Catholic vs. Eastern Orthodox (Why CATHOLIC is the TRUE Church!)

Catholic vs. Eastern Orthodox (Why CATHOLIC is the TRUE Church!)

Catholic Truth

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@nootpengu - 28.01.2024 21:23

It’s heterodox not heterolic

@davidmccarroll8274 - 23.01.2024 19:54

Just for the record I am not a catholic but within a few seconds you are insulting your audience .how .You complain about having to address the same issues such as Mary and say that people are not listening..Tough.What about anyone who is listening for the first time !!! Buy

@alek27e - 22.01.2024 05:36

😂😂😂 Whose heresies?! 😂😂😂

@bippityboppity496 - 21.01.2024 07:45

St Peter’s is a modern day Tower of Babel. The universally agreed upon nadir of the papacy was having orgies during the building of St Peter’s. We as Catholics study typologies every day in daily mass when we read from new and old. This is the new tower. We’re not better than anyone. We speak an old religious language bc an orgy loving pope built a basilica dedicated to himself and God said, “hello Babel. Let’s confuse you all, again, since you haven’t learned.” And confused we all are still to this day.

@calebgamer1720 - 20.01.2024 00:29

The pope keep pushing homosexuality

@calebgamer1720 - 20.01.2024 00:27

I gotta say though, the Divine Liturgy definitely feels more middle eastern original Christianity

@AnHebrewChild - 19.01.2024 00:26

Who is the guy on the left in this video?

@yohannesasefa3376 - 18.01.2024 20:09

May God help us all Christians to Unite according to His will. Let us pray for Christian Unity, the keys being Love and Humility.

@crusader333ad - 16.01.2024 02:50

Eastern Orthodox at least maintained their liturgy as do the eastern Catholics. We in the west have denigrated the liturgy.

@freakylocz14 - 05.01.2024 07:59

Thank you for this, brethren! For although I always knew it's the Catholic Church and not the Orthodox Church, I didn't know why.

The Orthodox are the Original Protestants.

@eremiasranwolf3513 - 04.01.2024 22:05

The only thing worse than Father Trenham's low brow apologetics is his exotic sounding accent despite being born and raised in the USA. The accent takes Larping to new levels which is saying a lot considering that absurd beards, prayer ropes, and hand wringing over 1204 are par for the course.

@michealhutchins15 - 04.01.2024 06:11

I love this channel they always get the true gospel message out to people

@MossEYE- - 04.01.2024 04:24

Neither one is the original church since they have added so much to doctrine

@VivaChristusRex - 03.01.2024 23:06

I’m Protestant but will convert to Catholicism or orthodoxy. But currently I’m looking into both and Catholicism in my eyes from what I’ve heard has a much better case. The main orthodox argument I’ve heard against catholics is the Filioque but I 100% believe the Filioque is biblical.

@Marcus-sk2xf - 03.01.2024 18:18

If an Orthodox church splits, due to differences among the bishops, the laity has no way to discern which side is teaching the True Faith. The laity must opine what is true. Sound familiar?

@rainy1091 - 03.01.2024 17:10

I was told by a Catholic priest that the Catholic church sees the Orthodox church as a valid church... so I decided to visit my local Orthodox church and I loved it so much ... they are welcoming to everyone (even people with different nationalities)

I can see that the Catholic church is the true church and I am worndeorng if it is a sin to still want to go to Orthodox liturgy and pray with Orthodox people?

@il_nerds_ll_lxesho3188 - 02.01.2024 10:43

Hey I have a question if Jesus and the father were both first then how is God Jesus father if they were both first

@Humble956believer - 01.01.2024 04:40

Are there Catholic preachers? I don’t think I have met a Catholic preacher. The ones I see preaching the gospel mostly are all different sects of Christian’s. Do you think each group that believes in Christ truly plays there own part or is there only one place and one way to worship Christ?

@shanebates4542 - 31.12.2023 16:49

The Episcopalians claim that Jesus founded their church. Can you shed some light on this?

@0135172990 - 31.12.2023 06:50

I totally agree with you as I'm a cradle Catholic,but in this present era the present pope is listening too much to worldly philosophy and compromising with it by his ambiguous statements, documents.

For example in the FS document ,there's gravity towards blessing of adulterous heterosexua couples and LGBTQ couples. Those Bishops , priests and laities who are against it are not stupid seeing the outrageous meaning of perverted blessing nor they are ignorant our beloved English language.

