Ghost Recon Breakpoint | How to EASILY deal with Behemoths

Ghost Recon Breakpoint | How to EASILY deal with Behemoths


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@breakitdownsmokeitup - 21.01.2024 00:17

Download the free Ubisoft vehicle pack use the Russian LC4 Coercion enable 1 AI teammate clear him hot drive right up to it done in 2 shots !!!! 😅

@alvinwhitehead1069 - 22.09.2023 17:13

So will it work for the engineer or assault class of will the panther class be the best chance!!

@jeloong9359 - 11.07.2023 03:52

Activate your team and have them equip all 4 of you has LMG and go RAMBO MODE

@ttrestle - 04.07.2023 00:50

Are use this trick for the last two behemoths I had left, for example, the AK 47 and scorpion. But every other behemoth, I actually beat with my helicopter by just hiding behind a hill or a mountain. Yes, it took a while and you had to be careful, but it always worked eventually. You basically just sneak out from behind the hill, launch six or eight rockets or whatever it is, and get behind the hill for a little bit. That’s it, rinse and repeat. However, sometimes it can take a really long time.

@CFA-44_Nosferatu - 30.03.2023 23:19

Fun fact: DMR'S with rolling thunder and EMP mk 1 and 2 grenades are by far the best way

@wyatt7210 - 05.03.2023 09:28

I cannot fucking stand these god damn behemoths

@egidijusrubezius9326 - 31.01.2023 21:27

I'am using emp like 5-6 and then shooting with dmr 😁and behemot goes to hell

@JerryDechant - 12.12.2022 05:08

does that cloaking spray work on the drone when you are fighting the strategist's drones?

@BiohChemicalz - 11.12.2022 17:42

The stupid future tech ruined this game. Wildlands still shits all over breakpoint

@maxoncrack7221 - 04.11.2022 20:07

Its impossible i waist everithing and he just doesnt get take down

@ktsquise1933 - 26.10.2022 08:02

I kept fighting one til I had no ammo left and destroyed it at lvl 54 and bot was lvl 160

@ozzy7609 - 26.09.2022 05:29

so stupid

@tiredpartisan3227 - 11.09.2022 00:03

well im doing this so i can get a level up with pathfinder

@crispyflix - 03.09.2022 21:16

It’s mentioned in this video that you can hold up to five cloak sprays. How do you get to that amount? I have only seen a maximum of three in my inventory at any given point.

@Gtrdayz - 21.08.2022 06:57

They need to nerf this robot tank because all it does is spam rockets like I soon as I res an ai teammate it instantly dies by the rockets

@bladewolf7109 - 30.07.2022 06:33

meanwhile i just destroy it with just a lmg And a rock to hide behind

there aint enough Space for the two of us you Giant robotic toaster.

@mjd4904 - 28.07.2022 22:41

This one Behemoth was kicking my ass. I had no clue how to destroy it, so I came here and this helped. Thank you! I've got the skill, purple SMR (best I could get so far) and I was just shooting where you were shooting and after like 3-5 minutes it was down.

@bongamerzz1898 - 11.07.2022 14:14

The best thing I liked about Behemoth is that they can even harm the wolves if they come in between. Thanks for the tips. Will use Panther class henceforth.

@Cruzan9 - 28.06.2022 06:51

Byleth. Behemoth. You name it. I can't kill 'em. So unsatisfying to finish the game and not be able to take those SOBs down. I ended up sneaking on the platform and stealing blueprints. Didn't care if I got killed after that. LOL

@haumana420 - 04.06.2022 02:40

I killed my first one yesterday. Emps and a lmg and lots and lots of luck

@deezrocks6732 - 02.06.2022 04:47

I did a little test . Cloak spray snuck up behind and laid 5 c4 charges on it . Didnt do a god damn thing . And they werent on the armor plates .

@imcalledsvenne6159 - 30.05.2022 21:13

Absolute legend

@nikolaiorr8383 - 07.05.2022 01:34

Who the fk had the bright idea to make drones that fking hard to beat.

@roastbeefsandwich2084 - 25.01.2022 07:55

I found where the ak-47 was. This killed me.

@jamesking846 - 09.12.2021 23:07

That or you can get ur team mates with a sniper and have the 50% bonus flags and go in a off-roader it kills them under 1 min

@archonone5164 - 22.11.2021 04:37

spot the realism.

@D4Damager_ - 10.11.2021 02:30

Distance and powerful sniper rifle actually worked😀 Haven't played for a long time, decided to come back with Motherland release and I really enjoy it! Thanks anyway pal

@MrKutKuGaruga96 - 07.11.2021 13:51

Thank you.

