BEST Off Grid Internet? | Better Than Starlink? | Fixed Wireless Internet REVIEW

BEST Off Grid Internet? | Better Than Starlink? | Fixed Wireless Internet REVIEW


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@dexterian477 - 16.09.2022 13:25

I've been using AT&T fixed wireless for about a year now and I'm extremely satisfied by it.
I'm about 7 miles away from the tower (completely out of sight even with my drone) with some miner trees in the distance breaking line of sight.
Download is typically about 87 Mbps, upload 19 Mbps, and ping varies from 50 to 100 ms.
I purchased my plan during a special offer of 500 GB per month for $60 per month. That is now a permanent feature of my plan (lucky me!!). If you do use more data than what's on your plan, they will charge you $15 to double your data amount (just for that month). In my case, that would be an additional 500 GB, but probably in all of your cases, it would be 250 GB. (Just for a frame of reference, if you go over your limited data plan on a Verizon cellular plan, they charge $15 per additional 1 GB... A single GB!! Gee, that's so generous, Verizon.)

I'd like to give some extra details about AT&T fixed wireless:
Of course, you're signal strength is determined on how far you are from the tower and how many obstacles are in the way. The max range away from the tower you can typically be is about 9 miles. Any further and the signal strength with suffer. A few trees will have minimal effect on the signal. Though, if the tower is far away while also having to go through a thick forest, that can cause a low signal. You cannot get a good signal going straight through a building. Also, walking within 5 feet directly in front of the antenna will decrease the signal, and thus decrease speeds.

Your download and upload speed can be significantly effected by how many other people are using fixed wireless on that exact same tower. So if you live in the middle of nowhere, your speeds should be great!
Ping is also greatly effected on the antenna's signal strength and the amount of users on the same tower.
If any hardware needs to be repaired, there is absolutely no fee to have it fixed or replaced. My antenna was just struck be lightening, which completely fried it. It was replaced, again, for free.

I absolutely recommend AT&T fixed wireless! Extremely cheep for the performance and is very reliable. It's comparable to some lower teared fiber optic plans but it's even cheaper.

But keep in mind, the more people that are using fixed wireless on the same tower as you are, the slower your speeds will be. So I recommend you DON'T go telling everyone who lives near you to go get fixed wireless. XD

I hope this was valuable information!

@SaborLatino21 - 11.02.2024 07:31

In these days and age, that’s really low speeds; but compare to other plans in your area, I guess it’s great.

@ImDembe - 11.02.2024 06:38

Dose anyone provide unlimited data? In Sweden most providers have unlimited data for less than 50$/month and if you live near civilization you also get 5G speeds :D
My guess would be that i get around 100mbit down and 20mbit up at my cabin.

@ARileysPaintings - 03.02.2024 07:08

I'm currently in Idaho in a temporary living situation, but I work from home. I need to find internet service fast. My job keeps asking me to get an ethernet cable connected to my system, but I can't due to my living situation. Any suggestion?

@coziii.1829 - 26.01.2024 06:39

200 speed for Starlink at its low
80-90 upload

@coziii.1829 - 26.01.2024 06:29

I think Starlink still good for us out in the boonies .
200 speed at minimum better than 12 or less with others I had. And no clouds and storms do not affect it .

Ours is on a 70 foot pole

@kimsalito2188 - 25.01.2024 23:59

I have had ATT fixed wireless since it became available, I don’t get any better than 20-25 download speeds and the tower is less than a mile away. I have asked them to check the setup, but since I am above the 10 they won’t do anything. They tell us there is a limit to the number of customers allowed on a tower and we are at the max. So not everyone has as great internet speeds with defined wireless.

@midixiewrecked7011 - 23.01.2024 06:53

We've chose???

@colleen6971 - 19.01.2024 15:54

So what if att is not available in my area

@lionoftheleo9392 - 18.01.2024 02:12

Hi there thanks for this information! Do you know if this unit is available in Canada (most likely be with a different provider)?