Why this ambiguous parlances never occurred in John Paul nor Benedict eras?

@FranciscoCamarena-gu6jo - 31.12.2023 05:12

Ray comfort and living water a another video about you and catholic truth they are that it again

@Sean-398 - 31.12.2023 02:12

Could you do a video on the “Frankish Catholic Church” criticism?

@ElieMitri-ty1wf - 30.12.2023 21:23

I am baptised as an Eastern Orthodox but the Moronite church welcomed me with open arms. I confess my sins and attend mass there. I find Catholics to be graceful. The orthodox friends I have tell me that I need to go back to the Orthodox Church and re confess my sins and confess that I became part of the Maronite (catholic) order because it's all Heresy. They don't even acknowledge the saints of the Catholic Church that are canonized after the split. I don't understand the hate from the orthodox side. Like I said, the catholic (Maronite) priests accepted me with open arms as a child of God. They hear my confessions and give me communion.

@JonahGambrel - 30.12.2023 21:10

Just do the things Jesus said to do and you will be just fine folks. ❤❤❤❤.

@isabeedemski3635 - 30.12.2023 16:16

Worldly pope, sin blessings and changed litergy is in favor of orthodox.

@mariamartins5796 - 30.12.2023 14:08

Our lady calls the catholic church, the true church,
Good enough for me.
So lets keep firm in our faith, pray.
The church is on a last trial.
We will come through, just fine.

@gincal-abuelit8235 - 30.12.2023 08:42

What about the many child abuse cases commited by the clergy of the RCC? Are you going to skip that too?

@kellyblakeborough3371 - 30.12.2023 08:08

I am now a confirmed Catholic as of yesterday. I was deciding between the two but I do consider the orthodox as our brothers and sisters and wish for unification one day

@toyreps - 30.12.2023 04:03

I've been catholic since junior high, I'm very disappointed by Pope Francis legalize gay couple blessing, its so wrong. God condemned Sodom and Gomorrah.

@PolymorphicPenguin - 30.12.2023 01:59

If I were Catholic, I imagine I might be really hurt and offended if people said the type of baptism my priests performed wasn't good enough for them. The disagreement over baptism definitely sounds like a source of conflict between the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church.

@alexanderkaufman3575 - 30.12.2023 00:51

I was having a conversation with an Orthodox friend over FB in responding to the Orthodox beginning Eucharist immediately after being baptized (infant baptisms, not adults). In a way, I see where they come from on this, since the Eucharist is not bound by our understanding of it. I responded that I believe we wait until the age of reason to (hopefully) decrease the "snackification" of and increase reverence towards the Sacrament. Interested to see how other Catholics would respond.

@JohnAlbertRigali - 30.12.2023 00:01

I was expecting a good breakdown here, but then I saw Michael Lofton and realized that I probably wasn’t going to get it. In the future, please get a guest with a solid credential and a fair amount of charity.

@anthonypuccetti8779 - 30.12.2023 00:00

There are several heresies of the Orthodox churches that you didn't mention. They deny the Catholic doctrines of the primacy of the Roman pontiff, papal infallibility, the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Son, purgatory, original sin (specifically, the inheritance of original sin through generation), indulgences, and the Immaculate Conception of Mary. These doctrines are parts of sacred tradition and can be found in the writings of the Church Fathers. The Orthodox don't believe in the one true Church as it is in reality even though they profess belief in it in the Nicene creed. They believe in energies of God and hesychasm, which are errors. And they permit divorce and remarriage, communion for people who are divorced and remarried, and contraception.

@ericschilling9757 - 29.12.2023 23:48

Jesus wouldn't watch this stuff. It's trivial and divisive. Jesus would try to increase tolerance and forgiveness and help the poor. Why is that so hard to see for some people? Why oh why?

@kevrlaner - 29.12.2023 23:27

😂. As a former RC who became Orthodox you two are wrong on so many levels.

@sabrinabennink558 - 29.12.2023 23:17

Wow! This really helped me! I didn't know Orthodoxy was like this. I've had some run ins with orthodox people lately and I have to admit I stumbled a little bit over what they said. This makes everything sooooo much more clear. Thank you guys for posting and thank GOD for Your one true Catholic Church!

@riptorn3591 - 29.12.2023 22:05

Interesting that the guy on the right said Orthodox and Protestant work together to disprove Catholicism. I find that Catholics and Orthodox often team up against Protestants.

