The Secret List of (soon to be) Extinct Jobs ———sincerely, AI

The Secret List of (soon to be) Extinct Jobs ———sincerely, AI

Tina Huang

8 месяцев назад

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@pythonbrothersandfamily - 04.11.2023 23:05

Learn AI now.

@AnthonyBurback - 07.12.2023 04:41

Laughed super hard when you said new potential jobs are helping "mom and pop pizza stores" add AI ordering

Get real, we're all doomed

@jamescasarella8463 - 07.12.2023 00:57

You are part of the intellectual elite with a very comfortable life. You're just a mouthpiece for Vanguard, Blackrock and international banks

@jamescasarella8463 - 07.12.2023 00:54

You are overly optimistic. authoritarian governments will use AI to oppresss, enslave and then exterminate people

@genuinedickies99 - 06.12.2023 15:25

Don't think your job is safe because it isn't on this list. Those workers need to go somewhere. Nobody will remain unaffected.

@maricelp116 - 06.12.2023 12:53

We will still need humans

@us3rnam3144 - 06.12.2023 08:36

Yeah no hope, AI is just a tool to oppress the have nots, it will just elementate jobs and make the rich richer

@greenthunder1000 - 06.12.2023 07:16

learn a trade. preferably one that cannot be obsoleted.

@8000RPM. - 06.12.2023 06:36

I worked for an automation company. Believe me; AI will replace FAR more jobs than it creates.

@greggbarber - 06.12.2023 06:26

The only truly free people in the future will be crawling ditches trying to avoid skynet!

@miss_pancake - 06.12.2023 05:58

I had saved a lot of your content as reference a long time ago. Then I lost it. Now I re-found you. Now that's inspiration for ya :D
I'm learning all I can on AI and taking baby steps in python. I used to know BASIC (yeah.. lol) and some scripting in Perl for AutoCAD. I'm ready!

@sirwolfy1550 - 06.12.2023 02:22

You’ll always need someone to maintain these AI. Right now a lot of basic calculations are a struggle with it. Though I do worry some of the big wigs worship this thing 😂 It is a tool like a many of the other technology we enjoy and does for us.

Never realized I would end up putting my creative writing skills to use as an AI job.

@ErikBlair - 06.12.2023 00:49

This technology revolution is not the same as revolutions in the past. Shareholder value and profits have become the primary driving force of all business in western countries. This new relationship means employers will seek to eliminate all labor costs any way possible. That's a new trend and it changes everything. Ai, Robotics and Automation are already being planned and developed that will take over most all jobs as fast as possible, potentially in the next 10 to 15 years. That pace may even increase and we might start to see 50% unemployment in the next 5-8 years. The ratio of jobs created vs job replaced will always be in favor of 1 new job for every 100 replaced or more. That's an unsustainable path forward. The solution is many fold, but must include some form of Universal Basic Income (UBI).

@SarAbraxas969 - 05.12.2023 20:37

she doesn't know what she's talking about, why i unsubscribed but now she won't leave my recommended channels

@ohayosumodayton1226 - 05.12.2023 10:34

Learn a skilled trade: plumber, carpenter, electrician, mechanic, truck driver (no there will not be AI driven cars in 10 or even 20 years) and you'll be good.

@ninamartin1084 - 05.12.2023 10:32

Each tech revolution is a powerful tool that brings benefits and negatives. Each revolution tends to concentrate power and wealth into the hands of fewer and fewer people. The move from hunter gather society to agriculture led to the concept of land ownership, food storage and domesticated cats, and mathematics and writing. It is also when we have the first record of enslaved humans. The industrial revolution replaced horses and humans with machines, created appalling pollution and deprivation and severed the connection between people and their lands and communities as populations urbanized. Most of our problems today can be traced to these two revolutions - the first because we have way more humans on the planet than we can sustainably maintain due to the relatively cheap foods that automated big-agro can produce, and the alienation and despair that modern urban populations suffer from all over the world. The two combined have brought us to a place where power and wealth have moved from the land-owning gentry, to the factory-owner, to the corporations whose power and wealth now supercede that of sovereign states. And all this was just as a result of the concept of the corporation, a legal fiction. So the manual worker and his horse got replaced by factory machinery and the train and the car, and the planet's homeostatis got replaced by our current runaway climate death spiral, and everyone thought it was great, unless you worked a dirty and dangerous job and lived in an overcrowded diseased slum in the newly booming cities. Then we replaced the grunt work in factories with robot automation and the resulting blue collar revolt nearly overthrew the world's most prosperous democracy and rule of law as a direct result. What will happen when AI decimates the high-earning jobs, currently carried out by intelligent and well-educated people, remains to be seen. Watch out, clickbaity content creation - AI is coming for you.

