Best Certificates for Business Professionals in 2024

Best Certificates for Business Professionals in 2024

Firm Learning

1 год назад

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mathieu perreault
mathieu perreault - 21.10.2023 17:46

Good video. However, the only certification that make sense here is the PMP. The CFA relates to banking and is almost the equivalent of an MBA. The CASE, GMAT (those are test not « certification » BTW) and other are useful in places (country) where education is not standardized across their education system such as in the US. Furthermore, certification was more relevant in the 70s, 80s, and 90s when going to university was not a requirement. Today, those certifications are mostly required by zealous senior people that want their new employees to do the same as they did when they got their first job. But since most do not think much nowadays, we have to follow that never ending requirements trend…😂 Furthermore, here where I live, having a scrum master or six sigma certification can help you get jobs, but most of the time you will need specialized work experience to back them up. I have both and they do not require a lot of time or cost much, except for the black belt that is around 10k$.

Lama Alza
Lama Alza - 04.10.2023 23:10

is FMVA certificate viewed as more valuable than scoring high in the GRE when applying to a PhD in finance school, or no and I should focus on getting better score in GRE, I scored low and I want to apply to top schools?

jrodriguezq - 25.06.2023 02:15

I disagree that the CFA is top tier certificate for business professionals; maybe, for finance professionals but business is more than finance field; you forgot to mention the CQF for quants or the FRM for risk professionals. These are top tier certificate but at the end of the day none of them will guarantee anyone to get a high paying job.

Savvy Artist
Savvy Artist - 05.06.2023 16:47

Thank you for your video. It gives me some idea as to the worth of my CFA (Level 1) completion. I took it because I was involved in a number of startups a decade ago and I wanted to know about company valuation and investment principles. It was very tough but I managed to clear and pass all the 10 subjects. I remembered there were so many questions and the exams took a long time. Yes, you are right, you will not be awarded the qualification even if you passed all the exams but lack any experience in banking or finance. The questions were framed as though you are already comfortable with making investment calculations. They came from all angles!!

Lucky Mellow
Lucky Mellow - 03.06.2023 10:32


AAYAD99 - 26.05.2023 17:11

What about CAIA?

Ashish Kumar
Ashish Kumar - 05.05.2023 21:28

can someone explain me why coursera is in C tier and udemy and skillshare being the same thing is lower down in D tier??

SpartanPotato - 03.05.2023 17:51

Thanks you your insight! I humbly request that in your next video you specifically talk about CFI and also about CISI (Charted Institute for securities and Investments). I know that those courses are not the same as CFA but information about the CFA is widely available as opposed to the courses from the CFI and CISI and therefore I would love to hear your opinion on the knowledge one may acquire and it's value in the industry from learning the courses offered by these two institutions.

Max Twyman
Max Twyman - 21.04.2023 05:39

The only certification that will truly land you a job is having a CPA in public accounting.

Bethicia Prasek
Bethicia Prasek - 17.04.2023 12:46

I got the PMP. Even if it doesn't help with career (though I expect it will), it helps with my knowledge and confidence. Working on a valuable career specific certification now, but don't rule out scrum master or other agile related certification. GMAT, GRE, etc. are just tests which I know I would do well on, but certifications based on only test scores aren't valuable to the internal and external customers I deal with. They like to see experience and practical application skills be a part of certifications.

Parisa Behbodi
Parisa Behbodi - 10.04.2023 11:57

Alsoif we get a certificate from business schools that offer online in coursera or in Harvard University website , does it worth?

Parisa Behbodi
Parisa Behbodi - 10.04.2023 11:49

where should I gain that B group certificate, like Sigma.. if I get my project managment certificate from coursera , how is it? Is it worth

Diego Sáenz
Diego Sáenz - 09.04.2023 02:45

Do you think Cornell is a top/target business school?

Great video!

Mohammed Cache
Mohammed Cache - 06.04.2023 21:22

What about toastmasters certificate?

joshua clark
joshua clark - 26.03.2023 20:04

is the FMVA from CFI rellevant for consulting?

Shady R. Khairy
Shady R. Khairy - 15.03.2023 09:15

very insightful thanks

Francis de la Cruz
Francis de la Cruz - 12.03.2023 20:02

Unfortunate that certification in business is so far from those with IT such that for example if you need to set up a Google Cloud Architecture system a Google Certification actually gets you the job. For investment banking it's still based on how high you rank in a target undergrad or post grad program. It's also a function of how the candidate would be respected on the field ie your dealing with Ivy league graduates and you need to gain their respect and even lead them when likely your even younger than they are in this case a certificate may not do it for you.

Taha Ezz
Taha Ezz - 26.02.2023 21:34

What about fmva , Mr?

PRASANTH A K - 31.12.2022 09:47

Hi sir what about Henry Harvin FMVA certification. Could you please tell us,

Questions & Curiosity??!!
Questions & Curiosity??!! - 17.11.2022 18:34

Can you pls speak a bit slowly? You are too fast for many people to follow.
