Jermaine Jackson Gets Candid On Michael’s Allegations | In His Own Words | the detail.

Jermaine Jackson Gets Candid On Michael’s Allegations | In His Own Words | the detail.

the detail.

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@JohnDoe-gk7ok - 03.02.2024 17:13

Michael should have toured Thriller, but somehow he was forced to tour with his brothers.

@CanaanOptical2007 - 03.02.2024 16:58

There are many people out there who trust MJ and do not believe the ugly accusations. Those accusers were just out to torment him and after his money.

@MJJS82939 - 03.02.2024 16:57

It is so unfortunate and heartbreaking that Michael Jackson was falsely accused like that. He was simply a person with a kind and pure heart and character.

@chordbossguitar5509 - 03.02.2024 16:56

MJ is innocent... He was hooked on heavy opiates that make you impotent with no sexual desire...

@MJJS82939 - 03.02.2024 16:53

Even if I snipe, fight, and dislike my brother, who is a family member, it is normal to not tolerate outsiders attacking my brother.

@karllieck9064 - 03.02.2024 16:47

The cult of Michael. Just like the cult of Trump. Totally brainwashed.

@darkvader47 - 03.02.2024 16:42

SHUT UP JERMAINE! You slept with and had a baby by Randy’s ex wife😅. You have no credibility. Michael would still be alive if he wasn’t so weird. He was a PEDOPHILE!

@mortishia99 - 03.02.2024 16:29

i love michael jackson. i never believed any of that mess. thats just crap that the powers that be pull on people that probably have intel on them. hello hollywood and its evil minions..

@because0011 - 03.02.2024 16:25

MJ was abused by the media. Actually he’s still being abused. But if you notice so many in the industry that pointed fingers at him. Actually they were the ones to watch out for. I will always be team MJ.

@user-ux6nl3ge3h - 03.02.2024 16:24

that pain😢in my heart❤

@iyamwhite3931 - 03.02.2024 16:11

My mom always told me as child, "stay away from grown men, especially grown men with white bandage tape around their finger tips." She said the white bandage tape was to keep the Duck Butter from washing off. I only like Apple Butter on my toast, i still cant find Duck Butter in any stores. Wonder what it tastes like

@kathrynfehr5897 - 03.02.2024 08:12

How old is this?

@kparise8452 - 03.02.2024 06:50

Jermaine wasn't in the room when these allegations took place.
He wasn't even close with his brother the latter part of their lives.

@myriamroda7554 - 03.02.2024 05:37

I strongly believe that Michael Jackson would never harm a child it wasn't how he was brought up.

@TaylorMadeCori - 03.02.2024 04:00

Michael Jackson's family - are his day ONES. No one will ever speak on him, the way his family does. All I saw, thru the entire eleven minutes of this - was love. Jermaine's love for his little brother. The love that he will ALWAYS have for him. I am so happy that his son will portray Michael in the upcoming movie about his life. Thank you for posting this...

@maryamrahman738 - 03.02.2024 02:18

Who ever says that Jermaine was jealous of Michael should watch this, it’s so obvious that his family loved him and they were proud of him, I think they lacked connection that’s all.

@jg2699 - 03.02.2024 02:00

Jermaine is so damn handsome ❤️

@sebbefernandez - 03.02.2024 01:01

Many loves to you Jermaine ♥Michael is innocent!

@damwaterthomas7639 - 03.02.2024 00:52

My name is, Thomas

This is still sad and I also went through my own abuse. I'm a stronger and thankful for those that made me a better person. Counseling helped me realize that I am in control myself and not anyone. So please get counseling if you are feeling overwhelmed by those horrible experiences from your past. 😪

Thank you for reading my comment and have a great day.

@redbrown7355 - 02.02.2024 23:12

I’m glad that Jermaine was the one talking about his little brother, because as a big brother myself, no one can express the love for a Sibling like one of your big brothers. And everybody thought there was some jealousy between these two, but when it gets serious, nothing else matters other than being concerned for your brother when you KNOW FOR A FACT that he’s an innocent man. Jermaine had me watery eyed I must admit.