@cbzombiequeen58 - 15.01.2024 22:46

Off-grid means no electricity, no water, no government utilities. You live on solar, a well, or spring water. I saw a lot of electricity that was needed for that system. How much, can a simple solar power system run it. The problem with Starlink is they have no customer service. I would have to turn it on, and then off when not in use. I would need to know how much watts to run the system and would need an invertor to plug it into. Winter power is down with most systems, lack of sun.

@kennyupchurch - 14.01.2024 16:28

What are you flying sir i want one

@mccainjay - 13.01.2024 16:25

I love how you stretched out your video to hit that 10 minute mark, using copious strings of verbal detritus.

BTW, you showed a download speed and called it an upload speed, and vice versa. You said megabytes, when the measurements are in megabits (potentially: kilobits, or gigabits) -huge difference, it takes 8 bits to make a byte.

@tcmw779 - 12.01.2024 12:00

Be aware MBs is mega BYTES per second, Mbs is mega bits per second. Typically 8 bits = 1 Byte

@bradleymarquardt4464 - 12.01.2024 09:06

Your so full.of it. We have starlink and never loose connection EVER. Also we didn't have to clear any trees, as you sau with a huge clearing for a yard and saying you have to clear all your trees. You obviously work for AT&T.

@douglasstrain5251 - 10.01.2024 17:58

In all these reviews no one talks about how well their stuff works in 4K streaming on the big screen stuff while some one of the kids is online gamming.

@te5844 - 08.01.2024 20:21

All good things come to an end....we loved our AT&T fixed wireless but now have been forced to "upgrade" to AT&T internet air....the "better " replacement to fixed wireless....and as I feared....while the speeds are fine, latency and or "ping" has eliminated my son's ability to use it reliably for inferior product to the fixed wireless....thank you AT&T for once again doing damage to rural customers...

@Zahidhkhan101 - 06.01.2024 11:45

I live in india, in 2023 one of the companies here called JIO introduced this same concept. They call it AirFiber. I pay 8 USD equivalent for 1000GB at 60 Mbps + they provide a android tv device which works on the same WIFI it has over 550 TV channels. All this for 8 USD for a month.

Fixed wireless is the best.

@christiancowboy352 - 04.01.2024 10:32

You said, "I moved out in the woods so I WOULDN'T have to clear trees". Yet, as you're saying that, I'm seeing over your shoulder that you've cleared the trees away 300 feet from your house. I stopped the video to write this.
Ok...let's hear the rest of your spill...

@MetalOnYT - 23.12.2023 04:34

This is essentially what I was advised to do with T-Mobile Home Wifi (if I went that route) to get an antenna that points directly at the tower, for "as guaranteed as possible" coverage. Unfortunately, AT&T Fixed Wireless isn't available here, but I think it's genius. I wish I could just go with this

@stanwooddave9758 - 22.12.2023 19:08

Just throwing this out their. I live 50 miles north of the SAN-FRAN-FREAK-O, of the north, formerly known as Seattle. 90 miles from the Canadian (@ Peace Arch) Border. I'm having to use DSL, over what is called a "TWISTED-PAIR" (copper-hard-wire) My Download speed = 2.89 Mbps. Upload speed = 0.47 Mbps. As someone who is only viewing video's on the net, works just fine. Occasionally some video problems. When I go up to my Daughter's place in Bellingham, she has Comcast cable. A Million times better. I'm retired, fixed income DSL is working for me. Just thought I'd share, on how much better a lot of people have it. (COMPUTER SPEED(s) uploads Mbps/ down loads Mbps.) FYI, I'm not a "GAMER," only viewing video's that's it, & E-Mail's.

@carlosjackson1855 - 11.12.2023 02:38

Lol I had att as my complete service provider for 13 years and still have them for my cell provider. After moving to the "Forest" I kept them but it was a huge mistake. I eventually, skeptically got starlink and I will never change it unless it starts performing like crap and it only took me 20 to 25 mins to install I'm not a computer need but the gamer in my house said it was really fast.

@clayhamric4912 - 29.11.2023 04:35

F That ATT has been ripping me off for years on their bogus DSL I'm glad to be done with that evil corporation.

