and BF4... The sound and weight of the guns.... There is nothing like that right now.
ОтветитьBF1 was my favorite Battlefield
ОтветитьAh shit, here we go again
ОтветитьWe made a rule.
Never buy another EA games game again.
What are you thinking? Bf42 was a wake up call.
Getting less smart every year you people are
That Ripple Effect objective based sounds like the Squid Game Warzone which I really liked.
ОтветитьIs it me or is this guy really negative
ОтветитьEver since the drop of BF5 trailer, Dice has done nothing but showed their level of arrogance.
They all of a sudden acted as if they decided BF franchise so far (til BF1) was crap and had to be reinvented. Then they shut players down and did their own, patting themselves on their backs telling each other they are doing great. BF5 showed part of that, and 2042 dove straight into the ground. Some kind of 3rd company mobile game at best.
I learned that at that level of arrogance, it is hopeless that one of the greatest franchise of all time can turn into nothing.
I have been burned twice in a row. I still wish this franchise will come back someday, but I also feel that this is starting just another “Love letter to fans”.
looks like shit
Ответить2 was the best. 4 was very good as well.
ОтветитьI’m still playing bf4.
No complaints here!
If the story doesn't have a charecter that shoves them being non binary in your face I'll give it a try
ОтветитьBF3 was the best and then it was ALL down hill from there.
ОтветитьI can’t wait to watch some Stone Mountain Unit 64. Let’s go.
ОтветитьHopefully a refreshed battlefield 3 with battle royal. 😮
ОтветитьBAD Company is what BF should be
ОтветитьNope. Thank you. I remember what they did before. Never again. And don't you forget either.
ОтветитьI miss bad company
ОтветитьBetas are essentially a shakedown.
ОтветитьLarge maps this time and real sky scales for fighter jets,who likes getting into a fighter jet only to have a limited air space to operate then have some voice say your out of your mission parameters, andcseconds later your plane explodes,stupid.
ОтветитьEnlisted is the new Battlefield.
ОтветитьArma + warthunder yeah i can dig that,if that's what there going for sure.
ОтветитьUse military vet's as input on how war should feel and look like,also this time they should have every gadgets weapons drones and military vehicles and old maps from the past all maps and remade😊
ОтветитьBf1 was the king of fps
ОтветитьCommanding officer StoneMountain64 is black?!!? 😂 BF1 memory ❤
ОтветитьI don't play anything 12 vs 12 or lower, I wanted 128/256 players but when you have poor map design it's a get shot in the back fest.😅