@user-ik6xm2qg5z - 02.02.2024 22:12

Обвинение в первые прозвучало в 1993 году. Именно в 1993 было интервью с Опрой. Майкл признал себя верующим Христианином. Сказал, что помощь детям это его смысл жизни. Те кому Майкл был неугоден решили и извратить его виденье мира и через это погубить. Всё таки сбылось желание Майкла быть похожим на Христа. Евангелие от Марка глава 15 стих 28: И сбылось слово Писания: "и к злодеям причтен". Но не взяли во внимание его враги то, что был невинен и старался соблюдать то чему Христос учил. Евангелие от Матфея глава 18:1-6,10-11. В то время ученики приступили к Иисусу и сказали:кто больше в Царстве Небесном? Иисус, призвав дитя, поставил его посреди них и сказал :Истинно говорю вам, если не обратитесь и не будете как дети, не войдёте в Царство Небесное; итак, кто умалится, как это дитя, тот и больше в Царстве Небесном; и кто примет одно такое дитя во имя Моё, тот Меня принимает; а кто соблазнить одного из малых сих, верующих в Меня, тому лучше было бы, если бы повесили ему мельничный жернов на шею и потопили его во глубине морской. Смотрите не презирайтени одного из малых сих ; ибо говорю вам, что Ангелы их на небесах всегда видят лице Отца Моего Небесного. Ибо Сын Человеческий пришёл взыскать и спасти погибшее. Исходя из тог, что и люди исследовали жизнь Майкла и не нашли в нем никакой вины, то могу сказать, что и Бог также поругаем не бывает. Клевета дело не чистое. А к чистому грязь не липнет. Невозможно изображать всю жизнь другого человека. Майкл ни разу не был виновен ни по одному пункту обвинения лишь по одной причине: невинен. 💖💖💖

@jcorey68 - 02.02.2024 22:11

We live in such an evil and cynical world today. They don't know or understand genuine love. Michael had genuine love for people, especially children.

@Twebb349 - 02.02.2024 21:55

Macaulay Culkin spent many nights at MJs house and has always said that he wasn’t guilty of the things that he was accused of.

@fuhyou3223 - 02.02.2024 21:37

Jermaine Jackson’s hair looks like frozen birthday cake frosting.

@ClaudiaCristina - 02.02.2024 21:21

Admirável Jermaine defendendo a todo custo seu irmão Michael, com muita perseverança e atitude. 👏👏👏👏🙏🙏❤❤ como eu lamento tanto por Michael ter passado por tudo isso, mas Deus estava com ele o tempo todo. 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏 eu queria tanto Michael te abraçar e poder dizer que tudo já deu certo e vai ficar tudo bem. Porque nós acreditamos em você e amamos muito você Michael.

@user-cg1hd7hy5v - 02.02.2024 20:23

Этот мир ужасен и не достоин был Майкла, люди готовы на все из за денег и эти лже обвинения которых по хорошему и не должно было быть этому подтверждения и на убийство пойдут и не на такое, сердце💔💔💔разрывается из за Майкла, сколько боли он пережил незаслуженно, из за любви к детям , людям и всего живому!так больно слушать как будто сама все это пережила вместе с ним ,но Джермейн молодец, поступил по братски, чтобы помочь брату, зная о его невиновности, и сам тоже рисковал , но это стоило свечь и самолёт который был приготовлен на всякий случай, но как он сказал правильно!Бог был на стороне Майкла, и все узнали суд постановил, о его невиновности, как и должно было быть.Он был и есть невиновный✌️🤴👼❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

@frieda6435 - 02.02.2024 20:11

I don’t like Jermaine. He could never get over the fact, that Michael was more talented, more intelligent and better looking than him. What he said about these allegations doesn’t mean anything to me. It is not relevant and won’t change anyone’s opinion. That family failed him. His mother couldn’t protect him and did nothing to stop her husband from abusing his children. I feel terribly sorry for Michael. He was much too good for this family and for the world. He was a quirky guy, but I never believed that he sexually abused these children. He doesn’t need Jermaine defending him.

