The ULTIMATE WEDGE CAMPER!  The Tenfold Weekender Starts at $5,999

The ULTIMATE WEDGE CAMPER! The Tenfold Weekender Starts at $5,999

Oru Designs USA

1 год назад

7,543 Просмотров

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@NomadXplorer - 30.01.2024 08:34

What is your current lead time on the bare bones tenfold? Also can you ship?

@whocaresjustdoit - 22.10.2023 01:55

Hi can you guys please make an animation showing how the options look when added to the camper? On the website I have no idea what half of the accessories are and how they mounted when I try to configure a camper. I think a visualization tool would be really helpful since I can’t see/don’t know what I’m building when just using the “optional accessory” text box.
