What is a Noahide?

What is a Noahide?

Noahide Academy

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@NewName74 - 13.02.2025 06:57

The Germans , Russian also from Abraham.

@NewName74 - 13.02.2025 06:56

All human beings from Noah.

@NewName74 - 13.02.2025 06:56

In the Bible it says Abraham is the father of many nations.

@NewName74 - 13.02.2025 06:55

In the Bible it says Abraham is the father of many nations.

@debbyantoine - 07.02.2025 04:03

I'm not Christian,I no longer believe in any Christian beliefs but Yah alone

@PaulOkuku-un2qj - 13.01.2025 16:32

If a noahide is anyone descended from Noah, then Jews are also Noahides. They too descended from Noah. All Noahides who are not Jewish are called Gentiles.

@yashawngray9289 - 12.01.2025 02:53

To all-
my name is Yashawn, im not a Messianic Jew, im just a normal one.
The good ways of God do not change, what is good to day has always been good, and what is-
wickedness has always been wickedness. The Covenant of God does not change, and outlines how one is to act if they are to justify their own souls. Noha was given the Covenant just as moses was. Every time God starts up his people he has given them the law.
Many jews who go by the talmud say noha had a different Covenant; why?
because they do not want to diminish moses.
By believing they will diminish Moses, they then diminish God and his ways to the Eyes of men.
Why? Because to believe as the talmud says, one must say noha was perfect under a different Covenant, and that the ways of God are not consistent in producing perfect beings.
To say the law is not consistent would be going against both God and moses who proclaimed the ways of God as consistent and non changing.
Noha kept all ten commandments and then some, when reading the text noha also new about clean and unclean animals.....so we are way past the 7 laws in the times of noha.
Gods Covenant is the ten saying only, and the one who adds to the ten sayings or takes away from the ten sayings is in violation to them just as it is written.
Nohide laws do not exist by Gods word, but by the words of men who have abridged Gods full law. The talmud supports Underage sexual relations.....the talmud seeks to justify the Flesh and not the will of God.
let me ask you?
In the times of jesus it was not acceptable for Jews or gentiles to eat swine, so if the nohide law already existed why would a jew look down on a gentile for the eating of swine?????
if it was allowed for the gentiles, why did the Jews look down on Paul for allowing the Gentiles to eat swine? Better yet, why would paul have to allow the gentiles to eat swine if they already could eat it???? The answer is - nohide laws did not exist back then because the talmud which allowed it was not invented yet, and this is why the eating of swine by a gentile was looked down upon by the jews and God.
the 7 Noahide laws which supposedly existed back then does not forbid you from swine.
Elijah also had no oral teachings, and he did actions that the talmud would tell you not to do.

@petersanmiguel1468 - 08.01.2025 00:58

A Noahide is a Gentile who follows the Jews in their rejection of the prophesied Jewish Messiah and the New Covenant He established with His blood (Isaiah 53; Jeremiah 31:31-34).

@DeusEstAmor________137 - 05.01.2025 16:10

Is that an another religion?

@yanaakasha6217 - 11.11.2024 21:03

I found i had jewish ancestry but i don't think that makes me jewish so i decided to study more about Noahide.Feel very drawn to Judaism.Thank you for the video🙏

@JosephMage - 16.09.2024 03:56

Baruch HaShem 🙏🏽✡️🌈

@petersanmiguel1468 - 10.07.2024 14:36

A Noahide is a Gentile who doesn't realize that Jesus is the prophesied Jewish Messiah.

@beccasteele6874 - 29.04.2024 22:32

Very clear 🎉

@okhuibutala1640 - 15.04.2024 22:54

Thank you from Minnesota ❤️

@CatETru - 07.02.2024 08:26

Jesus Christ is the only Jew I follow. As did and still do the wise Jews.

@Basil-i8o - 17.12.2023 00:13

Call me a Noahide to my face. It will be the last thing you do.

@colonialgreatness1964 - 04.10.2023 09:26

Correction There are only two positions which people Jew or gentile can occupy THEY ARE EITHER IN FAITH WITH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST OR NOT ie. Either save by HIM or not.

