He Tried To Play Mech Against Brood War Zerg...

He Tried To Play Mech Against Brood War Zerg...

uThermal 2

1 месяц назад

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@pl2996 - 24.05.2024 22:11

the defilers are WAY too big in SC2. the mod creator needs to rescale the defiler they're not supposed to be that big. not sure what they were thinking. they look as big as a tank in sc2!

@mdmattdong - 24.05.2024 20:20

Can you make a proxy Nexus and recall your army into your opponent's base?

@AtillaTheFun1337 - 24.05.2024 17:55

SC2 defilers are present in a mission of the Nova Campaign

@anniedarkheart5224 - 23.05.2024 17:04

SC2s ui of larger unit handling than SC1 surely improves the army gameplay of sc1 factions. There seems to be significantly less collision issues for the SC1 armies.

There's a lot of extra strength from the improvement of SC2's foundation.

@MasterGhostf - 23.05.2024 15:59

Didn't sc1 use bio against sc1 zerg? Sc1 zerg is cracked.

@SeverusVergiliusMaro - 21.05.2024 18:22

Hi uThermal! Love your videos--here's why hellions do damage: It's because area of effect damage still goes through!! The main shot of the tank misses but its AOE still hits ur other hydras

@booshmcfadden7638 - 21.05.2024 01:15

Splash damage still hits in Dark Swarm.

@catbert7 - 20.05.2024 22:51

The glory days of zerg spell-casters, back before Brenda lost her wings. They were a true terror.

@christophersecreto5686 - 20.05.2024 21:03

AOE does damage in dark swarm, that's why hell bats were killing your units

@Paralda - 20.05.2024 20:16

Why is uThermal's creep spread better without creep tumors?

@PantoniStrikesBack - 20.05.2024 17:05

Of course the parasite has a huge vision range. It has the vision range of the unit it's attached to. In this case... a tank. If you use it on a marine, it will have way less vision range. It was super op (you could use it on observers/overlords/science vessels and get even their detection)

@vim9099 - 20.05.2024 10:41

BW zerg was all about overwhelming your enemies with swarms of units, and it still carries on well to SC2. :D

@Lost7one - 20.05.2024 01:35

cool game but the terran looked bronze

@youuuuuuuuuuutube - 20.05.2024 01:26

Nice game. The defiler needs a lot of work: the model looks too big and looks like a roach, and the dark swarm is a mini dark swarm that looks bad.

@purpleisthesneakiest - 19.05.2024 23:56

Just so you know, creep doesn't actually do anything except mess with building placement for SC1 zerg. Your units won't move any faster on it, so there's no actual point to spreading it around.
Also, Dark Swarm works by making all non-melee attacks miss. This means that, if it's a single target attack, it will do no damage, and if it's an attack with splash, it will deal exclusively splash damage. Hellbats' attacks are a cone of fire, so they will deal splash damage to units under Dark Swarm.
What I'm curious about is whether or not SC2 Hydralisks and Roaches - which only have a ranged attack, but use melee animations if the enemy is close enough - will hit their target under Dark Swarm if they are close enough

@prismaticbeetle3194 - 19.05.2024 23:21

SC1 zerg were just on another level

@windingism - 19.05.2024 19:53

should rename this channel to 2thermal

@alexkong6823 - 19.05.2024 19:30

BW is perfect for marc lol. No creep tumors

@flamerollerx01 - 19.05.2024 16:46

Sc1 zerg do not use creep for anything but buildings. They don't get movespeed, or anything else for that matter.

@GamerFromKZ - 19.05.2024 07:58


@jellystones72 - 19.05.2024 00:21

> As long as we're on creep we have a chance

In Starcraft 1 zerg units don't get speed boost on creep

@timlee1794 - 18.05.2024 23:45

What level is your opponent? Some kind of noob?? 😂😂😂

@AIRDRAC - 18.05.2024 20:13

🎶I got 99 Hydras, and supply ain't done🎶 :D

@karpai5427 - 18.05.2024 15:37

Firebat is the only Terran unit that can attack in Dark Swarm normally.

