100 TINY Ways to Simplify Your Life »  Minimalist Tips for a SIMPLE LIFE

100 TINY Ways to Simplify Your Life » Minimalist Tips for a SIMPLE LIFE

A to Zen Life

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@mollyb7305 - 09.12.2023 02:01

Everything you said concerning the digital clutter was 👍🏼👍🏼 so important, and easy to overlook

@heyokaempress6830 - 14.11.2023 07:52

Just here to note the irony of the title 🙏🏻

@VanitasToAqua - 07.11.2023 10:16

Writing down your passwords is a very bad suggestion security wise. The biggest issue in security is the weakest person in the chain, and generally it boils down to someone who has their password on their desk.

If you want to make password management easier user a password manager (there are several ones, some free some paid eg Keepass / Dashlane / lastpass ) and with these you need to remember one strong password only and all your passwords are accessible and securely stored

@ericapulley2802 - 03.11.2023 21:44

Purging my purse that is something that I hadn't thought of doing! Thank You!

@sherirodriguez209 - 21.10.2023 01:31

I just found you, binge watching as I declutter/reorganize my closet! I love your voice and your attitude. Sad to learn you lost your Mother at 9
years old at the same time curious who raised you. Whoever it was did an excellent job. You seem extremely level headed, intelligent and responsible. May I add a great Mom too!! Just my observation…

@johnnail532 - 24.09.2023 04:43

Be careful on decluttering things like old phones- my wife passed away last year and I have been able to retrieve a lot of things like old texts, pictures, etc from them

@user-wt3ml5et4n - 04.09.2023 23:28

You may not see this, as it is an older video, but I have donated books and moved recently and got rid of more. I do have books I haven’t read in more than 10 years but I am keeping those, but to stop adding to my books, I got a kindle, so I can add to them but not to my space. I really love your channel

@summerlavender17 - 04.09.2023 03:22

Tiny thing that has saved me a little time and sanity not having to dig in my purse: I keep a (really cute) cosmetics bag that has all my everyday makeup, a small face cream, eye cream, eye drops... I keep it in my vanity area, but if I'm running late for work I just drop it in my purse and then do my makeup in the car. It's always ready for overnight trips too. It's also helped my makeup last longer because it doesn't get beaten up in my purse.

@virginiagrenier8572 - 31.08.2023 22:51

My shirts are all hung on hangers. I only take from the right (right = right one to take) and when something comes through the laundry it gets put on the left (left= left for later). When I come across something on the right that I hesitate to wear, I take the time to figure out why. Is it too big, too small, does it not hang right on me? Then I figure out if I can fix that problem or not. If I can, it gets put into the mending pile with a note of what needs to be done to it. If I can't, it goes in the give away pile.

@blucation6060 - 30.08.2023 12:21

Thank you! I once heard Cher say, ‘’if you haven’t worn something in a year then get rid of it.” I tried it, and was finally able to rid my life of clutter.

@Bennythesupersnooper - 20.08.2023 09:38

I make sure I have 3 home loan offset automated amounts -
1. Main Income & Expenses
2. Emergency fund 10% of wage
3. Splurge account 10% All amounts bring down the interest being paid weekly on my home loan 💵

@QoraxAudio - 13.08.2023 14:25

There's just one thing you need to do to significantly simplify your life: don't chase a career.
Chasing a career is what society wants of you, it wants you to produce output, just like machinery in a factory used to do.
Try to do what brings value to yourself, instead of serving employers.
Serving employers should be a secondary priority, or lower.
Work to live, don't live to work.

Oh and about point 19: you should NOT make the bed - it needs to be open for some time in order to let it dry. People evaporate a lot of water through the skin during the night, which goes into the bedding. It needs to dry properly, otherwise you risk getting bedbugs and other crap.

About subscriptions: you should try to avoid those in general. recurring costs without any end result vs actually buying a product is basically consuming money vs investing money.

@solitarypilot1482 - 03.08.2023 17:29

I was brought up in a conservative household, and we were frugal by nature. So many of these tips are followed by us automatically from a force of habit. I didn't know these had names too. You also gave me additional tips, and few tweaks to the ones we already follow. So thank you for this. Great video!

