American Jiu-Jitsu: The Movie

American Jiu-Jitsu: The Movie


2 года назад

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Steven Lashon Williams
Steven Lashon Williams - 19.10.2023 18:47

American Juitsu used to be Japanese Juitsu brought to America.

ninja11zoo - 19.10.2023 02:26

Podem colocar o nome que quiserem. Eles podem praticar, treinar,lutar, ganhar campeonato. Mas o jiu jitsu pra eles a maioria dos americanos é dinheiro, negócios. O jiu-jitsu brasileiro é uma filosofia de vida, nossos cumprimentos, nosso estilo de vida, nossa confraternização pós treino, amizades, união,nosso vocabulário,os apelidos ganhos, de certa forma veio até da capoeira. Eles americanos estão lá pra treinar, levar a sério. Mas não se misturam. Depois é branco com branco, negros com negros, hispânicos com hispânicos. Nos estamos juntos e misturados, alegria com disciplina e respeito. Igual o futebol,o surf, cada esporte com sua tribo e costumes.Temos talento e uma filosofia,um modo de vida. Essa cultura, é que precisam ter. E isso que nos fazem evoluir, um ajudando o outro, não importa raça, rico,pobre, mulheres ou homens, idosos,idade. A primeira geração de American jiu-jitsu tem a cultura brasileira. Qdo tiver só americanos, se distanciam da nossa essência. Jiu-jitsu brasileiro têm nossa cultura de vida. A evolução tá nisso. Os caras não gostam nem de se abraçar antes e depois dos treinos. E nos treinos tão todos embolados no chão.Mas quanto mais praticamentes de jiu-jitsu pelo mundo melhor. Se começaram com nosso jiu-jitsu, pelo menos devem se sentir parte desse tipo de cultura, estilo de vida e ter união e respeito. Pra mim treina, treinou jiu-jitsu, não importa nacionalidade, já temos muito em comum. Oss

TheManInBush - 17.10.2023 02:08

only way its gona get in the olympics is if it drops the country name - we dont say the countries name where TKD was invented every time we say TKD

John - 01.10.2023 06:11

There's no such thing as American or Brazilan Ju Jitsu only Japanese Ju Jitsu no matter how much they butcher the original art.

Dillon Ditch
Dillon Ditch - 30.09.2023 23:09

Folk style wrestling + BJJ equals= American jujitsu

Paulo Ricardo
Paulo Ricardo - 26.09.2023 23:14

There's no such thing as american jiu jitsu. Its the same set of rules, same techniques,, there's nothing new about. Sure you wanna say BJJ and judo is the same, but it's ototally different set of rules, so iis more like rugby and football. But If I start to play football in australia I can not say I'm playing Australian foorball, will still american foobtall, played in australia.
US had this bad habit to not respect the origins when something come from other countries, and thats not good thing. BJJ have Braziliam in the name for a reason, And should be keep it like that.

Kevin Connolly
Kevin Connolly - 19.09.2023 16:28

Wait until Irish jiu jitsu comes 🎉

Silencio - 06.09.2023 18:22

Call it ne waza it was judo they were taught

Levente gavallér
Levente gavallér - 05.09.2023 22:50

Mexican Ground Karate!!!!!

anti_Hype_334 - 26.08.2023 02:19

"no ego no drama, just jiu jitsu" ... even that is false, judo and jiu jitsu both came from jutaijutsu ... but hey, at least the Brazilians finally get the same treatment they gave the Japanese ... we're going to see a whole new level of hypocricy in the next few decades, you watch ...

anti_Hype_334 - 26.08.2023 02:18

in the end, call it whatever you like, it's still jutaijutsu

anti_Hype_334 - 26.08.2023 02:09

okay, lemme get this straight: so we went all the way from the classical feudal Japanese gentleman warrior weaponry-assisted grappling art that was jutaijutsu, to pyjama grappling in judo, to a bunch of Brazilian con artists trying to become rich and famous off a scam everyone bought somehow ... to 'MURICA FUCK YEAH ... our warrior ancestors would be so proud ... NAHT ... tsssss ...

Pan_be V_nice
Pan_be V_nice - 14.08.2023 04:38

Ok, so you know Wrestling is not American or Dagestani or whatever ... It's 100% Greek. So when you mix Wresting with JJ is not 'American' exactly... LOL

Rethink Yourself
Rethink Yourself - 30.07.2023 15:26

It's like saying American Air stupid!

Brandon Pemberton
Brandon Pemberton - 29.07.2023 07:10

Also. Its GRACIE Juijitsu! A bunch of Americans... From Brazil changed the name to Brazilian JJ. So Bjj is already an alteration🤷‍♂️

Brandon Pemberton
Brandon Pemberton - 29.07.2023 07:03

Xande makes a great point... His Jui jitsu has been the same for years. They still cant pass his guard or sub🤷‍♂️

Brion Priest
Brion Priest - 22.07.2023 22:18

Okay okay what made Gracie Jujitsu unique was the teaching methods, the Gracie's are the best teachers

Jacob Harris
Jacob Harris - 22.07.2023 14:41

Kito ryu > judo > BJJ > AMERICAN JJ

Jacob Harris
Jacob Harris - 22.07.2023 14:36

White guy calling a gringo gringo is hilarious

Fisher Steven
Fisher Steven - 20.07.2023 19:21

Americans try to steal everything LMFAO

Filipe Castro
Filipe Castro - 16.07.2023 02:43

Não existe American Jiujitsu. Não criaram nada de novo. Nada relevante.

