5 Things You NEED To Know Before You Buy An E-Bike

5 Things You NEED To Know Before You Buy An E-Bike

Electric Mountain Bike Network

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Peter Lukaszewski
Peter Lukaszewski - 18.08.2023 21:38

I measure roughly the same HR on a E-MTB ride versus regular MTB, but fitness isn't only about heart rate. The twisting and balancing that you do on a rough terrain will solicit your core muscles and you're more likely to go on that kind of ride with an e-MTB, certainly when you reach a certain age.

Watch Telly
Watch Telly - 31.07.2023 00:09

Bought my 1st mountain bike in 1987 (15 Speed 531 forks and 501 frame) and beem mountain biking ever since - just bought my 1st eMTB 8 weeks ago (Specialized Turbo Levo Comp), I live in the lake district and hence lucky to have loads of great routes on my doorstep. eMTB is great but I still love my analogue bike - the beauty is being able to mix them up one day legs only and next eMTB - more biking! Apart from going further and getting up stuff I cannot under just leg power (or at my limit) the eMTB is great for building aerobic fitness its just like being on a cross training machine - big work out without the stress on the joints with bike retuned to 25% assist is perfect. Extra weight of bike is big bonus on down hill too - well planted and carries momentum.

Rus D
Rus D - 16.06.2023 16:38

Combined heart rate. Absolute nonsense.

Curved Slightly
Curved Slightly - 15.05.2023 15:52

My issues with ebikes are
1. they have a range, once you're batteries dead, you've had it, you can 't ride it any more, you are fighting the motor's resistance (detent torque) it's not that the bike's heavy.
2. they top out, 26kmh is not fast enough on decsents, I've founf many times I'm just coasting on DH as I'm fighting the motor, I can undrstand the limit for roads but 26kmh is just to low.
3. The bike is worthless if the battery won't hold charge, you probably won'y be able to find another battery to replace it becasue of advances.

Curved Slightly
Curved Slightly - 15.05.2023 15:49

I like the fact I can take my battery out, I can stick it on the roof rack, it's then less nick-able and I can charge it on the beck rather than plugging in a charger into a muddy socket.

Curved Slightly
Curved Slightly - 15.05.2023 15:48

I think the low power bikes are for people who don't really want to submit to an ebike.

Curved Slightly
Curved Slightly - 15.05.2023 15:44

A GMBN beanie?

Bob Dobbs
Bob Dobbs - 09.05.2023 03:49

Fitness plummet ? C'mon compared to what? How about I just purchase a motocross bike and ride to the top of a hill and then jog the level path or, better yet, ride to the top of the hill and jog while pushing the motocross bike? Hmmm, now that I think of it, that just might be a new fitness routine! 😆

thefathippy - 30.04.2023 10:20

Battery removal? More choice. To me, the advantage is being able to carry a spare for those really long days. A larger extender, if you like. Leave it at home for shorter runs. 😎 Up to full power small battery, up to full power effective large battery (via 2 small), or up to full power effective mid-range battery (via small plus extender), in one bike seems like a consumer win to me.

I guess you could also have two small plus an extender, or two humungous (plus extender) if you want to get silly...🤔😁🤷‍♂️

Todor Vassilev
Todor Vassilev - 26.04.2023 16:57

about the fitness... well I can't just agree. Few days ago I was on a test drive on EMTBs. My and my friends brought analog bikes as well. There was a guy who's fitness level was so low he couldn't do 1 loop without pushing the bike 80% of the climb. However he managed to do 5 loops on a full power EMTB in trail mode.... I absolutely do not believe that you can use full power emtb to improve fitness level.

elliot330 - 26.04.2023 12:50

I'm 50 years old, 26 stone, 360lbs, 165kg and went out last night and did 20 miles on my E-Mtb and loved it. Could I do that unassisted and enjoy it. Not a chance, so for me, it gets me out and exercising where as an analogue bike wouldn't - long live the e-bike :-)

Bill McMillan
Bill McMillan - 26.04.2023 01:49

E-bikes are not allowed at my favorite mtb area but I’m 68 going to get e-bike and ride it at my favorite riding area!

