7 Secrets of The Hebrew Ten Commandments

7 Secrets of The Hebrew Ten Commandments


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@michaelbaker7499 - 07.12.2023 01:45

Where's "Do not cook a young goat in its mother's milk"?

@bubbahottep8644 - 06.12.2023 08:26

They sure sound like commandments to me. As for the implication that property rights were not part of Hebrew culture, there is that pesky Thou Shall Not Covet, command.

@mikelnu8224 - 05.12.2023 19:58

I am always amazed that Christians seem so focused on the Hebrew Testament (10 commandments) and not on the words of Jesus...eg: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” or Go, sell what you have, give it to the poor...or the Beatitudes... As a believer I am much more concerned with trying to live by the words of Jesus than I am by laws from the Hebrew Testament. But I guess "Blessed are the peacemakers...." might be a bridge too far.

@SF-ru3lp - 05.12.2023 00:18

Loved the video. Thank you. G Ire

@haneefmuhammad - 04.12.2023 21:19


@fivebooks8498 - 04.12.2023 20:49

The Hebrew word translated as Steal does mean to steal according to every concordance. It can also mean kidnap which is the same thing only refers to the stealing of a person instead of property. It appears in the Bible 39 times and in some instances it refers to stealing stuff and in some instances it refers to kidnapping people.

@fivebooks8498 - 04.12.2023 20:44

If it’s not mentioned in scripture then it’s just someone’s guess.

@user-js7mu6ey8v - 04.12.2023 11:12

The whole law was given to moses on the mount and was written on the tablets. As it reads after Moses came down from the mount that it states the same. Not just the ten sayings. It is funny how that part is not taught or even looked into. Because that would change things abit.

@listenup872 - 03.12.2023 17:32

Wiw. This fella kind of reminds me of the Serpent in the garden who said, " Aye has God said?". Questioning the word of God.

@v1rleks - 03.12.2023 16:05

The Bible has a lot of text open to interpretation in order to be the infallible text of God

@jean-paulsignoret5467 - 03.12.2023 05:30

The atrocities committed by Israel for the last 75 years starting in (1948 Al-Nakba) on the indigenous population show that Israel is not a Jewish state but a Zionists state and most Palestinian would have a greater amount of Jewish D.N.A. then the average new invider

@goatboy150 - 02.12.2023 21:13

God: <gives Ten Commandments>
Jews: "That's not what He meant."

And, here we are.

@freedomofsci - 02.12.2023 18:24

Don't confuse Judaism and their traditions and magic with the Hebrew people of the Exodus

@yvonnephillips3888 - 02.12.2023 10:48

The King James Bible used today is not the same as the original King James translation. Not the same spoken language. The "original" version is is in ancient Arabic.

@timl8302 - 02.12.2023 08:22

I heard the "Kill' was a mistranslated. I is murder. Not the rest. 🤔

@emmahardesty4330 - 02.12.2023 01:44

Thanks, another good eye-opener.

@jairusvanberg5687 - 02.12.2023 00:59

This is a fantastic video!

@oldreprobate2748 - 01.12.2023 22:18

Zionism gives no accountability to the Jewish Laws.

@ramishafran3977 - 01.12.2023 20:27

Very cool video a couple mistakes though it is not the asaret hadibrim it is the aseret hadibrot in the female tense also Judaism does differentiate murder and manslaughter for mirder u r killed and for
Manslaughter you must go into exile in a designated city or else the family of the dead can kill u

@mackeyhensley8369 - 01.12.2023 05:59

So. What did Jesus have to say about the greatest commandments? Learn it and live it.

@WgB5 - 30.11.2023 21:54

I have 4 variations of Jewish bibles, and none of them agree with you. As we all know the first commandments are about our relationship with God. Tho forth transitions. and the rest are about how we treat each other. Do not steal remains so, do not commit adultery, remains so. And many of us have known that do not kill refers to murder- all you have to do is keep reading the Bible, maybe look up sanctuary cities. There has always been a distinction between intentionally killing someone, and accidentally doing so. Then there is the sad state of war- an art I wish I had never learned.

@gloriagarza6823 - 30.11.2023 19:08

Peace. Also, please consider incorporating: Yahuah's Name (Name this Mighty One chose for Himself!) rather than LORD (latter is direct translation from, 'Baal');
Rather than 'God(s) -- Awluahym (awe-looo-ah-heem) (Mighty Ones).
Much has been obfuscated... Peace.

@genotriana3882 - 30.11.2023 16:28

The Hebrew Bible clearly defines the difference between intentional murder and manslaughter. Whether or not a weapon was used is one of the key factors.

@hezcobar - 29.11.2023 19:29

Thank you so much

@Z3nHolEminD - 29.11.2023 10:42

And the irony of his 10 laws >> It killed Jesus

@almazchati4178 - 29.11.2023 08:50

These commands are polytheist.

