Dream Design Do TV with Zaki Ameer - Why Invest In Properties Under $500k? Episode #8

Dream Design Do TV with Zaki Ameer - Why Invest In Properties Under $500k? Episode #8

DDP Property

9 лет назад

356 Просмотров

http://dreamdesignproperty.com.au Dream Design Do TV with Zaki Ameer - Episode #8. Zaki Ameer went from Zero to a $3 Million Dollar property portfolio with 15 properties in 3 years and he did it with low start up capital. Once a week I ask Zaki a question about how he did it so you can learn from his success...

This week's Question: Why Invest In Properties Under $500k?


Disclaimer: Any financial advice offered in this video is of a general nature and may not be suitable for some people. No individual financial needs or goals have been taken into account in the advice offered, you should always seek independent advice about specific financial decisions.The Interviewee of this video disclaims all and any responsibility or liability in respect of information detailed or omitted (or the consequences thereof) from this video or any other meetings held with the Interviewee .
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