Adrian Silesian
Adrian Silesian - 22.04.2023 13:13

Well said! Especially with the last topic. Plus this encourages you to ride more and more E-bikes are the future

Greg - 19.04.2023 18:46

I rode my Fuel EXe with a large group of people on regular MTB. I rode in the least assists possible, and let an MTB set the pace. I stayed with the pack and never felt like we were going too slow. When the other MTB riders felt like they were redlining their heart rates on big climbs, I felt tired but comfortable. Overall, nobody cared I was on an eMTB and we all had a blast riding together.

JerryOfTheBikes - 19.04.2023 15:07

most important is to not buy bike with shimano motor ;] When warranty ends and your motor fail then the only thing is to buy new motor.. because these are non serviceable units, shimano don't sell any parts to that motors! This is electrowaste and should be banned!

Neil Bower
Neil Bower - 19.04.2023 14:58

I took the plunge a year ago & have never ben happier. I love the range I get for my Trak Rail & I deffo ride further & herder than I did on my non eMTB. Get a lot os negative comments for others e.g. it's cheating, or even being told that it diminishes their riding as they did it under their own steam etc. I've decided to not even engage in such stupid, pointless arguments for now on. What do you guys think?

kayakutah - 18.04.2023 17:15

I'm 70 and ride in Utah. Here in the Wasatch range, riders over 65 (or disabled) can ride an ebike anywhere. I expect that rule to loosen up. I have noticed that when I ride with my wife and keep my heart rate in a lower range, it makes me stronger and faster on rides where I open up. I'll likely get an ebke this year and I expect it will actually improve my fitness because I'll be able to stay in a more fitness-oriented HR zone.

Island Aerial
Island Aerial - 17.04.2023 19:59

If you buy a Bosch powered eMTB, you may be disappointed by their reliability. I certainly am
I had to purchase a DU after the 4th one gave up.

Darren Winstanley
Darren Winstanley - 16.04.2023 12:34

Great vid! Just what I've been waiting to watch and learn, I've now decided to buy my first emtb, it's between the new Orbea Wild and the new Cube hybrid one55 SLX, look forward to hearing your thoughts on the Cube.

Christian Millet
Christian Millet - 16.04.2023 01:46

Riding my ebike reminds me the good times of riding my enduro motorbike. Riding technics, lines, fun going up and down, speed...All good🤩

Duncan Mc Goo
Duncan Mc Goo - 15.04.2023 23:46

A 7-year-old and a 19-year-old were killed in a house fire Monday that officials said was caused by an e-bike battery.

The fire began on the first-floor vestibule of an Astoria, Queens, apartment building located on 46th Street and quickly spread to the second floor, where a man and his six children lived, according to local news outlet WNBC.

Aided by multiple neighbors, the father was able to escape with several of his children after climbing through a second-story window.

Craig Weightman
Craig Weightman - 15.04.2023 23:23

I'm getting a bit fed up of emtb channel and emtb owners having to justify owning a ebike if the amish brigade don't want to buy one then don't but don't take the Mickie out of people who do need to or want to own one.

russell zauner
russell zauner - 15.04.2023 23:04

hub motor = regen
mid drive = no regen
Regen doesn't matter if it's flat where you ride/live.
Regen can significantly extend your range without adding weight if you have a lot of hills or have to go up/down one BIG one.
If you can also enable regen braking it can save a lot on your brakes when you're going down long/steep grades - I'm looking for dyno brakes for my mid drive bike not to get power back (a bonus) but to keep my brakes from fading/failing on, again, long/steep grades.

M B - 15.04.2023 18:26

Your best and most useful video to date. Keep it up.

Ryzza5 - 15.04.2023 08:31

There's so much focus on high-end EMTB components which is fine, except there doesn't seem to be a trickle down effect over the years allowing beginners to get a basic dual-suspension mid-motor EMTB for a lower price, for the occasional offroad deviation whilst mostly focusing on paved paths, firetracks, etc.

