Varieties of Amazing BRUNNERAS by Annie Carmona Lim

Varieties of Amazing BRUNNERAS by Annie Carmona Lim

Annie Carmona Lim

3 года назад

608 Просмотров

Partial shade loving plants! You can plant them with your Hydrangeas, Altilbes, Shade loving Japanese maples and Hostas!
Super easy to care!
Striking Pearlish Silver Sheen!
Very attractive in your garden as an accent, or along your borders!
You will surely fall in love with this plant!
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@hkreations5108 - 06.11.2021 08:26

Brunnera Jack Frost was the only 1 I ever grew.
Not only was the foliage beautiful, but the "Forget-Me-Not" like flowers...were the bonus!!!
