How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Build A Mars Colony!

How SpaceX and NASA Plan To Build A Mars Colony!

The Tesla Space

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Stompy TheWonderLizard
Stompy TheWonderLizard - 22.11.2023 05:02

Boring. Just get to the point next time.

Nick Stinson
Nick Stinson - 22.11.2023 01:43

Your pathetic attempts at discrediting Elon Musk are disgusting. Rude to talk badly about things you dont know anything about. 🤡

Akash Vashisth
Akash Vashisth - 21.11.2023 11:14

Okay that sounds cool ... Nuclear Rocket

Allen Metzger
Allen Metzger - 21.11.2023 04:30

LOL...I was locked in until you changed the narrative. There was literally no reason for you to to turn people away from your content...but you did. Overall nice video though.

Bo G TV - 21.11.2023 01:20

It's funny how they criticize Elon musk Saying if he sent people to Mars without NASA help a lot of people would die, lol wasn't NASA founded by Nazi scientists shortly after ww2?

SickofTALKIN' - 20.11.2023 11:06

Bro thinks he’s a rocket scientist 😂

Kyle - 20.11.2023 02:17


GGG.PH. - 19.11.2023 19:57


Ike Ikie
Ike Ikie - 19.11.2023 07:06

I would NeveR want to be on an Ugly Planet like Mar's.! No Way............. Rediculous..........

Charles Skeen
Charles Skeen - 18.11.2023 12:23

Really? SpaceX & NASA planning this? Nobody told Elon, or NASA. Just a few months ago he told Joe Rogan "nuclear is not happening in this lifetime". Well presented, just sorry that it is a "would nice to be", as opposed to "really happening".

JanoschNr1 - 15.11.2023 21:12


pforce9 - 15.11.2023 10:32

space x will get to Mars but not NASA because they will be waiting for Jeff Bezos to build the lander.

codecircle - 15.11.2023 09:03

Some of the rovers already have small nuclear batteries that they could recycle for human use.

Gary Ives
Gary Ives - 15.11.2023 08:39

So how are the long-term studies of the effects of 38% the gravity of earth on the human body going.........idiotic.

Geordie K
Geordie K - 14.11.2023 02:01

Imagine a company that has all the experience of the past 100 years combine with spacex? Thats like saying ford can run tesla better. The problem is these old fux do not know how to change with technology. Ford execs said tesla will fail because nobody wants evs. Keep doubting crazy elon, he has made a lot of short sellers cry themselves to sleep for many many years.

Andre B
Andre B - 13.11.2023 15:29

Earth with climate change, maybe some nuclear bombs set off, and werewolves and zombies is still way better than living on the moon or Mars because those environments are just so harsh. ....never gonna happen...maybe in a hundred years or so.....

Ihateandreykrasnokutsky - 13.11.2023 06:09

"Mars to stay" is probably a good solution for the expensiveness of the flight.

julio carela
julio carela - 13.11.2023 00:35

who the f is this natarator think he is critizing elon . if u are goiing to make money from someones elses intellingence. its not wise to critized their intelligence .

Jack Shaftoe
Jack Shaftoe - 12.11.2023 19:04

Sure lets go spend the rest of our lives on a baren rock. No thanks. Better fix what you have here before game over.

Lincoln1776 - 12.11.2023 10:33

No to NASA. They will kill it with time.

Esqui Mathe
Esqui Mathe - 12.11.2023 04:40

Ce sera encore en tout plans invasion de terre.

Gregory Byrne
Gregory Byrne - 10.11.2023 06:10

Launch a boring company drill.

Problem is Earth's orbits are crossing the nucleus of our stars fermie cells oort cloud magnetosphere for the next millennium causing these the climate change END TIMES Jesus warned us about.

Keith Brandt
Keith Brandt - 09.11.2023 02:17

I liked this video until the Twitter comment towards the end. Why can't people just keep their politics out of content like this? He spoiled an otherwise good video.

Gino Costa Sings
Gino Costa Sings - 09.11.2023 00:52

Sorry but this is rather simplistic

Ke2 Delight
Ke2 Delight - 08.11.2023 07:29

Nuclear still requires a lot of liquid to be converted into gas for propulsion. Something wasn’t very well calculated. Ion propulsion is the only reasonable, safe, cheap, and light option.

