BDO - Why BDO is so Imbalanced

BDO - Why BDO is so Imbalanced


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@ShakyBay - 15.08.2021 22:49

Hi guys, everything is time stamped and make sure to comment all feedback related to PVP down here in the comments. PA does pay attention to comment sections/videos. If any comments seem to stick out I'll heart good comments / ya'll can upvote each other. Definitely a good thing they're trying to get feedback. Hopefully everyone's feedback is heard.

@crypterion_moon - 19.03.2023 23:14

1 year on and PA releases 2 new classes, 1 which rips up the battlefield, nerfs others and forgets some exist. Well, then, looks like they weren't paying attention, at all.

@Blubberandy - 19.09.2022 06:45

meanwhile the most broken classes in BDO are the ones without grabs

@real_ez8412 - 12.09.2022 00:16

the best PVP time in this game was back around sausan wars was a thing. thats when classes were the most balanced. witch wiz were still busted back then . but I would rather have a broken couple classes then what we have now. FPS=DPS issue and animation speed increase still is not fixed so you have classes warping at the speed of light to you and CCing you with no counter play.

@aaronchin3800 - 28.02.2022 23:56

It's ok pa listen to u and buff musa to 1 skill kill anyone... We musa main win

@samis9980 - 22.01.2022 16:16

For those that's asking for balance game... you guys must be new to this type of competitive gaming. It's close to impossible to balance it. You just need to grow up and adapt to your class weakness.

@MrDoit187 - 13.01.2022 14:30

I miss shakybays bdo content. I totally get why he quit the game. But i think at this time shaky on his musa, can you guys imagine? He would legit 1v10 any guild he comes across that wants the smoke with him.

@yawhat8261 - 03.01.2022 18:36

Shaky how are u doing man

@kunye8363 - 29.12.2021 09:11

musa is op af now, when is the shakmusa????

@runninginthe90s75 - 22.12.2021 23:48

I honestly think Pearl Abyss are failed so bad at balancing, at this point they better just remove PVP and let BDO become PVE game like Genshin Impact because what's the point of trying to balance everything if they failed miserably for 5 years, 5 f*cking years !

@csabaszabo8908 - 15.12.2021 22:30

Don't waste your time speaking to PA, they are ret@rd3d as fak :D

@ozercanbalkc9386 - 01.11.2021 00:32

I swear u r damn right. they need to check the f*ckin balance in game

@TheNanofiber - 23.10.2021 15:49

Its because of the constant new classes that this game simply cannot be balanced ever or even come close to being balanced. They introduce a new class but it's had to make it different enough than other cases to where people want to play it just for that. The lack of the typical holy trinity for mmorpg makes that even harder. So they have to make it stronger to make people play it and they do. Then you have another class a few months down then another and another. This is a horrible strategy. The only way is to STOP adding new classes, like you said.

@TacticalBubba - 22.10.2021 18:17

Shaky where did you go🥺

@7gungnir741 - 15.10.2021 23:48

Musa rework waiting room?⏱️

@melihonen7131 - 03.10.2021 23:33

I assume they wanted that unblanced and that's a marketting strategy. Time by time under the name of "balance", PA change classes, some classes become so OP, some become garbage, they play with "META" of the time to force people to switch between classes and spend money for it and keep in the game. Otherwise I dont think that they are so idiot to dont see such things, they are so professional to make a #1 graphics in market? That's for money, to milk people. And keep game alive by forcing ppl to swap/reroll between classes imo.

@costas4058 - 25.09.2021 23:00

man rnc cc hase no place in a pvp game

@luboscaban9709 - 23.09.2021 18:53

go make Guardian ... try Awakening guardian 1v1 .... try to do grabs vs fast class ad then come again and apologize to all guardians which are TOP only in PVE ... and suffers in 1v1 ...

@lancelot_7374 - 23.09.2021 01:54

Hi friend!, hey you play DBFZ?? 🤔

@chaosxgorgon5149 - 14.09.2021 18:22

I dont have a problem in any match up but i do main succession zerker

@kaotikkk1 - 11.09.2021 06:10

warrior has been hella fast for years now.

