Here's How to Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days

Here's How to Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days

Cleveland Clinic

9 лет назад

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@BabeiIlie - 30.01.2024 05:42

I did one YEAR WITHOUT SUGAR, know I think I'll do FOREVER!

@nousernamesarevalid - 29.01.2024 07:10

I’m vegetarian. How in the world?

@SoniaJbrt - 28.01.2024 18:07

Well, here in South Africa we have maybe 10 teaspoons of sugar, while I only took at most 5 teaspoons of brown sugar. I can't take meat with every meal, it makes me too full. But fruit and veggies and Fibre biscuits are in every meal. Maybe that's why I don't crave sugar after 3 days cold turkey. I wasn't addicted in the first place. Now my meals are 1/8 of what they used to be and I have loads more energy.

@maiman3203 - 24.01.2024 22:30

1 like 1 day no sugar

@davidwayne9982 - 18.01.2024 21:50

No sugar- no flour, no grains, no soda, no fruits, no veg---- THAT"S CALLED CARNIVORE!!!! PERIOD...

@PositiveVibez2024 - 16.01.2024 22:42

Cool now give us a video on a reasonable way to quit sugar 😅

@isabellezablocki7447 - 16.01.2024 17:50

What I find is the no sugar movement (which sounds really good) is often a promotion of animal foods. That's how you see a lot of people saying I quit my sugar addiction and I am carnivore now.

@ainslieberrafella - 14.01.2024 14:24

How to Break Your Sugar Addiction - Quit Cold Turkey! Gee, thanks Sherlock. It's not like I haven't tried that a dozen times already!!!

@mosesCordovero-uw5vw - 10.01.2024 23:02

have you noticed how he has a huge picture of his face on every book that he publishes? it is as if he writes books just so he can wave at his mother and say, "Hi, mom!"

@lawaincooley6788 - 10.01.2024 09:06

Increase your protein and fats. You won't crave as much.

@npkrn6764 - 09.01.2024 02:34

I was never a big "sweets" person. 🥧 Pie on Thanksgiving?? No thanks, I'll just eat more mashed potatoes (which of course are carbs too...but for the sake of just speaking of sweets in this discussion) - I'll say this - now, in the premenopause years, I've noticed I have gained the inevitable weight that happens with these wild hormonal fluctuations AND developed a sweet tooth. 😮UGH!!! Of course insulin is a hormone and premenopause affects more hormones than just estrogen and progesterone so it makes sense, but its exasperating. I find myself craving things I went years without eating 😢 mostly sweets. Its like there is someone else inside me running the show. An evil twin 👿 or multiple personality disorder. My logical mind says "NO! You don't want 30 oreos at midnight!" But the evil twin says... "Oh yea you do!!" Guess who wins??? 🙄

@Youtuber5775- - 09.01.2024 01:12

I’m addicted to sour gummy’s. I swear they make you crave it so much.

@Ayverie4 - 08.01.2024 19:05

Cold turkey is NOT always good advice. For two reasons, one is behavioral. Some people will do well with this "absolute" approach, and others need a gradual approach so they don't feel deprivation, panic and binge. We need to feel safe in our diet, and not create disordered eating.

Second is physical. If you cut out so many carbs cold turkey you will get keto flu, and have more severe physical symptoms. If you have the will of steel to ride that out for 10 days, great. But I'm assuming you arrived at this video because... you don't.

Listen to your body, understand your own psychology, and do what works for YOU.

@ouchmyfinger5054 - 08.01.2024 00:06

Dam snicker bar with almonds! Whoever Invented them should be force fed broccoli.

@barbarawebb7185 - 07.01.2024 21:14

Born Jew here. I applaud your approach.

@JC-sf2qm - 06.01.2024 17:56

This is so me!!!😢

@ghengis430 - 06.01.2024 04:08

Ive relapsed. Had 6 years' sugar free. It's the worst addiction. Breast milk is incredibly sweet, so we start with sweet stuff right from day one. It's going to be an hour at a time, and following your suggestions re veggies and protein. I'm asking the universe to take the obsession away again. 😢

@reneechaplin8686 - 04.01.2024 08:55

Absolutely love sugar! It keeps my energy levels up! 😊

@karenweaver2703 - 04.01.2024 05:29

I can quit sugar...but not giving up milk

@BoomTechnology - 03.01.2024 17:45

I need stop 1 Pot of Nutela 750G for each 2 days

@gaywizard2000 - 03.01.2024 09:01

Get diagnosed with diabetes, I quit sugar that day!