@nguyenhuyduc9151 - 18.05.2024 15:03

Stop internet bullying.

@ArchevalsArchives - 18.05.2024 14:45

Watching people play this mod has been so refreshing! i want to pair it with the BGH+no worker cap+1k supply mod just to see how truly insane this can get

@davidstud3952 - 18.05.2024 13:31

aww, saving up the plague and the guardian huh? 😁😁

@Regunes - 18.05.2024 13:21

I think this mod could use a "Refinery addon" for all 3 classic race, basically a free "vespen geyser" that you can only build based on the amount of vespen geyser you already have.

@WPFreeinternet - 18.05.2024 12:35

Yeah, Queens work on any ground unit that can have anything organic in them. I'm not familiar with all SC2 units, but Widow Mines are pure mechanical so broodling doesn't work on them, same with Reavers. Dragoons and most of Terran mec has something biological in them so broodling works.

@jujucasar2003 - 18.05.2024 11:01

starcraft 1 and starcraft 2 together is like sleeping with a milf and then sleeping with her daughter at the same time.

@CorwinTheOneAndOnly - 18.05.2024 10:58

Ah, back when zerg felt like zerg. Good times.

@JoeMustache321 - 18.05.2024 08:42

I'm loving your BW zerg

@nohuart9854 - 18.05.2024 08:30

sc2 nydus canal is better than sc2 :3

@southern013 - 18.05.2024 07:29

darkswarm make unit mis fire, so AOE still in effect, I believe. The siege tank miss fire and still hurt if there are any units stay at the explosion.

@skyacaniadev2229 - 18.05.2024 06:07

AoE does half damage, pure range does no damage, melee does full damage for defiler cloud iirc

@phaseblade - 18.05.2024 05:47

"The everything treatment" 😂 Love the troll fest. BW Zerg looks so broken.

@IdealIdeas100 - 18.05.2024 05:32

Splash damage still effects units that are in dark swarm

@mitang7508 - 18.05.2024 04:34

Uh, last I check Sc1 creep is not used for zerg bonuses only building

@unnamedlegeon - 18.05.2024 04:04

Defiler's dark swarm only affect targeted attacks and not AOE's, like Hellion attacks in line or Hellbat and even Firebat melee AOE attacks 😁.

@robertobenitez3938 - 18.05.2024 03:48

How can I play this mod?

@G3rain1 - 18.05.2024 03:08

Don't SC1 Zerg units not get a creep speed buff?

@somedude1313 - 18.05.2024 03:05

bro you need lings + ultra/lurker with dark swarm

@David-iv1co - 18.05.2024 02:46

Defilers and their starting cloud spell wreck all ranged. Everything misses shooting into it except splash damage and melee. Defilers>queens esp vs Terran.

@travisdunlap4526 - 18.05.2024 02:06

amazing how much more swarmy the zerg looks when your bread and butter units are 1 supply instead of 2!

@Appletank8 - 18.05.2024 01:53

Don't forget Plague, reduces everything with less than 300 HP to 1 HP. And yea Dark Swarm doesn't work on splash damage and "fire" type attacks. You really want Lurkers in the Dark Swarm to help do damage to anything that gets under the Dark Swarm with you, because it affects your own Hydras as well.

@RavagHer - 18.05.2024 01:50

make the queen great again. the queen in starcraft 2 is made into a mobile esrly game defensive unit and the entire starcraft 2 game is balanced around that stupid ass unit. how the terran and protoss harass. how the zerg needs to spread creep and larva inject constantly....i feel bad for zerg players cuz serral got that race nerfed into oblivion and only dark is able to get into the top 10 in zerg. not even top 5. like in starcraft 1. u didnt need to have godlike apm to play zerg like u do in starcraft 2. makes is way more enjoyable watching a high level zerg player's pov cuz the camera isnt jumping all over the place. u also didnt need to build units and then morph those units to get other units....sc2 is filled with that shit.