@livingwater8362 - 28.11.2023 06:18

“Now why would a king who is sponsoring a translation of the Bible in order to cement his political power be interested in rebranding this list as The 10 Commandments? 🤔.... “

Sir, maybe this could be why: “ In each case, though דָּבָר could be translated as "words" or "sayings," its most natural and reasonable meaning in context is that of a "commandment" of the Lord or of a powerful human being such as a king. These are "sayings" that are meant to be obeyed. In other words, they are edicts, or in more common English, commandments.”

And “ Later English translations of עֲשֶׂרֶת הַדְּבָרִים as "the Ten Commandments" are therefore neither mistranslations nor innovations, but draw on a usage long established in the Hebrew and Greek Bibles themselves.”

God bless.

@alanmacification - 27.11.2023 20:39

That's not only the " English " version. It's the American English Protestant version. It's a fine example of how lies cause schisms. If gods were real there would only be one religion . . . or none.

@joaodavid2001 - 27.11.2023 16:01

What were you expecting, if Christians think are so better than Jews, even at interpreting the original Hebrew Bible?

@icypirate11 - 27.11.2023 09:32

Exodus 34 is the "original" ten commandments.

@in6daze - 27.11.2023 05:43

Another fact about the 10 Words: they were not written in the block letters we often see Hebrew written in today, but rather in Palaeo-Hebrew a letter system which later became the basis for the Greek and Roman alphabets.

@in6daze - 27.11.2023 05:41

That comment that manslaughter and murder were one and the same doesn't match what I have read in Scripture. If manslaughter and murder were considered the same, then why were those who killed another person accidentally given cities of refuge to flee to from the avenger of blood? Also, murderers were not protected if they fleed to a city of refuge and found by the judge of that city to be guilty.

@TEA-Talks - 25.11.2023 21:08

Yes. Please share more on this.

@jeroennagtegaal2686 - 24.11.2023 15:48

Thank you for an insightful video. What always amazed me is how even within Christianity the Ten Commandments are not the same. The protestants and Catholics have slightly different versions. The Catholics for instance have only three Commandments dealing with the relation between God and men (combining the first and second of the protestant Commandments) and the one about adultery is split into two Commandments (You shall not commit adultery and you shall not covet your neighbour's wife). I am no expert on the subject, but it fascinates me how there are some many slightly different versions.
Thanks again for making the video

@shrekisloveshrekislive2090 - 23.11.2023 23:46

Mesopotamians used clay tablets and they didn't carve them either

@pebblesandwoowoo5924 - 23.11.2023 17:36

'Do not kidnap' - Palestinian kids (Muslin AND CHRISTIAN) being kidnapped from Gaza... 'No unethical killing' - bombing Palestinian citizens, 50% children, killing them... WELL someones fuxked up...

Palestine is part Muslim and part Christian. Bethlehem is in Palestine at the wall... make it make sense 🫠 they are living in peace together.

Stop Israeli apartheid. Also "if" your God gave you the area of Juda and you wanna stick to that story then get out of Gaza and stick to those lines.

@thefakewitchdoctor - 23.11.2023 02:56

Thou shalt not use a highlighter on books

@donaldweston9776 - 22.11.2023 23:24

Which Bible translation do you consider to be the most "true" to the original language? I want to get multiple bibles (King James, ESV, Interlinear) for my daughter so she can see for herself how language influences meaning. Thank you.

@LesHaskell - 20.11.2023 04:20

The idea of two duplicate stones is interesting and reminds me of the colonial era concept of indenture. Indenture means contract, and two copies of the contract would be put on one sheet and then the sheet would be cut with indents so the two copies could be lined up according to the indents on the contracts. this is interesting in that the word covenant means agreement and even a contractual agreement. The Old Testament (covenant) is full of examples of that kind of agreement between man and God with God initiating the agreement. It is also significant that eating a meal was a common format to concluding the agreement (Passover, Last Supper, Communion anyone?). Just my two shekels worth.

@jayhill224 - 18.11.2023 18:27

"No killings" of the body and spirit 🙏🏾

@thehypest6118 - 15.11.2023 11:46

Really not that different though is it, semantics are important but what's important here is how the words are taught, a lot of people are going to figure out that God means to not commit murder right

@dw3403 - 14.11.2023 22:01

I had a jewish poster reply to me about how the bibles translations are miss- translated. And we do know that but he said their version does not say commanded. It says and God spoke, now put that with and the word became flesh. Now you can see the connection for the jews of that day to connect with the word and the messiah.
We really need to get rid of the word command because at the same time they preach the still small voice. Double mindedness needs to go.

@mcfixer9503 - 14.11.2023 03:16

Lol, jews say taking someone else's property is fine. imagine my shock