@Abstractor21 - 05.12.2023 10:31

I understand your point of view or ar least i think i understand it. But there is one thing you are missing. All those automations still neeed a brain to get the work done. T
You need someone to use all those things you listed. AI is a replace for the brain, so I'm not buying your argument.

Truth is, it will become more and more powerful and it will replace most jobs eventually, it could take a lot of years.
I really hope they dont ban this powerful tool, i reslly hope we can live a world where having a job ks optional.

@caffeineandspite716 - 05.12.2023 07:38

It sounds like we're preparing for a world with a significantly smaller work force... With several potential large scale wars looming on the horizon.

@collinlovas - 05.12.2023 04:34

Very informative presentation — nice job. I learned a lot. Thanks Tina!

@toddg.232 - 05.12.2023 04:20

The difference between AI and all these previous innovations is the the previous ones did not have a brain. A human was still needed to operate or program these innovations. AI can do things itself once it has a simple goal to human needed as AI is a brain. Especially once AI is given a body like Tesla is building

@RobertDrane - 05.12.2023 03:31

AI is a marketing buzzword. Machine learning algorithms, genetic algorithms, mutually antagonistic neural networks - all of this has been around for ages. Remember a year ago when things were going to improve exponentially? Yeah, the smut generation has better hands but that's about it (some scientific applications are useful but nobody was talking about them then or now). Model collapse is already occurring. You can't train an impersonator on its own fabrications, you need a pure supply of authentic human communication and that data pool is already hopelessly polluted.

The only thing we have to worry about is the kind of shit management and executives will try to pull off believing they've eliminated the need for labor. I don't doubt for a second people are already dying in factories because translators are replaced with "AI" on a manager's phone.

Also, any professional coders that I find in these comment sections who believe they're out of a job should just give theirs to me. Your job is to take intelligent ideas from intelligent creatures and translate it into something a stupid machine can do. That's always been your job.

I'm 90% sure the AI fixation is just a way to find something to worry about that's less scary than a total ecological collapse within our lifetimes.

@ChainedFei - 05.12.2023 00:32

Your examples from history are not even remotely accurate as comparisons. The internet is the closest approximation, but this will be 10,000 to 100,000 times more disruptive than even the internet. The computers will maintain themselves and all the activities that they are replacing. There won't be a job replacement. The window of time for "Prompt Engineers" and such are jobs that will themselves entirely vanish within five years.

@isaiahpeebles6422 - 04.12.2023 23:50

I was scared of ai too, but then I got an internship at a big tech company and honestly we were encouraged to use ai to help us become more efficient.

From I can see and this is just a personal observation but the ones freaking out about ai don’t really know what it’s like to work for a big corporation or even smaller ones most technical roles require just more than knowing how to code, write, etc.

Honestly, I can see ai possibly reducing the number of workers required for a certain team for a project within the company. But to just outright replace everyone is almost impossible.

At the end of the day ai someone still needs to tell ai what to do.

Stay blessed everyone!

@ronneymccarthy6448 - 04.12.2023 23:37

Small businesses using AI to take orders, for instance, is still taking jobs. AI is different than other innovations because is meant to be us, millions of jobs will be lost with no replacements.

@LouisianaNative13 - 04.12.2023 18:38

I can not wait until ai replaces Developers. Me and my company is so tired of paying 35 to 150$ an hour for crappy developers.

@Eag757 - 04.12.2023 08:10

Engineers ensure to be an essential key, do not replace folks jobs. The livelihood of many is at stake when new tech os introduced.

@lm2519 - 04.12.2023 06:24

Can someone please PLEASE fix the automated phone menus that every business seems to be using? 10 times out of 10 the automated system can't answer my question and I'm yelling into the phone "Representative" just to talk to a live human. I can't tell you the stress of calling a company and spending a half and hour just to get my issue resolved. Here we're talking about AI taking over the world when it can't even tackle customer service phone calls.

@anilyzerr - 04.12.2023 04:36

good vid. subscribed

@delgrundy - 04.12.2023 04:01

A steady diet Keynesian economics has made this nearly impossible to process. The purpose of labor and trading the proceeds in a market is the abundance of goods and services. To fixate on labor as an end and not a means is an obfuscation. Just imagine if all forms of healthcare we unnecessary. Would life be harder or easier? More or less comfortable? It’s going to take an Austrian school view to get through this.

