The Spiritual Consequences of Eating Meat | Paramahamsa Vishwananda

The Spiritual Consequences of Eating Meat | Paramahamsa Vishwananda

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@premababa9 - 28.12.2023 00:51

Meraviglioso non mi stanco mai di vederlo questo video..mi dai tanta forza di proseguire ....nel percorso grazie❤

@alena5571 - 22.12.2023 19:46

So many knowledge,thank you Gurudji❤

@christinevogtlin8173 - 12.12.2023 22:30

Not only the meat industry but also the diary industry is so exploitative these days that you can no longer eat diary products with a clear conscience. The calves are taken away from their mother and then usually end up in the sloughterhouse. A vegan diet is therfore the purest ans does not harm animals

@kirwinjulesweston - 12.12.2023 18:36


@suzannealdridge1404 - 11.12.2023 06:01


@Adrienne333 - 03.12.2023 18:38

Thank you so much ❤❤❤

@Craigjackson12 - 28.11.2023 14:26

I have noticed myself when I stopped eating meat I found a peace I previously didn’t know. Wonderful message !

@satvata - 27.11.2023 20:24

Does Guru jee drink milk? What does he think about breeding animals, about farming?

@arleenshamon9685 - 05.11.2023 02:17


@jayadeva_das - 31.10.2023 05:35

El mono, el elefante, la vaca y otros animales también son vegetarianos. ¿ y cuál sería la diferencia entonces? Con los animales vegetarianos y los animales carnívoros y los seres humanos???. Es la conciencia de Krishna. Aunque lleves una dieta vegetariana también incurrirá en karma, en pecado. Por eso muy bien explica Krishna. " todo lo que comas ofrecemelo a Mi". Otro pasaje nos dice: " si alguien me ofrece con amor y devoción una hoja, frutas o flores. Yo la aceptaré "". Es decir que Dios nos pide nuestro amor y devoción. Esa comida esta libre de pecados. Es pasadam, misericordia. De nada sirve ser verano o vegetariano aunque nos alimentamos de comidas satvicas. Si no la ofrecemos como sacrificio a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios. Krishna. Y para esta era de Kali Yuga. La mejor manera de realizar a Dios es cantando sus santos nombres. Hare krishna, Hare krishna krishna krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama , Rama Rama, Hare Hare.

No hay otra manera más sublime y pura que el maha mantra hare krishna. Ya que todas las escrituras nos enseñan que no hay diferencias entre el nombre y la forma de krishna. Entonces si bien es importante predicar las comidas Satvicas. Es imperativo también que se ofrezca la comida al Señor.

@hohnr2310 - 09.09.2023 23:45

Please correct me if I'm wrong, we separate our selves from animals for no reason, animals eat animals. I feel like I'm wrong about this but please tell me why?

@takeabreathyoga - 29.08.2023 04:13

The philosophical complexities deepen further when we consider the Vedantic perspective that all life emanates from a single divine source, Sri Krishna. In this view, every blade of grass is as much a manifestation of this cosmic energy as a cow or any other animal. Therefore, the ethical precepts of veganism, which ostensibly prioritize animal life over plant life, appear to be in dissonance with this spiritual understanding. Moreover, it remains a salient point that large-scale agricultural practices often result in greater collateral animal fatalities than does the meat industry. Hence, in light of these spiritual and empirical observations, one might argue that the ethical foundations of veganism contain intrinsic contradictions.

@RussellaMcdowell-pw8ci - 24.08.2023 17:18

Why so many Asian people kill and abuse monkeys hundreds of websites on Facebook and utube they wear red braclets stop monkey abuse in asia

@loveiseternal108 - 20.08.2023 00:44

When they eat meat they are eating souls

@mahasvan - 12.08.2023 04:15

Hare Krishna and Dandavat Maharaj.
Thank you...very Nice priching.🙏🌈🦚💖💞💝💝💗

@user-ol4go3bg9w - 01.08.2023 01:44


@cthulhu-gc2of - 22.07.2023 06:02

Second week of not eating meat.i don't miss it or crave it.

@marcomereu - 12.07.2023 22:23

I'm vegetarian for about a year and half
Never felt better in my life

@Dean-by5pb - 04.07.2023 14:00

I am a lacto vegetarian our true diet & not a new age spirituality physop VEGAN ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hari krishna

@Techumsa - 01.07.2023 21:12

Good point, we don't eat meat when we are born.