@DustySoulLtd - 02.02.2024 20:08

Here's the problem however: when someone tells you something is innappropriate as an adult you stop if you are a responsible adult. Period! If you don't then something is mentally wrong.

@finyctophilia - 02.02.2024 19:52

Michael deserves a big big big biggggg apology from everyone. He was never the same after all of this. I love Jermaine. All siblings, all brothers have some beef going on between them but they’ll always be there for each other, that’s what mattered. The Jacksons forever!❤️

@tunsiatunsia9609 - 02.02.2024 19:52

Er ist der schlimmste von den Jacksons😂

@user-jj9vv2pi1n - 02.02.2024 19:26

Никогда не сметь гады даже заикаться против. Майкла. Джексона все кто открыл поганый рот против эти все нечтожества и гнилостные завистники и бессильны перед его талантом и его гениальностью

@user-du9yc2ym4j - 02.02.2024 19:17

Michael is innocent,

@M.J.732 - 02.02.2024 19:13

Jermaine Jackson 🌹 I swear he's an example of a good man ✊🏻 who loves his brother 🫂 & defends him against media slander 🗞️📰

@MillisecondFalcon - 02.02.2024 18:31

I have said this before - Michael's smile when he's sitting on the floor of the orphanage (in Russia or Romania I think) is how I choose to remember him. It is a smile of pure joy because he was doing what he loved most by bringing happiness to the forgotten children and helping the orphanage financially. This should have been all the evidence anyone ever needed that Michael's love for children was pure and absolutely genuine. The sad thing is people couldn't relate to that and accept it for what it was.

@annettesherrer876 - 02.02.2024 18:26

America don't hold children as sacred and precious. Michael did which made him different. There a a certain group of people in America that hate difference and will do whatever they can to destroy it.

@michaelb3927 - 02.02.2024 18:01

Michael I feel was just a Weird MFR I personally don’t think he messed with them kids, but he needed to cut out the questionable behavior when he beat the first case! He cared about his legacy and damaged it with his habits of bad looks

@sp4c3g - 02.02.2024 17:59

his mind was stuck on childhood! this is why could be a pedhofile ! pehofile people are stuck on their childhood!

@Youvegotmelle - 02.02.2024 17:25

Jermaine wanted camera time… that’s it.

@cuckoonut1208 - 02.02.2024 17:09

The relentless American main stream media finally murdered Michael Jackson. They got what they wanted and will soon get what they deserve.

@kimmiller6509 - 02.02.2024 17:04

🎶 "He Ain't Heavy He's My Brother!"🎶

When you love your brother you "have his back."

💖 I am deeply affected by Jermaine's love and loyalty to his brother Michael 💖
I appreciate this video.

@ANITACHEONG-em8mt - 02.02.2024 17:04

God bless your soul forever and forever Michael.

@sandysandy3626 - 02.02.2024 16:57

Grazie per il video concordo con gerimine jekson ❤

@umolhar9993 - 02.02.2024 16:52

Jermani sempre o defendeu! Tinham suas diferenças no grupo, e na carreira solo, mas Jermani sabia o qto Michael Jackson era inocente e incapaz de acometer essas barbaridades. O conhecia!

@JoshuaLaGuardia-uw6jk - 02.02.2024 16:40

it’s like he never had a great childhood really so he wanted children to have a much better one than he did

@terecee1204 - 02.02.2024 16:22

He's right. Psychologically, Michael was not older than the kids he hung around with. I sometimes have my 17yr old autistic child with night terrors in my bed. We top to tail. I do the same with my 71 yr old mum. I think it's a breakdown greasier if love, trust and closeness.

@workingman-xl6xh - 02.02.2024 16:11

This had nothing to do with race, they attacked Michael for his money and because people like to see the most famous fall and Michael was an easy target. Now, Jermaine is being accused of sexual assault from years ago.

@BKofficialtempo - 02.02.2024 14:44

Society dangerous

@user-lh9yz5fi9x - 02.02.2024 14:33

Why nobody pretected Michael from Ugly Father???