The point can’t simply be that demand for labor will remain. That misses the point.

@cashed-out2192 - 04.12.2023 01:16

AI can be good.

@MR-backup - 03.12.2023 22:53

Of course technology is neutral, but Humans are not!

@danwoods5105 - 03.12.2023 20:20

This is nice theory with one caveat. Unemployed workers don’t become paying customers. With the speed of AI technical development, retraining workers will be obsolete by the time their new retraining is completed.

@jakedawg253 - 03.12.2023 16:42

Promot engineer is the biggest croc of poop tern I ever heard

@countermeasuresecurityengi9719 - 03.12.2023 15:49

AI content moderators don’t get PTSD🙏

@ourdodgyworld - 03.12.2023 05:57

But the refrigerator, steam engine and light bulb were not intelligent. Ai is intelligent and getting more so all the time.

@intothebeyond8763 - 03.12.2023 04:13

Tech isn't good or bad until it tries to kill all Humans . I get your point of view but the reality is millions of people who aren't in the tech field aren't going to all of a sudden start learning AI. You have people who are used to doing things a certain way and can't change or won't change. All the experts are talking like they can see the future and know how every thing is going to turn out. When we know they have no clue . It's causing unnecessary fear of the tech in society . I would argue that we have nothing to fear until they put AI on quantum processors .

@jamesnicholl4730 - 02.12.2023 18:37

You can see where the catastrophizing is coming from.
It's not just a jobs disruption, AI is a replacement technology for education, and we've largely designed our social mobility ladder around education.
So, we've got an incoming situation where our education systems need to be entirely reoriented, simultaneous with technology created unemployment, and social mobility likely hitting all time lows.
Access to AI is ultimately a capital requirement.
This is about the time even professional/managerial class workers start getting a little bit Marxist.

@newhampshirelifestyle4233 - 02.12.2023 18:14

I have been doing C/C++ Software Development for over 30 years and most of my work in the DOD. AI is NOT replacing Software Engineers. Period. End of story.

@samlyons3552 - 02.12.2023 17:58

hope you did not pay to much for that painting !

@kurtmill9080 - 02.12.2023 12:09

What I personally like about AI is that it forces global government from municipal to federal and international, to stare directly at the fact that our current way of distributing income is not working. These job shortages will force people out of jobs, and as a necessity for their livelihood, it will be vital to provide a basic income for them that is not based on how much they work, but based on their essential needs.
If we fail to do this, we will fail at being basic human beings, and we will fail at making the most out of AI. Because AI does not need to be a power over tool, but rather a shared power tool, and society as a whole can benefit from a tool that allows people to live without working. Pairing AI and social policies that provide people with direct income is the best way to maximize well-being, freedoms and economic development.

I appreciated your video. It is generally applicable for what AI is at right now, but may need to be extended for when we reach the level of General Artificial Intelligence that acts at the same level of mind as a general human being. The look back at history and how it affected Humanity, the Economic growths of the time, and encouraged change and transition, is clear and intuitive.

@moralfuxery - 02.12.2023 05:57

This more fear mongering. Like everything in tech, move with it, or get left behind. Its the industry. Get with it.

@mrmac3971 - 02.12.2023 01:28

couldn't AI make the list and comment

@g-man21 - 01.12.2023 12:16

Sorry Tina, I've now seen Elon Musk and Yuval Noah Harari discussing this...

Both extremely concerned but stating at the same time, that humans will be bored. No jobs and what do with them all.
They said computer games. 😅

This transformation is not like the previous industrial revolutions, unless you are already in IT, you will only really be able to retrain.... In IT.
Try telling that to a truck driver or a supermarket worker or a writer.
Great video you posted though.

@theunwanted6122 - 01.12.2023 10:47

Yep very inspiring another way for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poor.

@Max_Jacoby - 01.12.2023 04:49

Soon they put AI in a robot body and it will gain a crucial ability which is to learn from experience. After that no jobs are safe. Literally. Well, except maybe prostitution but I'm not sure about it either because AI can construct a human-like body and be a perfect lover you never had in your life. AI don't need to kill us, it just has to wait while our population extinct by itself.

@billymartin665 - 01.12.2023 03:11

We will have more technology and more productivity but we will be cast into third world status not guaranteed