@WhereIsDustin - 29.07.2023 19:35

Lots of words of wisdom here! Thank you Marissa!

@priscillaleung4396 - 18.07.2023 18:13

If you only wash your clothes when they have smell or really dirty, you’ll need to put it somewhere separated from the clean clothes. That means, you gotta need somewhere else to place them temporarily.

I live in HK where living space is very scarce which makes it almost impossible to do so.

@siuhoahambaliroehrig6922 - 11.07.2023 14:52


@marylut6077 - 06.07.2023 13:29

“Digging in my huge purse like a prairie dog” 😂

@puppypoet - 21.06.2023 17:45

You have helped me so much with decluttering. My having ADHD makes decluttering so hard, and you have been spot on with guiding me!

@sleeplessinchicago9082 - 12.06.2023 20:08

This is an amazing list to live by. The only thing I might add would be spending more time in nature. Japanese have even coined a phrase "forest bathing" to express their aesthetic and emotional reflection on the aspect of nature appreciation.

@babymia334 - 08.06.2023 18:08

American express high yield savings for the win!

@sarahmilesi4922 - 06.06.2023 22:37

Major improvement...get rid of your husband😂

@brits.4581 - 01.06.2023 16:57

I get I’m commenting on a year old video but I hear this a lot from minimalists and feel like it’s not true for most millennial and gen z folks… the money on my card is tracked. I see every mistake I buy and it keeps me in line. When I have cash on hand. It’s the “free money”. Usually family gives it and no one can track what I do with it. Long story short, cash is what I spend loosely waaaayyyy more than my card.

@Hexe.Mueller - 25.05.2023 17:18

Little Germany Shirt😊 best greetings and all the best for you and your family from Germany ❤❤❤

@karineanderson1670 - 21.05.2023 03:42

I too make my bed every day. The act is simple, neat and can be your first accomplishment for the day. ❤

@shaunadean6602 - 18.05.2023 04:27

1. check. I really never follow the trend or brands. That's why I'm always the one oddly dressed at a party. But who cares. People know me well enough to say anything LOL
2. check. OMG, that is sooo difficult. Because I never buy clothes I don't really like. I still have a room full. Yup I needed to change a room as a wardrobe
3. Yup I Kondo'ed my clothing
4. Ive been doing VIBGYOUR (thats how I remembered the colors in primary school) for years
6. Yup . I reduce washing because Ive got a room full of clothes. SO only when the basket is full do I wash
21. I dont keep an expenditure budget but I put a standing instruction for the bank to save 1500 every month to a financial scheme. So I dont get to touch that money which is also a savings scheme for emergencies

50 points doesnt exctly simplify my mind let alone. 100. Thanks anyway for giving me a few minutes off from my routine

@spoiledwitch82 - 16.05.2023 08:46

I can never click in links people post in the video why?

@MykKessler - 12.05.2023 23:58

Don't just write down your password. Use an encrypted password manager like Bitwarden. Life changing.

@pizzapartytime1826 - 11.05.2023 01:22

Once I wear my outfit I can’t wear it again until I wash it

@TuwinDiane - 09.05.2023 20:31

I have a donation box (actually 2 when I need it); I got rid of the things that older relatives insisted I take as they downsized or when someone died. I go thru my clothes at the end of every season and if I didn't wear it - out it goes. Got rid of old pictures of people that no one will know when I die. Pictures I kept are in a box, no frames unless it can hang on a wall.

@AlexHider - 05.05.2023 09:22

For me, it’s “there is no bad time to clean”. If you get a sudden urge to clean at 11 PM while you wait for rice to prepare on the stove, well, there’s no better time than now. Those 10-15 mins you can devote to small tasks are more impactful than you think.

@allegrarestellidellafratta5124 - 03.05.2023 21:13

While I get the hustle, 50 ways to simplify your life was a good enough title.

@skybaby444 - 03.05.2023 17:39

Since you are living in Germany, you’ve got to know about airing out your bedding, hanging it out the window. If you just close it up, it’s gonna be stanky.

