What do you reccomend if you have tried all of this but they still are around lol
ОтветитьMost helpfully video I've seen! Thank you soo much!😁👍💚
ОтветитьI guess diatomaceous earth is out of the question if you recycle your green garden waste through your vermiculture bed.
Le sigh.
What about neem oil? Would that hurt my worms? Weeks later?
This works for spider mites too. 8 cups water 1/4 cup Castile peppermint soap. 1/4 Tea tree oil soap. 1cup 70 , percent Isopropyl alcohol. 1 Tablespoon Hydrogen peroxide
ОтветитьAphids can be a devastating pest. Prevention goes a long way. I always seem to get them on my honeysuckle. Living in the mid-west I will spray neem oil starting in march and usually hit them at least 3 separate times thru march/april. Theres not much more aggravating seeing beautiful flowers form then leaves and flowers curling and distorted just from the aphids. Get the early start and you may get a few or maybe even none.
ОтветитьVery helpful
ОтветитьAnts pimps aphids....😂
ОтветитьI have a butterfly garden, I don’t want aphids on my milkweed either!!!!!
ОтветитьACTUALLY☝🏻it’s possible the reals reason why your nasturtiums (near your alliums) did not have aphids ….was because they were all over your alliums! (…and not because they were so repelled)🧅🪴🌼
I’ve never had much of an aphid problem except for the one time when I tried to grow bunching onions and they were covered in The 🪲jerks 🪲🙄 I had to just pull them all up and throw them away. 👎🏻🙎🏼♀️
Like ant traps, I’ve always found it counterproductive to ATTRACT pests just to kill them.
I used to HATE NEEM… (killed all my plants!) but I’ve figured it out and it works well for me this year.👌🏻
Aphids are great indicators of unbalanced fertility and most commonly an excess of nitrogen. They are actually trying to solve a problem not cause
ОтветитьAphids yearly attack our 100-foot Tulip Tree. The sap (honey dew) rains down, carried on the breeze, on the lawn (adversely affects the grass), patio furniture (sticky), and passing people (annoying). A side issue is that the Tulip Tree canopy is too high for spraying or hosing down, but planting sacrificial plants can decoy attract the aphids away. Thank you for your video.
ОтветитьGood idea thank you.
ОтветитьWhat about dish soap and water in sprayer?
ОтветитьI have a bunch of milkweed by my fountain. I didn’t have an aphid problem with my tomatoes till this year. 😢
ОтветитьI’ve never had a problem with aphids.
Today I found a buttload on my eggplants.
This weekend ima go get a squirt gun/water bottle and mix some stuff up.
Screw ladybugs. Give me some Praying Mantis!!!
ОтветитьI never see ladybugs anymore, only those disgusting orange chinese beatles that infest the home in the fall.
ОтветитьI realize this video is 2 Years old but have a question .... no where do you say that we should treat the nasturtiums for aphids. My trap crop worked and my nasturtium are dying from the aphids. Can i treat to bring back the plant or am i supposed to let it die ? Dumb question i know, but not sure what to do now that i trapped the aphids!
ОтветитьASTOUNDING!!! I planted my first test garden without knowing what I was doing as per the content of this video. On one side of the yard I planted onions and herbs. On the other side of the yard I planted lettuce surrounded by nasturtium. As you say Brian, the nasturtium is being gnawed and the onion grouping is flourishing. I was watching this video to figure out what was happening to my nasturtium. How fun!!! Thank you.
ОтветитьBruh the aphids are mauling my onions and chives 😂
Ответить😅 I want to thank you for the information on getting rid of the aphids in our greenhouse We have tomatoes and bell peppers and they've been doing fabulous but we found two bell pepper plants that had aphas on them and now I found some one of my tomato plants so I'm going to try what you said to do thank you again
ОтветитьActually, it sounds counter-indicative - but aphids (like Tribbles) are born pregnant - therefore you must CONTINUE to kill off 3 generations before finally getting them removed. Also, in other vids, aphids go for high nitrogen plants. If you put on to much nitrogen (chicken poo, high nitrogen fertilizer/compost) - aphids come and suck out the excess nitrogen from the plants, shrubs, and trees. Want NO aphids - don't put high nitrogen raw or un-natured nitrogen in your flower, garden, vineyard, and orchard plants ! Aphids sucking up the excess nitrogen are helping to slow down high-nitrogen fed plants that would grow extremely fast (and lose their stability and strength of stalks, branches, and limbs - and of course spindly plants fall over, snap, break, or with high production volume of fruiting vegs, root vegs, leafy vegs you think you might have high production - but early death of the plant as it has burn out. So aphids are a telling part of the nutritional cycle of your grow areas. Look for aphids and consider that you put too much nitrogen in that area (in the past or currently) ... and don't forget if you have been going behind the barn for a wiss - that uric acid, "wee nitrogen" will also attract aphids, just as much as cow wee, horse wee, sheep wee, goat wee, chicken/duck/goose "chalk" ....
