David Brooks Interview: How To Live A Meaningful Life

David Brooks Interview: How To Live A Meaningful Life

Life Stories

2 года назад

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puddles - 07.10.2023 07:57

so living a meaningful life involves spending 50 bucks on whiskey with your burger then whinging about the cost of living.

who knew!

Julie Nelson
Julie Nelson - 06.10.2023 10:04

Recommended: David Brooks, “The Road to Character.” A mix of lives of others through David’s eyes. SO GOOD. Evaluating my next choice by him. By the way, I’m Progressive in politics and social justice yet learn so much from this man. I don’t agree with many of his political stances, but he communicates and critiques values. As I said, so much to absorb from this man.❤

- 05.10.2023 09:09

David Brooks… when your socialist outfit needs a fake conservative to proclaim it is not monolithic, he’s the man.

M Slater
M Slater - 04.10.2023 12:10

David Brooks sweet ...

Gregory Abbot
Gregory Abbot - 03.10.2023 09:39

By claiming your bar tab at an airport lounge is what you paid for just a burger and fries to make some kind of snowflake right-wing talking point? Just a guess.

Nancy Crider Hamilton
Nancy Crider Hamilton - 03.10.2023 00:03

One of the best interviews I’ve ever listened to. Long but so packed with important quotes and wonderful stories. He admits to being a work in progress. He writes so many books as a project to educate himself. Many write him off as a Conservative but most have no idea what that really means. It’s actually the polar opposite of how we see today’s repub party behaving.

Emily Anderson
Emily Anderson - 02.10.2023 15:42

Replacing a lower love with a higher love

Chris - 28.09.2023 11:22

Lies become truths when people believe them

Audrianna B
Audrianna B - 27.09.2023 15:56

I am a better person for having listened to David Brooks! He is absolutely fascinating and such a great speaker! Yes, if he ever ran for president I would vote for him absolutely, even though I consider myself a Democrat! Until this great interview I had never even heard of him before! His lifetime of learning and reading and questioning and such incredible multi-faceted insight and his stories were so interesting! He is one of the most learned individuals yet such a compassionate individual with such a rich background!🌟

lucina chavez
lucina chavez - 26.09.2023 22:06

I was not expecting to cry during an interview featuring Mr. Brooks. A good cry is a gift. THank you Kunhardt and Mr. Brooks.

Stephen Heiden
Stephen Heiden - 25.09.2023 00:40

Enlightenment comes with voluminous verbosity to the virulently disillusioned. Mr Brooks’ penance for fanboying Gingrich’s Republican Revolution now culminates with Rabbinical opining while democracy is on a knife’s edge

Glenn Goryl
Glenn Goryl - 23.09.2023 22:33

"How to Live a Meaningful Life". #1: Don't cover up your stupidity by saying "I meant it as a joke".

robin hood
robin hood - 23.09.2023 19:48

Brooks is neither conservative or liberal. He's anything you will pay him to be.

Teema Darif
Teema Darif - 23.09.2023 12:18

🔸️This brother is in his full state of humanity 🔸️

D W - 23.09.2023 07:46


Margot Holmes
Margot Holmes - 22.09.2023 09:27

Brooks you are right about abandonment and willingness to continue to be there in a safe way…❤️

Margot Holmes
Margot Holmes - 22.09.2023 09:21

Wow, you just defined women in the 50s as being bored…tone def a little and o am 48.

Howard Swing
Howard Swing - 22.09.2023 05:11

Brooks had a restaurant bill tab of $78 of which $12 for the meal and $66 from the bar thats the meaning of a fulfilling life

patty lawson
patty lawson - 22.09.2023 04:13

It is refreshing to hear a person with some common sense and wisdom as well as a balanced perspective. I feel compelled to share this with several people as so many people could benefit from his wisdom.

Evelyn Ramos
Evelyn Ramos - 21.09.2023 09:14

Finding joy in regular day!

Evelyn Ramos
Evelyn Ramos - 21.09.2023 09:13

Love more than oneself!

Evelyn Ramos
Evelyn Ramos - 21.09.2023 09:06


Evelyn Ramos
Evelyn Ramos - 21.09.2023 09:04

Let go traditions, that are common place for certain families! Yet for some don't exist

Evelyn Ramos
Evelyn Ramos - 21.09.2023 09:01

Ritual to the neighborhood, women watchful of all of children.

Evelyn Ramos
Evelyn Ramos - 21.09.2023 08:59

Earned wisdom by via hard knocks

Steven C Highley
Steven C Highley - 20.09.2023 06:26

Brooks is delusional.