Peter Thomson
Peter Thomson - 15.04.2023 07:57

I need to remove the battery so it doesn't freeze in the winter. I can't store the bike in a heated area.

Henry Lynar
Henry Lynar - 15.04.2023 06:49

Can you guys do a test running an e-bike only on a 160wh range extender. I’m interested in the ability to use an e-bike after flying somewhere with it. 🤙

DRC - 15.04.2023 04:04

I'm 66 now and purchased a e-bike last year, which was fantastic. I can now keep up with the young guys in our group who are mid 20's. I tend to ride eco with the group, but when I'm out on solo rides, I ride a whole lot further and much faster, and come back as tired as though I was on a analog bike. In some ways more so, because it's a far bigger upper body work out on technical trails because of the speed and distance. Up hills become almost as pleasurable as downhills. Although I rarely use the higher power settings, there are times were it comes in handy. I still fat bike all winter on a analog bike, but slow down the younger crowd on climbs. That isn't always the case on descents, which is the best part of biking. An e-fat bike is next on the list. I was going to do a trip to Arizona and Utah, but canceled plans because they don't allow e-bikes on mountain bike trails. A gang of us were planning to go ride in Michigan this summer, but ended up canceled that trip because that state doesn't allow e-bikes either. Land of the free, I don't think so.

Jim M
Jim M - 15.04.2023 03:48

eMTB’s are prohibited on most of my local trails. By the same token, no one is really going to care if someone is responsibly AND respectfully riding an eMTB on them.
As most trails are multi-use, analog MTB’rs should ride the same way.

Also, what’s an example of a LOW POWER eMTB?

Lastly, wouldn’t the biggest advantage to a removable battery be charging when away from home?

Attila Geréb
Attila Geréb - 15.04.2023 00:46

The music is too loud, annoying.

Eddie Rivera
Eddie Rivera - 14.04.2023 22:48

I have 2 e-bikes now after riding hardtail’s for 50 plus years never had a full sus till I bought the e-bikes. I must say that I ride my older external battery one more than the other internal one. The internal ones may look nicer and more modern but they are a pain in the A@@s.

Way to many different mounts and bolts and just a hassle. Not being able to remove it is also pointless and stupid at best I do all my own work so don’t want to fight to get at internals if need be. Ok for the amateur that takes his bike to the LBS for even a flat. More important is how the bike handles and GEO, looks take second within reason of course. 60 NM is the sweet spot for me.

VK Rides
VK Rides - 14.04.2023 21:52

Ebikes are just better!💪🏽😃

lee wilson
lee wilson - 14.04.2023 21:12

Anyone know anything about bikes to tell me which of the below is best value for money

Cannondale Moterra Neo 3 2022

Cube Stereo Hybrid 160 HPC SLX 750

Both same price 5k

GH - 14.04.2023 19:37

Top Man . Another great video 👍

Bert Schuh
Bert Schuh - 14.04.2023 19:27

I purchased a Norco Bigfoot VLT1 efatbike in early March. I'm 71 and with my analog fatbike I would ride the easy, less hilly sections of my local winter fatbike trails, once or twice per week. With the efatbike I rode the entire network 16 of the 1st 19 days that I had it! I love it!

Todd Degiovanni
Todd Degiovanni - 14.04.2023 17:36

What most people don’t get is that riding an ebike is a different experience requiring you to have different expectations than riding an analog bike…both have their time and place. Having said that, I must admit when deciding what experience I’m looking for I find myself throwing my leg over the ebike (or as my wife refers to it, the 100% fun bike) more frequently.

sled 519
sled 519 - 14.04.2023 17:04

Don't we need to be able to remove the battery if we were ever to travel by air with our e-bikes? Or am I wrong on this?

Kaltonian - 14.04.2023 16:15

yes i agree somewhat regarding the lack of advancement in e-bikes but they certainty advance in leaps & bounds on price...!

