Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis | Mental Health & Personality

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis | Mental Health & Personality

Dr. Todd Grande

3 года назад

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carol King
carol King - 01.09.2023 04:28

This was so well explained by a kind understanding doctor. I am sure the world loved Jackie dearly and like myself will remember exactly what they were doing when the news broke of JFKs dreadful death. She was beautiful, clever and strong to be able to recover enough to
work and take care of herself towards the end of her still young life. God bless her.

@ the gates of dawn...
@ the gates of dawn... - 30.08.2023 23:09

I always thought she was beautiful in her own way. I will never forget her in the motorcade trying to climb out of the vehicle. They announced the death of JFK on the loudspeaker during recess.

ron genung
ron genung - 11.08.2023 18:42

Jackie was in a group of people who were asked "If you could be anyone or anything, who would you be or what would you do?" When it was her turn to answer, she said "A bird." Her husband Jack was once asked to describe his wife in one word. He thought a minute and then said "Fey." "Fey" is a very interesting word---with several meanings and connotations---some quite dark. Jackie once described herself as a "living wound." She had more than her share of traumas but she kept her dignity and the one character trait she possessed that backed up all the others was courage. Good common sense certainly served her well. Dr. Grande, this is an excellent video, done with sensitivity and respect for its subject.

Edward Wong
Edward Wong - 09.08.2023 16:28

I used to pick up my GF at White & Case, the law firm, on W 45th off of 6th Ave, and I used to see her leaving the Double Day office. At night we would often bump into JFK JF and Darryl. My GF also lived in his building at 61 W 62nd St, before he moved downtown. I also bumped into them many times on the eastern side of Central Park near the Met. That seems like a long time ago. An amazing family.

Mrs Bloop
Mrs Bloop - 08.08.2023 06:42

Poor woman. She really experienced a lot of tragic events during her lifetime.

Goldie Samarripa
Goldie Samarripa - 02.08.2023 03:51

You did an excellent task gathering information on Jackie. As well putting it together in a succinct and enjoyable narrative. I'm going to continue to search through your older reviews. This really one was nostalgic from all the literature I read about her in the 80's.

Sandra Atkins
Sandra Atkins - 19.07.2023 06:42

She told her friends JFK was not handsome with his small body and big head. His head and face were probably swollen due to the steroids he was taking for his Addison's disease. Jackie's popularity was due to her youth and fashion sense. Further, her husband's presidency was the first one wherein the media was given much access to the inner lives of the president and hus family. Had he lived, historians said he probably would not win a second term due to his philandering. The news media was going to expose him and his numerous illnesses. Therefore, his image of a youthful, vigorous, healthy family man was going to be destroyed. Comparing his promiscuity in.the White House to Clinton's makes Clinton's behavior look like child's play. We are happy that Onassis made her happy at least for a time, and he freed her from her financial dependence on the Kennedy's.

renee kiez
renee kiez - 14.07.2023 04:26

Dr grande, I’d love to see big Edie and little Edie from grey gardens.

TheMartinick - 14.06.2023 11:46

Jackie was a role model and considered so brave, especially during the loss of her husband. I’ll always remember how the country turned to her during that trying time.

Dulcie Midwinter
Dulcie Midwinter - 08.06.2023 19:32

Never knew what she saw in Aristotle. She had a tragic life though. Kennedy and his affairs and Aris. So not right. I doubt she could have coped with her sons death on top of all of what she went through before. Poor lady and she most certainly was a lady through and through.

Darrell Tucker
Darrell Tucker - 04.06.2023 14:13

She was judging with train let's tell the truth to people judging with train she might have had something to do with a husband getting shot she married on that since I was already arranged marriage when the man got assassinated you need to dig into on NASA's he was a drug dealer he was a drug dealer of the Mediterranean Sea SeaWorld drugs and inside the west and into New York City at a festival and the Jesuits individuals were apart of all of that y'all need to wear them this woman was no angel she was just as harsh as her man was it was like a CIA ex CIA agent wife said they had no morals don't feel nothing for Jackie mr. Kennedy they had no morals y'all want to romanticize they'll rob you steal you and stab you stab you in the back seat with people of no morals no character they just knew how to hide it whatever is hidden will come to the light you can't kill the truth and it will not die don't care how they lived a life nobody that don't want to be saved or give somebody praise that don't deserve no praise and got no spine Makita Angel sucks that she's the Madonna or something this woman was just his whole Patrol women in your city out there selling their I got more respect for the she was a high-class call girl and her husband was a high-class trick and she was on foot patrol one but sophisticated sophisticated hole this is keep it real I'm not going to sugarcoat it I don't care not a part of my life I do have morals and these people just didn't have no morals quit paint it up Kennedy says something about messing with people in power you can burn the devil in you take he ain't going to get you back and I'll come on now let's get real trick let's wake up you burn them people they going to get you if you going to play the game with him keep your word they might let you live if you won't play it again if you can't take the pain don't play the game we know the rules so stop paying it up this a mental illness this is not mental illness this is wickedness in high places wake up trick