@lepet76 - 26.06.2023 16:05

When that truth is finally going to hit us, when the heart starts to speak and we cannot avoid the insane pain we inflicted to other sentient beings, I just don’t know how we will even make it through. I believe this is part of why we are in so much suffering. That is what I feel deep inside. Its complete insanity.

@pagangods5191 - 24.06.2023 07:01

Be Vegan to avoid heating of Planet!

@macadoo2530 - 14.06.2023 03:04

Thank you for an unassailable description of what eating animals is really about.
I wish that more people could comprehend this information.
Our creator did not create life, ALL life for this..A 2 year vegetarian.
Thank you.

@wg99er - 12.06.2023 19:16

It must also be taken into consideration that some cannot eat only plant based diets. Some with autism , like me, cannot tolerate many vegtable textures. Others may have IBS that is aggrevated by vegetarian foods like beans. Eating meat does not hinder spiritual development in everyone.

@AntonioAlves-wm8ie - 23.05.2023 23:43

Thank you for this video ! I’m vegan for 26 years and 55 years old and activists in New York City

@angelicanails1760 - 11.05.2023 03:00


@sabineflatau9584 - 10.05.2023 17:54

Hare Krshna 🙏 Darf ich meine Haustiere ( Hunde, Katzen) mit Fleisch füttern?

@Joelveach - 09.05.2023 06:23

I’m a vegan, nothing violent on my plate..ever👈🏾🙏🏽🙅🏻‍♀️

@Veegan4theanimals - 09.05.2023 05:19

Veganism save more cows. India number 1 exporter of beef , please go Vegan India ❤🍏🌱💚✅🙏🏻

@Veegan4theanimals - 09.05.2023 05:18

Go vegan. 🍏🍎🍓🍐🍇🥭🥑🍑🍆🌶️🫑🌽🫛🍍🍓🍊🫐🥥🍋🍈🥝🥬🫒🥦🥕🍠🫚🫒🥬🥒🍌🍌🍒🍅

@rkl3692 - 07.05.2023 09:31

Thank you Guruji❤🙏

@silviatevini5815 - 25.04.2023 15:59

Yes true

@starrperez7457 - 25.04.2023 02:32

After my spiritual Awakening, I couldn’t eat meat anymore. I started getting really nauseous. I took it as a sign.

@sanjaisai8418 - 01.04.2023 03:35

Swami. The soul of billions of animals are roaming around due to premature death.. these souls are taking control of weak minded individuals and creating a world of chaos... these soul are seeking bodies to fulfill their bestial hungers.... and much more....

@sarahgracetruth - 26.03.2023 10:21

Vegan nine years now❤✨🌱

@DianaBaklakova - 17.03.2023 16:21

I am so happy, that I don't eat meat 🙏 thank you! much love, Jay Gurudev ❤ P.S. I really love a Guruji's sense of humor 🤗

@aprilhollow5780 - 04.03.2023 10:47

Kittens start off on milk too and then… I’m a vegetarian but this logic is a little flawed. But I do think people should not eat meat. I have to say even as vegetarian for years I was still extremely angry and irritable that’s not the whole picture of being happy. If you become vegetarian you will not automatically be happy trust me.

@YesasviNagvanshi - 03.03.2023 17:21

Not just animals, trees, grass, insects, even mountains...all have soul and deserve respect for within soul....human soul isn't different....human form capacity is to know selfspirit realization & God divinity Power Morality Nature.
We're all travelling in 8 400 000 species life, death, reincarnation, human form is only one of it and must wait to complete near all of cycle before form is given.
Animals predator consuming another as prey is Eternal System of Balance and justice...for what those souls had done as human to eachother is being balanced out...
True...human body is not a graveyard or funeral pyre of dead body and carcass. Flesh eating is most corrupting, tamsic. Yamduta the guards of Yamlok (like a Jail) & Yamaraj devji (Eternal form of Justice Power of God) Yamduta (kind of like jailers, police, executioner yet not that and more divine greater complex) burn and chop the person again and make them whole again and then same thing all over....what the person did to some poor creature once, being returned with Divine interest.