@hablemostorah3086 - 08.09.2023 06:03

Noahide = 2nd class citizens.

@ryanfrancisco8027 - 05.09.2023 03:02

Toda Rabba rabbi, Baruch hashem! To your knowledge you share. B ezrat hashem.

@Zzzzzzzzz678 - 31.08.2023 22:15

Great, now explain racial apartheid

@saadasoccer - 31.08.2023 21:22

If my father is Jewish? That decides my tribe but my tribe define me correct?

@ivanos_95 - 31.08.2023 16:50

Noahide is someone who wants to follow God, but don't want to abandon its gentile ways, and ignores most of God's commands, that's all.

@Goodwishestou - 31.08.2023 12:52

No salvation without Jesus

First there was one commandment for Adam n Eve not to eat fruit from tree of knowledge but they disobeyed God ....n sinned against God the first animal sacrifice God himself did n gave them skin clothes to cover them self

Then Noah time there are 7 commandments and Noah also offered animal sacrifice

Then came prophet Moses....and God gv many law according to what people sinnned at that time and for Forgiveness of sin God told Moses to offer blood sacrifice of animals

Then came Jesus...God himself in human flesh.....and Jesus also said to follow the 10: commandments but Jesus knew no matter how much we human try we are still sinner..... Jesus said follow 10 commandment do good deeds n believe I hv died for your sins....this is the only way one can be righteous with God....and be with God one day

@matthewfriedrich3063 - 31.08.2023 03:53

Why do we number the Jewish people when this is against God's commandment not to. Just curious, thanks for the info! Baruch Hashem.

@warwickjmarshall2747 - 30.08.2023 19:52

That was a very clear and Simple explanation of a Noahide.

@DavidUrbinaFitness - 30.08.2023 02:57

Good explanation in layman's terms ☮

@theqrakker4652 - 29.08.2023 22:06

Brother, you are WRONG. Jews are also Noahides. Our fathers broke the covenant of Moshe and chose death and YH VH brought death even double upon the tribe of Yehudah, which are the jews today. A part of the southern kingdom. Until YH VH writes the new covenant in our hearts, there is no covenant, therefore, we are ALL NOAHIDES, including YOU. The laws you and those like you are imposing on those seeking YHVH, will be the laws FATHER will impose on you and those like you. FEAR YH VH, FEAR HIM, FEAR HIM, FEAR HIM. Consider, the northern kingdom, whom Our FATHER CREATOR sent throughout the entire world whose identities are cloaked to this day. Only YH VH knows who they are, but soon, HE will reveal their identities to them all when HE raises their identities from the dead on the day of ressurection. Who amongst you on the day that HE turns HIS FACE around on the day of repentance will stand before HIM and explain to HIM why you put the other children of Jacob under a Noahide Covenant with HIM, instead of helping to raise up your brothers from those lost tribes throughout the world. Can you not see what your father's did that angered YH VH against them and caused HIM to punished them double. Do you not see the covenant they made with death. Can you not see that christianity is a residual of that covenant. Do you not see that the sword is in the sheave of death. Do you not see that this thing you are doing will release the same curse on your children, and your children's children. Look to your fathers and see the reflection of their wickedness in that kingdom, christianity. You clearly see the wickedness in that kingdom, but don't see the reflection of that same wickedness in what the fathers did. Remember, YH VH said to our fathers that anyone, even the stranger, if they want to serve THE GOD OF ISRAEL, that they too must abide by the same laws as HIS PEOPLE. Why must you always attempt to make money off of someone's desire to serve OUR LIVING YH VH. How WICKED. So WICKED, you can't see your own WICKEDNESS.
Jews are Bein Yehudah of Bein Israel. There are eleven more tribes that make up Bein Israel. Why are you acting as though you are the only descendants of Abraham and Sarah, when there are Arab countries all around you that are also descendants of Abraham and Sarah, not to mention those other eleven tribes in which many don't even know their identities as of yet. This is another form of "saved by grace" that the church has taught, just a different level from a different idol. Instead of paul, it's now yehuda. Repent people, it is time to repent.