todayisnotreal - 23.05.2023 03:06

At 10 mins in: can confirm PTSD with MDD with essentially just a WORSENED form of PTSD
waiting for my antidepressants after being out for 4 days and im dying inside. ha. ahahaha. haha
but thanks dr. grande, i love ur videos! and i love jackie o. a resilient icon

Driftwood george
Driftwood george - 27.04.2023 23:53

Hello Dr. Grande, I was wondering if you could do one on Elizabeth Taylor, her and Jackie O' seem like the same person to me.

Helen Mallory
Helen Mallory - 25.04.2023 16:55

Jackie was The Greatest First Lady this country has ever known today as when she was First Lady She led our Country through horrific times with Grace and dignity unlike no one has ever seen before Jackie had the world on her shoulders literally I'm in awe that she kept her sanity AMAZING HUMAN BEING......

DDiva R
DDiva R - 03.04.2023 20:36

I dont think you mentioned Caroline born in 57

Gerald Walsh
Gerald Walsh - 30.03.2023 13:47

I saw JFK when he came to Ireland,June 1963. Later,i saw Jackie twice when she came to Ireland in mid sixties. They were regarded here as the Irish American Royal Famioy

Gerald Walsh
Gerald Walsh - 30.03.2023 13:44


Anna Coats
Anna Coats - 29.03.2023 07:45

Strange she stole her sister's boyfriend because she thought the JFK money would run out. She also had an affair with her brother-in-law and others. She had a sharp mind for all her financial gain.

hannahm7373 - 28.03.2023 16:51

Her husband had his brains blown out while she was sitting next to him and some of that brain matter splashed on her and her clothes. I think that's more than a qualifying event for PTSD all by itself.

Andi Castro
Andi Castro - 26.03.2023 22:13

I di believe that she was a combat veteran!

Margot Boon
Margot Boon - 12.03.2023 06:10

It should be mentioned in this video that Jacqueline Kennedy also gave birth to Caroline in 1957., 3 years before John Junior’s birth almost to the day . Among the many tragedies she’s bore with tremendous grace, her first pregnancy ended with a miscarriage in 1955 . She soon found herself pregnant again with Arabella, due in September 1956. Although Arabella’s name was not officially recorded after she was delivered stillborn on August the 15th, Jackie was quoted as saying that she had five children in her ten year marriage to President John F. Kennedy. It be ridiculous if she didn’t have bouts of depression and PSTD after so much grief. Yet she was still tremendously engaged in the lives and welfare of her two surviving children and was interested and involved with pursuing and championing the qualities that added value and meaning to life. It is no wonder that Jacqueline Kennedy is regarded as a stellar and beloved historical figure: her legacy goes beyond a First Lady who survived unspeakable tragedy with dignity. She triumphed by thriving

Aidah Di Leoni
Aidah Di Leoni - 12.03.2023 03:26

Jacqueline Bouvier spent her summers at Hammersmith Farm in Newport, R.I. The home of her stepfather Hue D. Auchincloss and her mother Janet Lee. Jacqueline sister was always called Lee. During Lee’s first marriage, she carried the title of Princess Lee Radizwell.

LKH - 08.03.2023 05:50

I am sure the fighting of parents/their divorce/the mother & father showing preferences & tug of wars r%t the kids
Had a start of some personality disorders. Add additional
traumas such as she had / amazing she could function
as well as she did.