Not to mention that same creature becomes predator and the person who slaughtered becomes prey. Nature is NOT NEVER RANDOM.
Even Natural occurences events what people call disasters as earthquakes tsunamis occur when such circumstances caused in environment Nature for them to occur by Bhole Baba (Mahadevji) or God of Destruction...when at that place, the weight of wrongdoing, negative or unnatural immoral bad energy increases from such actions of such people then to cleanse that out Nature make it lighter and better...and when clearing out dead grass, some green goes with it too.
Sanatan (Eternal) Satya (Truth) Dharma ki Jay Ho. Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevayah 🙏🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
🙏 🔱🚩🔱🙏

@drewkilleen7503 - 19.02.2023 19:37

I'm still thinking this notion over carefully and I finding simple answers to very complicated questions like this are usually ideology driven, not scientific. It is important to realize that replacing meat from ranched cows with farmed vegetables has a cost to life too. For each cow replaced by vegetables a certain acreage of farmland must be put into service to replace the nutrition lost from not ranching that cow. This entails, indeed requires, killing every resident field mouse, mole, vole, rabbit, fox, owl, lady bug, cricket, butterfly, etc., and often even bees and other pollinators. This numbers just a few of the animals killed by farming and ignores all of the insect, microbial, and fungal life that is killed in modern vegetable farming. I'm just sayin''s complicated.

@nirvana3680 - 19.02.2023 17:48


@organic5030 - 10.02.2023 19:49

Whats the art behind him? Its so gorgoues make me feel so good 😍🥰

@lustwaffe9000 - 07.02.2023 04:35

Vegetarian/vegan culture only works in small communities, where you farm and consume veggies locally. In capitalist countries with large populations, youre just killing millions of small animals for your soyfarms, so you idiots can consume your vegan mcnuggets and vegan burgers. You dont wanna eat meat, but you are all willing to kill millions of rabbits, snakes and other small animals without even consuming them, so you can maintain your meat-taste addictions. Either youre that much of a psycho or you just are uninformed, self-absorbed consumers. Btw, most vegan hotdogs are proven to contain rodent meat, and some HUMAN meat in it. Look it up.
If you REALLY wanna be vegan, move to a rural place and farm your own shit. And DONT eat these fake-meat products and live off of REAL vegetables. All urban “vegans“ are just blind trend-consumers, who dont even know wtf theyre eating.

@lustwaffe9000 - 07.02.2023 04:24

Adolf Hitler was vegetarian.

@growwithsocialsciencewiths9172 - 02.02.2023 17:55


@rorita8879 - 28.01.2023 23:43

None sense

@shrutigupta4216 - 26.01.2023 21:05

Very true🙏

@shjh798 - 31.12.2022 15:18

Bit of a lengthy comment.....

What if you're a blood type O positive and need red meat? I broke down crying last night, in my existential dilemma, knowing I have to eat red meat and fish now to better myself for health as I have used to not eat meat. When I went vegetarian, a whole host of problems occured from NOT eating meat.....or at the very least, I sometimes ate chicken and fish. When I stopped eating meat altogether, my body got weak. I got sick. My skin broke out and for weeks, no matter how much I cleaned my skin the break out was still there. My throat was burning and on fire. My right EYE turned RED. But when I ate chicken and all got better...after steak my eye cleared up. My skin healed up and I am not as sick. Even after two chicken sausages my mom said my eye looked better.

I'm genuinely going through a hard time that my blood type has to eat red meat to be at our potential healthiest. I have been anti meat for the longest time....but now I am overweight and struggling because I have been eating wrong things for my blood type and it has caused overweightness and toxicity because I have been eating like a Blood type A and a sheep. But they say if you eat the wrong things for your blood type, it is toxic and bad things start happening. And I'm living proof of it. So how am I supposed to deal with this?? Am I going to be condemned or going to hell for eating meat? 😭 And I love animals so much 😭 Peace.

@shaziaaziz5192 - 11.12.2022 02:30

How about killing of innocent Kashmiris, Palestininans and others around the world?

@maricamicallef9545 - 05.11.2022 10:56

My culture is meat eating in all occasions. Gradually my body is shutting down meat. I cannot even imagine a piece of steak on my plate without my stomach turning upside down. Your body tells you what's right or wrong.

@emmanuelstamatakis1710 - 27.10.2022 13:38

Ask Buddhist monks who eat meat and are so positive their opinion