@VicMorrowind - 01.01.2024 12:58

Its been years and everyday is still a struggle.

@uhohnoseatbeltTV - 31.12.2023 05:12

Can we say cheese is not diary? 👀

@Matt-wt4ki - 30.12.2023 14:05

Read nutrition labels, they hide sugar or misname it

@amber4027 - 26.12.2023 18:01

This is such amazing advice.

@nadineelizabeth195 - 25.12.2023 14:37

I'm finally realising the bad effects it's having on me and i have a chronic illness so i need to CUT IT OUT ASAP

@mykepualengco6716 - 24.12.2023 00:22

Im here because ive been good for 3 days. But Im cravingly so bad for a cake

@janeknight3434 - 24.12.2023 00:07

That’s all very good advice, but when your sugar cravings are gone, what would you substitute a cup of tea and a biscuit with? It’s not about the sugar, but the treat element. If I want a quick break, I have tea and biscuits or if I’m watching tv, tea and a snack. How do you replace the treat element with this diet? Tea and broccoli doesn’t work. I will always want to have a treat now and again.

@daikaijuzilla - 22.12.2023 17:03

Something that makes it difficult is that, in America, it’s almost impossible to avoid sugary foods, it’s everywhere! Corporations prey on sugar addiction

@blairsterling6141 - 20.12.2023 16:58

Seems very trustworthy..not trying to sell anything....but, a very very very stringent diet...not simple, nor easy. He should have made the diet more eat fish, chicken, lean meat, vegetables, fruit. Simple as that. One key is to eliminate all, all sugary drinks !!! ... Americans are known as fat - directly tied to sugar drinks.

@Liberty-Freedom-Outdoors - 19.12.2023 02:10

I’m not sure I can get back to being healthy !

@pinballnate83 - 18.12.2023 06:52

Video summary: want to break your sugar addiction in 10 days? Easy! Just stop eating sugar. 😂

@AgoraOcdandtheMicrobiome-ms4zr - 16.12.2023 11:01

On day 9, no sugar, no ultra processed foods, no starchy veg. 2 days ago I went to bed at 6pm and watched Jane Austen movies bc I felt so sad 😅 bad stomach from day 1 to 6. Feeling better now and my stomach is better than its been in yrs

@bluedaffodil2023 - 14.12.2023 07:06

I did this in October! This week, I'm doing this challenge again but eating grains and a maximum of 10 grams of added sugar at the end of lunch or dinner. Thank you for helping me feel better about myself!

@handlefg - 08.12.2023 23:08

Why the advert that is played before this video is a Lindt chocolate advert makes my head spin 🤨

@bigkaris912 - 05.12.2023 12:15

This is basically impossible unless your a celebrity that has a nutritionist

@brucesheehe6305 - 05.12.2023 01:07

Sugar, alcohol, tobacco, and overeating carbohydrates are all related.

@pkersoul - 04.12.2023 21:19

Bro basically so u back want me to turn back my whole lifes bad habits in 10 days just say that 🧐

@JB-oq6kc - 24.11.2023 22:41

It took me less than a week to stop craving sweets. Now I crave savoury. Lost lots of weight too!

@dt8787 - 24.11.2023 08:01

Very surprised you suggested cold turkey. I would have thought gradual reduction would be more successful. Do you know what is more successful?

@Iris-vo5gd - 24.11.2023 06:35

How cute. When I don't get my next "hit", all these advises are out the window 🤦🏻‍♀️

@Kpsmon - 23.11.2023 21:27

Get more bitter and acidic flavors in your diet. Add spice with heat. Drink unsweetened green or black tea. It changes your flavor palette. You won't even enjoy sugar as much after.

@loolalemon - 20.11.2023 22:21

I was watching this while eating ice cream-

@CastlesForEyes - 15.11.2023 16:00

What a great, straight to it, no nonsense video. Love it!

@user-z57h - 07.11.2023 00:16

Everytime you say sugar I feel like eating a snickers bar

@hongsethya4932 - 06.11.2023 21:36

Basically quit every thing

@bartsimpson955 - 05.11.2023 06:04

Fruit is a massive source of sugar in yet. This so-called doctor never mentioned he must be working for the front lobby.

@basilikiba - 04.11.2023 19:31

Can we eat fruits on this month?