@land2cabin - 27.11.2023 06:14

Are you still having good service? We are looking for internet in an off-grid situation. Running on Solar only.

@kristinemartell7426 - 27.11.2023 05:33

What if AT&T does not service my area?

@gordonslomba2532 - 24.11.2023 19:59

I like your personality haha - thanks for info

@darkstar7916 - 15.11.2023 01:05

i use starlink, and i did not have to cut any trees, and im am getting north of 200mbps up and 20 down.. i so far have never had drops or disconnects..

@DanielTejnicky - 14.11.2023 00:21

What woudl be european equivalent?

@MD.ImNoScientician - 13.11.2023 22:53

You have had your AT&T Fixed Wireless for a while now. Do you have an update for us on your service and connection you could report on? Thank you

@edwinmcguire6040 - 06.11.2023 22:02

SHAME on you for Comparing Apples and Oranges, To be an HONEST Comparison you should Compare Satellite Internet WITH Satellite Internet: ie..1) Hughesnet 2) Viasat 3) Starlink. I've had Viasat and Hughsnet and Hughesnet is by far the worst one. they are for people with NO OTHER OPTION. So, YOU had other Options, SILLY to think otherwise.

@andrewcarter249 - 06.11.2023 03:10

I wish there was a link to find it

@thetinker3924 - 02.11.2023 10:19

I will stay with StarLink no restrictions nice clear picture and the only problem with rain
it has to be pouring where you can't see 50 ft away is the only way your internet stops
Download is 143.96 mbps up load is 8.94 mbps and its more than what I need
I don't believe people are cutting all these trees down! Maybe this guy works for ATT???

@petermizon4344 - 02.11.2023 00:52

living in Sao Paulo area Brazil rural place, got megalink paying 22 pounds in English money for 500 plus mpb

@LeadfootPTM - 01.11.2023 13:14

I’m rural and on T-Mobile home internet. No antennas outside. I have their little gateway sitting on a table next to a window. I just ran a speed test this morning and I got 418 mbps down and 12.8 up. $40 a month unlimited no contract or installation fees.
I also have their app so I can log into my gateway wirelessly with my cell phone and look at all the stats and preform other task.

@dalecarpenter8828 - 31.10.2023 20:07

When it gets less than $50.00/ month let me know !!!

@dalecarpenter8828 - 31.10.2023 20:06

If you are connected to the internet , doesn't that mean you ain't off grid ?

@gastonlosier - 31.10.2023 01:58

much to long story for what you say

@wurlabyscott6334 - 30.10.2023 06:45

While watching this video i test download speed at 186mbps and only 10mbps upload using Starlink.

@troystutsman1400 - 29.10.2023 12:13

I use Comcast, just tested and getint download speed of 799mbps.
Upload speed was 22.8mbps.
I couldn’t survive with the slow speeds that you are getting…!

@Swtspirit - 29.10.2023 04:51

Enjoyed Watching as Always

@lbrumleve - 25.10.2023 16:35

Great info. 🍻

@anthonypayne6032 - 20.10.2023 23:56

In our area we had to change phone s to Verizon, ATT doesn't internet we have airpipe it has a tower in sightline and it sucks. friends have stare link thinks is the cat's meow

@masterdelrap - 17.10.2023 17:02

Does not work unless u got a tower nearby

@lilmsgs - 15.10.2023 21:04

Shorter: It's just microwave internet . Not everyone will have access to a microwave Internet company. - Cable is certain to be faster and probably a little cheaper per month

@lilmsgs - 15.10.2023 20:56

$2000 for cable (probably fiber) is a pretty good deal

@CarsonReed7 - 13.10.2023 05:00

Had AT&t fiber and downgrade to Starlink

@royrogers6356 - 09.10.2023 07:28

ATT uses 4G LTE and 5G technology. from the tower to you

@j.r.3215 - 08.10.2023 05:51

Sounds more like a sales talk than a technical talk.

@OneTinyDancer - 04.10.2023 00:12

Not megabytes, megabits. there is a significant difference.