@didntaskyou7884 - 05.09.2021 15:18

They hate him becoz he spoke the truth.
The power creep in this game became unbearable to deal with.
I play ranger and i could tell you, ranger succession is like twice as weaker comparing to 2019. There are so many fast classes right now that you have no place in the game anymore, because you get caught and die in 2 skill since you have no def. And on top of that they removed iframe on glab rework, while buffing warrior into nova tier.
I find it funny that warrior abusers are so mad at you speaking about the broken state of warrior in the rework, let God have mercy on their lack of common sense and self awareness.

@victoraguilerq299 - 04.09.2021 08:08

Rework for more imbalance nice cm se cagan el juego

@blanknblank1 - 03.09.2021 08:54

I 1000% agree with you, especially on Musa. I used to play Musa and enjoyed zooming around, could engage when I wanted, disengage when I wanted. It doesn't have grab, not the best damage, and not tanky but it had mobility until the chase nerf. Now I don't even touch it given how bad it is. I never enjoyed PVP because of the stupid grabs where you just instantly lose. In addition, this game isn't PVE based so what happens is that new players don't stay because PVP isn't way too imbalanced in terms of gear and CC, no group content nor decent PVE. It doesn't make sense that you are guaranteed dead once a CC (GRAB) lands on you. Absolutely no fun at all. At least add CC breaking like in Guild Wars 2 or parrying like in Dragon Ball FighterZ (I am totally going to buy this game).

@Aveniz - 02.09.2021 09:47

Some classes like zerk for example has really tricky MM cuz they use MM jump into engage grab and tbh i see im grabed before he land. So problem is mainly in server, this is most annoying for classes which don't have great mobility like: striker, mystic, guardian, succ nova, awa wizard, awa witch

@surprisepikachuface2071 - 28.08.2021 20:19

Tbh there is always a problem in balancing mechanic or damage when there are always some people having their opinions about other classes that they had done because of how unfair/broken (because they are unique on their own way) those classes are, and if PA listen and change for some people, the same person that ask for balancing will ask for more balancing. Lets be real there is no perfect game ever, take a break before we got fed up and comeback later when we want to

@surprisepikachuface2071 - 28.08.2021 19:59

Me: im so tired of Challenging warrior
proceed to make class that has grab
…. First engagement: grab! > immune > im ded
Me: fk sake

@q9a2 - 28.08.2021 06:52

give us text for send PA.
maybe pa listen us.

@crillianmarvin6256 - 26.08.2021 11:24

I main a meawha I have accepted my class will never transcend middle of the pact in any area.

@Kitandroo - 25.08.2021 12:17

the biggest reason BDO isn't balanced is because they have no clue what's wrong. They either don't play the game or don't have any talent for pvp or theorycrafting. If there were no grabs, mobility was roughly where it needed to be and there was no desync, the game would almost certainly still be balanced like ass because they have no shown no ability to improve it from the start.

@Exile8oh8 - 24.08.2021 00:33

who's able to react to sorc on console? lol

@seraf77 - 22.08.2021 15:42

Your words are on point

@rashaad2545 - 22.08.2021 13:52

quit bdo?

@Torn2012 - 22.08.2021 07:02

They make simple way to be hard

@CommandoMaster - 22.08.2021 05:31

There needs to be more defensive abilities and counters to CC. Everyone shouldn't be just DPS. There should be tanks and healers.

@runninginthe90s75 - 22.08.2021 01:03

Class balancing in BDO is a big joke. Pearl Abyss are too dumb to realize the biggest issues of BDO PVP actually is FPS=DPS, CC and Desync. If they never fix those issues then BDO PVP will keep being trash.

@musashi5802 - 21.08.2021 23:38

ทุกอาชีพควรมี จับ ยกตัวอย่างเช่นมูซาหรือเมฮวาPVPกับการ์เดี้ยน 1-1 การ์เดี้ยนSAตลอดเวลามูซาเมฮวาไม่สามารถสู้ได้เลยเพราะไม่มีจับ
Every profession should have ,Grab, for example Musa or Maehwa PVP with Guardian 1-1 Guardian SA all the time Musa Maehwa can't fight at all because there is no Grab.
All Class succesion&Awekening should have Grab.