@joancollins6207 - 30.04.2023 02:16

My tiny tip to simplify my life is to actually schedule in self care and me time. I practise mindfulness and wellbeing several times a day and check in with myself as to how I'm feeling, and what I need/want to do for myself to show up and live my best life.
Have just discovered your channel and have been binge watching many episodes. The content really resonates deep within me! Thank you. 🙂

@ARolls-dd2zd - 29.04.2023 19:30

The hardest things for me to overcome are the "waste not want not" and the money I spent on the item, it feels like throwing away money. Also serious illness and multiple clothing size changes from dieting and rebounding and dieting again, and thoughts about the pandemic lockdown that I didn't wear certain items because of that, but maybe I will now. Any advice would be much appreciated.

@Buildingup2020 - 25.04.2023 23:45

I only buy what I LOVE and actually will wear, what will go well with what I already have.

And I more frequently go through every room in the house, grabbing and donating what I don’t use or like anymore. It frees up time! Love living more simply! ❤

@carrie5813 - 20.04.2023 01:12

The potential hobby collection is a big one for me….thanks for mentioning this one. I need to get rid of hobby type stuff I don’t ever use.

@kaimukifiddler3582 - 18.04.2023 03:30

I've been folding and storing vertically since inheriting a shallow drawer dresser. So fast picking your fave tee when you can see them all instantly.

@liudizzle - 12.04.2023 06:19

I just had to see how you could squeeze 100 tips into a 20 minute video

@acajudi100 - 02.04.2023 21:57

Get rid of the annoying bleep sounds please. Excellent video otherwise.

@acajudi100 - 02.04.2023 21:54

I always packed up my stuff, labeled the container with a number, and used index cards to write down the stuff in the container. I paid to have my apartment of almost 24 years emptied,

Since age 15, I have done written, audio and video journaling, and I am now in my 81st year.

I wear Hawaiian shirts, dark pants od black dresses no underwear since retirement. lol
It is70% less expensive living in Queretaro, safer and cooler.

@emerystodden2522 - 01.04.2023 23:10

For my wardrobe, I started using The Daily Connoisseur’s ten item wardrobe concept. I only wear those few pieces over and over. If I find myself not wanting to wear something that much or if I wear it for a day and find myself not loving it, I’ve been donating it. My hope is to pair down my wardrobe so much that my husband’s out of season clothes can totally fit in my dresser because I don’t need all the space

@NTGreekGal - 01.04.2023 18:56

Another great financial voice in addition to Dave Ramsey is Mary Hunt.

@allieverdora3079 - 01.04.2023 14:04

I started throwing out the boxes I bought my stuff in, whether it be gadgets or jewelry. It was taking SOOO much space for no reason
I also repurpose shoe boxes for storing stuff in my drawers. In the end, everything looks clean and simple

@NALasiuk - 30.03.2023 21:25

Okay... Passwords: I have Google Sheets (online spreadsheet) with all my login IDs and Passwords. Generally passwords are "coded" so that I'm the only one who knows what the code means.

IE. Password: Last1234-Name Code: L1234-N I know that L means Last and N means Name

With google sheets I have the app on my phone. I have access to this spreadsheet anywhere that my phone works or I can get internet access. Im' never without access.

@NALasiuk - 30.03.2023 21:19

I bank with Ally. I get 3.5% on my Money Market and Savings accounts. It's better that any other rates.

Turning off the lights: get smart pugs and have Alexa or Google turn off your lights as you leave the room or house. I truly HATE turning lights off as I have 3 levels and going up and down the stairs is A LOT OF WORK!!!

@jmsl_910 - 29.03.2023 01:26

my closet "rainbow" is black, blacker, blackest!

@helenkornilova9849 - 25.03.2023 09:03

Simplifying your life: START SAYING NO - to people, things, situations.

@isabellagigek - 23.03.2023 15:01

Thank you so much!!

@marieschneider13 - 22.03.2023 04:32

Funnily enough, I hung my clothes in rainbow order for a while as I tried to simplify my day-to-day life and keep to easy routines, but I found that it was stressing me out because I had to look at the color of everything after putting in the effort to just sort and put them on hangers. So now they just go in! I don't have many clothes, so I can always find what I'm looking for, and it takes much less time than it used to, and is much less stressful
