Baldur's Gate 3 Perfected Bloodletter - Ultimate Bleed Barbarian Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3 Perfected Bloodletter - Ultimate Bleed Barbarian Build Guide for Baldur's Gate 3


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Mordarim - 07.09.2023 20:37

I based this around the bloodletter in Dnd5e. Sadly we don´t have that edgy subclass in the game, so we have to make due with tiger barbs combined with fighter.
!!! IMPORTANT: I completely botched the 6/6 split. Its 8 barb, 4 fighter. ITS STRAIGHT UP BETTER!!!
You can actually already respec at 10 to 17 Str to get athlete. Slight mistake.
Feats: Great weapon mastery into Athelete with a 17 Str respec into ASI Str+2.
No need for the Haghair.

Elixir of Hill Giant Strength: Sold by Ethel in Act 1. AND Derryth Bonecloak sells 1 per long rest / day. She's in the myconid colony of the underdark. You can create it by combining 3 pieces of Hill Giant Fingers. Afterwards mix it with any Suspension to create Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength.

Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength: (27 Str until longrest) Act3 sold by multiple vendors with alchemicals. Same restock as anyone else. You can create it by combining 3 pieces of Cloud Giant Fingers. Afterwards mix it with any Suspension to create Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength.

Madara. Ghost of the Uchiha.
Madara. Ghost of the Uchiha. - 27.09.2023 12:18

Since we take level 5 and 6 of fighter solely for the extra feat, wouldn't it be smarter to go 8 Barbarian and 4 Fighter? You still get 3 feats like here but instead of wasting the second extra attack from fighter you get feral instinct and land strider from barbarian.

Rin Pham
Rin Pham - 18.09.2023 10:32

Can I use halberds with this build?

Sean Denton
Sean Denton - 12.09.2023 01:53

On your Holy Avenger build. If i wanted to dual wield Rapiers and main medium armor, what changes would i make?

Shawn John
Shawn John - 11.09.2023 06:05

I wonder if getting booal’s benediction buff is worth it for this build. Story wise it should fit perfectly to give you automatic advantage on bleeding targets.

whatistruth 101
whatistruth 101 - 09.09.2023 00:46

Just kill Gut for the amulet

Gerdoch - 08.09.2023 19:51

Also, if you're Githyanki, you can get the Silver Sword of the Astral Plane in Act 1, which is pretty beefy on Gith.

Gerdoch - 08.09.2023 19:34

There's also the Potion you can get in Moonrise for pimping out Astarion that gives a permanent +2 Strength. 22 STR in Act 2 is doable with that + hag hair.

rodein - 08.09.2023 14:43

Personally I think Barb 8 fighter 4 is better. Figher 6 is only for the additional feat, which barb 8 gets you anyways. Barb 7 gives feral instincts which is basically the alert feat (only 2 less inititative) which is a supremely good feature to have, while fighter 5 on the other split gives the redundant extra attack. More barb levels also means you get more hp.

Иван Клименко
Иван Клименко - 08.09.2023 10:29

There’s actually op synergy with wolverine. Maim effect procs on a hit that caused bleed and makes your targets movement reserve 0m. Prone effect restricts enemies to take actions and bonus actions until they spend half of their movement reserve. Boom! Maimed Enemies can’t get up from prone. You can maim them with one character and then prone them with other character (wizards, battlemasters, elk and eagle heart barbs). If you succeed, they are stun locked as long as you maim them.
Don’t know why there are no videos on YT about this

Claudio Grech
Claudio Grech - 08.09.2023 09:13

if you're not going for bleed and instead going berserker. would yoiu recommend the same 6 barb/ 6 fighter split? thanks!!

StarEmpireTv - 08.09.2023 08:51

put your videos into their respective play list.