Vee Lynn
Vee Lynn - 07.03.2023 18:55

I would say it would be impossible for Jackie Kennedy to NOT have PTSD. She had her husbands brains blown out on her. It took a long time for doctors to catch up on Psych disorders. I wasn’t diagnosed with panic disorder until 1988. Luckily people do not have to suffer as much now with meds available

Alex Wallace
Alex Wallace - 03.03.2023 00:29

I think you did a fairly good job in the analysis Of JKO. She suffered the loss of a few infants, numerous marital affairs of her husband, the public life of a first lady and then the assignation of her husband ,sitting right beside her, and 5 yrs later the assignation of her brother inn law RFK. then she married Onasis who offered her and her 2 children protection. I'm sure she had PTSD and depression.

Kathleen Beltran
Kathleen Beltran - 02.03.2023 13:18

saw her in NYC in 1968...Her beauty was beyond comprehension...flawless..like a doll. Thank you Dr. Gramde for this comprehensive evaluation... Excellent!

Charlotte Fasi
Charlotte Fasi - 27.02.2023 14:08

Your commentary is truly clarifying and fascinating. I was 16 when JFK was elected president and there were endless articles on Jackie and Jack Kennedy during their epoch and many of us devoured all of them. Who would have thought that anything more was necessary. But what you have written here is astonishingly insightful and illuminating. Thank you so much.

Henry Vinson
Henry Vinson - 26.02.2023 15:44


The Stress Theory of Hans Selye
The Stress Theory of Hans Selye - 25.02.2023 10:37

I agree with Jennifer Wilson. The simplest explanation of President Kennedy’s assassination is that he was shot in the face with a pistol by the driver of the presidential limousine, who was a professional gunman. Mrs. Kennedy would never have dared to utter a word about what she saw, because she knew that whoever was responsible for the assassination would have the power to have her and her children murdered as well. Secondly, it is almost never mentioned in the public press that Aristotle Onassis was the professional bodyguard of the Kennedy family. It is no accident that Jackie and her children were moved to a private Greek island for several years after the assassination. Nor is it surprising that Onassis’s “son” Alexander was killed in an unexplained airplane crash during that time. That airplane crash probably resulted from sabotage in an attempt to kill Onassis or Jackie herself. Thirdly, there is no convincing evidence that I have ever found that President Kennedy “cheated” on his wife, as incessantly alleged, to the point of nausea. On the contrary, they were notorious for their “nooners” and there was every indication that their marriage was founded on mutual respect and love. I expect that history will remember them as martyrs. Mrs. Kennedy’s “marriage” to Onassis probably served as a convenient public explanation for the fact that she was obliged to travel with a professional bodyguard at all times. Last, but not least, it is remarkable that Mrs. Kennedy lived as long as she did, considering the circumstances she faced. Emotional adversity directly undermines health and longevity, as explained in my book “50 Years Lost in Medical Advance: The Discovery of Hans Selye’s Stress Mechanism.” One day the Kennedy family will be mentioned in the same breath as the Gracci family of Rome, which recognized the impending doom of the Roman system due to internal corruption, and attempted to introduce measures to curb the corruption and sustain the middle class.

Nancy Smeaton
Nancy Smeaton - 23.02.2023 03:29

Don't forget Caroline!

L L - 21.02.2023 01:54

John looked more like Peter Lawford, Jack Kennedy’s brother in law. But had the Kennedy name. Google it

Rose Gibson
Rose Gibson - 18.02.2023 21:10


Sheila Carey
Sheila Carey - 18.02.2023 02:53

Jacquline Kennedy was a role model for a generation of young women..... nearly 70, I still am grateful for the legacy she left to many.
A woman of grace, courage & tremendous dignity were the hallmarks of her life. She raised two children who were her tribute to John F. Kennedy. It's easy to dismiss this accomplishment...with so very many saying: " well, if i had HER money, I'd be successful too". Look no further than the premature death of several of her nieces & nephew's - also from affluent parents - to recognize what she accomplished raising two very decent children. Not here to argue JFK Jr. decisions to fly; as JFK jr knew- Jacquline was vehemently opposed to him flying.

I am grateful she was not alive to see his death. Regardless of the labels one tries to apply to her, Jacquline Kennedy Onassis was one of a kind. She has no equal.

Socially Distant
Socially Distant - 17.02.2023 18:20

Her father, "...had some trouble regulating his intake of alcohol", yet no discussion of her being an adult child of an alcoholic? Though born into material privilege, this woman was steeped in trauma long before casting her eyes on JFK.