I just faced my first behemoth while doing the main missions and I couldn't take it down, I've already tried it 4 times and no success. I'll try the Panther class.

@kurosutachibana6403 - 07.11.2021 02:49

Use an Incursion, Behemoths are like sandpaper when faced with the cannon on these APC's and A.I Teammates are typically accurate enough. Down in frickin seconds. Now I bought mine for around 12,000 skell credits and I'd say its worth

@17bossyy52 - 02.09.2021 18:03

I can’t believe I just landed in an area with about 2 of these🤣😂🤣

@IamMortui - 27.06.2021 11:58


@tatemushroom1002 - 19.06.2021 00:25

On immersive they take over 10 rockets and 300 barret m82 shots and one minigun spray instakills you. So impossible dont even try unless your in arcade mode

@OwensShadow276 - 07.06.2021 20:28

So helpful, so informative, I didn't even think about using the cloak spray on behemoths, thank you man, this video it awesome!

@king.canute21 - 28.05.2021 20:58

just upgrade to mk3 I takedown behemoth just use assault riffle

@royalstevep68 - 28.05.2021 04:54

I've destroyed a few behemoths, they take a while to destroy. I just hit them at a reasonable distance from outside their area so they can't run me over. I use rocket launcher, grenade launcher, then sniper rifle.....and keep running to opposite side to the rockets.

Don't know what people think you need to get close. All mines is don't at snipping distance of 100m to 200m

@WiliantoMulti - 02.04.2021 10:34

Go to all behemoth bases and just grab all the loots, theres no need to destroy the behemoths unless ure at least at gs 250+, dont waste time. Use panther spray and pray if detected.

@ssssin320 - 01.04.2021 00:15

Behemoths are a bad joke from the devs.
Listen my story:
Playing as a Pathfinder. I want to destroy a behemoth from afar with armaros drone hellfire missiles.
Positioning on the slopes of a mountain deep within a dense forest behind a formation of rocks.
No way for it to know where i might be.
Distance 1km.
Firing missiles. After the second hit i am dead because the behemoth fired the toxic gas mortars exactly at my position!!!
There is NO WAY for it to calculate or triangulate my position since i am not firing on it directly but the drone high up from the sky!
The devs should FIX these shit!!!

@tom2gunzbombadil689 - 31.03.2021 17:51

Horse shit... ive used every rocket, grenade, camo bs everything... it will not die. Probably hundreds of rounds n at least 8-10 of the rockets n grenade launcher. Plus my 3 guys shooting. Helicopter rockets too. Emp too.. doesn't matter. Im playing on hard but this is OP AF.

@Flux2734 - 10.03.2021 01:37

Nah.. Best way is Assault class + EMP nades.. they go down pretty easily.. Go up close and personal, throw an EMP and put a 50 or 100 round mag into him.. After reload throw another EMP and repeat.. Really easy, and you take no damage..

@gabrielguerrero3404 - 08.03.2021 09:07

The easiest way is to fly a helicopter over the area and parachute down into the tower. Hasn’t failed me once

@davidlee3203 - 28.02.2021 08:53

behemoths are cheats they fcuking use gas i jus cant kill it fcuk it

@jonnybgoode7742 - 05.02.2021 04:54

God this game is fuckin trash. Stop letting nerds design shooters.

@patrickhanley9049 - 26.01.2021 12:59

where are their locations plz?

@agenttexx - 08.01.2021 20:49

My current loadout is the MGL and the 416 with the 100rd magazine and the Grenade Launcher attachment. I've also leveled up to the point I have 8 Rockets for the rocket launcher. I use the MGL to cause as much damage as I can and switch to rockets to stun the drone. I then use the 416 to keep putting damage until it is destroyed. I keep moving around the outer edge of the drone's movement path. On one of the drones, I used the Incursion auto cannon and was able to take it out pretty easily.

@angerfistkill - 04.01.2021 11:22

You can do this way easier by just blowing it up with c4 and mk2 c4 always insta kills if you use everything

@MahkRonAKash - 02.01.2021 20:47

Apparently my game is glitched or something. Level 100 Behemoth. I cloak spray, take Termination, (60 damage per shot on an automatic rifle with 4% damage to drones,) With the rolling thunder and sensor hack perks active, and blow all four blue batteries to nothing, and repeatedly shoot the mortar eye. Nothing.

Not a scratch. It's health didn't even fucking pinch down.

@harveyweinstein9755 - 28.12.2020 12:32


@NosajPrimo - 15.12.2020 08:45

Thank you !

@joshmcgowan4 - 14.12.2020 00:46

Been playing for a couple weeks now solo and on level 7 panther and have been trying to fights behemoths to get loot, this was super helpful!!