I'm Thai, I'm not good at English.
thanks for reading
I hope you will be hopeful

@oorangees - 21.08.2021 22:28

Be me a returning player.
Be me playing maewha on season server.
Be me full pen tuvala gear.
Be me getting one shot by a striker.
Be me getting a full petal bloom and only doing half their hp.
Be Me asking why I play maewha. Sadge

@NoRest4TheWicked1 - 21.08.2021 09:57

Desync, why is there still desync

@dargorcatedron7084 - 21.08.2021 05:47

BDM too inbalanced pvp

@dsheep9937 - 20.08.2021 22:29

They put a new class every month, look sage basically have a infinite iframe .

@grimoria9857 - 20.08.2021 19:16

I play BDO just to wait New World because no one want to play Attraxion which give you basically nothing.

@theackermans-7479 - 20.08.2021 14:48

I think PA should hire u personally n help them fix the game, or maybe they just too embarrassed to to do that too or maybe they dont have these kind of analytic team stuff or maybe im just spouting bull****, lucky im just a softcap gear n just pvp with 250ap mobs :v more quiters in making👍🏻

@spliffzombonie - 20.08.2021 13:05

These are valid points, what's up with the dislikes?

@CyberneticArgumentCreator - 20.08.2021 05:33

The issue is that to fix PvP it would take a ton of man-hours, which are expensive. You have to systematically gather data on how all classes work in the game systems while dealing PvP damage to a target, establish a goal result, and push the numbers towards it purposefully. They try to shortcut this by looking at "number of kills average in node wars or rbf", then just raise or lower damage and then haphazardly listen to the community bitching levels to nerf mobility or stamina usage or iframes on random most-bitched-about classes.

Must-do sequence of steps:
1) Balance PvP damage output in a single combo across classes somewhat through the work-intensive systematic testing in equal high level gear
2) Remove class matchup % tuning behind-the-scenes layer since you've normalized damage output across classes through rigorous pvp testing in step (1)
2) Kit pass on legacy classes so they feel as cohesive as guardian/hash/nova/sage/corsair (already planned)

And after these 3 large projects are finished, you use the upcoming arena data to make small nudges to each class to bring them closer together. That's the maintenance phase.

@DanKxxx - 20.08.2021 01:39

It's funny watching this. I no longer play, but protected rotations were a thing for almost all classes until they removed a ton of FG and SA. I guess they only gave it back as they added new classes.

@Ace-D-Itoryu - 20.08.2021 00:59

you speaking from my soul bro. 100% agree with everything you say. I hope PA is going to listen to you.

@Ivan-gn2dn - 19.08.2021 23:38

El problema es la colicion de los skills , no todas las clases golpean del mismo modo.

@reagenlionel - 19.08.2021 22:51

Ive Been complaining about core fundamentals since before the game released in the west.
There really shouldn't even be accuracy/evasion stats in an action combat based game.
If anything those should be used as a sort of dampening for some damage skills.

Warrior used to have end lag on its grab worse than striker that made it unsafe way back, I dont remember when they dialed it back to almost non existence. Warrior movement also didnt used to be as ridiculous as it is now. I think how it used to be for them is fine.

Musa dashes seem way shorter now than it used to be, for the resource they use to move. I'm unsure if that was changed at some point. But I think Musa would be more better if the distance traveled was like double or possible triple it is now.

Damags in its self is ridiculous as well as super armors all the time. I remember when things was so cc heavy, along with the damage that you just die in one cc, now you can die without it too.

Damage is so high for the longest time, that you cant use skillful play really. Cause so many things are safe and too many people move all over the place, also aoe spam. That you can die from accident or get a kill by accident just hitting anything if your gear is good enough. Or get grabbed. It's just way too much safe damage front loaded.

It's one of the major reasons I stopped playing seriously years ago cause of fundamental things saw early on. And I play very rarely every now and then now.

And I dont even wanna start on the pve.

@iaaaaaks - 19.08.2021 21:59