Ladyelaine Fairchild
Ladyelaine Fairchild - 17.02.2023 03:29

Her breathless helpless little girl voice was so annoying and FAKE. People try to excuse it (like everything they do is excused) by saying it was her finishing school, nope, if that were true her sister would have had the same ridiculous voice and she did not. Most telling is watching her speak in French where magically the baby girl breathlessness disappears....

Sylvia's Mother
Sylvia's Mother - 17.02.2023 00:47

She has a daughter, Caroline, born 56/57 and still very much alive!

Raw Bacon
Raw Bacon - 15.02.2023 20:24

JFK - 46.....Jackie - 64.....Patrick - 2 Days.....JFK Jr. - 38.....Aristotle Onassis - 69.....Tina Onassis (first wife) - 45.....Alexander Onassis (son) - 24.....Christina Onassis (daughter) - 37.....Average age of death 40.......................None made it to even 70 but Caroline Kennedy is still alive as of today at 65.

Janet Lee Steinman
Janet Lee Steinman - 14.02.2023 20:50

The only thing she accomplished was making the white house look good. Big deal.

Allison Fine
Allison Fine - 14.02.2023 06:03

A woman who endured an inordinate amount of trauma. She managed to carry it publicly with grace but who knows what private suffering she endured? It cannot be underestimated. She stood as an icon of exceptional beauty, intelligent and a strong work ethic. Few of us who watched her as we grew could even hope to attain that level of accomplishment. She stood apart and above, with tremendous restraint. I wonder if she ever had anyone with whom she could really unleash her grief, her fears and her trauma reaction. And, in those days, in the circles she moved as well as her connection with so many important political figures, few would have intervened. I am pretty sure she felt utterly alone most of the time. And, as you mention, PTSD was not even a "thing" when she was going through the death of her husband and her brother in law. There was just an incredible amount of horrible incidents piled on in this woman's life and I was amazed at her positive choice to become a working editor and publisher! What a woman. There are few people like that in our lives. I wish she could have had the right kind of compassionate therapy, but her experiences played out in the most public arena imaginable, and as I said, few probably had the courage to approach her to give her help. And, she might have refused it anyway.

Tim Childress
Tim Childress - 13.02.2023 20:44

Wonderfully humane on your part, sir!

creolelady182 - 13.02.2023 18:23

Attracted to the money always

Usa Cut
Usa Cut - 13.02.2023 06:57

The idea of an intact world is a radically false fantasy.

Usa Cut
Usa Cut - 13.02.2023 06:40

In videos in which Dr. Grande talks about stars, he wears a daring black and white striped shirt.

Mehki - 13.02.2023 06:20

When her rose 🌹 garden was ripped out by someone who could never emulate her poise and grace. I was 🤬

Mehki - 13.02.2023 06:17

Check out Ask an Undertaker (i think that's the channel). She covers the JFK death and the horrible mistakes that were made with his body. No one was prepared for handling the aftermath of a president murdered in such a horrific way. I remember clearly the day he died.

Gene G.
Gene G. - 13.02.2023 03:47

Great presentation, thank you very much. Though, Considering all info available by today, Oswald probably had as much to do with JFK’s demise as any of us, especially after Mr Hunt’s confession at his deathbed.

MRitz S
MRitz S - 13.02.2023 03:35

She was a heavy smoker , I remember as a child reading her breaksat was one boiled egg, one piece of toast, and one strip of bacon .. wonder if she drank a lot? As far as her character, I felt she was cruel about John Jr's love for Darrell Hanna , he wanted to marry her,it is said she ragged on him till he gave the relationship up .She also did not support his dream of being an actor she pressured him (supposedly) to take another path. He was a very, very depressed man. She was reportedly paid one million dollars by Joe Kennedy not to leave John Kennedy because of his constant philandering. She was also very cruel to Aristotle Onassis's daughter, so no angel... but who is?

Christina Sophia
Christina Sophia - 13.02.2023 00:52

I agree, Caroline was always a source of pride for her parents and especially her mother. How could you have left out the daughter?

pam blissard
pam blissard - 12.02.2023 18:07

We’ll done

L P - 12.02.2023 01:07

Add: Bereavement / Complicated Grief. And we will never know what she knew about the assassinations President Kennedy and Robert Kennedy.
