JASON UNIVERSE announced...are YOU excited?!?! - @WILIscredia live discussion

JASON UNIVERSE announced...are YOU excited?!?! - @WILIscredia live discussion


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@jasonvoorhees310 - 21.05.2024 06:02

Idk, I wish Sean and Victor would act like men. Just settle this. This means nothing if films aren't happening in the near or distant future.
And if and when we get a film in theaters, it has to be with the Friday the 13th title. Otherwise it will be associated with the New line films having a Jason centric title. I'm a strong believer in that.

@alexerickson6331 - 21.05.2024 06:05

How they haven’t came to a deal for a movie yet is actually ridiculous. Greedy bastards. 15 damn years, give the fans what they want

@JacobCorenthose - 21.05.2024 06:55

Bryan Fuller leaving Crystal Lake sucks creatively, but if he's guilty of what he's been accused of, it's for the best. Highly doubt they'll find someone as good to replace him though.

EDIT: If they're gonna put Jason in another game, give him a better character design than the one he had in Mortal Kombat X. That shit was so low effort.

@DiceRollen - 21.05.2024 09:51

Slashers get the lesser half of my attention typically. So I was already rather passive about this whole idea.

Crystal Lake at least had a bit of my attention when Bryan Fuller was involved. But now? … 👀