V.A Valtorious
V.A Valtorious - 08.09.2023 06:32

I know you made a perfected wild shaper build, but do you mind making a “Moon Druid Summoner Build” one of these days? I’ve seen spore Druid summoner builds that can summon over 30, but moon is a pretty good subclass overall. It would be much appreciated 🙏

NeoDMC - 08.09.2023 06:06

Also should mention that keeping the Hag Hair around is dangerous, and that it should be either be eaten immediately or kept in a pouch in your camp chest. The item itself is actually considered food in the game, and can be consumed accidentally with no bonus. The Owlbear Cub in particular can eat it.

I lost a few hours cuz I waited until I got to Act 2 before eating it, only to realize I no longer had it. I had to redo Grymforge and the Githyanki Creche. Luckily I do Auntie Ethel pretty late in Act 1 so there was only 2 major quests to perform.

JorelTheHumbled - 08.09.2023 06:04

Is there a way to get the Hill Giant elixir reliably early. Or would you repec an drop your strength later in the game?

No Truce
No Truce - 08.09.2023 05:19


RM - 08.09.2023 03:44

I find a really underrated glove is the one you get in act 1 that gives your attacks advantage when you a near 2 or more enemies happens all the time with a melee char, and its super helpful

Jake M
Jake M - 08.09.2023 01:11

This build looks fun but there are a lot of bleed-immune enemies in the game. I am currently running an Elkheart build with dual-wield longswords and focus a LOT on mowing down enemies with my charge ability. I took the dual fighter feat and fighting style. I have very high Dex for extra AC, attack roll, and initiative. The charge ability doesn’t appear to have a size restriction, so I can knock anything prone. And since my initiative is typically highest, all my other party members have a heyday on the prone enemies. What’s really busted is the charge is infinite use and doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. Moving around unharmed is trivial with this build, and when combined with items that provide on-hit effects, I am doing a LOT of damage!

theusernameicoodfind - 07.09.2023 23:01

I still want to try a monk tiger heart barb out but I just think the anti synergy between weapon attacks and fist attacks is too big

maggyinahat - 07.09.2023 21:52

Even when I'm not using the builds in these videos, I learn about great weapons I can get on both my main and alt playthroughs

Martin Gonzalez
Martin Gonzalez - 07.09.2023 21:45

How about starting Fighter and going Barb after that? Would that mess this up too much? Thinking about doing this with Laezel

devilmikey00 - 07.09.2023 21:33

In act 3 those 27 str elixirs can show up at multiple vendors who restock after a long rest (circus, guy in the sewers, wyrms rest crossing, the dwarves shop who you first meet in underdark and probably more I'm missing), Save before a long/partial rest and simply reload if none of them have one. Rinse and repeat until your stocked up, they are really cheap.

Roger Bresnahan
Roger Bresnahan - 07.09.2023 21:23

Loving your vids. Fantastic at explaining the build and gear advice. Much appreciated.

Gilmadreth - 07.09.2023 21:21

"Gosh'mog has simple idea in life. If problem pops up, hit problem till it go away. If problem stay around, you not hitting it hard enough."

moat_lcmr - 07.09.2023 21:00

Saw this on reddit. Seemed like a great idea and I rerolled to a new game for it after having already reached act 3. I played barb everytime in early access after it was released but they nerfed zerker for launch. That -1 stacking to hit debuff was brutal.

I truly think its not worth it until you can get to level six and when you are you're basically dealing with act 2 and ghosts. I didnt even try to test if ghosts and things can bleed and played regular zerker until act 3 and respecced.

I think trip attack, riposte, and precision are the best and that theres an argument for taking asi for str instead of gwm is valid. The bonus action for killing a target is great but I keep turning off gwm to hit anything at all often. Thats up to whatever anyone wants to do though.

Also sacrificed wyll for the boooal buff. Why not. Its just wyll.

Rob Vera
Rob Vera - 07.09.2023 20:59

good build. too bad many enemies are immune to bleed. made my own tiger barb too recently but it's quite different from yours. it focuses more on armor of agathys retaliation dmg and switches fighter for warlock. has a pet water elemental too for inflicting chill.

Throndax Lost Soul
Throndax Lost Soul - 07.09.2023 20:52

Well thought out build as always