Sam Pyeatte
Sam Pyeatte - 08.11.2023 05:15

It will require a warp-drive to really get the job done.

Dennis Saunders
Dennis Saunders - 07.11.2023 23:15

Attention attention hey I am certain you guys are doing this anyway and I am quickened in spirt biblical scripture will confirm what this means but you can’t take anything with you guys that’s not going to work to warm the planet the pole in the center of the dome the drill and the motor on the drill being retro fitted to release o2 and all of it to ion the more the merrier the question I ask is the field of magnetic currents that’s in flux when and if you stabilize it how’s it change earths I’m sure models in Ai have been ran the quantum computer and it’s data rate problems and mine of digital data and how those in a race to information in other ways and my concern to time the end times messages in the Bible I believe means end all work into time or big rip is possible or planetary change DAVID ADAMS Adam becomes Adam Bible says man taught by man just this is dangerous due to disbelief in spirt soul solar and soul mind transformation and 12 grams of weight when pass over look in to it the body weighs 12 grams 12 a biblical number as all powers and principles math come from our creator and creation thur the body of life and light The copying of the universe has brought us A sentient understanding in analytical not familiarity omniscient I’d familiar so god is as this I am telling you the truth I hope to speak as Muhammad a prophet he couldn’t read or write I am a street kid addict in recovery due to a spiritual event god and my faith and understanding understanding I only seek to understand never say I know anything the known changes in a instant especially when trust and lies exist at the same time truth and trust and mercy grace requirements for relationships I am praying and hope my offer to put a different set of pupils the students of my mind the retina retains the iris the eye and mind and name of god in ancient understanding god as we understand is all ways been this way except for the one who became one did you know the cloud came down at his baptism odd that google cloud and a connection to the earth thur the source came thur him in nature 3,000 yrs ago unless you believe in ET and they had the technology to do this then to him and I doubt knowing we are all kind like a body of receiver and thought brain waves how did John his disciple know alpha omega waves the mind and a thousand years a day and a day a thousand years to the lord written bc in times of dates and accuracy is difficult to do but the time kept and ways man has kept it changing since the beginning also the surface of the earth city above city tet above tet oil crude oil as you probably know pockets of them was organic wetlands and was the surface at one point and human being being inside or bio logical bio outside logical inside and humanity human outside entity inside I hope you come to believe in the soul solar and uni one verse in verse the Bible coincidence co in side dense and I am not a believer in them and co inside Dennis is my name god is wiser than all of us I can’t even tell you how freaked out I am Jesus and how I have had paranormal parables to physical world and seen spirt my whole life I hope this doesn’t cause people to be afraid in anyway nothing we can do about this anyway! The truth is this I am of service we can charge the past only the future and hind sight is 20/20 I hope the meaning of this is understood the dangerous point in time if you can see it this means there’s memory of it ? Yea mind blowing question if you can see into time that means memory of it ? The Bible says our soul has a dressing a signal a memory and helpers sent to us thur spirt ! To help with works and family connections that connected to all things every thing will be known to those who believe! So the AI and how the web is created is a copy of creation relatively a relative our creator no coincidence god it is written walks with Adam to name all the fish and animals and everything since I am adding here he names with us evolution evil lution to believe we’re a bastardized thing out of nothing came the light as when you were born chemical bio and light spirt burst at the first race you ever won ? God bless I am also bringing awareness to addiction recovery moderation stability in drinking and control over one’s self in the enemy of all is not understanding emotions high to low as god is low to high

OldMan H
OldMan H - 07.11.2023 22:56

Elon Musk has not proven himself to be a genius. One major question. Where is the money coming from?

Reagans Ghost
Reagans Ghost - 07.11.2023 08:42

nobody has died on twitter under Musk's reign. It is a better platform since his takeover. Salty bitch.

