Jordan Peterson: How To Deal With Depression | Powerful Motivational Speech

Jordan Peterson: How To Deal With Depression | Powerful Motivational Speech

Motivation Madness

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Jeremy Ogrizovich
Jeremy Ogrizovich - 19.09.2023 05:22


Ssick official
Ssick official - 19.09.2023 02:34

I ended up here searching for answers

Thomas Vicknair
Thomas Vicknair - 17.09.2023 06:00

I love every minute of a Dr. Jordan Peterson lecture

Rehan Siddiqui
Rehan Siddiqui - 17.09.2023 02:59

Why did you put that shitty music in the background

P E - 14.09.2023 06:59

Being clear, articulate, empathic, and speaking confidently with a voice that still encourages others to join and be heard in your presence, even if you know they may disagree...that's a trait that I welcome from anyone. it is the way forward towards a better future in the state of divide we currently have.

Oscar Mudd
Oscar Mudd - 11.09.2023 16:39

The latest trend: After CAUSING as much mental illness as they could, now our religious pretend to want to be the "saviors" of the mentally ill. Pattern of behavior.

rainyreverb - 11.09.2023 12:51

:) let's be honest most of us are here to help ourselves

zach norton
zach norton - 11.09.2023 05:01

This guy's class would be a disaster. What didn't he talk about in this lecture?

Heart of Battle
Heart of Battle - 09.09.2023 21:59

It's such a strange fight,what the hell.

Heart of Battle
Heart of Battle - 09.09.2023 21:19

If ur sick u do anything you can to get better and leavu ur pride behind

CrystalCraft - 08.09.2023 03:40

Thank you Mr. Peterson. Great video to watch.

Ruth Y
Ruth Y - 07.09.2023 22:24

One of the side effects of antidepressants is suicide is 😢
And trying to get off them can be a nightmare in itself!

Dominick Moura
Dominick Moura - 31.08.2023 04:37


Alex - 30.08.2023 03:03

Livin in my car no friends no money no family that cares a gambling and drug issue but suicide can’t be one of my options . Even if my life is sitting around depressed all day.

Thing 3242#252
Thing 3242#252 - 27.08.2023 01:01

oh the irony of him preaching for the use of anti depressants. If only he knew back then.

selocan469 - 22.08.2023 16:09

metal hygiene, well put sir

jennie Devereaux
jennie Devereaux - 15.08.2023 16:57

I'm on two types of anti depressants. Their crap they don't help.

Haroun Iddin
Haroun Iddin - 09.08.2023 12:49

I’m going through major depression anxiety, existential crisis, addiction, delusions , i lay on bed all day on the phone questioning the passing of time moments 24/7 why is time passing ? Why are moments passing ? Why is everything temporary , even if I become great whats the point? Really it’s very very hard i have never imagined my depression would get this bad

SkribbleZ XeRoZ
SkribbleZ XeRoZ - 09.08.2023 09:16

I think the one thing that helps someone like u are speaking of the ones who feel so lost and so depressed but know that we are loved even if not loved by you. U are needed. The best you said that made me understand is fix this . Go to get medical help however you said it. Actually paying attention to this trying to say thank you .. knowledge is power

Mr Momo
Mr Momo - 05.08.2023 18:03

Look at him Jordan Peterson trying to get you hooked on useless drugs

olegaria gamboa
olegaria gamboa - 03.08.2023 04:33

The myth of mental illness book

Fanel Skejovic
Fanel Skejovic - 02.08.2023 02:41

Jordan Peterson's personal intellectual level is an element of natural beauty!

Anoush Apresyan
Anoush Apresyan - 01.08.2023 12:08

Thank you for posting this!

Mack Wilcox
Mack Wilcox - 28.07.2023 21:40

Marijuana is the number one best and safest antidepressant hands down. Forget the harsh chemistry pharmaceutical crap. Those have way too many side effects.

Eren Aguilar
Eren Aguilar - 28.07.2023 02:44

I can’t even count the amount of times I watched this video. Jordan helped me more than I can express. Listening to him always made me feel understood and not alone.

William Bodie
William Bodie - 24.07.2023 20:03

I should be violently murdered

Beatriz - 23.07.2023 14:37

How to deal with depression? Peterson you sound and feel always depress!crying and talking lots of negetive staff.

Ketherwhale - 22.07.2023 03:37

What happens if you see people you hadn’t seen in years and they all knew you and they’re still working were you last remembered them to. And people who moved out are back in their former places? Is that a version of time travel or simply a dimensional shift?