ОтветитьMilkweed is also a noxious weed that will take everything over.
ОтветитьI frigging hate aphids so so much! 🤬
ОтветитьWOW! Thank you for this information! I've been watching your other videos as well, and the tips are so helpful! I've been having a terrible time with Earwigs, ants and aphids but now I have some great information to battle these pests and hopefully save my garden.
ОтветитьAwesome tips here. I recently realized ahpids were attacking one of two perfect lollipop dappled willow trees framing the front door, and ants were present. I used neem oil and diatomaceous earth powder to coat the impacted areas and trunk. The powder seems to have worked because while I can't see aphids, the ants are gone for at least a week now. Hoping I'm safe as long as I keep an eye for ants and if none, perhaps the aphids are gone.
ОтветитьI don't use any commercial fertilizer, don't bring in any nursery plants, and or even from friends. Everything I grow is from last year's seeds. Never had aphids in my entire years of gardening until 3 weeks ago. Was gone to Socal for couple weeks and found my entire leafy green Asian veggies covered with those nasty jeans. Had to destroy entire crop. I've got candy jars for other pests away from my garden area they infested those to a disgusting evil looking things. Guess I'm going to spread diatomaceous powder on my herbs, spices, bittermelons, egg plants ect. So mad! Aphids can be rid of by mixing some dawn original dish soap with water and sprayed on and under leafy greens, rose bushes ect. I treated a friends garden few years back in NorCal. I'm in 9b and my Indian greens thrive every year without much work. I can't eat American leafy greens of any variety such as kale, spinach, ect due to digestive issues. I grow my own potatoes, onions, garlic, ginger, turmeric, Indian herbs, and other spices among my veggies. This video didn't help nor hinder but I gave thumbs up.
ОтветитьYou mentioned about spraying Nimoy oil and also spraying diatomaceous earth. Would it be effective or bad to mix both in one sprayer and get the best of both worlds?
ОтветитьI bought some Hanging Baskets, with mainly Petunias in. I was told that they will love diluted Tomato feed, within 3 days, everything was very stickey, but could not find any aphids. I sprayed anyway. but no change, then I heard a guy on YT say, Petunias are always stickey . ?
ОтветитьAphids are a sign of too much nitrogen
ОтветитьHave you ever used pure crop1?
ОтветитьLesson learned - be wary of the potted herb plants sold in grocery store produce departments. The mint plants I bought had aphids big time - and I never looked! I can't plant my spring garden seeds this year because I can't chance the aphids moving to my seedlings. I think I used stronger words for the aphids than Brain did!
ОтветитьThey arent jerks, they simply enjoy your garden. To the last bite
ОтветитьI have an organic garden and I haven’t been able to grow cucumbers or squashes! I have tried to wipe off the eggs, planted onions, and scallions, covered them with a garden cover, and sprayed them with water. nothing worked! Finally I asked Rodale farm and their suggestion is not to grow these plants for 2 years. Now I have rollypolly bugs in my raised bed boxes and I put the shard stuff on top and it hasn’t done anything for them. They’re ruining my strawberries! I’m so frustrated! The only success I have is lettuce and green beans. 🥹
ОтветитьOh man! By the time I looked… they were covered in aphids! Yuck. Just pulled and threw away?!
ОтветитьCoffee grounds repel ants.
ОтветитьSo I should leave them on my Milkweed plants? Or should I spray them?
ОтветитьThank you for this! Great video, very informative!
ОтветитьCan you plant garlic next to your tree ?
ОтветитьSuggestions for tomatoes and aphids anyone? I had a huge problem with them last year. Going to try Compressed Neem Oil, but currently do not have any. Tried small amt of dish soap and gallon of water last night. Comment about ladybugs - years ago, my son (preschool age at the time) went to a birthday party where they were doing a ladybug "release". Believe it or not, one flew into his ear, and he could hear it, but we could not see it. We went to the ER, they got him into see a doc quickly. The doc waved a light around, and the ladybug flew out.
ОтветитьWhat about aphids on indoor plants? How can I get rid of them?
ОтветитьI have a rooftop garden off 22nd floor which is pretty high...I don't know how aphids got there😮
ОтветитьThey love my Hoyas!
ОтветитьI have aphids so small (and green) on my dill that I didn't even know they were until I brought some Dill in the house to cook with. Left the dill on the counter for a couple of hours. And came back to discover little green specs that to my horror were moving. Spraying water on them and putting through a salad spinner still did not get all the aphids off the dill I brought in. Any suggestions? How can I control a population in my garden that I can't see? Or once I bring them in, how can I make sure I have all the jerks off my Dill? Help!
ОтветитьRock on
ОтветитьI’m growing in Florida yard long beans okra peppers sweet potatoes and peppers my okra has some weird white clumpy stuff on the okra. And I have ants everywhere
ОтветитьCant you plant a onion between each plant you have more onions to keep a phibs away
Ответитьroly polys are the good guys <3