@Humble956believer - 29.12.2023 21:54

Where is the Holy Spirit? I see the framed papers but don’t feel anything….

@ronaldcatapang5739 - 29.12.2023 21:37

The Catholic church is not the true Church,it's an apostate Church,wake up! it's not even mentioned in the bible 👎. the Church of the Apostles according to Paul is the Church of God .
( see. 1 Corinthians 15:9 KJV)

The Doctrines of Cathechism / Catholicism are not the Gospel ,these doctrines are written men of Corrupt minds👎

" Ye shall know them by their fruits ( by the works ) ,Do men gathered grapes of thorns or figs of thistles ? "

See. These verses;
Matthew 7:15-16 KJV
2 Corinthians 11:13-15 KJV
John 15:4-6 kJV .

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the Law: being made a curse for us: for it is written curse is any one who hangeth on a tree( the Law).

If Christ set us free from the Law, the catholic church has enslaved it's followers to obey their own made made canons ,by imposing it's members to be followed.
These canons are not from God. The Catholic church is just using (James 2:14-26 )
The Pope sinister agenda is to bring every Catholics to their own version of "yoke
Of bondage " .

What Apostle James meant in James 2:14-26 , "for the body without the Spirit is dead ,so faith without works is dead also" ,he is referring to the works of the Spirit ,if we are led by the Spirit ,then we are not under the Law
(See. Galatians 5).

For the Law was given to Moses ,but Grace and truth through Jesus Christ.
Wake up the catholic Church claim "as the true Church founded by The Lord Jesus Christ,voting Matthew 16:18"? -a fabricated lies!
The Lord died in AD 33,while the Catholic church started only in AD 381 ( 4th Century ).👎
Wake up ! Graven images / idols are demons / devil's according to Apostle Paul
( See .1 Corinthians 10:19-21 KJV ; Wisdom of Solomon
14 :11-12 KJV

" Therefore even the idols of the gentiles there shall there be a visitation: because in the creature of God they become an abomination :,and stumbling blocks to the souls of men,and a snare to the feet of the unwise.

For the divising of an idol is the beginning of Spiritual
Fornication ,and the invention of them the corruption of life."

@operationgreyscale - 29.12.2023 20:49

In my journey from cradle evangelical to the Catholic Church, I almost headed into Orthodoxy (after heavy study of the Church Fathers, and attending both Catholic and Orthodox liturgies).

Through confirmations, the Lord led my wife and I into Catholic Christianity. Though many aspects of Orthodoxy (and also various Protestant churches) are faith filled and beautiful offerings to God, the very reasons mentioned in your video here are red flags that I couldn’t overlook at the time of discernment.

Additionally: the chair of Peter was another matter that, after heavy study into the Church Fathers, found that many Orthodox authorities either give intentionally misleading, or ignorant statements on.

I wasn’t looking to prove Catholicism valid. But the evidence is undeniable once examined.

@goran2610 - 29.12.2023 19:41

The "Roman Catholics" are neither Roman nor Catholic. Rather we could talk about Franks, or Latin or papal protestants.

@basselelias7082 - 29.12.2023 18:00

I am Catholic until now but after the same sex blessings that Francis allowed, I wonder if he ever read the Bible!
It is clear that Francis is trying to incorporate mondialist ideology coming from the satanic Masonic lodges into Christianity.
I am on my way to become orthodox

@DylanGames1000 - 29.12.2023 17:46

There were NO “orthodox” until they schismed. Just like there were no Protestants until the reformation. Everyone was originally CATHOLIC! You see the east returning to ROME. NOT Rome returning to the east

@DDJD_circusOFpower_MEGACHURCH - 29.12.2023 17:19

I've been going down this rabbit hole for 3 years and I love Roman Catholicism too but Orthodoxy reminds me of when I was an extremely hard core classic heavy metal fan.

@paulgritter7957 - 29.12.2023 16:48

He got it correct, early on.
“They Aren’t Listening.”
I personally do not find it comical; I find it incredibly sad.

@mmmmasc5151 - 29.12.2023 16:44

How about we we Kick Woke Francis out of the Vatican and save our Catholic Church from Satan instead of complaining about other denominations?

@strygian192 - 29.12.2023 16:34

Catholics getting desperate to recruit people now trash talking Orthodoxy because of their gay jesuit heretical pope