Ketherwhale - 22.07.2023 03:08

I’m glad you keep these videos up. 6.2 million in 5 years. Wow!

Barbara Hansbury
Barbara Hansbury - 21.07.2023 11:34


anita dhawan
anita dhawan - 18.07.2023 22:07

Mr. Peterson,
Only if I was so lucky to have you as my prof. In Teacher,s college !
People like me are “ Better off” because of your generosity of sharing your wisdom.
Gratitude 🙏🏾

Scott - 17.07.2023 12:18

The splicing of various lectures sort of disrupts the flow of the message tbh makes it hard to follow and grab something useful out of. It's ashame cause I went into this looking for answers and you get deprived of that by jumping between topics

Lyles Fredidog
Lyles Fredidog - 14.07.2023 00:22


The general attitude toward depression is an illuminating example of the overly medical and antihuman, currently accepted view of the emotions (that an emotion is something that happens to us). In at least two or three articles in various popular magazines, journals and newspapers across the United States, and throughout the world for that matter, every week, there is an article such as "How to cope with depression." It seems never to be worth suggesting that the depression is itself a means of coping, that it is not a matter of "getting over it" but a matter of accepting it and using it as our own. Depression is treated as a psychic influenza or disorder, debilitating and counterproductive, an invasion of a spiritual virus, a "malaise." We are told how to get rid of it, distract ourselves from it, or at least minimize its deleterious effects. "It will pass," we are assured. Don't take its self-depreciation seriously, and don't even consider its sometimes suicidal impulses. "Ignore it; keep busy; get out of the house; go visit some friends." Or, take a Librium, as you might take an aspirin for a cold.

But suppose depression is not always a medical "problem", but rather a window to the soul, a mood that is our most sophisticated and most radical means of shuffling the structures of our lives when they become intolerable and unlivable. I don't want to deny that depression can be "pathological"; but so can anger, jealousy, envy, grief, love, and even contentment. I only want to argue that it in itself is not pathological but even essential to normal life and "self-overcoming." Most artists recognize the power of depression, the fact that, despite its initial debilitating effects, its aftermath is typically a burst of productivity and creativity. And, nearly everyone knows not only a depression tends to linger, but that we tend to keep hold of it, nourish it, avoiding a cheerful friend whose laughter might break the spell, seeking the solitude of our own rooms where we can indulge in our depression and wallow in it, feeding it with morbid thoughts of self-criticism, formulating our own Camusian doctrines of the absurdity and meaninglessness of it all without the objections of good friends, good fortune, or good times. In depression, we (literally) "press ourselves down," force on ourselves the burdens of universal doubt, the Cartesian method on a visceral level. Our depression is our way or wrenching ourselves from the established values of our world, the tasks in which we have been unquestioningly immersed, the opinions we have uncritically nursed, the relationships we have accepted without challenge and often without meaning. Depression is a self-imposed purge. It is the beginning of self-realization, unless it is simply ignored, or drugged away, or allowed to give in to the demands for its own avoidance - the most extreme of which is suicide. (The least extreme is philosophy.) It is our most courageous attempt to open ourselves up to the most gnawing doubts about ourselves and our lives, that kind of openness that precedes the most clear-headed commitments and the least qualified acceptances of ourselves and our lives. To treat depression as a transient illness is to keep ourselves closed, to avoid "seeing," in Don Juan's particular sense, through the values and structures, which we have uncritically accepted or imposed upon ourselves, which we now find tedious, unlivable, and self-degrading. To reject depression is to affirm, by default, those same values and structures.

Psychology and physiology are typically concerned with the objective (that is, scientific) aspects of emotions and moods. Consequently, they are primarily interested in their causes - as law-like generalizations between certain cues or circumstances and typical emotional reactions. But what characterizes an emotion is its intentional object - as distinguished from its cause - so we can appreciate how far short of comprehensive understanding of the emotions any psychological or physiological theory must fall. To me, my passion is my way of seeing and structuring my world, whatever might be going on in the synapses of my brain, whatever long forgotten childhood traumas or hereditary primordial behavior may have set up this or that "complex" of reactions, and whether certain chemicals might be peddling their unseen influence in my experiences. What makes the causes of our emotions so insidious is precisely the fact that they have no place in our experience at all.

The pain of depression can be the pain of self-realization; or it may be only the pain of continuing to accept, equally uncritically and equally unhappily, the very values which have raised our doubts in the first place.