There was NEVER a time when conservatism was about anything except making the rich richer and keeping the poor poor.

Steven C Highley
Steven C Highley - 20.09.2023 06:25

That time when conservatives cared about "the least among us" ... when was that?

Because I'm 65 and that sure as fuck wasn't in my lifetime.

Steven C Highley
Steven C Highley - 20.09.2023 06:23

Conservatism has ALWAYS been about fucking people who work for a living so that the leisure class can live like kings.

The rest of it ... the racism, xenophobia, the guns and bible bullshit, etc. was just a means to an end.

KK C - 15.09.2023 16:20

Beautiful interview! Thank you David!

Carlito's Way
Carlito's Way - 14.09.2023 20:52

Is david on social media? He is so inspirational.. What a beautiful human being.. We need zillions more of him.. Then the human race has a chance, maybe 🤷🏾‍♂️💙🇬🇧

Brian Michael
Brian Michael - 14.09.2023 18:00

Exactly what lies has Trump told?

MNS - 14.09.2023 04:30

I like him, but he's in the wrong political party, ao I also feel sorry for him.

Bob Honea
Bob Honea - 12.09.2023 13:51

Perhaps he meant no sense of enduring intimacy. Lots of fleeting intimacy. Or intimacy combined with commitment.

Matthew Thomas
Matthew Thomas - 12.09.2023 11:11

This is Amazing Content

Judge  Commitee
Judge Commitee - 11.09.2023 04:09

I want to get that forgery proof inheritance plan around the first of the year pay 5 to 25% of my Wealth to make sure my kids don’t fight

William Hampton
William Hampton - 11.09.2023 00:00

Immigrants didn't define America. Anglo-Protestant settlers did that.

Carol Bastian
Carol Bastian - 09.09.2023 11:55

Amazing. I need to listen to this again.

Sarah Altizer
Sarah Altizer - 09.09.2023 05:41

Why won’t he run for president? He would have my vote! Friday’s are the best episodes of PBS NewsHour because of him❤️ I look forward to it every week!

Magdalena Algarin
Magdalena Algarin - 06.09.2023 17:18

I love you in this interview, thank you for your inspiration. Your thoughts made me think about my life and character,

Magdalena Algarin
Magdalena Algarin - 06.09.2023 17:17

David I think its courage with humility. Those two together.

fractally - 05.09.2023 11:37

Sorry, David.
But I remember you waxing enthusiastically about "COMPASSIONATE CONSERVATIONISM" and "A MILLION POINTS OF LIGHT". Your schmaltzy endorsement of Dubya'ism helped elect the village idiot who then killed millions in the Middle East for no good reason.
Over the years you have been way too mealy-mouth to stand up for real progress, instead rooting for ideas that were devised by Mad Men to lull the oppressed into thinking they might finally get a fair shake.
Now are planet is going down the tubes, and here you are still singing the praises of "moderate thought".
I suggest a heroic dose of a psychedelic twice monthly, until you finally SEE with clarity.

Bonnie Wallbank
Bonnie Wallbank - 05.09.2023 09:51

I've only seen the first 10 minutes of this show and he keeps talking about the 50's and 60's, comparing then to now.
What about the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's, 20's ?

ftmackinc - 05.09.2023 06:21

A social connedservative milk toast.

DoctorJ42 - 04.09.2023 05:46

If you're looking for additional sources of wisdom and information check out Feminist Dating Tips or maybe try, Hitler Explains Jewish Antiquities!

John Radovic
John Radovic - 03.09.2023 04:53

wow yeah … a meaningful life .. how about these gotdamned home prices or the price of FOOD … it’s cool, I’ll just find meaning in living in a tent and eating out of a TRASH CAN.

Adam Van Wickel
Adam Van Wickel - 02.09.2023 13:03

Brooks does come across as a kind and thoughtful guy, and I've been reading him for years. But at the end of the day he's just a standard republican that is always in favor of slashing social programs to the benefit of the wealthy; was a self-deluded cheerleader for the invasion of Iraq when it was obvious that the whole notion was built on lies; and always turns a blind eye to the plight of the Palestinian people. I consider those things to be epic failures of judgement and compassion.

RosiePosie - 02.09.2023 06:58

Wow, I couldn’t stop listening. Awesome interview.

Lloyd Thurston Dinwiddie AkA Gyant
Lloyd Thurston Dinwiddie AkA Gyant - 02.09.2023 05:51