Michael Rexen
Michael Rexen - 07.11.2023 05:46

Really, man has stuffed up planet earth and is trying to make it green again by creating more problems than the ones they are trying to get rid of, makes sense to me to go colonise Mars or the Moon so man can stuff that up as well, we can't even get it right on earth, man is dumb and greedy

Dan Spoonhour
Dan Spoonhour - 06.11.2023 23:07

Are you kidding NASA; we've secretly had a colony on Mars since late 1950s. Nice try though.

Kirk Tierney
Kirk Tierney - 06.11.2023 17:39

Lots of opinion. Note that NASA is a disaster in delivering rockets on time and budget. NASA information will be useful, but private concerns currently have the state of the art for innovation.

Axiom, is interesting. A SpaceX-based hub-and-spoke design is interesting as a general design and a fuel transfer station. Nuclear Thermal Propulsion has Lockheed Martin in the lead. And nuclear power for the moon and Mars settlements... Rolls Royce is the leader.

Dingodongo Australis
Dingodongo Australis - 06.11.2023 14:39

Total load of shit, just boys in mens bodies jerking off on ideas of being a spaceman like Captain Kirk ,living on mars is a fantasy and always will be

Proud Liberal
Proud Liberal - 06.11.2023 13:42

Stop spending my tax dollars for the benefit of Musk. Put this funding directly into NASA itself and stop subcontracting giant operations to TESLA. We don't need the guy that destroyed Twitter anywhere near NASA.

Luke Cole
Luke Cole - 06.11.2023 12:07

All I got from that is your a Biden cock gobbler and in turn makes you part of the reason why the world is the way it is…. So unfortunately for you that means you will eventually sink and drown 🤷🏼‍♂️

Clinton Harris
Clinton Harris - 06.11.2023 11:15

Your slanderous comments about Elon are disconcerting.

Angus MacKaskill
Angus MacKaskill - 06.11.2023 06:58

Why would you want to live there. Cold, no air, nowhere to go, nothing to do. Move to north dakota instead

Dale Gilliland
Dale Gilliland - 06.11.2023 05:55

The problem will never be technology. The problem will be psychological. Traveling will make people mentally unstable 🥴

Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - 06.11.2023 04:04

But the word is NOW....

Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - 06.11.2023 04:03

I like the idea of the nuclear thermal engine , but do it NOW...
Send three ships with 12 people every 2 month....
And after that, start making babies..., to quote Galactica....

Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - 06.11.2023 03:59

Or, just come out with the true, saying it can be done; admit you is making it more complex than what it should be...

John T. Chambers
John T. Chambers - 06.11.2023 03:57

Personally, I wouldn't trust our government to empty a bucket of piss without spilling half of it.

Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - 06.11.2023 03:56

For niw, you gus suck, you is a major dessapointment.
Give people something concret and worth it to have hope and dreams....

Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - 06.11.2023 03:54

For now, keep it simple, put 20 people on/in the moon, just to keep it simple, since until now space seems to be to complicated to reach....

Jorge Solis
Jorge Solis - 06.11.2023 03:52

Do it as ap..., pretend we ain't got time to waeste...., actually, Earth is running out of time
Just a thought pretensld the planet has less than those one billion yeas 🎉left....🎉

John Grimble
John Grimble - 06.11.2023 00:12

They need to Boring company to make some tunnel to shield from radiation.

DaddyBear101 - 05.11.2023 23:58

Love the way you slated the 1 person on this entire planet who is even slightly capable and actually willing to save our entire species from the sins we all commit and all because you are under the misunderstanding that he is wrong in the belief that every human being is entitled to free speech, which is what he did with twitter. And please do correct me if i'm wrong, and after all of that you use his name and company name as hashtags to earn yourself money through views. I would love to know how you save the humasn race other than making us view your opinionated videos i would love a bit of factual content WITH THE DATA TO BACK IT UP or is that too much to ask?

Karl Grant
Karl Grant - 05.11.2023 22:52

calling it a starship is bad juju. call it a black globe-ship or darth-ship or dark-ship or black-ship

Karl Grant
Karl Grant - 05.11.2023 22:51

ten is a bad number. sounds like they are going to botch this

lidlnutz - 05.11.2023 20:33

this guy is such a hater, its hard to pay attention to him