Megan - 11.07.2023 18:33


Pushpraj Singh
Pushpraj Singh - 09.07.2023 05:20

Jordan peterson ❤️

Bobbie Hando
Bobbie Hando - 06.07.2023 02:11

This makes all the sense in the world..sad it only took me 40 years to understand..thank you

Lili - 05.07.2023 00:24

In response to what Jordan said about taking antidepressants..... I believe he's referring to adults when he says he has to spend two years just trying to convince someone to try them. I believe most teenagers myself included really do not think that much or significantly evaluate The long-term consequences of putting a foreign body to this biological entity we call ourselves

sut - 05.07.2023 00:00

1. Exercise regularly, or within your means. DO THIS OFTEN, WITH NO EXCUSES. You can ALWAYS work out at home.
2. Get enough sleep. If lacking sleep, meditate or take short naps when you can
3. Have a proper diet full of fruit and veges, water, protein, seafood, nuts etc
5. Constantly look to improve yourself by learning new skills or hobbies, such as a second language, a musical instrument, writing etc
6. Talk things out to a trusted friend or family member, or else seek professional consultation with a doctor or therapist
7. Accept that depression and pain is a FACT OF LIFE. The actions you take help alleviate depression and pain, but can also lead to more pain. It is what it is. OWN DEPRESSION AND PAIN.
8. Stay social with friends, a group, or random people
9. Avoid toxic people, be they friends or family. You want to be around people that inspire you, and that give you positive vibes.
10. Try to achieve small victories daily. Whether it be cleaning your room/house, writing something like part of a short story, etc there's always something you can achieve
11. Do not get caught up with naysayers and negative people, despite all of us being negative at some stage. Take the insults and nonsense on the chin, and move on
12. Listen to motivational talks, and watch motivational videos
13. INVEST IN YOURSELF - education, fitness, personal hygiene etc.
14. Survival mode - do you have a roof over your head, money in the bank? Ensure you take care of your finances, even if you are not rich. Always ensure you have the means to SURVIVE
15. Take medication if you believe you need it, and get professional advice where you can
16. Quit smoking, and cut back heavily on drinking. Do not do drugs. Avoid refined sugar and/or cut back on it a lot, same with salt
17. Get involved somehow in helping others, such as volunteer/community work

These will help, but there is no cure for depression or the pain of life. But like life itself, you can equip yourself with the 'weapons' to combat whatever adversities come your way. Good luck all

kramer26 - 03.07.2023 23:33

Lose the background music! Its a lecture, not massage therapy. The last thing I want when learning about depression is to feel depressed. It's so distracting from what he is actually talking about.

ian carlson
ian carlson - 03.07.2023 22:39

LOL.... The fact he has a class of less than a dozen pupils is testament to the degree of insight or really anything helpful he has to say.

Kathy Morgan
Kathy Morgan - 03.07.2023 04:21

We r good acting like we r fine

URCUTIEPIE - 02.07.2023 03:52


paul shaw
paul shaw - 30.06.2023 19:42


MIDWEST BOXING - 30.06.2023 13:13

This guys like a wordsmith….He either quiet, and when he speaks, he just flows….

G SAR - 29.06.2023 16:23

He is an amazing teacher

Mani aisha
Mani aisha - 29.06.2023 13:24

I took anti depressant 20 years ago and it didn’t help me. It made my depression worse. I tried four different anti depressant over a time of five years. It took me years to get off the last one. Got withdrawl issieus. Very bad experience.
Now at the age of forty everything is going fine i am blessed with so many things but I feel so sad and crippling some days actually most of the days. I am wearing a mask everyday.
Nothing can get me happy and i don’t have the strenght to go out and do things.
I cry a lot when I’m by myself. I can’t concentrate to read a book or magazine.
I am considering trying anti depressant again?? Is there anyone here with experience and who can relate. I swore I would never take pills because back then it only made me depandent and i wasn’t feeling better.
I want a life where i can be happy and smile have strenght to do something. I am not lazy but this sickness makes me litterly crippling some days. Don’t feel like go out of bed only when I have to.
I have a daughter i try my best for her I have my work but otherwise I just want to hide my knees feel weak and my body numb.

F&F fantasy World
F&F fantasy World - 27.06.2023 21:54

If Jordan Peterson were my professor, I would stay all the day at uni having lectures without even feeling tired or board❤

Phil S
Phil S - 27.06.2023 14:22

Can anyone point me to the full version of this video?

Dimple Toadfoot
Dimple Toadfoot - 26.06.2023 16:41

Does he sound just like Bob Odenkirk? Think of Saul Goodman talking...

Gordon Stenson
Gordon Stenson - 23.06.2023 22:47

what a genius and open man, is he god?