Knights Templar
Knights Templar - 14.04.2023 16:08

I’ve not noticed any drop in fitness riding me e-mountain bike whatsoever just the only thing I have noticed is I have no joint strain whatsoever which is a massive plus +

Falasi4 - 14.04.2023 16:01

We had a good turn of weather this week and I got to ride my eMtb 2 days in a row. Both outings more than triple what I would have ridden on my non-emtbs and I rarely use a setting higher than 2 (out of 5 on giant trance e+). I feel like my handling and general tree dodging skills are advancing rapidly with the higher avg speeds and extra distance. When I ride my Anthem (analog) with only 100mm travel and totally different geometry it feels like I'm pushing that bike harder and getting more out of what little suspension it has.

Lozzy E
Lozzy E - 14.04.2023 15:41

Wot Steve said on pretty much every point. I've got 2 eMTBs now, have done 2500 miles in the last 12 months on my second bike alone and loved every single minute of it. I'm so, so much fitter now, my friends barely recognise me. Full power every day of the week for me, even though I only ever ride in eco, just because of the extra range you get with the big battery. If you're still in two minds, take my advice and take the plunge on the best eMTB you can afford, you won't regret it.

Kim White
Kim White - 14.04.2023 15:39

Removing a battery is important for those that intend or do fly with their bikes. Hence getting Kenevo SL’s, with this I can remove the battery and fly with extenders

Pedro Magal
Pedro Magal - 14.04.2023 15:30

Everything you said is true 👍🏾

Luke Dangles-McKenzie
Luke Dangles-McKenzie - 14.04.2023 15:11

Mine has a removable battery, but they made it so painful that you really don't want to bother. You need to flip it upside down.

jeanmarc_in_hudson - 14.04.2023 15:07

Interesting comments, I guess age & lifestyle might be a factor when it comes to fitness. For me, an ordinary guy with decent fitness level, stressing my heart to its max in Zone 5 isn’t a good option anymore. E-mtb works great, I get to choose my target training zone, going uphill or downhill, and enjoy all rides which makes me ride more often. 👍

Cybermacy - 14.04.2023 15:07

Battery removal. One extremely valid reason for that is commuting in cold weather, I mean actually cold, like -20 celsius degrees. I don't have a car and I use my bike for everything all year round, commuting, grocery trips, mountain biking etc. and that means I have to leave my bike outside sometimes. I don't want to leave my battery in the cold for 8 hours 5 days a week. Battery removal is one of the first things I look for in an e-bike, if it doesn't have it, I'm never going to even consider buying it.

There are different kinds of bikers out there. Not everyone is like you, drive a car, bike for a minute and then drive back. What an absolutely ignorant take.

stefano ath
stefano ath - 14.04.2023 15:00

Well the only thing is why seat post, t type transmision, smart shocks are not integrated on ebike battery. Will avoid using so manny batteries on the bike, see.
1 for transmision
1 for dropper post
1 for front shock
1 for rear shock
1 for light.

Garry Haines
Garry Haines - 14.04.2023 14:50

Well after getting my Cube HPC SL 160 and upgrading to what I want I am always on it if it’s on the trails or just riding round town. For those who say you don’t get fit try riding a EMTB with motor off trust me that will get you fit and appreciate the motor assist when you do use it.

Steven Hyndman
Steven Hyndman - 14.04.2023 14:24

I must admit, I train on my e-bikes differently. I do a 30 or 50 mile ride as fast as possible, working out how much power I can get away with without running out of battery. Si I try and ride as fast as possible. I can hold my training zone's for longer plus faster, and can assure you if you want a really good workout. You can have it on an e-bike. People say they make you lazy and slow. It's not the bike that makes you slow, it's you. I've owned e- bikes since 2016, I just wish we could fast forward a few years where everyone has one. It's coming, it's the future. 👌🏻👍🏻 can't wait to see the new offerings from Specialized, coming soon .