Herb 20
Herb 20 - 13.07.2023 20:23

Jui jitsu from Japan was changed by the Brazilians and it was acceptable to call it bjj, the yanks have kicked on and changed the style of jui jitsu along with bringing the no gi game properly so why can’t they call their take on the martial art American JJ.

Alyx Frost
Alyx Frost - 10.07.2023 18:45

There's no American Jiujitsu lol. Jiujitsu is from Japan. MMA is American.

Doppelgänger - 03.07.2023 01:07

It's like saying "American physics", jiujitsu is for the whole human kind.

André Solat
André Solat - 28.06.2023 19:12

Just call it Jiu-Jitsu, that's it.
Same rules and gear everywhere.
Its not like football, where American or Australian football is a totally different sport.
I hear a lot of resentment from the tone of certain practionnners, on all side, as great and legendary as they may be.

Luke Thibodaux
Luke Thibodaux - 22.06.2023 22:19

So Brazil stole Jiu-jitsu from Japan but they get mad when Americans try to steal it for themselves? What is the big deal? Just kidding guys :) Since Jiu-Jitsu has evolved significantly over the past three decades it would not be inappropriate to call it something new but there really is no need to in my book, it will always be BJJ for me.

Dimitrius Scarlatta
Dimitrius Scarlatta - 21.06.2023 06:07

uhehuaeuhaeauheauhae EUA e sua mania de querer dizer que tudo é deles... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

pibemartins 420
pibemartins 420 - 20.06.2023 18:27

bro , north america is not america -.-"

kiintro - 20.06.2023 09:10

Ajj = wrestling + jj

Christian José Peláez Huertas
Christian José Peláez Huertas - 06.06.2023 21:11

Muricans being muricans

Nilavra Pathak
Nilavra Pathak - 06.06.2023 16:00

That's why Mexican Ground Karate is the way

Mr. Blackwater
Mr. Blackwater - 31.05.2023 12:53

I'm new to jiu-Jitsu and have fallen in love with the art. But like everything else. Culture and tribalism can cause issues. In any case, the respect for the art and it's evolutions will always win.

Mr.AV3RAG3 - 01.05.2023 20:24

Would you call Muay Thai, Muay American. No. Not even if american fighters won striking tournaments and train Muay thai. I rest my case

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:17

🦆🦆🦆qüêm, qüêm, qüêm, qüêm...

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:17

🦆🦆🦆qüêm, qüêm, qüêm, qüêm... é assim que me soa a narrativa desse ladrão!

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:16

Imbecil da voz de pato!🦆🦆🦆🦆qüêm, qüêm, qüêm, qüêm...

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:14

NÃO é porque vocês fizeram um único campeão que agora podem dizer que o Jiujitsu brasileiro é agora americano. Quem teve a "brilhante" idéia de fazer essa bosta desse vídeo e revelar esse lado pérfido desses que querem tomar o Jiujitsu do Brasil? Bando de mal intencionados: ladrões!🤬🤬🤬

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:10

Ladrões vergonhosos!

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:09

Uma asqueirosa tentativa de "roubar" o esporte brasileiro.🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡

Só Pra Controle
Só Pra Controle - 30.04.2023 04:07

Jju jitsu is: BJJ. Point.

Mark Daniels
Mark Daniels - 23.04.2023 08:18

It should be called submission wrestling with no gi and newaza judo with gi, nothing more nothing less

Jacob Abraham
Jacob Abraham - 11.04.2023 08:35

Brazilians might have made jiu jitsu, but they daisy fresh heyyyyy was definitely American made, Heath Pedigo trademarked

Chris Play Music
Chris Play Music - 28.03.2023 23:07

I get it. It's for marketing for the most part. It's the same thing with karate and kickboxing. There's American Karate and American Kickboxing, though we know BOTH never originated from USA. American learn it, and they want to teach it in their own way. That's fine so call it whatever you want. 😉

David Evans
David Evans - 27.03.2023 04:55

Awesome doc

MC - 19.02.2023 13:44

The American side is responsible for the huge rise in the sport's popularity and worldwide appeal - be thankful.

If we wait for the Brazilians to lead the way into the future, the scope and potential for growth is lost while they squabble over "mucho macho" nonsense.

Vinny Does Life
Vinny Does Life - 14.02.2023 19:31

Its just JIU-JITSU.

Tim - 07.02.2023 04:50

Where are all the angry catch wrestling guys?

[:::::::] - 12.01.2023 16:13

Cultural appropriation. Another Kim Kardashian's Kimono controversy, again?
Just call it jiu-jitsu

Frank Santos
Frank Santos - 01.01.2023 08:20

“ Ground Therapy “....Or
“ One-A-Day “ keeps Doc Away...!💯😎

LOST SOULS - 29.12.2022 22:46

wait until you see "Afghanistan jiu jitsu" that's on a whole different level coming soon you heard it here first
